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  1. 405 points
  2. 31 points
  3. 20 points
    Hey there! I thought about writing this guide to help my fella clerics to follow the right path when picking gear, accessories, weapons and such, so here we go! In this guide I will show you how to gear up your cleric from scratch both PvE and PvP wise. ~ Support ~ PVE - Kahrun The very first gear you need to pick is Kahrun set, it's easy and quite fast to do. To purchase this set you will need Kahrun's Symbols, which are obtainable via Sarpan and Tiamaranta's dedicated weekly and daily quests. ~ Why Kahrun? As mentioned above, first of all because it's really easy and relatively fast to do. Second of all, you don't really need to run any dungeon that requires any kind of gear to achieve it, in fact you'll only need to do your daily Raksang runs plus weeklies and dailies for a couple of weeks, then you'll be even able to run Infinity Shard with it. Third of all, Kahrun is the only set that gives you an high amount of concentration, so that means your heals will most likely not get interrupted if you get hit by monsters. As accessories at the beginning everything you can get is okay, as starting ones I would suggest either Blood Marks or Vanquisher (you can obtain these as random boxes reward by exchanging Conqueror's Marks in certain garrisons in Katalm, they're even good for pvp due to their magic resistance and strike resistance value, but we'll talk about it later on) and then once you can run Infinity Shard (aka Katalamize) you'll preferably need to get Hyperion set. As sash you can either pick Sauro mythical sash, Exalted Katalium sash (note, this can be used in pve but it's mainly used for pvp purposes due to its high defensive stats but again, we'll talk about it further in the guide) or for extra concentration Tiamat Guard's Sash (I use this one with my Kahrun set since the amount of HPs I lose isn't that massive so it's nice to have some extra concentration by time to time). As helmet you essentially have two choices: Unstable Abyssal Chain Hood or Omega's Chain Hood. Both of these helmets grant a great amount of concentration (105 for Abyssal and 114 for Omega) and HPs (598 for Abyssal and 407 for Omega), so it's up to you based on your preference or what it's easier for you to obtain. You can get these helmets from Yamennes in Unstable Abyssal Splinter (Unstable Abyssal Chain Hood) and from Omega world boss in Inggison (Omega's Chain Hood). As weapon you need to pick something with cast speed, so to start I would go either Blood Mark or Sauren mace (which is the orange version of the Mythical one and grants you that sweet 12% cast speed), later on I would pick a Sauro mythical one or Hyperion for higher base stats. As shield you have three choices: Nishaka Scale Shield, Kradi Scale Shield or Level 60 Etenral Everage Equipment Healer Shield aka starter shield (which is the one you get at the very beginning of your journey from the equipment boxes, SO DON'T THROW IT AWAY!). The stats between the three shields are really similar, the only "big" differences are the number of manastone slots (in fact Nishaka and Kradi can be 6-slotted once you identifiy them) and the amount of concentration (113 for Nishaka and Kradi, 118 for the starter shield). I would recommend to just pick the starter one since it's free and has great stats anyways. At the end, your set should more or less look like this: http://aion.aspirine.su/#!oNMFyt PVE (but also PVP) - Hyperion Hyperion set is something you're slowly going to achieve once you'll be able to access to Infinity Shard (aka Katalamize), so let's say that this might be considered as an "endgame gear". ~ Why Hyperion set? Hyperion set can be both socketed as HP or Healing boost. I personally recommend to socket it full healing boost and keep Kahrun as main HP set, it can be really useful when mobs aren't focusing you or even better, it's really useful in group PvP when you have an over focused squishy target in your party and you're not getting hit by anybody. As accessories you need to gather full Hyperion set for extra healing boost, with either Sauro mythical or Exalted Katalium sash. In case you're using it during pvp as well, just keep your sauro / crafted accessories on. As helmet you need to get Lunatic Modor's Cleric Chain Hood since it's the only one who grants healing boost (we want to maximize our healing boost after all, don't we?). As weapon just go with the hyperion, for the set effect. As shield you need to get Infinity Shard's Scale Shield (you get it by obtaining 10 Hyperion Parts for a quest in Idian Depths). At the end, your final set should more or less look like this: http://aion.aspirine.su/#!isaLs1a PVP - Magic Resist Magic resistance set is one of the main cleric's pvp support gear and you'll need that to counter magic classes with low magical accuracy. To start, you need to complete your BM gear and socket it full magic resistance to avoid going around completely naked, even if (of course) it will never reach the same magic resist value you will achieve with AP gear. Protip: once you collected all of your AP parts do not discard your BM gear and change manastones for block set. ~ Which kind of AP gear should I pick for my Magic Resist set? Chanter AP 2-star gear (which is Seraph for Elyos and Shadowshift for Asmodians) + Cleric rank 1 AP gloves (Custodian's Divine for Elyos and Shepherd's Divine for Asmodians) since rank 1 AP gloves give casting speed, while both Cleric/Chanter AP 2-star gear grant attack speed. As accessories, if you can't run Infinity Shard yet, I would recommend taking Vanquisher ones, otherwise go for Hyperion accessories (full, so set + extra earring and ring), as sash either Sauro mythical or Exalted Katalium. As endgame gear accessories, for a matter of optimization and quality of life, I would strongly recommend crafting or purchasing Exalted Nolan accessories + Exalted Katalium Sash. Sauro accessories are also really good for magic resistance, but crafted are slightly better for highest possible magic resistance. As helmet, if you can't afford Sunayaka's Hairpin yet (which is the best in slot with a total of 181 magic resistance) you can either try to get Ksanat's Hairpin (which has 164 magic resistance and +2.1% pvp defence) or Yndigo's Hairpin (which has 164 magic resistance but no pvp def). As weapon, you can pick between Brazen Aegis mace(Rune Shield Tower / Illuminary Obelisk), Enraged Hyperion or Infinite Shard's eternal one (same as healing boost shield). As shield you could start with BM (which again, you can unsocket later on and re-socket with block manastones once you get a better one for magic resistance) or Orai's Shield (Arena 60 1 Conditioning) which is pretty good and also quite cheap. When you will have enough APs and Ceramiums, just get AP magical 2-star one (Resplendent Divine Protective Shield for Elyos and Eclipse Divine Protective Shield for Asmodians) At the end, your final set should more or less look like this: http://aion.aspirine.su/#!f6GAPKC Goal stats to reach with a decent / well optimzed magic resistance set: 2750+ / 2820+ PVP - Block / Strike Resistance Block set is the main set you will need to use to counter physical classes (besides assassins, assassins are horrible people and they will melt you no matter what, BM gear will eat all their paralyze godstones and cc's) during your pvp encounters ~ Which kind of gear should I pick for my Block set? Discordant (BM) gear is the best in slot available in this patch. You need to socket all of your normal manastone slots with Block +29 and almost all of your ancient manastone slots with Strike Resist +22 (I personally have weapon and one gear piece socketed full block to reach 3.9k block value and 680+ strike resist value with scroll). Note that block set is the only set you're forced to enchant to its maximum level (so +10 for the whole set, +15 or +13 for the shield), since upgrades grant strike resistance and block (from +10 and above) and the physical deffence from +1 onwards. Moreover, note that Strike Reristance value is capped to 700, so if you already reach around 620-630 strike resist without a Fine Strike Resist scroll (but with an idian on your weapon), just socket the rest of your gear with block manastones. ~ Why Strike Resistance? Block set can be easily countered by accuracy set, and this is where Strike Resistance comes to your help. Strike resistance is a value that doesn't let your opponents crit on you when they hit you, so even if you will no longer block their attacks, it will decrease their overall damage. As accessories, you need to get Discordant neutral accessories (so neither magical or physical ones) and when you will be able to craft them or buy them I suggest getting Exalted Nolan. A good alternative to crafted ones are Sauro mythic. As belt you need to drop Sauro mythical one, since it grants Block. As helmet, you need to get plate Ancient Coins (Remodeled Danuar Helm for templar). As weapon, you can pick between Brazen Aegis (Rune Shield Tower / Illuminary Obelisk), Enraged Hyperion or Infinite Shard's eternal one (same as healing boost shield). As shield, you can start with BM one (that has to be enchanted to +10) and then you will need to get physical AP 2-star one (Resplendent Divine Battle Shield for Elyos, Eclipse Divine Battle Shield for Asmodians) or physical AP rank 1 one (Custodian's Divine Battle Shield of Elyos, Shepherd's Divine Battle Shiels for Asmodians). What changes between these two shields is that AP star 2 has slightly more block, while AP rank 1 grants more Hps (around 400, to be precise). Remember that you'll have to enchant your block shield to its maximum level in order to obtain the highest amount of defensive stats out of it (so +15 for AP 2-star and +13 for AP rank 1). At the end, your final set should more or less look like this: http://aion.aspirine.su/#!mojVLml Goal stats to reach with a decent / well optimzed block set: 3800+ block, 600 strike resit / 3900+, 670 stirke resist PVP - Magic Suppression Magic suppression set will come to your help when you'll encounter magical classes with a high magical accuracy (that means classes with magical accuracy buffs or players with composite magical accuracy / magic boost set). ~ Which kind of gear should I pick for my Magic Suppression set? You have few options and they all work great. You can either go for Brazen Aegis one (which in all honesty is a pain to get because first of all mythical drop rate from Illuminary Obelisk is really low and moreover every piece needs to have perfect stats in order to have the maximum magic suppression value and this set has the lowest magic suppression stat among the three of them, so I don't recommend choosing this one), Idian Depths cloth one (pieces can be aquired from Idian Depths bosses, such as Serusia, Promion and Penemon) or Ancient Coin's bard version. I personally picked AC one because it's the easiest to achieve (but absolutely not the cheapest) and has PvP defence, so that compensates the minor Magic Suppression value compared to Idian Depths cloth one. You can choose which kind of manastones to socket in your normal slots: for ancient slots just get Magic Suppression +40, for normal slots you can either go for HP +100 / +95 or composites Magic boost 27 / HP 47 (pick the second option if you wish to play more aggressively while using this set). Note: if you decide to pick AC set you can use it as DPS pve set until you can't achieve full Hyperion DPS set (of course that requires a re-socket). As accessories, I would recommend Hyperion ones, but Exalted Nolan / Sauro work just fine. Same goes with belt. For a matter of quality of life, I would just keep Exalted Nolan / Sauro if you're switching set midfight. As helmet, I would recommend AC bard's or Bastion Headband. As weapon, you can pick between Brazen Aegis (Rune Shield Tower / Illuminary Obelisk), Enraged Hyperion or Infinite Shard's eternal one (same as healing boost shield). As shield, you need to get Brazen Aegis. At the end, your final set should more or less look like this: http://aion.aspirine.su/#!QrLhprw Goal stats to reach with a decent / well optimzed magic suppression set: 2700+ / 2850+ ~ DPS ~ PVE Incensed Hyperion set is the best one you can pick due to its bonus set. I would recommend to start with Ancient Coins set (that you can unsocket and resocket later on for magic suppression set) while gatheting all of your Hyperion pieces. As alternative, I would suggest picking Bastion cloth set with Lunatic Modor's Cane (two of them fusioned). Note that 2000 magical accuracy should be enough for every dungeon except Danuar Reliquary, for which I recommend you to have around 2100 - 2200 magical accuracy. This being said, once you can achieve an adequate magical accuracy value, just socket your set with the best magic boost stones you can afford. As accessories, pick BM magicals in case you don't have access to any instance that allows you to drop accessories. Once you can finally get into Infinity Shard, get full Hyperion Set (for bonus set mainly) + Exalted Katalium / Sauro ring and earring and Exalted Katalium / Sauro Sash (I would recommend trying to get Sauros for dps since they can have slightly higher crit spell and magic boost rolls). As helmet, you can pick Lunatic Modor chain one or Bastion cloth one (last one mainly for more MP and major crit spell). As weapon, you can start by taking an Ancient Coins Staff fused with a BM one, later on in case you're aming for Hyperion set, fuse your Hyperion staff with a Lunatic Modor Cane or Ancient Coin (put the DR / AC one under and not vice versa otherwise you will lose your set effect), otherwise just fuse two Lunatic Modor Canes (put the one with more stats and better enchanting level on top). At the end, your final set should more or less look like this: http://aion.aspirine.su/#!PDkuF5c PVP For PvP you will need Cleric AP 2-star full set (Resplendent for Elyos, Eclipse for Asmodians), socketed full composites Magic Boost 27 / HP 47 (even if I would personally socket two pieces with Magic Boost 27 / Magical Accuracy 7 to avoid resisting everything who comes in your way, besides magic resist users). As accessories, pick BM magical ones first, then change them for AP magical later (Custodian's Magic accessories for Elyos, Sheperd's Magic accessories for Asmodians). As helmet, I personally use Lunatic Modor Chain one, but you can also pick magical BM and then change it for AP magical for more PvP stats. As weapon, you can start with Ancient Coin one fusioned with BM and then, since NCsoft hates us, the only one you can pick is Lunatic Modor Cane, since all the other staffs are chanter only. You will need to fusion it with AP 2-star (Resplendent Shakujo for Elyos, Eclipse Shakujo for Asmodians). At the end, your final set should more or less look like this: http://aion.aspirine.su/#!0X9kRB4 ~ IDIANS ~ All of your weapons will need different different idians, so this is a small list with the most requested and the best bonuses available from certain idians. Please note that the following aren't 100%, you can obtain them on a certain percentage, so you might need to use more than one idian to obtain the stats you seek for. Magic Resistance +50 Glossy Esoteric Idian: Resistance Inspiring Idian: Resistance Triumphal Idian: Physical Defense Triumphal Idian: Magical Defense Triumphal Idian: Resist Magic Suppression +85 Glossy Esoteric Idian: Magical Defense Triumphal Idian: Magical Defense Triumphal Idian: Defense Ice Idian: Magical Defense Strike Resistance +50 Glossy Esoteric Idian: Resistance Inspiring Idian: Resistance Triumphal Idian: Resist Healing Boost +30 Glossy Esoteric Idian: Assistance Inspiring Idian: Assistance Triumphal Idian: Support Magic Boost +70 Glossy Esoteric Idian: Magical Attack Glossy Esoteric Idian: Physical/Magical Attack Glossy Esoteric Idian: Physical/Magical Attack Triumphal Idian: Attack For PvP aggressive stats just get General Idians (aka Golden Idian Booster: Magical Attack) And that's it! I really hope that you guys found my guide helpful! For any question / suggestion hit me on Discord at Chastise#4964 Big thank you to Capa for helping me with this guide! See you in game!
  4. 18 points
    Good night, dear players! As many of you know, today was quite a hard day. We have experiences serious hacker attacks which we have been fighting until the present moment. As it was said earlier the attacks were not usual DDoS-attacks, which always "hit" the serer (you do not feel them because of the good anti-DDoS protection). This is why solving the problem took quite a lot of time. We are grateful for your patience and understanding! As compensation for today's down time of the server we are glad to provide: rates of the server are increased up to x2 for the whole week (for experience and drop rate); timing of all the temporary items and activated boosts is prolonged for 1 day; game poll with the following items (can be received by only one character on the account. Available until 13.05 inclusively): Stormwing Egg (7 days) Sharptooth Steamrunner (7 days) [Title] Dreamstrider Title (7 days) Ceramium Medal (4 pcs.) [Event] Web Slink Gift - contains Boost Drop Pack (3 days). Pay attention! If you already have Boost Drop Pack in your inventory, do not open the box until the work of the previous boost doesn't end. Otherwise you will have rinning timer for both boost packs. Thank you for staying with us and have a good time in game!
  5. 17 points
    Name: Wihrock Fraction: Asmo The works of the contest have been uploaded to my YouTube channel, have a nice viewing and a fun fan) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRhwvVWm95jfDYMC7WnT2Tw
  6. 16 points
    Hello!! Привет!! Ник: Mier Расса: Асмо Тип: Видео
  7. 15 points
    Nickname: Zooka Race: Asmodian Category: Handmade
  8. 15 points
    Dear players, There're some very news for you! We have got the access to our servers and are already working on them and the data. The game may start in a very short term! Awaiting the adventures in the evening!!
  9. 14 points
    Hello if it's possible to patch makarna on 4.6 will be nice its my favorite instanz all time its ok if you take that gear out and put manastones or what ever in
  10. 13 points
    Nickname:Mileen Category:Festive video from the game
  11. 13 points
    Nickname: Meleze Category: Handmade Happy to celebrate server's Birthday on same day as mine ^^ Process of making and inspiration:
  12. 13 points
    Hello everyone, Who am I and why did I decide to create an Aethertech guide specifically for pvp? I'm Senju, also known as Hellkaiser,Hell,Lumi,Ragnarok and I mainly played on the private server called NotAion. I don't support the server by any means as it's almost dead, it's not good anymore as it was in 4.0-6.2 I decided to create an Aethertech pvp guide specifically for our patch. Because It seems like not many are aware of what the class does and how it functions as a whole. I played throughout 5.0-6.2 patches on my Aethertech. Have a lot of experience with this class. To make things even worse . This class is by far the most underrated class I've seen in my 8 years of playing the game, and I will explain you guys why. But first, let us start with my past achievements with the Aethertech that YOU also could. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Past Achievements in NotAion: From patch 5.0-5.8 Multiple Top 10 Battleground Rankings ----> Highest was #6 through Solo queue without a premade. 4 Times Governor on my Aethertech with 28,173 kills. Considering I played in a playerbase of Max 150 people online it is still impressive. 37 Consecutive wins in .1V1 (PvP queue were you apply to fight a player in 3 rounds who ever wins 2 out of 3 rounds wins the 1V1) Achieving the ''G-G-Godlike'' 33 Consecutive kills in Free For all before dying on the Aethertech. (Free For ALL = AOC) 1V5 managed to do it even twice!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Ultimate Aethertech PVP Guide (4.6) Improved,corrected and edited version by Senju for our current patch. Big shout out to Vince-DN for saving me hours and days of sleepless work. Table of Contents 1. Introduction to the Aethertech 2 . Why choose an Aethertech? 3. How can I become a good Aethertech? 4. Skills 5. Stigmas 6. Gear 7. Godstones 8. Idian 9. Manastones 10. Matchups and Rotations 1) Gladiator () (Very Hard) 2) Templar () (Hard) 3) Assassin () (Easy) 4) Ranger () (Hard) 5) Chanter () (Hard) 6) Cleric () (Very Hard) 7) Sorcerer () (Easy) 8) Spiritmaster () (Nightmare) 9) Gunslinger ()(Hard) 10) Aethertech(???) 11) Bard()(Easy) 11. The Aethertech calls you NOW! Introduction to the Aethertech Aethertechs are a very powerful and explosive class, yet you may wonder why we don't see that many players using it. The easiest answer I could give you is because of one solid reason. --> Easy to play but Extremely Hard to Master perfectly. The class seems rather slow and confusing to start out with in the beginning. It takes up the whole screen and other reasons players have, but trust me. Once you start playing this class the right way, you will be mindblown,happy and excited to play this class. Especially if you will read this guide thoroughly. Why choose an Aethertech? Pros : High Burst Very Versatile Tanky Neko skin Strong resistances (buffed) Good Crowd Control Very strong in Solo pvp Strong in group pvp Masterrace Cons: Slow attack speed (unbuffed) <---- Cast speed is completely useless for the Aethertech! Complex Skill chains High Mana consumption on skills Need quick reactions Hard to Kite with How can I become a good Aethertech? - If you use the correct rotations. (you will learn it here) - Low ms/ping will only make you even faster <---- Highly Recommended to have 50 ms/ping or lower - Having a pistol as a side weapon. (Keep reading if you want to know why) - Quick reaction time as with every class. - Understanding the strengths and the weaknesses of your skills. - Using the correct stigma's according to your ping and playstyle - Practice, Practice and even more Practice ! Duel your way to the top! - Zoom out with the camera so you have a better overview of what's happening around you. - By reading this whole guide (with enough practice) you will become a Magician like me Skills Aethertechs are considered to be a Melee class, however the damage is calculated off of Magical Attack/Magic Boost and Crit Spell. And not Physical attack or Crit strike. Their attacks can be bound and not silenced or blinded. Siphoning Shells - Lasts for 3 minutes, has a 15% to recover mp with every hit. Make sure you always have this skill buffed before you fight. CD is only 10 seconds. Backlash - After resisting or parrying an attack, you can stun an enemy up to 20m away for up to 2 seconds! This skill is amazing, especially when immediately followed up with Steam Rush. Ravager Cannon - This skill is a charging lightbeam with an AOE effect, it's not that great in pvp but still good if you have the higher ground or some distance that you can shoot from 20 meters. I highly recommend to use it at a distance if there's no other option to fight back. If you're up close don't use it,unless you have full cd's. Kinetic Slam - With a short cooldown of 12 seconds and no MP usage, it becomes a practical and dare I say mandatory skill to use in all situations. When fully charged it can knock down opponents. In PvP it’s needless to say that keeping your enemy on the ground helps a lot with bringing down the hurt. Remember that this is a charge skill and enemies aren’t always gonna wait around for you to fully charge it. It’s best used on enemies that aren't paying attention to you or are rooted/cc'd. --> Combat/Normal use ''X'' After the skill to decrease the animation delay Magnetic Wave - A fan-shaped taunt skill. While it doesn’t do any damage in PvP it has a chance of making enemy players target you, to keep the heat off your healers or squishy players. Bludgeon - A very short cooldown skill that can chain into a 3-part chain series with a chance of knocking down enemies on the last hit! Hindering Blade -The first hit reduced your target's attack speed and magical accuracy. or Battery - Inflicts some Earth damage. Beatdown - Inflicts some Earth damage with the chance of knocking down the enemy. Overdrive Trigger - A wonderful 2k DP buff that boosts your speed, attack speed and magic attack for 1 minute with a 1:30 cooldown. When used in Instances and PvP it can help to skyrocket your DPS. It's like using steroids without any side effects. Electric Shock - Paralyze an enemy for a split second and cancel any cast they were in the process of. It's great for interrupting the enemy when they use important skills like ''Fear Shriek'' as example. Lightning Tether - This chain follow up binds them for 5 seconds, enough time for you to burst them rapidly with a cover. Combat/Normal use ''X'' after the skill Embark - Mount your bastion. While it’ll always stay active while you’re alive, once you die you’ll have to reactivate it to use your bastion once more. Remember that once the skill is deactivated in any way, there’s a 10-second cooldown. Hypergate Detonation - Kamikaze. Gain 100% HP, teleport 15m backward, make your enemies lose target of you and deal damage AoE damage from the spot you blew up. Always remember that this will dismount you and you won’t be able to use Embark until its 10s cooldown is off. Use it well and you can get out of any situation laughing, use it poorly and you’ll be a Bastion-less punching bag. To use it correctly is to switch to your Pistol-> right after you use Hypergate Detonation and using the following rotation using the Pistol : From left to right . 1 Manifest Wall - Gives a Protective shield 2 Packed Bomb - Dmg and lowers Fire resistance for the opponent 3 Gunshot - Does surprisingly good Fire dmg on the Pistol 4 Green Grenade - Roots them for 4 seconds 5 Precision shot - Use ONLY if everything else is on CD with an Auto Attack in between and by using. Keep distance to wait for your Embark 6 Embark - off cooldown to be ready to use it again. Boost - Thrust yourself 15m forward. Once you reach a certain level you get another boost that chains off this one which basically gives you another 15m. This Skill is great to catch up to enemies and to close the distance. Also very useful to use as a tactical retreat, if you feel like you will not win the fight then use this at all costs. Kinetic Battery - One of the major skills that gives ATs their tankiness. You’ll pretty much have it on all the times as long as it’s off cooldown. It’s a very complex skill so there are actually still a lot of people who don’t know EXACTLY how it works. Allow me to cut it into pieces. 1. It is an active skill that lasts for 1:30 minutes with a cooldown of 30 seconds. While it is activated: 2. Your shock resistance and parry go up. 3. You block 30% of ALL incoming damage. When blocking damage, 50% of the damage blocked is deducted from your MP. Think of it as using your MP to shield your HP. Example: You were supposed to take 1400 damage, but with KB up you take 30% less which is 700. 50% of the damage deducted (1000 - 700 = 300 [damage deducted] then divide 300 by 2 -> 150) is deducted from your MP (you lose 150 MP from that one attack). Remove Shock - Once activated you can chain into one of either skill: Protective Shell - Replaces the remove shock’s buff effect, but increases your resistance to movement-related effects, magic resist and reduces damage taken from players for 8 seconds. or Uppercut - Inflict damage and knock down an enemy. I often prefer this skill since I'm using the Offensive Stigma Tree. To make a comeback after I get knocked over. --> Combat/Normal use ''X'' After the skill to decrease the animation delay Repair Protocol - Remove movement related debuffs. Good for getting out of roots and traps. Steam Rush- Once your enemy is stunned or knocked down, you can thrust yourself right on top of them as long as they’re within range and even if you weren’t the one to stun them. It’s wonderful for keeping on top of classes that love to kite. You can Nullification Trigger -> Backlash then use this skill, a very effective combo. To follow up with a brilliant paralyze lockdown rotation is even better or a solid stunlock will do the trick with some heavy burst after. Sundering Blade - Might not look like it at first, but this skill right here is a tremendous debuff. It reduces the target's magical and physical defense by a ton. This can benefit your entire team when used on priority targets in PvE or for burying in PvP. Rain of Knuckles (stigma) - Inflict Earth damage which can be reactivated 3 times. Siphoning Slash – It doesn’t matter what you hit or how much you hit for with this attack, you will always gain 2000 mp back. Combat/Normal use ''X'' after the skill Conversion Pulse - Deals AoE damage on enemies within range and absorbs 50% of ALL the damage you dealt on all enemies as HP and 100% as MP. You can target a group of weak mobs or training dummies and regain a huge amount. Has a slow animation ending and it's better to use Combat/Normal or ''X'' to decrease the animation delay right after you use Conversion Pulse or Siphoning Stab - Deals Water damage and Recovers 1000 mp. Good to get some Mp back back if you follow up with Siphoning Trust. Siphoning Trust - Deals Water damage and Recovers 500 mp - Combat/Normal use ''X'' After the skill to decrease the delay Aetherlock Blade - An instant silence with a short (18 second) cooldown. Deadly against Casters and also Classes to use against that forgot to prebuff. Annihilation Barrage - A gorgeous World War looking attack that attacks in a fan-shaped radius, does a large chunk of damage and knocks everything within range down. This skill is great in group pvp when used at the right time it could cost the game for the enemy group. Combat/Normal use ''X'' after the skill Cinder Cannon - Who said you had to switch to pistols to shoot? You can use this skill to run and gun enemies up to 20m away. Gattling Gun (stigma) - Then chain into Gattling Gun which can be reactivated twice. Rocket Punch - One of our low cooldown main damage skills. Does additional damage on balaur and can chain into Combat/Normal use ''X'' after the skill Heat Burst - which does another major amount of damage (+ more to balaur) and into Combat/Normal use ''X'' after the skill or Flame Emission - which can shoot moderate damage up to 20m away. Afterburner - Removes all Debuffs that change your movement speed or Flight speed (can only be used Flight Mode) Vexing Blast - This skill does a little bit of damage , good to use against classes with skill resists up. To make sure you can cover them with an Auto attack in between. Fuel Reserves - Restores your flight time by 120 seconds if you use the mount and press ''R'' to sprint and your flight time is on cd, then jump off the Mount use Fuel Reserves + Boost x2 then jump back uand Boost to get forward quickly and jump. Counterslam - Inflicts Fire Damage after a succesful parry, and has a chance to stun the target. Chilling Wave - This skill deals water damage in a fan shaped animation and also reduces their speed for 3 seconds. Riplash (stigma) - Then chain into Riplash to deal even more water damage in a fan shaped animation. Combat/Normal use ''X'' after the skill Stigmas Offensive Stigma Tree: Very High DPS , Low defense. Only recommended if you have low ping/ms with good reaction speed. This is something that veterans would use. Don't use this if you want to play safe. , this build is a highly agressive playstyle. Not recommended for beginners! Nullification Trigger (Necessary) - Use 2% of your MP to parry or resist one attack. When tanking this can allow you to do something Plates can’t, by being able to completely nullify large attacks instead of face-tanking it. After you successfully parry or resist you can chain into Backlash and chain into Steam Rush. This is a simple PvP rotation which you can use as the start-up for deadly combos. you can also use it to resist being covered by bind or silence. But smart players will also use ''Fake Covers'' to prevent you from using this skill at the fullest potential. This leaves open for mindgames, which I often end up losing,but don't make the same mistakes as me.. Find new ways to trick your opponent for using their silence/bind into your Nullification Trigger. Drillbore (Necessary) - An AT-must have! Not only is it instant and stuns targets for 2 seconds, but it removes most shields! --> Combat/Normal use ''X'' After the skill to decrease the animation delay. In PvP you can remove nearly all protective shield effects. This includes: Gladiator – Dauntless Spirit Templars - Iron Skin , you can also remove a Templar’s Bodyguard from their protected target! Useful for when a Templar tries to protect their cleric. Sorcerer - Stone Skin Spirit Master – Stone Skin and Spirit Protection Songweaver - Protective Ode Cleric – Blessed Shield, Immortal Shroud and Impervious Veil,Life Curtain, Marchutan's Light Chanter – Protective Ward Recharge (Necessary) - Instantly heal a huge amount of MP and HP. Yup, it’s just as much of a lifesaver as it sounds, regardless of the situation. Just use it wisely as there is still a 3m cooldown. Riplash - Deals magical water damage on targets within 15m in a fan-shaped animation. This skill is good to use if you cancel it with Combat/normal ''x'' by pressing ''X'' right after using the skill it will drastically decrease the animation ending delay. To make you move faster. --> Combat/Normal use ''X'' After the skill to decrease the animation delay Aether Recharge (swap this stigma) - A charge skill that can nearly fill up your replenish your MP with a full charge and only has a minute cooldown. This is the only stigma that you can swap out if you have no mp problems, because this stigma is not necessary. The Recommended stigma's to swap it with are, Leeching Steel - Decreases the Targets mp by 600 points for each attack on you. This skill can catch people by surprise. If they start to burst you or you feel like the burst is incoming, use it immediatly! It will make them back off after the short burst or they will be forced to regenerate mana points. which is a win-win situation whatever option they choose. or Aimbot Assist - Increases Magical Accuracy up to 300 points. This stigma is very useful against classes that increased their Magic resist stats like some clerics do for example. Gattling Gun - This is the follow up skill of Cinder cannon and it boosts your kiting damage up to 20 meters distance. To stick with your cannons on players. as the point of this build is to deal damage as fast as possible. Stability Thrusters (Abyss)- You gain magic attack, Shock Resistance, Resistance to Movement debuffs and removes any attack speed related debuffs upon activation. It does however use 4% MP every 4 seconds for up to 30 seconds – it basically drains 30% of your MP over time. Steel Storm - Deals some wind damage up to 25 meters away, good for kiting and to open with in combat at a distance. --> Combat/Normal use ''X'' After the skill to decrease the animation delay Particle Whip (Abyss) - A charge AoE with a similar range as Chilling Wave. Has a chance to stun targets as well at stage 3. --> Combat/Normal use ''X'' After the skill to decrease the animation delay. Aethercharged Steel (Abyss) - Boosts attack speed, magic attack, and deal additional damage to players for 10 seconds. Rain of Knuckles (Abyss) - Chains off of Sundering Blade and can be activated 3 times. Gives steady dps if everything's off cooldowns. Don't use this skill too much. Use it for kiting or chasing opponents, but don't stick with it as your main burst because it's not that heavy damage. Meteor Strike (Abyss) - Simply a damage skill. Gives great burst with a low cd of 30 seconds if you combine it with your main damage skills. Defensive Stigma Tree: High DPS, High Defense. Recommended at all times in pvp. Good to play safe and you can escape and tank much faster in most situations because of the strong protective stats. Highly recommended for beginners! Nullification Trigger (Necessary) - Use 2% of your MP to parry or resist one attack. When tanking this can allow you to do something Plates can’t, by being able to completely nullify large attacks instead of face-tanking it. After you successfully parry or resist you can chain into Backlash and chain into Steam Rush. This is a simple PvP rotation which you can use as the start-up for deadly combos. you can also use it to resist being covered by bind or silence. But smart players will also use ''Fake Covers'' to prevent you from using this skill at the fullest potential. This leaves open for mindgames, which I often end up losing,but don't make the same mistakes as me.. Find new ways to trick your opponent for using their silence/bind into your Nullification Trigger. Drillbore (Necessary) - An AT-must have! Not only is it instant and stuns targets for 2 seconds, but it removes most shields! --> Combat/Normal use ''X'' After the skill to decrease the animation delay. In PvP you can remove nearly all protective shield effects. This includes: Gladiator – Dauntless Spirit Templars - Iron Skin , you can also remove a Templar’s Bodyguard from their protected target! Useful for when a Templar tries to protect their cleric. Sorcerer - Stone Skin Spirit Master – Stone Skin and Spirit Protection Songweaver - Protective Ode Cleric – Blessed Shield, Immortal Shroud and Impervious Veil,Life Curtain, Marchutan's Light Chanter – Protective Ward Recharge (Necessary) - Instantly heal a huge amount of MP and HP. Yup, it’s just as much of a lifesaver as it sounds, regardless of the situation. Just use it wisely as there is still a 3m cooldown. Riplash - Deals magical water damage on targets within 15m in a fan-shaped animation. This skill is good to use if you cancel it with Combat/normal ''x'' by pressing ''X'' right after using the skill it will drastically decrease the animation ending delay. To make you move faster. --> Combat/Normal use ''X'' After the skill to decrease the animation delay. Life support Trigger - Increases Maximum MP up to 1000, Natural Mana Treatment up to 60, and Natural Healing up to 120 for 1m. Gattling Gun - This is the follow up skill of Cinder cannon and it boosts your kiting damage up to 20 meters distance. To stick with your cannons on players. Mobility Thrusters (Abyss) - While it grants you a speed boost of 35% for 10 seconds with only a 40 second cooldown, it drops your physical defense and immobilization resist slightly. Might not be the best choice against physical classes, but it’s almost harmless to you when used against magic classes. You don’t even have to use it in battle, just using it to get around is fine too. Steel Storm - Deals some wind damage up to 25 meters away, good for kiting and to open with in combat at a distance. --> Combat/Normal use ''X'' After the skill to decrease the animation delay swap this stigma with Leeching Steel - Decreases the Targets mp by 600 points for each attack on you. This skill can catch people by surprise. If they start to burst you or you feel like the burst is incoming, use it immediatly! It will make them back off after the short burst or they will be forced to regenerate mana points. which is a win-win situation whatever option they choose. or Aimbot Assist - Increases Magical Accuracy up to 300 points. This stigma is very useful against classes that increased their Magic resist stats like some clerics do for example. Trauma Plate Trigger (Abyss) - Increase Parry, Bind and Fear resist while also decreasing the overall damage you take from PCs for 20 seconds. Debilitating Blade (Abyss) - Cripples your opponents physical and magical attack. Convulsion Beam (Abyss) - Can bind a target up to 20m away and immobilize them. They’ll be freed once you attack them but you can use this to stop people from running away. Or you can use it to cover your opponent with for example -> + + +Combat/Normal use ''X'' + = Convulsion Beam lockdown Cloths won't be able to move and basically do nothing till the silence is over then they can take action again, other classes have an easier time. But still it's good to shut someone down without them able to move, is a win situation for you since you can steady yourselves and deal some burst damage with 6 meter or more distance. Kinetic Bulwark (Abyss) - Its shield effect only lasts 30 seconds, but acts as a better Kinetic Battery – Blocks 50% of damage from all attacks and only deducts 10% of blocked damage from MP. It has a poor cooldown of 5m, but charging the stigma can severely reduce it. Extremely useful and powerful in PvP. Using this will disable Kinetic Battery if it is active. Gear Campaign Quest Gear (Starter Gear for pvp) You can get all the parts if you finish most, Sarpan,Katalam, Danaria campaign quests. They are easy to do and won't take too much time if you have a mount. The pvp stats are totally not bad for Fabled Gear. Weapon - Personal choice, if you have the kinah then buy the Ancient Coin weapon and fuse it with the Blood Mark weapon. (Highly recommended). If not then just stick with the Starter weapon. Until you have a lucky Mythical Cipher- Blade Drop from Sauro or Illuminary Obelisk for example to fuse it with the Blood Mark Cipher- Blade. Highly recommended! Fearless Skirmisher Chain set (Blood Mark) Weapon - Remodeled Danuar Cipher-Blade (Ancient Coin) + Discordant Cipher-Blade (Blood Mark) This set is stronger then the campaign quest,but only if you socket magic boost. Include also the Magical Accessories. <Fearless Skirmisher's Hauberk> <Fearless Skirmisher's Chausses> <Fearless Skirmisher's Brogans> <Fearless Skirmisher's Spaulders> <Genium's Handguards> +8% Attack speed -Obtainable from the Marchutan Priority Merchants. Eclipse chain set (Endgame) This set is your final goal in endgame including the accessories , just make sure you do the dailies for Ceranium Medals The handguards have also 8% attack speed in it, which is exactly what we want for the Aethertech. Weapon - Bastion Defender Firm Cipher-Blade+ Eclipse Axial = Best Weapon Godstones Earth Damage Godstone (Highly Recommended) - we are looking specifically for 1%,2% or even 10% (which is what I'm using) are simply perfect to increase your damage overall,because our main weapon the Cipher Blade has the (Earth) Element. So if we use Earth Godstones it will proc higher compared to other godstones with the same percentage of proc rate. (This is a pure Myth, but for me it works better then other Element Godstones for the Aethertech.) Silence Godstones - Are also a good alternative with a 5% proc rate, if you really feel like your weakness overall is against Magical classes. And specifically Cloths , then this Godstone is for you. Blind godstones - Have also a 5% Proc rate and if you feel like Physical classes -->Gladiators, Templars,Assasins...... Give you a run for your money ,then this godstone welcomes you. It will give them a hard time instead. Idian Literally the only Idian I use, because attack>Defense and currently the best Idian so far on the market. It has 3 stats . So look out for Idian's with 3 stats in it. It also has a small chance of giving you 0,2% PVP attack or even 0,5% PVP attack. The other less important stats except for Magic Boost are Magicall Accuracy, Crit Spell,Magic Suppression.... Manastones Manastone: Magic Boost +28 (Good Alternative) what I'm using, if you're low on kinah buy and socket it. Manastone: Magic Boost +27 / HP +47 (Main set) Manastone: Magical Accuracy +14 / Magic Boost +13 (Magical Accuracy set) Put this in all slots. Matchups and Rotations This is were the real hard work starts, you will have to understand these matchups and learn them by heart and PRACTICE to become a good Aethertech. Gladiator () Difficulty : Very Hard It's like looking in the mirror (a physical mirror). These guys also specialize in lockdowns and a whole lot of stumbles. They're one of the only physical classes that can bind you, so keep that in mind. Keep your distance when they activate their protective and offensive buffs like berserking; even with your shield up some glads can facetank your damage with their buffs up. Only use repair protocol for ankle snare, keep them running and have them waste their buffs. They tend to usually start with cleave, so use nullification trigger to backlash onto them. Beware of their remove shock stumble. Advantage: They can't kite you as well as other classes. Most times it's a head to head fist fight, so be sure your buffs are preserved and ready. Disadvantage : Try to avoid them in flight combat. Their ability to move while using a lot of their skills is superior since we need to stop moving for a lot of ours. Rotation: (if distance is over 20m if not skip the first skill) RED - Long distance burst Blue - Lockdown Purple - Heavy Burst Numbers - Meters of distance between you and the class X - Cancel animation delay use it right after you pressed the skill. Offensive Stigma Tree Rotation Use + + from the start. (when you're in close range of the gladiator) 20 15 + = --> Jump to Lockdown Heavy Burst 25 or 20- 15- 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 20 15 -> X -> -> -> -> -> X -> -> ->->-> -> ->X -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ X X X 20 -> X Long Distance Burst Lockdown Heavy Burst -> X Continue with the rest of your skills that do less damage. If cooldowns are up continue with This rotation or try to simulate it with what you have. remember this Long Distance Burst --> Lockdown --> Heavy Burst --> repeat / use skills outside of this rotation (Use what you have) High>Low damage skills. Defensive Stigma Tree Rotation Use + from the start (when you're in close range of the gladiator) 20 15 + = --> Jump to Lockdown Heavy Burst 25 or 20- 15- 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 20 15 -> X -> -> -> -> -> X -> -> ->-> -> -> ->X -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->X ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ 20 20 X X X ->X Long Distance Burst Lockdown ->X Heavy Burst Continue with the rest of your skills that do less damage. If cooldowns are up continue with This rotation or try to simulate it with what you have. remember this Long Distance Burst --> Lockdown --> Heavy Burst --> repeat / use skills outside of this rotation (Use what you have) High>Low damage skills. Templar () Difficulty : Hard They pull you in and then kite you off. It's like a girl playing hard to get, except they're trying to kill you. They are a little bit weaker then glads. Without abusing stance mode and without multiple sets to carry them atleast. They have lots of shields. Most of the time you'll want to kite them off, but if you have drillbore handy, try saving it for iron skin since it's their longest lasting defense buff. They can pull you every 30 seconds. Be mindful of that when charging a kinetic slam to hit them. A good Templar will try to cancel it with a pull. They don't have the range advantage that gladiators do so it's a lot safer to bind them in place. If they don't have their greatsword out, chances are they're in a defensive stance. You can land a couple test shots on them to see how much you hit for (and if at all). Advantage: They don't have much range, which is the reason for their pulls. They only don't usually use extendable weapons for melee classes so be sure to keep your distance. Disadvantage: They *can be* the game's most top-tier PvP class. With enough sets it becomes extremely difficult to predict their movements or even do much damage to them. You need to be mindful of whatever weapons they're using and avoid being stumbled at all costs. Rotation: (if distance is over 20m if not skip the first skill) RED - Long distance burst Blue - Lockdown Purple - Heavy Burst Numbers - Meters of distance between you and the class X - Cancel animation delay use it right after you pressed the skill. Offensive Stigma Tree Rotation Use after the first pull and + from the start. 20 15 + = --> Jump to Lockdown Heavy Burst 25 or 20- 15- 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 20 15 -> X -> -> -> -> -> X -> -> ->->-> -> ->X -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ X X X 20 15 -> X Long Distance Burst Lockdown Heavy Burst -> X Continue with the rest of your skills that do less damage. If cooldowns are up continue with This rotation or try to simulate it with what you have. remember this Long Distance Burst --> Lockdown --> Heavy Burst --> repeat / use skills outside of this rotation (Use what you have) High>Low damage skills. Defensive Stigma Tree Rotation Use or + from the start (when you're in close range of the templar) 20 15 + = --> Jump to Lockdown Heavy Burst 25 or 20- 15- 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 20 15 -> X -> -> -> -> -> X -> -> ->-> -> -> ->X -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->X ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ 20 20 X X X ->X Long Distance Burst Lockdown ->X Heavy Burst Continue with the rest of your skills that do less damage. If cooldowns are up continue with This rotation or try to simulate it with what you have. remember this Long Distance Burst --> Lockdown --> Heavy Burst --> repeat / use skills outside of this rotation (Use what you have) High>Low damage skills. Assassin () Difficulty : Easy Assasins should not be an issue for our class. Because once you can Lockdown and burst them down, there's not much they can do except for Facetanking your damage since they have to trade blows from close up. Your class can Perfectly handle Assasins Burst damage when using the Defensive Stigma Tree. The Difficulty increases to Hard () when using the Offensive Stigma Tree. Not to mention that this class is one of the hardest to play, so there's not many Assasins that know how to play against the Aethertech. A well timed leeching steel when they commence their burn rotations can melt their MP and leave them vulnerable. Try not to use mobility thrusters since it will bring down your physical defense and make life a lot harder for you. Try to use trauma plate trigger before using remove shock. When you do use remove shock, chain into protective shell to further reduce damage Use RS mainly when locked in the air since it's the longest altered state they can keep you in. Boost away once you do since a good assassin may be expecting this Use bludgeon and/or cinder cannon to use up their focused evasion and aether twisting. Save your hard hitting skills for when they're vulnerable. Kite out these buffs if you can by boosting away. Good Assasins will try to resist your or Lockdown with aether twisting or focused evasion so if you know this Assasin is one of those guys then just simply use an Auto attack or Kite it off with useless skills like or . They usually use it after you put 2 Debuffs on them. Once they're vulnerable, bind and silence them in place (with a sundering and debilitating blade bury if possible) and begin using your 6-8m attack range to your advantage. Keep them marked, in case they port away! Advantage: Their attack range is short and they don't have much hp recovery besides potions. Keep them pressured as long as they aren't using buffs that will negate your attacks. Disadvantage: They're fast on their feet and can resist a ton of magical attacks which makes being a magical melee class a bit annoying. Rotation: (if distance is over 20m if not skip the first skill) RED - Long distance burst Blue - Lockdown Purple - Heavy Burst Numbers - Meters of distance between you and the class X - Cancel animation delay use it right after you pressed the skill. Offensive Stigma Tree Rotation Use + when they are covered. And from the start. 20 15 + = --> Jump to Lockdown Heavy Burst 25 or 20- 15- 6 6 6 8 8 6 8 6 6 6 6 20 15 -> X -> -> -> -> -> X -> -> ->->-> -> ->X -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ X X X 20 15 -> X Long Distance Burst Lockdown Heavy Burst -> X Continue with the rest of your skills that do less damage. If cooldowns are up continue with This rotation or try to simulate it with what you have. remember this Long Distance Burst --> Lockdown --> Heavy Burst --> repeat / use skills outside of this rotation (Use what you have) High>Low damage skills. Defensive Stigma Tree Rotation Use or + from the start (when you're in close range of the Assasin) 20 15 + = --> Jump to Lockdown Heavy Burst 25 or 20- 15- 6 6 6 8 8 6 8 6 6 6 6 20 15 -> X -> -> -> -> -> X -> -> ->-> -> -> ->X -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->X ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ 20 20 X X X ->X Long Distance Burst Lockdown ->X Heavy Burst Continue with the rest of your skills that do less damage. If cooldowns are up continue with This rotation or try to simulate it with what you have. remember this Long Distance Burst --> Lockdown --> Heavy Burst --> repeat / use skills outside of this rotation (Use what you have) High>Low damage skills. Ranger () Difficulty : Hard Almost as stun savvy as their dual-wielding cousins. How you can get knocked back and put to sleep with a bunch of sticks is beyond me, but this is Aion; a land where ships fly and Daeva's can't swim. Unlike all the other classes above, they're a ranged physical based class; so binding them in place won't stop them from attacking. It is of course always a good thing to be up in their faces as much as possible since they have very low defense. Leeching steel also works well against rangers, but it may not burn them out as quickly as an assassin. They have a low mp pool however, which can block out a lot of their utility skills. When slept, there isn't much you can do except prepare to use trauma plate trigger to reduce the damage on their incoming rotation. Use repair protocol when caught in their snare. You can pot off their movement speed debuff, but countering the debuff with mobility thrusters is risky against any physical class. Keeping them silenced is the key to reducing their utility (ports, buffs and speedups) They stand still for most of their attacks, so boost up to them when they aren't stunning you. Good rangers do hop back occasionally to maintain distance. In this case, it's best to get behind them and cut off their path. Keep them marked, in case they port away! Advantage: Very squishy and buff reliant. Keep them silenced, bound and pressured. Disadvantage: Attack from range and have a lot of stuns, making remove shock predictions difficult. RED - Long distance burst Blue - Lockdown Purple - Heavy Burst Numbers - Meters of distance between you and the class X - Cancel animation delay use it right after you pressed the skill. Offensive Stigma Tree Rotation Use + when they are covered. And from the start. 20 15 + = --> Jump to Lockdown Heavy Burst 25 or 20- 15- 6 6 6 8 8 6 8 6 6 6 6 20 15 -> X -> -> -> -> -> X -> -> ->->-> -> ->X -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ X X X 20 15 -> X Long Distance Burst Lockdown Heavy Burst -> X Continue with the rest of your skills that do less damage. If cooldowns are up continue with This rotation or try to simulate it with what you have. remember this Long Distance Burst --> Lockdown --> Heavy Burst --> repeat / use skills outside of this rotation (Use what you have) High>Low damage skills. Defensive Stigma Tree Rotation Use or + from the start (when you're in close range of the Ranger) 20 15 + = --> Jump to Lockdown Heavy Burst 25 or 20- 15- 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 20 15 -> X -> -> -> -> -> X -> -> ->-> -> -> ->X -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->X ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ 20 20 X X X ->X Long Distance Burst Lockdown ->X Heavy Burst Continue with the rest of your skills that do less damage. If cooldowns are up continue with This rotation or try to simulate it with what you have. remember this Long Distance Burst --> Lockdown --> Heavy Burst --> repeat / use skills outside of this rotation (Use what you have) High>Low damage skills. Chanter () Difficulty : Hard Strong and versatile in PvP. They feel like fighting a glad for a few seconds then a cleric the next. It's hard to tell whether their stumbles are the most annoying or if that title should go to glads. Regardless, their stumbles are short, but plentiful. Trauma plate and remove shock early help a lot. They can bind you every so often, so save your greater healing potions for that. Use stability thrusters when your attack has been reduced (which will happen at some point or another when fighting any chanter). Drillbore works well against their protective ward. Their DPS isn't as high as other melee classes, but some chanters are geared to pack a punch. Keep them pressured and bind them down. Attack from as far away as you can. They don't have skills to resist your attacks, but have many utility skills to heal and tank through your damage. Silence is our best friend when fighting them or any of the classes listed below. Few chanters are geared and dedicated enough to have defensive PvP sets. If you see them pull out a shield, assume they're in one of these sets and treat them as a Templar in this situation. Advantage: You have the silence advantage while they have the bind advantage. Ensure you don't give them a chance to heal. Disadvantage: They're tricky to kite, because the moment you leave them alone they're going to heal. I don't recommend kiting any healer unless under extreme conditions. RED - Long distance burst Blue - Lockdown Purple - Heavy Burst Numbers - Meters of distance between you and the class X - Cancel animation delay use it right after you pressed the skill. Offensive Stigma Tree Rotation Use + from the start. (when you're in close range of the chanter) Use when your Attack speed has been decreased by a skill. 20 15 + = --> Jump to Lockdown Heavy Burst 25 or 20- 15- 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 20 15 -> X -> -> -> -> -> X -> -> ->->-> -> ->X -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ X X X 20 -> X Long Distance Burst Lockdown Heavy Burst -> X Continue with the rest of your skills that do less damage. If cooldowns are up continue with This rotation or try to simulate it with what you have. remember this Long Distance Burst --> Lockdown --> Heavy Burst --> repeat / use skills outside of this rotation (Use what you have) High>Low damage skills. Defensive Stigma Tree Rotation Use or + from the start (when you're in close range of the chanter) 20 15 + = --> Jump to Lockdown Heavy Burst 25 or 20- 15- 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 20 15 -> X -> -> -> -> -> X -> -> ->-> -> -> ->X -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->X ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ 20 20 X X X ->X Long Distance Burst Lockdown ->X Heavy Burst Continue with the rest of your skills that do less damage. If cooldowns are up continue with This rotation or try to simulate it with what you have. remember this Long Distance Burst --> Lockdown --> Heavy Burst --> repeat / use skills outside of this rotation (Use what you have) High>Low damage skills. Cleric () Difficulty : Very Hard Clerics are ridiculous. They can deal lots of damage while dancing around, cleansing and using servants. You won't have much fun fighting a cleric at all, but that's why you need to be aggressive. Save drillbore and use it when you see they're about to cast splendor of recovery; that heal over time gives them the freedom to DPS you. They can go from 5% hp to 100% if they use enough buffs prior, so if you see them use buffs such as Sage's Wisdom or Amplification, they're most likely doing to use splendor or Call Lightning. Good clerics are hard to bury since they cleanse every time someone quits the game (that's often in case you didn't get the joke). So before attempting to bury a good cleric, try to keep them stunned or stumbled first. Watch for their remove shock. If they at any time pop impervious veil. Silence and bind bury them completely, then use drillbore to remove their shield. They have many instant cast skills so if you plan on getting out of their attack range or rushing up to pressure them, you need to reduce the amount of damage you'll take on your way. Run away from their servants and fight them one versus one. Those things do enough damage to be considered another player. Ensure you lure them out the servant range before you engage them. If they're camping the servants, just leave them be and get some distance while recovering your cooldowns. There's no shame in it. Advantage: Cannot silence or bind you. Once you manage to lock them while their remove shock is out of commission then you're set for some good damage. Be sure to use your hardest hitting skills immediately after you lock them down. Fighting a cleric is burn or heal. Disadvantage: They have a short cooldown on their root. They usually use their DPS skills after rooting you so it's a good chance to use nullification trigger and repair protocol (or pot off the root) into a backlash combo. Offensive Stigma Tree Rotation Use + + from the start. (when you're in close range of the cleric) Use when your Attack speed has been decreased by a skill. 20 15 + = --> Jump to Lockdown Heavy Burst 25 or 20- 15- 8 8 6 6 6 8 6 6 6 6 20 15 -> X -> -> -> -> -> X -> -> ->->-> -> X -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ X X X 20 -> X Long Distance Burst Lockdown Heavy Burst -> X Continue with the rest of your skills that do less damage. If cooldowns are up continue with This rotation or try to simulate it with what you have. remember this Long Distance Burst --> Lockdown --> Heavy Burst --> repeat / use skills outside of this rotation (Use what you have) High>Low damage skills. Defensive Stigma Tree Rotation Use or + from the start (when you're in close range of the Cleric) 20 15 + = --> Jump to Lockdown Heavy Burst 25 or 20- 15- 8 8 6 6 6 8 8 6 6 6 6 20 15 -> X -> -> -> -> -> X -> -> ->-> -> -> ->X -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->X ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ 20 20 X X X ->X Long Distance Burst Lockdown ->X Heavy Burst Continue with the rest of your skills that do less damage. If cooldowns are up continue with This rotation or try to simulate it with what you have. remember this Long Distance Burst --> Lockdown --> Heavy Burst --> repeat / use skills outside of this rotation (Use what you have) High>Low damage skills. Sorcerer () Difficulty : Easy Sorcs are a tricky and a hard to use class, but the most fearsome ones are those you can't see. If a sorc is out of your sight, you're in trouble. It's like a sniper taking free hits. When in groups, ensure that even if you aren't engaging the enemy sorcerer, you know where they are. From my experience, they can be either very destructive or very easy to take down, depending on the player. You simply should not lose against this matchup in 1V1 though, once you Lock them down and initiate the burst they should be pretty much dead after one rotation or close to death. Just make sure you don't lose sight of them and you should be perfectly fine. Watch and listen for their buffs. You can tell by the icons which they're using, but they mostly grant power boosts. Their MA buff won't really matter all that much since you're most likely going to get hit by most of their skills. If you're at a far distance, but don't have much room to run away, the best thing to do is to pressure them; even if it means facetanking some damage. The most important thing is to always keep them in your sight. Failure to react quickly enough can result in an easy sleeplock for them. Some of them will sleep you long enough for their cooldowns to reset. During a sleeplock there isn't much you can do except try to get rid of the silence or get some distance to recover yourself. Save your greater healing potion for a strong root. Use repair protocol to get out of the first root, if they root you again pot it off. Keep them marked, in case they port away. Advantage: It's easy to take advantage of inexperienced sorcs. If they lack fast reactions, ports and have predictable rotations, they shouldn't be a problem for you at all. Provided you don't screw up along somewhere along the line. Don't slack off though, keep them slowed and pressured as you would any high threat target. Disadvantage: High DPS sorcs can wipe you before you realize they're around. Keep in mind the names of your target. If they're a sorc known for their high damage, keep them at a high priority and take them out before they can get to your teammates. Offensive Stigma Tree Rotation Use + when they are covered. And from the start. 20 15 + = --> Jump to Lockdown Heavy Burst 25 or 20- 15- 6 6 6 8 8 6 8 6 6 6 6 20 15 -> X -> -> -> -> -> X -> -> ->->-> -> ->X -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ X X X 20 15 -> X Long Distance Burst Lockdown Heavy Burst -> X Continue with the rest of your skills that do less damage. If cooldowns are up continue with This rotation or try to simulate it with what you have. remember this Long Distance Burst --> Lockdown --> Heavy Burst --> repeat / use skills outside of this rotation (Use what you have) High>Low damage skills. Defensive Stigma Tree Rotation Use or + from the start (when you're in close range of the sorcerer) 20 15 + = --> Jump to Lockdown Heavy Burst 25 or 20- 15- 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 20 15 -> X -> -> -> -> -> X -> -> ->-> -> -> ->X -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->X ↑ or -> -> ->-> -> ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ 20 20 X X X ->X Long Distance Burst Lockdown ->X Heavy Burst Continue with the rest of your skills that do less damage. If cooldowns are up continue with This rotation or try to simulate it with what you have. remember this Long Distance Burst --> Lockdown --> Heavy Burst --> repeat / use skills outside of this rotation (Use what you have) High>Low damage skills. Spiritmaster () Difficulty : Nightmare Fear no class except a class that can fear. SMs are a pain for any and every class in their own way because of their skillset. They have the ability to lock down short range classes and support the alchemy economy by borrowing your scrolls. As painful as they may be to fight, nothing's impossible for an AT. Just stay focused and ensure that you don't accidentally use drillbore too early. Remove their slows with your repair protocol, you're going to want to save your greater healing potion for their bind. At the very beginning of the fight ensure they're slowed by chilling wave. If they pot it off that's their own loss since they won't be able to get rid of your silence bury. Use mobility thrusters to keep yourself up to speed with them especially when they use one of their thousands of speed debuffs (okay maybe not thousands). Trauma plate trigger increases your resistance to fears, but don't pop it too early because they may remove the buff (they usually do this at the beginning of the fight to give you a slow start). The most important rule is to save drillbore for their Command:Bodyguard. Doing so will completely negate their last line of defense. This makes gives you a key role in group PvP, since people will be relying on you to remove the SM or Templar bodyguard. I know drillbore is a lovely skill to watch and the stun is lovely, but hold onto it; you'll thank me later. Try to resist their Bind or Fear with your Nullification Trigger if you manage this and don't make any mistakes after, you should be able to win. Advantage: You're able to remove their bodyguard, which most other classes struggle with getting rid of. If the SM you're up against doesn't know how to bury or spends most of their time trying to spam cast fear, don't give them a second of breathing room. Disadvantage: They have access to bind, silence, roots, slows, attack speed debuffs and can remove your buffs. Basically, prepare to start the battle as crippled as possible and use your nullification trigger for fears. Offensive Stigma Tree Rotation Use + when they are covered. And from the start. 20 15 + = --> Jump to Lockdown Heavy Burst 25 or 20- 15- 6 6 6 8 8 6 8 6 6 6 6 20 15 -> X -> -> -> -> -> X -> -> ->->-> -> ->X -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ X X X 20 15 -> X Long Distance Burst Lockdown Heavy Burst -> X Continue with the rest of your skills that do less damage. If cooldowns are up continue with This rotation or try to simulate it with what you have. remember this Long Distance Burst --> Lockdown --> Heavy Burst --> repeat / use skills outside of this rotation (Use what you have) High>Low damage skills. Defensive Stigma Tree Rotation Use or + from the start (when you're in close range of the spiritmaster) 20 15 + = --> Jump to Lockdown Heavy Burst 25 or 20- 15- 6 6 6 8 8 6 8 6 6 6 6 20 15 -> X -> -> -> -> -> X -> -> ->-> -> -> ->X -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->X ↑ or -> -> ->-> -> ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ 20 20 X X X ->X Long Distance Burst Lockdown ->X Heavy Burst Continue with the rest of your skills that do less damage. If cooldowns are up continue with This rotation or try to simulate it with what you have. remember this Long Distance Burst --> Lockdown --> Heavy Burst --> repeat / use skills outside of this rotation (Use what you have) High>Low damage skills. Gunslinger () Difficulty : Hard In open spaces, they're pretty tough to deal with depending on how much damage they deal with their pistols. They're the most mobile class in the game, so keep up or get killed. Cannons are the mark of danger; it's where a heavy amount of their burst comes from and most of it is instant. If you see them pull it out you'll want to keep them silenced. They usually do this while you're stunned or CC'd, if they're smart. They're the only ranged magic class that can still attack when silenced. So there's not much you can do to stop them from using their pistols. Pistols don't do as much damage as their aethercannons, but come filled with stuns, debuffs and mobility. The most manageable gunslingers to fight are slow ones. Keep them within your range at all times with chilling wave's slow. If they resist you can use mobility thrusters to keep the pressure applied. Keep them marked, in case they port away! Advantage: They're sqiushier than most leathers, so silencing them severely reduces their survivability. Keep them within arms reach-- I cannot stress how important that is. Disadvantage: Their cannons do heaps of damage and can easily destroy any class if you don't react quickly enough. High dps gunners can also do a lot of damage with their pistols which makes their ability to dance around even more chaotic. Offensive Stigma Tree Rotation Use + when they are covered. And from the start. 20 15 + = --> Jump to Lockdown Heavy Burst 25 or 20- 15- 6 6 6 8 8 6 8 6 6 6 6 20 15 -> X -> -> -> -> -> X -> -> ->->-> -> ->X -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ X X X 20 15 -> X Long Distance Burst Lockdown Heavy Burst -> X Continue with the rest of your skills that do less damage. If cooldowns are up continue with This rotation or try to simulate it with what you have. remember this Long Distance Burst --> Lockdown --> Heavy Burst --> repeat / use skills outside of this rotation (Use what you have) High>Low damage skills. Defensive Stigma Tree Rotation Use or + from the start (when you're in close range of the gunner) 20 15 + = --> Jump to Lockdown Heavy Burst 25 or 20- 15- 6 6 6 8 8 6 8 6 6 6 6 20 15 -> X -> -> -> -> -> X -> -> ->-> -> -> ->X -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->X ↑ or -> -> ->-> ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ 20 20 X X X ->X Long Distance Burst Lockdown ->X Heavy Burst Continue with the rest of your skills that do less damage. If cooldowns are up continue with This rotation or try to simulate it with what you have. remember this Long Distance Burst --> Lockdown --> Heavy Burst --> repeat / use skills outside of this rotation (Use what you have) High>Low damage skills. Aethertech(???) Difficulty : RNG Once a year you'll probably come across an AT. Once every 2 years you'll come across an enemy AT. When you do, you're probably too confused and have no idea how to properly fight them. This is the same for every class that barely fights ATs. To this very day, some people still think they're physical. Winning an enemy AT encounter is half RNG, half raw skill, half gear, and half realizing these are actually quarters. Use your paralyze to interrupt their Kinetic slams. If you're ever bound by their tether, use repair protocol. You can use boost to get some distance if you've been slowed by chilling wave and you don't want to use repair protocol right away (which is a good idea). Like any class, you'll want them slowed by chilling wave. Use your greater healing potion for whichever debuff seems to be most bothersome. You'll notice you both aren't getting stunned and debuffed as another class would. This is because of the passive Embark resistances, so this is where RNG comes into play. Keeping them locked down is still practical, just try to stay at a range while you abuse their inability to move. They have the same attack range, so going close will make it feel like they're not locked down at all. You can't bind them, but you can both silence each other; which only really hurts your utility skills. You can silence them after removing their shield to reduce their chance of recovery. Advantage: You get to fight a cool robot and combat gundam style. Seriously, it's super fun to watch. Disadvantage: They have all the tools you do. The only differences may be stigmas; but most ATs carry drillbore, riplash and leeching steel along with their combination. Keep these in mind. Offensive Stigma Tree Rotation Use + from the start when you're in range. And from the start no matter what distance. 20 15 + = --> Jump to Lockdown Heavy Burst 25 or 20- 15- 6 6 6 8 8 6 8 6 6 6 6 20 15 -> X -> -> -> -> -> X -> -> ->->-> -> ->X -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ X X X 20 15 -> X Long Distance Burst Lockdown Heavy Burst -> X Continue with the rest of your skills that do less damage. If cooldowns are up continue with This rotation or try to simulate it with what you have. remember this Long Distance Burst --> Lockdown --> Heavy Burst --> repeat / use skills outside of this rotation (Use what you have) High>Low damage skills. Defensive Stigma Tree Rotation Use or + from the start (when you're in close range of the Aethertech) 20 15 + = --> Jump to Lockdown Heavy Burst 25 or 20- 15- 6 6 6 8 8 6 8 6 6 6 6 20 15 -> X -> -> -> -> -> X -> -> ->-> -> -> ->X -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->X ↑ or -> -> ->-> ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ 20 20 X X X ->X Long Distance Burst Lockdown ->X Heavy Burst Continue with the rest of your skills that do less damage. If cooldowns are up continue with This rotation or try to simulate it with what you have. remember this Long Distance Burst --> Lockdown --> Heavy Burst --> repeat / use skills outside of this rotation (Use what you have) High>Low damage skills. Bard() Difficulty : Easy Somewhere along the line, the developers thought it would be funny to mix sorcs and chanters together. The punch line is they can heal their own MP as well. Well, we heard the joke boys; it's not funny. They have much higher burst than a spiritmaster, but their toolkit is nearly the same if you replace spirit skills with heals. Approaching them is similar to any healer. You can't give them too much breathing room or else they'll simply heal and put you at a disadvantage. As long as you can outspeed them or at least keep up, you give them less confidence to use their charge skills. They'll usually only use these when you're at a great distance, slept or rooted. After using their instant AoE sleep, they'll usually follow up with freestyle. There's a moderate chance of you resisting either of these skills. If they both happen to catch you, the songweaver usually follows up by burying delayed paralyze and silence along with a bind, leaving you befuddled the moment you exit sleep. Provided you're still mobile, the best thing to do is get out of attack range since your greater healing potion can only do so much. Hopefully, you resist one or two of the skills in the obvious rotation. Lock 'em down the same way you would any sorc or healer. Unlike sorcs they can dispel. Hold your greater healing potion for their bind. You've noticed me say this a lot, but binds are horror stories for ATs. Ensure your shields and trauma plate are ready before engaging. Trauma plate for reducing overall damage and chance of being bound. Keep them marked, in case they port away! Advantage: As long as you've memorized the steps to fighting both a sorc and chanter, most songweavers aren't much of a challenge. It's a bit funny considering how simple their toolkit is; you'll barely find a songweaver that knows how to use it correctly. Disadvantage: But hoo boy, when you find a songweaver that knows what they're doing, you're gonna hurt a lot. If you're having trouble applying pressure or they're doing too much damage for you to attempt a lockdown, you may want to retreat and recover. Offensive Stigma Tree Rotation Use + from the start when you're in range. And from the start no matter what distance. 20 15 + = --> Jump to Lockdown Heavy Burst 25 or 20- 15- 6 6 6 8 8 6 8 6 6 6 6 20 15 -> X -> -> -> -> -> X -> -> ->->-> -> ->X -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ X X X 20 15 -> X Long Distance Burst Lockdown Heavy Burst -> X Continue with the rest of your skills that do less damage. If cooldowns are up continue with This rotation or try to simulate it with what you have. remember this Long Distance Burst --> Lockdown --> Heavy Burst --> repeat / use skills outside of this rotation (Use what you have) High>Low damage skills. Defensive Stigma Tree Rotation Use or + from the start (when you're in close range of the Aethertech) 20 15 + = --> Jump to Lockdown Heavy Burst 25 or 20- 15- 6 6 6 8 8 6 8 6 6 6 6 20 15 -> X -> -> -> -> -> X -> -> ->-> -> -> ->X -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->X ↑ or -> -> ->-> ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ 20 20 X X X ->X Long Distance Burst Lockdown ->X Heavy Burst Continue with the rest of your skills that do less damage. If cooldowns are up continue with This rotation or try to simulate it with what you have. remember this Long Distance Burst --> Lockdown --> Heavy Burst --> repeat / use skills outside of this rotation (Use what you have) High>Low damage skills. Disclaimer: These reviews and difficulty ratings are based on personal experience and skills. No offense is intended to any class or any individual that plays them. Your experiences may vary; these are only meant to be a guideline to help during your encounters. The Aethertech calls you NOW! Hopefully you have a better understanding of this class now, and that you're interested in trying out the Aethertech. Keep practicing to become better, and if you want me to teach you some rotations or teach the Aethertech ingame then just simply whisper me when I'm available or message me here. If some things are unclear then just write it down in the comments or if you see some things that could be changed in your opinion then let me know. This is an open guide and still in development. SMASH THE LIKE BUTTON IF YOU ENJOYED READING THIS GUIDE ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Username: Senju-Asmodian Contact me ingame or the Forum Twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/senjuowo
  13. 13 points
    Имя - Nounzero Фракция - Asmo Сборка кайфулек по всему миру EuroAion.
  14. 13 points
    Hey everyone! Here's a teleportation guide I made with my extremely advanced MS Paint skills. Jokes aside, I hope this is helpful for some of you. For lager images, just click on the image twice until a new tab opens. Katalam: Elyos Katalam: Asmodian Danaria: Elyos Danaria: Asmodian The teleports from a garrison are only available if your fraction occupies that specific garrison, while the teleports to a specific garrison are always available, no matter which fraction the target garrison belongs to, as you are teleported to a safe zone that is close by. I really did create this with Microsoft Paint took me quite a while If you find mistakes, please tell me (especially on the Asmodian side, as I'm Elyos) And if you find this guide helpful, please leave a Like
  15. 12 points
    Nickname: Badvibe Category: screenshot/collage
  16. 12 points
    Nickname: Belaf Race: Asmo Category: handmade
  17. 12 points
    Nickname: Romantic Race: Elyos Category: Screenshot / Collage
  18. 12 points
    Nickname: Romantic Race: Elyos Category: Handmade
  19. 12 points
    Когда ваша компнания появилась на форуме мне сразу стало понятно что с вами будет ряд проблем. Так и произошло. Игроки вашего легиона не прекращают маты и оскорбления и большинство из них неоднократно получали блокировку чата на длительное время. Тоже самое касается форума. Выкладывать личные фото игроков (даже если это фото взято из интернета и никак не относится к конкретному пользователю) - запрещено. Если говорить конкретно об этой теме. Присылается скриншоты и на этом все. Нам не нужны ваши комментарии и рассуждения. Мы выдаем наказания в соответствии с правилами сервера. Либо вы ведете себя адекватно и продолжаете играть, либо я прекращу весь этот цирк полностью (как в игре так и на форуме). Мы не трехдневная помойка на которой можно все что угодно.
  20. 11 points
    Nickname: Milize Category: handmade Finally shugo from flowershop got her bouquet too Process:
  21. 11 points
    Nickname: Meleze Elyos Category: handmade
  22. 11 points
    Nickname: Leonore Race: Elyos Category: photo from real life
  23. 11 points
    Поздравляю команду и игроков Euro Aion с Днём Рождения сервера Для кого-то день рождения сервера - это просто ивенты, а для кого-то по-настоящему семейный праздник! Мы не просто играем здесь, у каждого своя история любви, дружбы или соперничества. Огромное количество эмоций, моментов и воспоминай остается в памяти, и это отличный повод отметить этот день, как День рождения близкого друга! Так что у нас тут IRL шоколадная башня с блэк джэком и вишней ну и процесс создания Asmo - Eecho handmade
  24. 11 points
    Начиная играть на этом сервере многие не понимают почему такой пинг и так разберем по порядку почему так? Сервер находиться во Франции Провайдер перенаправляет на другой сервер,а не сразу во Францию(что способствует задержке в 100 или 200мс) Какое же решение всего этого?ответ прост Для начало какие программы нам нужны: сам VPN https://pingzapper.com/users/sign_up (это бесплатное решение Впн без подписки Trial 7 day без вылетов итд,но сама подписка на месяц за 250 руб дешевле,чем покупать тот же WTFast) NCPing(встроенная программа от разработчиков,улучшает соединение) Регистрируем аккаунт для VPN (PingZapper) Что нам нужно? (эта Почта+Стим аккаунт) (Будьте внимательны 1 цифра или буква в пароле с большой буквы должна быть на англ далее маленькими) Теперь регистрируем сначала на почту Как зарегистрировали аккаунт Переходим в личный кабинет и видим надпись Active Trial через Steam Переходим в Steam аккаунт и активируем подписку на 7 дней Далее заходим в саму программу и настройка: После заходим в Main Game file и выбираем Aion.bin как на скриншоте И Теперь Возвращаясь на наше меню и указываем путь Лаунчера (Launcher file(optional) После этого как указаны все файлы Aion(bin и лаунчер) переходим в другую вкладку и нажимаем (Next) и Так здесь выбираем Европу и Сервер Automatic (Почему так?иногда сервера перегружены и может быть только хуже,так программа выбирает оптимальный маршрут во Францию, не рекомендую менять страну и лучше поставить как на скриншоте) Нажимаем финиш и профиль готов что дальше? Нажимаем ON в верхнем углу, выделено как OFF) и Заходим в игру,но перед этим рекомендую настроить NCPing Настройка NCPing: Отключаем службы прокси Включаем MSMQ в панеле управления Включаем NCPing и перезагружаем компьютер Включаем MSMQ: Заходим в панель управления Отключение служб прокси и ip helper (они не нужны так как понижают скорость вашего интернета в 200 а то и 300%) что при этом повышает пинг, это файлы реестра безопасны и только отключает службы прокси ProxyDisabled.reg IPHelperDisabled.reg после перезагружаем компьютер и далее настраиваем NCPing Включение NCPing: Далее Теперь смотрим результаты до и после Как видим пинг улучшился в 120% и тем самым обеспечивает плавность игры Данная настройка завершена) Хорошей вам игры !
  25. 11 points
  26. 11 points
    I find the general silence from our admins a little disappointing, to put it mildly. Other than the initial announcement and what we scrap together ourselves from OVH - there is nothing. No roadmap, no insight on what we can look forward to once the servers are back up, just silence. Other than the occasional posts that get deleted in here nothing is going on.
  27. 11 points
    Hello, Right from the start of the match the players are trying to fight. Therefore no ban will be set.
  28. 11 points
    Что продают и покупают на наших базах. А также мохнатый заносчивый шиго Кикоринрин, который в Подземке покупает узы по выгодному биржевому курсу. Цитата из интернет источников: Базы предоставляют услуги такие как телепорт, продажа/покупка экипировки бездны со скидкой, продажа хлама по высокой цене, покупка ресурсов/рецептов для крафта, и многое другое. Так же базы дают возможность выполнения квестов и ежедневных заданий на "Узы кровавой битвы", Серамиумовые монеты" и "Разрушенный серамиум". Базы могут принадлежать как элийцам так и асмодианам с балаурами, для захвата базы нужно убить ее командующего, появляется он в течении определенного времени после захвата базы любой фракции, имя его "Боец отряда защиты **-го легиона", его отличия в том что в его имени нету приписки "особый".
  29. 10 points
    Nickname: Amaiy Category: Handmade
  30. 10 points
    Nickname: Rinrii Category: Handmade
  31. 10 points
    Nickname:Meleze Category:Festive video from the game
  32. 10 points
    Nickname: Meleze Elyos Category: festive video from the game spooky halloween Euroaion <3
  33. 10 points
    Nickname: Cooconut Race: Elyos Category: Photo from real life
  34. 10 points
    Nickname: Avime Race: Asmodian Category: festive video from the game
  35. 10 points
    Nickname: Meleze Category: Handmade Step-by-step of illustration
  36. 10 points
    Пришлось заблокировать и удалить сообщения одного пользователя, так как в большинстве из них мат. Несмотря на то что по факту ничего не изменилось (увеличилось время которое потребуется потратить ради перелива), видим такую вот реакцию переливщиков. Каждый честный игрок понимает для чего это было сделано. Если вам это не нравится - значит вы использовали арены только с целью перелива. Естественно наше решение не изменится. Если будет возможность полностью убрать отказ от входа - мы это сделаем. Всем спасибо за внимание и приятной игры!
  37. 10 points
    Simple collecting of candies can turn the head... to a pumpking! Meleze Elyos
  38. 10 points
    так если вы уже платите цену, то пусть они вас придержат в топе повыше) Или так нельзя? Этот сайт рейтингов и так не плохо получает аудитории в нише айона. в частности, благодаря вашему проекту. мне, допустим, было очень удобно голосовать каждый день. Это помогало мне насобирать на мелкий титул или льготы хотя бы. Даже на амулет на АП хватало. Давайте предлагайте альтернативу/компромисс: к примеру, при внесении доната, повысьте кол-во екоинов на счет или % какой-то хотя бы или скидки, или плюшки на аккаунт/персонажа, при пополнении той или иной суммы. Смысл голосовать на площадках, где не предусмотрен фидбек на игрока.
  39. 10 points
    Dear pleayers, The data center holding our server got into a major incident caused by fire. The firefighters got to the scene right away, but they couldn't stop the fire in the sector 2. Our server is located in the 3rd sector, which wasn't dertoyed but was damaged. The owner of the data center officially announced that the works on the recovery of the sectors are carriedboth during day and night. According to the preliminary information, the approximate date for the start of the servers is disappointing - 19.03. However, there's a possibility that the problem will be solved sooner by moving the harddrives from the old servers to the new ones. Though there's no such possibility for now, we will hope for the best. We could set the servers and start the server with a rollback of one week (the freshest backup of the database we have), but this will take 2 days of work + 1 week rollback. In the end we get even more problems than just waiting. Therefore we are NOT going to use this plan. How will this situation influence the online of the server? It's evident for everyone, that the influence won't be the best. We surely understand it. Some part of the players will go to some other projects, some other will stop playing. We will do our best to keep the online we have and even increase it! While the server is down we will work on the advertisement campaigns, which will be launched right at the start of the server. We do not exclude the possibility of different kinds of events and bonuses. We hope, that you will wait until the server is recovered. We will spend the time we got the most profitably! We are not going to risk and leave everything in the "burnt" data center, that is being restored at a maximum speed. It is possible that malfunctions will appear in the future due to the works held there. Therefore we have already rented the servers in the nearby data center and are setting the hardware. As soon as we get the data from our current servers, we will launch the game server. Surely it will not go without bonuses and presents for all those, who are going to stay with us after all this downtime. Moreover, we will try to implement a range of changes for a better gameplay, including the launch of new game events. Answers for the most frequent questions: Will my accounts and characters be deleted? - no, all the accounts, characters, items and other will be fully saved! Can I continue voting for the server? Will I receive the coins? - yes, you will receive the coins as soon as the server and the profiles on the website are launched. Will the timing of the premium account continue counting while the server is offline? - no, we will increase the timing for the premium for all the accounts. What will happen to the time-limited items, will they get removed? - no, we will prolong the timing for all temporary items. What will happen to the Glory Points, will they continue to get removed daily? - yes. Taking into account that it will influence all the players, we do not see the reason to change it. Especially that there are a lot of complaints about the amount of GP players have. Will there be a compensation for the server downtime? - yes, we've already said above, that we will not forget about the players who are staying at the project. Will the house rent be taken? - we are working to find out the anwer to this question. Will try to set it so the rent won't be taken. What will happen to the items at the broker? - they will be sent back to your game mail. Follow this topic to get more news. And while the server is offline, we invite you to participate in the forum event and show how much you miss the server: Thank you a lot for your patience and support! Updated information (15.03): As published on OVH website, they have again changed the approximate dates for the servers recovery. The network and power will be restored by March, 17 and the servers will be restarted gradually on 22.03. The information is not pleasing, but there's not much we can change. Nevertheless, there's a small possibility, that we will be able to get our data earlier, and we really hope that it will work this way, so we can start EuroAion earlier.
  40. 10 points
    Hello, We have already given the reply to this question many times. Here we work with the stable and good build of the game. We don't possess any other version of the game of a good build, and are not ready to work with java servers, causing ten problems upon fixing one. These words and decisions are not baseless, we already had experience with such servers. In addition to all of this, the version we are on now is loved by a lot of players, and you have probably already seen the messages from them saying that they wouldn't like it to be changed (if it is, they quit). And we all know, that the update of the version will lead to the population decrease, and now we are really not into such experiments.
  41. 9 points
  42. 9 points
    Nickname: Romantic Race: Elyos Category: Festive video from the game
  43. 9 points
    Nickname: Casteel Race: Elyos Category: Handmade screenshots from the production process:
  44. 9 points
    Hey Guys! Since many people (mainly healers) struggle with gear switching macros in this patch, I thought about doing a mini-guide to show you how to do them with Razer Synapse to make your life a little easier (and to not risk ending up naked while switching your gears if you get hit). 1) The very first thing you have to do is to select a quickbar and drag your gear pieces in the skill bar as shown in the screenshot down below. Please make sure to use keybinds that DO NOT require shift+, alt+, ctrl+ and similar (so only number and alphabetical keybinds) 2) After that, you need to go in options, select the Key Mapping section and then go to quickbars. First you need to choose a keybind that you're going to use to switch back to your main skillbar (in my case it will be *), then you need to chose a keybind that will switch you to the quickbar you previously chose for your gear macro (in my case the quickbar number 5 will be binded to the number 7 of my mouse) 3) Once everything is setted in your client options, you will need to go on Razer Synapse, select the "Macro" option, make a new macro and set no delay from the specific window as shown down below 4) After that, you need to start recording your macro: first you need to hit the gear quickbar keybind, then all the keys from the quickbar in which you dragged your gear pieces in, and last but not least the keybind you setted to switch back to your main skills quickbar. Note that even if Synapse will show you the keybinds "twice" it just indicates when the button is pressed and released, so if your macro will look like as the pictures posted below you're doing everything correctly 5) When the macro is done you need to bind it to the same mouse / keyboard button you used to bind your gear quickbar on your aion client, as shown down below And you're done! I hope that my guide has been helpful to those who didn't know how to set this, if you have any kind of question feel free to leave a comment down below or hit me on discord at Chastise#4964 See you in game, folks!
  45. 9 points
    Нужен альтернативный способ получения коинов без доната, в таком случае. Как пример - небольшое количество на акк за закрытие определённых данжей и активностей. Это оживит сервер и предотвратит накрутку ради продажи.
  46. 9 points
    Updates: As published on OVH website, they have again changed the approximate dates for the servers recovery. The network and power will be restored by March, 17 and the servers will be restarted gradually on 22.03. The information is not pleasing, but there's not much we can change. Nevertheless, there's a small possibility, that we will be able to get our data earlier, and we really hope that it will work this way, so we can start EuroAion earlier. Hope to see you all soon!
  47. 9 points
    Hello, dear players! Hard times have reached us. We are experiencing heavy attacks on our game server. These are not usual DDOS attacks which can be prevented by a high-quality anti-DDOS security system (which we already have and which proved its efficiency not even once). We are working on the situation, but it is not that easy at all. For now we cannot provide any time frames. The situation is very difficult. We can certainly deal with it, but only with your support and belief in our strengths. All the essencial information will be published in this topic.
  48. 8 points
    Hi good morning it's really nice today. Moving a bit before I get up from the bed. Of course after you get up you have to do some exercise my butler said not again. Yeehaw ready to kick someone ass. It's rather cold today so I'll do some dance by the fire. Showing beautiful view outside. This is a small corner where I read some books Come and join me for the books. This is where usually my guests to my studio will sit and I share my philosophy with them. Thank you for visiting my studio. I'll go back to sleep now.
  49. 8 points
    1 player instance at Sillus Fortress, Katalam. Can be done 1 time every day. Mainly done for farming composite manastones. In this guide I will not go into the instance itself too much, but will show all of the boxes and keys locations to maximize farming. Each box found contains superior potions, relics, ancient coin and composite manastone bundles. Instance entrance: When inside, follow this route: 1 – box (on top) 2 – box (on top) 3 – box (below) 4 – box (in room) 5 – box (on platform) 6,7,8,9 – box at one of them 10,11 – mob with a cell key 12 – box in cell (use key) 13 – box (glide over waterfall) Let me know if i missed anything or got anything wrong Hope I helped someone, Good luck!
  50. 8 points
    Hello, I was wondering is it's possible to ease the drop rates in DLR/TH. Currently, since this server is retail like, the chance of dropping the extendable weapon of your class in this instance is very (very) low. Futhermore, the "generic" loot we get there most of the time is a mithril medal. The shop doesn't have extendable wrap which can be considered as p2w and i understand. However since most of the people who have an extendable weapon here are those who were in the server during an event where you can drop one, i think it's fair to make one of the hardest instance of the game a little bit more rewarding for the players who can pass through it (indeed there are only 2 teams that are currently doing the instance ely side). In retail, they implemented extendable event/wrap around 4.5 so many ppl already got the weapon but here i feel it's kind of unbalance between players who did the event and the others. I was thinking for exemple to give at least a weapon/accessory/wings/trophy for a successful run. Since there are mythical/non extendable/extendable weapon and we can get stuff that can be from other class, the instance remains challenging. ~ From a desesperate templar