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TheAlmighty last won the day on February 14

TheAlmighty had the most liked content!

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1,140 Excellent

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  1. Не пришла награда за стримы

    Здравствуйте, Монеты за стримы Вы уже получили и потратили.
  2. РМТ

    Вопрос обсуждается в личных сообщениях.
  3. Error Code: 11

    Hello, Please, send a screenshot of the error and describe the process before you get it. Thank you.
  4. Berserker Sunayaka has recruited new troops to protect the treasures, which have been delivered here during the last few months safely hidden in the secret holds of the Dredgion. But the best scouts of Atrea are the best for that they are aware of such things. Are you brave enough to fight against the bloodthirsty army and to challenge it's governor and get the desirable treasure? Don't hesitate. Go and win. Protectorate's Treasure Chests Treasure chests will occure all over the territory of the Eye. You can open them if you have a matching key. For the duration of the event, we have REDUCED the respawn time of chests, and also added an additional reward to them! Additional rewards: [Event] Composite Manastone Bundle Gold chest - high chance Blue chest - average chance Common (green) chest - low chance From them you will get one of the following composite manastones of level 60: An additional reward for the event from the chests will be available from 04/03 to 14/03 (until morning maintenance 14/03)!
  5. Разгневанный Сунаяка собрал новые отряды, чтобы защитить сокровища, которые в последние месяцы доставлялись сюда надежно спрятанными в секретных трюмах Дерадикона. Но лучшие разведчики Атреи на то и лучшие, чтобы знать о таких вещах. Отважишься ли ты сразиться с кровожадной армией и бросить вызов ее предводителю ради вожделенных сокровищ? Не раздумывай. Лети и побеждай. Сундуки с сокровищами отряда защиты По всей территории Ока появляются сундуки с сокровищами. Вы можете открыть их, если у вас есть подходящий ключ. На время ивента мы УМЕНЬШИЛИ (в 2 раза) время респауна стандартных сундуков, а также добавили в них дополнительную награду! Дополнительная награда из сундуков: [Ивент] Мешочек с хорошими составными маг. камнями Золотой сундук - высокий шанс Синий ларец - средний шанс Простой (зелёный) сундук - низкий шанс Выпадает один из следующих композитных камней 60 ур: Дополнительная ивентовая награда из сундуков будет доступна с 04/03 по 14/03 (До тех работ утром 14/03)!
  6. Discord Unban

    Hello, We do not see any similar post from you here on the forum, neither there's anything in private messages with you. Hello, What is your name?
  7. Active Anticheat

    Hello, Please, send a screenshot of the error that you're getting. Thank you.
  8. You Have been disconnected from the server

    Hello, As the problem is not massive, there's nothing depending on us. Does the problem persist if you try to play without exit lag? We can try to find where the issue is occuring. Please, do the checking with Pingplotter program. 1) Download the program from: 2) Start the program 3) Enter the following address in the textbox saying "enter target name or IP" - 4) Start the game as usual and wait for the ping spike. 5) After the spike, take a screenshot of the program (will be the best if you open it fullscreen before taking a screenshot). Aftre that, please, do the same with the address, providing another screenshot for this test. Thank you.
  9. You Have been disconnected from the server

    Hello, Where are you located geographically? Do you have stable and fast internet?
  10. You Have been disconnected from the server

    Hello, Please, try adding the game and the launcher in the exclusions of all your antimalware programs (firewalls and anti viruses).
  11. AntiCheat Updater

    Hello, Try installing DirectX and the other programs suggested in the start of the following thread:
  12. Доброго времени суток уважаемые игроки! 01.03 в 09:00 по МСК, сервер будет отключен для выполнения технических работ. Время недоступности сервера - около 30-60 минут!
  13. Maintenance 01.03.2025

    Hello, dear players! 01.03 at 8:00 am server time, the server will be unreachable due to the maintenance. Works will last around 30-60 minutes! Thank you for your attention and see you later in game!