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Refreshing Glory Ranking

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medya    8

If u think people start be more active in sieges u wrong ;D u just make people trade in sieges more just it ;D GP reset good idea. Arena GP remove mistake

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Phoenix    8
8 hours ago, Christof said:

The number of requests that we've had through tickets and discord generals chatting is enough to know that something has to be changed and this isn't the final point about the arenas the admins can change many things before the live update.

Admins are out of touch with reality and at the end of the day they will do w/e they feel like xD I still remember when i made a support ticket with a guy using **lon hack noclipping through the ground instanly to escape pvp/death, stayed at fixed 85m and when used scroll to leave the map and Nancy said it was my fault for ganking on the guy 2v1 (?)

Its obvious from the fact that they are not doing a survey or anything and you don't even see GG people who actually contribute to the server's life communicating about this problem here or analyzing it, just the average "do this/don't do that because i don't like it" sensational BS with zero facts

I said it before and i will say it again - TL;DR at the bottom


1) Disabling GP from arenas will essentially remove content from the game which will make a stale patch even more boring while also punishing non-EU players, which are quite a lot actually - goes against your own narrative that you want to reset to revitalize the server -

2) Trading will still occur in higher frequency in Sieges and when someone trades in Siege its unfair for the guy who is not trading because he gets his AP legit but the GP is based on AP gained by class, so the trader steals a spot from the non-trader (e.g. instead of getting 250 GP you will get 200). This will make the non-traders think of trading to compete.

3) I'm sorry to say this but Hard Reseting the GP is retarded, you will reduce the rank difference of a star 5 vs star 2 from like 40k GP (which is a window the 5-star created by being active + actually winning) to what, 3842. ~4K GP is nothing when you can make +1k GP per day wth. Randoms getting 5-star by accident while the real 5-stars who farmed their asses off to create a window/pillow of GG GP so they can go vacations on July/August are gonna return and get fked because you decided to Hard reset for what?

4) In no competitive game with a ladder they FULLY reset and please don't go like oh "but you keep your rank", you cull 95% of the GP the dif in the GP/Rank will be close to non-existant. Use league as an example, over there you "lose" your rank but you keep your MMR and for the first 10 matches you get almost x10 LP (like GP) to get back to your old rank if you perform.

Obviously all that stuff is not possible here technically but giving out an example that even in the biggest game right now they don't just cull off everything.

5) This is done to promote activity in Sieges, Sieges are the way they are because their leadership stinks and at the end of the day they are playing the game. Why win if you "lose" you get +10% PvP Attack all the time which goes up to 15% and 20% ? Hell, people paid hundreds of euros to get +5 all accs to get that +10% PvP attack, imagine 10% more on top of it.

Remove the pvp buff or at least limit it only during Siege time. The Admin said it on the original post anyway, people have almost reached 300k GP - obviously referring to Sensenman - do you think they need the help of pvp buff? Are they that weak? BS.

PvP buff is what is killing OW pvp and duels in sarpan, can't pvp fair because of w/e politics some people or legions follow.


Tl;Dr - My solution would be

1) Cull the GP of +3 Star by ~50%

2) Increase GP loss for low ranks by 100% so they won't tank 1/2 star by sitting afk in EoB/Kamar for months

3) Remove/Adjust PvP Buff for "losing" faction so both factions play fair and this will help OW PvP/Sarpan PvP a lot

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Anxiety    10

Ok, so i am quite sure that most of the things i am about to say have already been said in different forms. But how about listing some pro's and cons first:


Pros for resetting the GP ranks: 

-Invites or brings back new or old players that for various reasons have given up rank climbing. 

-mose likely sieges will be more active and balanced.

-have the posibility to turn EoB and kamar into something active rather than insta win or insta lose.

-forces factions to work together. I.e making it harder for top ranks to keep their small transform groups.


Cons for resetting the GP ranks:

-the most obvious one is that it's a major slap in the face of the people that has actively played from day 1 to the extent that a lot will quit is my guess.

-it'll be way easier for people with alts to occupy multiple high ranks

-Eob and kamar will be in the risk of going into only being done by dodging to gain HP. i.e both pvp instances will compeltely die.

-Siege trading both kills and forts will have higher incitements. 


Pros for removing gp from arenas:

-possible lowering of dodges and sniping off own alts.

-possible shorter entries

-less wintrading

-less ticket farming by alt sniping.


cons for removing gp from arenas:

-possibility to completely kill arenas in terms of activity.

-possibility of no entries at all due to no one going

-redering glory tickets useless. i.e yet another slap in the face to people that give their all to win. 

-returning people that counts on glory to make quick ap, cera and rank loses the best method of doing so.


Why it's stupid to reset gp's?

Simple, a whole new range of incitements to game the system gets created. If people thought prior to reseting gp that trading forts, people killing their alts for ap/gp and the high ranks sticking together to ensure max reward were issues now, those issues are about to increase by several orders of magnitude. If you are high ranked, lets say rank 1-10 which would be governor down to gret general and you want to keep your rank. The best strategy is to simply either leech of the faction when it's certain that a fort will be captured or to never aid the faction by keeping your transform as a benefit to the chosen few. i.e ensuring the max reward for yourself as well as your friends/fellow top ranks. Next issue, why will fort trading increase? Ooh that's easy to explain, owning the forts comes with the forts defence mechanism which increases and in some cases ensures higher rewards/more gp. The logical strategy – albeit ignoring lets say moral and ethical considerations – is to simply make a deal with opposing factions legion and keep the high ranks within a select few. Why will alt killing increase? Just look up as the other factors will be more deciding in terms of gp farming people will – although one can debate if wrong or not – resort to killing their alts to makeup for the lack of other oppertunities given to the select few. 


Why it's stupid to remove gp from arenas?

I'll try to make this one short, but will without doubt fail in doing so. Removing gp from arenas will without doubt for starters render the "top player" competition useless as there are two scenarios taking place. 1. a select few players of perhaps 10 or less will fight for the rank 1 spot dodging each other endlessly as it's the only people doing arenas. 2. No one at all will do arenas. Next thing, removing gp from arenas removes the fastest way for returning players and future new players to climb the ladder as well as gearing up. Glory arena is without doubt the best way to farm gp, ap and ceramium medals; all four being some of the key things a player needs to progress in game. By removing the gp from glory arena one can still argue that the other things remains, but it comes with an a priori assumtion that people will continue to farm glory tickets and infact do glory arena. Not to mention that the same issue as mentioned before regarding "top players" will play a role here as well, making it for example impossible for new players to get a chance on winning as they'll get matched with the minority that will be going for the top spot on the rank list. Lets continue to harmony. I dare say that the 3v3 is the most balanced pvp in the patch, EoB pvp wise as comparison for example is garbage given the huge pve factor in it. The only counter argument i can see here is that 3v3 will remain alive cause people enjoy pvp. That in itself may hold a grain of truth but it will without doubt be here as well only a very select few, for example the maximum of 15 players doing training harmonies. On top of previous issues harmony also suffers from an additional one which is that it suffers from people getting bored. If the playerbase shrinks the opponents shrink and that way the group compositions and content making it a rush to the bottom regarding the death of harmony. 

The only arena i will grant being a good option to remove gp from is chaos arena. To which can be gone into. 

But lets go outside of specific arenas, it's also stupid to remove arenas as it forces people to do sieges, eob and kamar in a as gp-ensuring way as possible which translates to what i already mentioned in the earlier section. But it also brings with it a whole new hazzard of eob and kamar ending up being 99% dodges to ensure gp. i.e killing off that content as well.



Leave the arenas alone when it comes to giving gp. With alterations such as burning tickets upon entry pop as well as on no opponent entering reducing the gp to for example half of what it gives upon winning. albeit on doing such a thing a calculation has to be made so it is still worth winning rather than losing. 


Here's what I would do.

-Reset the gp to answer that call albeit it wont come without a cost. 

-Burn tickets upon entry pop but let arenas still give gp

-Alter the amount of gp for arenas


I did not mention any issues regarding playable hours and so on due to the complexity of that, even if it for example affects myself to a great degree as when work hours goes back to normal sieges are to late and stopping to play becomes close to an inevitable outcome. 


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EndOfTime    11


Reset GP, the decision has been made... On the other hand, doing it now is a mistake, because many players have gone on vacation. The start will be unequal for all.


And especially what about an officer player 5 who left for 15 days on vacation...? He's going to come back and be barely an officer 1 or 2 without even being warned.


It would be good to set up this reset only from the end of August or the beginning of September.

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CowBell    32
34 minutes ago, Anxiety said:

Ok, so i am quite sure that most of the things i am about to say have already been said in different forms. But how about listing some pro's and cons first:


Pros for resetting the GP ranks: 

-Invites or brings back new or old players that for various reasons have given up rank climbing. 

-mose likely sieges will be more active and balanced.

-have the posibility to turn EoB and kamar into something active rather than insta win or insta lose.

-forces factions to work together. I.e making it harder for top ranks to keep their small transform groups.


Cons for resetting the GP ranks:

-the most obvious one is that it's a major slap in the face of the people that has actively played from day 1 to the extent that a lot will quit is my guess.

-it'll be way easier for people with alts to occupy multiple high ranks

-Eob and kamar will be in the risk of going into only being done by dodging to gain HP. i.e both pvp instances will compeltely die.

-Siege trading both kills and forts will have higher incitements. 


Pros for removing gp from arenas:

-possible lowering of dodges and sniping off own alts.

-possible shorter entries

-less wintrading

-less ticket farming by alt sniping.


cons for removing gp from arenas:

-possibility to completely kill arenas in terms of activity.

-possibility of no entries at all due to no one going

-redering glory tickets useless. i.e yet another slap in the face to people that give their all to win. 

-returning people that counts on glory to make quick ap, cera and rank loses the best method of doing so.


Why it's stupid to reset gp's?

Simple, a whole new range of incitements to game the system gets created. If people thought prior to reseting gp that trading forts, people killing their alts for ap/gp and the high ranks sticking together to ensure max reward were issues now, those issues are about to increase by several orders of magnitude. If you are high ranked, lets say rank 1-10 which would be governor down to gret general and you want to keep your rank. The best strategy is to simply either leech of the faction when it's certain that a fort will be captured or to never aid the faction by keeping your transform as a benefit to the chosen few. i.e ensuring the max reward for yourself as well as your friends/fellow top ranks. Next issue, why will fort trading increase? Ooh that's easy to explain, owning the forts comes with the forts defence mechanism which increases and in some cases ensures higher rewards/more gp. The logical strategy – albeit ignoring lets say moral and ethical considerations – is to simply make a deal with opposing factions legion and keep the high ranks within a select few. Why will alt killing increase? Just look up as the other factors will be more deciding in terms of gp farming people will – although one can debate if wrong or not – resort to killing their alts to makeup for the lack of other oppertunities given to the select few. 


Why it's stupid to remove gp from arenas?

I'll try to make this one short, but will without doubt fail in doing so. Removing gp from arenas will without doubt for starters render the "top player" competition useless as there are two scenarios taking place. 1. a select few players of perhaps 10 or less will fight for the rank 1 spot dodging each other endlessly as it's the only people doing arenas. 2. No one at all will do arenas. Next thing, removing gp from arenas removes the fastest way for returning players and future new players to climb the ladder as well as gearing up. Glory arena is without doubt the best way to farm gp, ap and ceramium medals; all four being some of the key things a player needs to progress in game. By removing the gp from glory arena one can still argue that the other things remains, but it comes with an a priori assumtion that people will continue to farm glory tickets and infact do glory arena. Not to mention that the same issue as mentioned before regarding "top players" will play a role here as well, making it for example impossible for new players to get a chance on winning as they'll get matched with the minority that will be going for the top spot on the rank list. Lets continue to harmony. I dare say that the 3v3 is the most balanced pvp in the patch, EoB pvp wise as comparison for example is garbage given the huge pve factor in it. The only counter argument i can see here is that 3v3 will remain alive cause people enjoy pvp. That in itself may hold a grain of truth but it will without doubt be here as well only a very select few, for example the maximum of 15 players doing training harmonies. On top of previous issues harmony also suffers from an additional one which is that it suffers from people getting bored. If the playerbase shrinks the opponents shrink and that way the group compositions and content making it a rush to the bottom regarding the death of harmony. 

The only arena i will grant being a good option to remove gp from is chaos arena. To which can be gone into. 

But lets go outside of specific arenas, it's also stupid to remove arenas as it forces people to do sieges, eob and kamar in a as gp-ensuring way as possible which translates to what i already mentioned in the earlier section. But it also brings with it a whole new hazzard of eob and kamar ending up being 99% dodges to ensure gp. i.e killing off that content as well.



Leave the arenas alone when it comes to giving gp. With alterations such as burning tickets upon entry pop as well as on no opponent entering reducing the gp to for example half of what it gives upon winning. albeit on doing such a thing a calculation has to be made so it is still worth winning rather than losing. 


Here's what I would do.

-Reset the gp to answer that call albeit it wont come without a cost. 

-Burn tickets upon entry pop but let arenas still give gp

-Alter the amount of gp for arenas


I did not mention any issues regarding playable hours and so on due to the complexity of that, even if it for example affects myself to a great degree as when work hours goes back to normal sieges are to late and stopping to play becomes close to an inevitable outcome. 


You missing point here - doesn't matter it's pros or cons, it will create illusion that something is happening in the server and real problem solving gets postponed for another x months ^^ Very convenient 

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Phoenix    8

Most inactive siege ever today, even worse compared to when people left for GC xD

Its funny because literally 3-4 days ago Elyos actually started making a comeback getting forts, you make this nonsense decision/announcement and siege has been dead more than even, gz!

3 hours ago, CowBell said:

You missing point here - doesn't matter it's pros or cons, it will create illusion that something is happening in the server and real problem solving gets postponed for another x months ^^ Very convenient 

True i guess, gotta look like you work on something

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Nekoyashiki    2

Stop kill pvp arenas better kill pve glory but not arenas

Delete ticket in your shop for katalamize or do one week cd for this.

its crazy kill pvp in mmo 

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Phoenix    8

Nice siege today ty for announcement surely it didn't effect it at all with barely 10 elyos participating in a "2000 people" community with ~50% per faction xD

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utterbitter    33

I was perma-banned for haha-reacting 2 posts mocking a known cheater(that's all I did for weeks on the Discord and admin here said "it's possible you were banned for using too many emojis"). Known=someone who got banned from this server for cheating too btw. 
So I mean they went easy on you :D

Edited by utterbitter

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Lazar    14


When do you plan to reset the GP-Ranking? Its quiet a bad "status" to know the ranking well be resetted soon, but not exactly when.  

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Nekoyashiki    2

This same in global Arenas die server die u want this same? Ppl who have low Computer's cant go to siege and take GP. 

Now the siege bases will start. There will be no union leagues, everyone will prefer you individually to have more glory. 
If you do, put in a system like on the global all strongholds are in the balaur faction 10 minutes before siege and so with each stronghold


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Blue    1

This is a change that is made considering newcomers. So, as a person who tried to play this server multiple times and failed all the attempts so far; I will point out a few thing that actually puts a rock on our way;

No siege bla bla because selfish people doesnt care if their faction is geared as long as their premade is. What else?

Even starter dungeons are privilege in this server. Gear check to this, stat check to that, I ve been asked for full set and purple accessories to get sauro invitation. Getting asked  full gear for KKM dungeons; after elyos conquered 1 fortress ONCE in a blue moon. Spending 4 hours every day to get invitation to go just once! Meanwhile people spam katalamize with their premade all day and every day. Siege time shows, all the g.generals are in katalamize :) Shameless people begging for ddos attacks in hacker's stream so they can do kata/swb one more time. Remove GP from katalamize, because those people already stockpiled reset scrolls anyway.

When you go to tiamaranta's eye, is always some overgeared person farming all the keys to sell for kinah, zerging r8 people with their cleric. That content is never available for newbies who wants a crunch of AP.

You go to get blood marks to buy your 1st piece of gear from garrison --> get farmed by overgeared group of people gatekeeping those garrisons entire day. And no, "jUsT wAiT tIlL ThEy LoG oFf." doesnt work.

Add 2 daily solo dungeons that reward you with ceraniums and AP.  Add 3 daily ceranium quests. And consider changing tia siege boxes entirely to drop ceranium medals only. And stop trying to make people get on their bums and decide to do siege for the sake of newcomers. They wont.

I see people cry about their veteran privileges because they happened to sit in this server 3 years more than the newcomers. I didnt go to GC servers or any other. And most of these "veterans" doesnt even play the game. I havent seen ONE player that are 5* or above in open world for weeks. Generals sniping for rank3 people who show up near arena door so they can get their easy GP. And they are all too busy selling ecoins and overpriced event items from years ago, to then turn the kinah into real life currencies. Thats what they do for nearly 2 years. Buying cheap, selling expensive.
 One decent event occurs and they start REEEEEEing their serums doesnt sell for 400KK anymore. Because OH, the enchanted accessories is THEIR privilege too!! They arent trying to make that kinah by playing the casual game for years. They are just playing with kinah. Yet their opinion matters more than everyone else's too because they sat in discord all day chit chatting spreading judgements in their echo chamber. If they played the game from scratch they would know how sucky that is having your hard earned kinah spent on 1 serum when there are mountains to climb even if that one succeeds.

When I played this patch in retail, serums were 35kk.  There was catch up events for PvP and PvE. Enchant and keep the item events. 21 run/day KKM events. Level up and get grendal set for starter dungeons stuff. untradeable manastones enough to socket your starter gear. And shugo event I made in 4.6 retail was giving me 5 composites of my choice. They were 14kk in broker. And green manastones didnt cost 4kk/per. 

So far all of your events are pvp ones for streamers to bash newbies at garrisons abusing recharger and DP skills. Repeatedly. And most beneficial one in a long time was the one with ice cubes and picks because the jackpot reward served for endgame players again. But sellable loot provided people kinah --> inflated broker prices by 4 times. 

You need actual catch up events focused on getting newbies their basic gear and needs that wont break the game. And remove the rank restriction to buy gear that everyone should be wearing after they farmed for it. 

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Christof    72
On 03/08/2022 at 7:19 PM, CowBell said:



second day in a row... 

If you apply in the last minutes you will not get people to fight, from what I see all groups use to aplly at the first hour and they get good PVP, 1h and 1 minute in the queue for sure the instance time was almost over.

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Fox    1

To be honest I like this idea. Now everyone can climb the ranking and develop in game, even the new players. 

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Sentry    29
2 hours ago, Fox said:

To be honest I like this idea. Now everyone can climb the ranking and develop in game, even the new players. 

Rank reset is a good idea. What they have done is an ABERRATION (arenas, unrated leagues and ignoring that the vast majority of forum users were against these changes BEFORE IMPLEMENTING THEM).

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Sailorhuhn    6

Imagine what would happen if they were to cut the GP from every instance so you'd only get it through siege and pvp in Katalam...

Now stop complaining and play the game.

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Ratatata    9
6 часов назад, Sailorhuhn сказал:

Imagine what would happen if they were to cut the GP from every instance so you'd only get it through siege and pvp in Katalam...

Now stop complaining and play the game.

500 online in prime

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TheAlmighty    1,090
On 8/1/2022 at 11:51 PM, Nekoyashiki said:

Stop kill pvp arenas better kill pve glory but not arenas

Delete ticket in your shop for katalamize or do one week cd for this.

its crazy kill pvp in mmo 


Arenas are still available. 

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TheAlmighty    1,090
On 8/2/2022 at 12:51 PM, Emmmmmm said:

You can postpone the fortress time, how about start time at 22:00 server time


They are at 22:00 server time now

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