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  1. 14 points
    Hello if it's possible to patch makarna on 4.6 will be nice its my favorite instanz all time its ok if you take that gear out and put manastones or what ever in
  2. 11 points
    Nickname: Milize Category: handmade Finally shugo from flowershop got her bouquet too Process:
  3. 9 points
  4. 7 points
    Nickname: Xpom Category: скриншот/коллаж
  5. 7 points
    I totally agree! Adding Makarna to 4.6 would be a great idea! The instance is really fun and engaging to run. Like Katalamize, it requires 12 players, which adds a nice layer of coordination and teamwork. Also, I think many players are on this server for PvE content too, and having a high-level challenge would be a great way to keep things interesting. It would offer a fresh objective for PvE enthusiasts and bring way more variety to endgame activities.Of course, for the sake of game balance, I also agree with Ippi, the loot should be adjusted. Instead of endgame gear, rewards like skins, Glory Points, or even enchantment stones could be great alternatives maybe. I really hope this suggestion gets considered!
  6. 5 points
    Использование чит-программ: Lxuder Saorla Gostoso Danadaa Raund Mblmpa Kljvnfdkjbvhxkfl Cabulozo Detroyd Juditi Dannada Cabuloza Kakaroto Komoku Kufra Kirubi Использование ботов: Weqs Davira Oyee Wqdq Bvhg Tulang Lopiy Sleepingbeaver
  7. 5 points
    Nickname: Lavya Category: Handmade
  8. 5 points
    Nickname: Milize Category: screenshot/collage
  9. 5 points
    This is a beautiful idea, and I fully support it. Expanding PvE content would add depth and richness to the game, creating opportunities for more challenges. I truly hope this is considered.
  10. 5 points
    That would be really nice, I understand that you remove the gear too but just doing the instance would be fun if it is adapted to our current gear.
  11. 4 points
    Nickname: Romantic Category: Screenshot / Collage
  12. 4 points
    I would like to see more end game instances especially alliance instances. It's a good idea to keep the server population sastisfied and not burned out by doing the same instances we already have.
  13. 4 points
    Dear players, Meet the winners of the competition! Screenshots 1 RescueMeMate 2 Aelitka 3 Lagren, Leonore Handmade 1 DariaT 2 Dragomir 3 Belaf Videos 1 Melizé 2 Cat 3 Qmops, milenbrest, Roxane Winners of the first and second places are kindly asked to contact @Veda or @TheAlmighty in private messages and tell about the chosen skin as a reward. Congratulations and that you all for participation!
  14. 3 points
    Suggestions for Improving the Recharger System Hello everyone, I’d like to suggest some improvements to the current recharger system. New Recharger Map: The current recharger map should be replaced with Padmarashka’s Cave. Disabling Godstones: In the new recharger map, Godstones should be disabled to ensure fair fights. Reset of Potions and Scrolls: All potions and scrolls should be reset. No Consumption of Potions and Scrolls: Potions and scrolls should not be consumed, making fights more cost-effective I think this could improve the current recharger map by a lot. (Sarpan is not good)
  15. 3 points
    Использование читов: Vadaucu Siririca Cascatinha Продажи игровых ценностей за реальные деньги: Easyeasy Iwantsleep Zaenka Rellaxinka Deadem Sollary Shirry Handover (only lvl 65 nicknames here, more accounts are blocked) Adoration Holyflame Jingwei Hyeena Ansquirkik Depthcharge Lovewings (only lvl 65 nicknames here, more accounts are blocked)
  16. 3 points
    Nickname: Bakomyu Category: Collage
  17. 3 points
    Nickname: Milize Category: festive video from the game
  18. 3 points
    Nickname: Lavya Category: Screenshot / Collage
  19. 3 points
    Hello i know how its works (i mean exacly) first it exsist only broken 4.8 version first step is to fix it next one is at 4.8 its a new skill system but i can handle it like i take 4 clerics for aoe dispel and last one is its enough take ppl with hyperion gear or lower (ancient coin set) special here is a good leader who knows all steps i will make videos on youtube how to do it <3
  20. 3 points
    Totaly agree!
  21. 3 points
    I think some people would be happy if there was a way to bring Makarna into the game. If my information is correct, you have had a capable programmer in your ranks for some time, so I believe in you. The loot implementation I would describe as follows since the gear for the patch is maximum overkill it would be nice if you can get endcontent things like temps, good mana stones how about the 70 dual mana stones that have been in the game since 4.5 only not on euroaion or just HP/Crit stones not only once a year via the tia eye event there is so much possible. And since it's PvE, you can't make it asmo Zergen and create an event just for asmos like the crate event where elyos don't participate. In addition, there are these PvE ranks and if you had more content there, we would also be very happy Runatorium has now focused on PvP and so you could expand the PvE again simply something where we have content we are now running Kata 6ppl because we are bored!
  22. 3 points
    I think this would be a nice addition. Bringing Makarna to 4.6, even with some adjustments, sounds like a good idea. Hope the devs consider this!
  23. 3 points
    С чего тебя так р@спидор@сило?
  24. 2 points
    Ивент сугубо для синов. Раньше хоть сундук быстро не убивался. А теперь син за 1сек залил и убежал.
  25. 2 points
    Скрин - моё почтение. Такой детализированный что прям всё видно.
  26. 2 points
    Ну и ничего вы не сделаете. Такое постоянно в игре бывает. Добавляете в ЧС и не ходите больше в пати.
  27. 2 points
    Ник: Ogara Раса: Элийцы Категория: Скриншоты
  28. 2 points
    имя персонажа: Monyavr раса: Elios категория работы: игровое праздничное видео
  29. 2 points
    Nickname: Tokadushka Race: Elyos Category: Video from the game I wish you a very happy Women’s Day! Be loved and happy❤️
  30. 2 points
    Nickname: Voockie Category: Скриншот/коллаж
  31. 2 points
    I dont make spam (if is spam just delete post). At official server they are running <<event>> for class change is thin posible it will be funny btw ?
  32. 2 points
    Nickname: Encantador Category: Screenshot / Collage
  33. 2 points
    Так работает макрос, не внутриигровой, а например на мышке, поэтому проверки на ботов не дают ожидаемого Вами результата. Для того чтобы понять кто и как собирает эфир не нужно тратить время, следить за сборщиками и проверять на ботов - достаточно просто открыть аук, посмотреть на пару-тройку одних и тех же ников с которых выкладывается эфир тысячами ежедневно. Ах, ну да, это просто игроки которым по фану собирать эфир 24/7, а никакие не доширачники с фп
  34. 2 points
    Nickname: Aquisi Category: Screenshot/Collage
  35. 2 points
    С Международным женским днем! Пусть будет много счастья в нём, И красоты, сюрпризов ярких, И комплиментов самых сладких. Пусть сердце верит, любит, ждет, И счастье в светлый дом придет. По пустякам — не огорчаться, А жизнью, в целом, наслаждаться! Дорогие наши девушки, поздравляем вас с праздником! В честь праздника мы вводим скидки в игровой магазин сервера. Акция действует с 07.03 по 14.03 включительно. Цены в игровом магазине снижены на 20% на внешние виды, костюмы, ремоделы оружия, крыльев и щитов.
  36. 2 points
    Для прекрасного цветка Даэвы! Празднуем весну и поздравляем прекрасный пол в Айоне! Флоринрин посетила столицы со своей цветочной лавкой. Спешите поздравить своих любимых женщин. Ивент доступен с 07.03 по 18.03 Флоринрин можно найти в столицах рас по указанным точкам: Персонажи женщины (с 50 ур.) могут получить особое задание у Флоринрин: [Ивент/ежедневно] Для прекрасной тебя (для женщин) В награду можно получить [Ивент] Корзинка с шоколадом, который можно отдать в благодарность за цветы другому персонажу. Предметы, получаемые из корзинки: Персонажам мужчинам (с 50 ур.) особое задание доступно в Цветочном киоске позади Флоринрин: [Ивент/ежедневно] Для прекрасного тебя (для мужчин) В награду за задание вы получите [Ивент] Корзинка с цветами, которую можно вручить любимой даме. Предметы, получаемые из корзинки: [Ивент] Корзинка с цветами и [Ивент] Корзинка с шоколадом ограничены по полу персонажа и предназначены для обмена между игроками. Общие задания, доступные всем персонажам (с 50 ур.): [Ивент/ежедневно] Для тебя с любовью В награду выдаются [Ивент] Букет цветов х10. Можно использовать на другого игрока (или на себя через таргет), чтобы наградить его бафом на ускоренное восстановление здоровья и маны, а также DP. (работает как напиток) [Ивент] Для прекрасного цветка - ежедневное задание В награду выдается Весенний сверток припасов, с которого можно получить полезные припасы. Награды со свертка: Предметы [Ивент] Корзинка с цветами и [Ивент] Корзинка с шоколадом будут удалены у всех персонажей 25.03.2025! Поздравляем с праздником и желаем приятной игры!
  37. 2 points
    Nah its totally doable with the actual endgame gear, ppl just need to really have a gear (enchanted and good stones) When we got makarna we just got a 2nd option to be endgame geared: Blessing hyperion or farm Makarna with base hyperion/EB/whatever and get Beritra set since they are very similiar (Beritra: https://aioncodex.com/en/item/110551211/ Blessed hyperion: https://aioncodex.com/en/item/110551096/ for comparison) Anyway, TOTALLY agree. Always loved Makarna, and its quite more challenging than any other PvE content which is something we need now to appreciate the easy PvE we have atm. As for the loot and rewards ofc no makarna gear, would be overkill. Maybe skins, chance of tempering, Beritra wings (which we already have but locked into PvP event), or even extend materials, composite boxes, medals and ofc GP with same amout as IS. Anything related to endgame needs is ok! .........maybe add a nerfed version of Narakalli too? would be the best thing ever
  38. 2 points
    It makes no sense to talk about a minimum for mb, as you will deal damage regardless of it. Maybe you meant mb cap, which is around 4,300 in this case, and means that anything above that mb value won't increase your damage.
  39. 2 points
    Of course Makarna can be done with kata gear, how do you think they did it when it came out on retail? And what do you mean minimum 3900 MB ? I think this is a great idea, it would add something to do for players who prefer PvE and are currently looking for challenges in the game. There are plenty of cool instances, but not many end game ones, and Makarna is both. It would also bring back some nostalgia and memories for those who used to do it on retail. Regarding the gear, it is completely up to the admins if they prefer to add it to the game or not. Personally I think it would not be a good idea, as it would cause too much imbalance and make other end game instances way too easy. But even without the new gear and something like skins or manastones as rewards instead, adding Makarna to the server would be amazing and I really hope the admins can make it work someday.
  40. 2 points
    I totally agree, there have been several improvements to PvP lately but none to PvE, I think players like me who are focused solely on PVE would appreciate it. Also as an idea for boss loot (Completely apart from everything I can drop, considering of course the enormous difficulty that this instance would present for players with the equipment of this version.) , what do you think about the Kaisinel Mythical Weapon skins? I've attached a video. https://aioncodex.com/5x/item/100501401/ https://aioncodex.com/5x/item/101701455/ https://aioncodex.com/5x/item/100201620/ https://aioncodex.com/5x/item/101901205/ https://aioncodex.com/5x/item/100901474/ https://aioncodex.com/5x/item/102001327/ https://aioncodex.com/5x/item/102101143/ https://aioncodex.com/5x/item/100001912/ https://aioncodex.com/5x/item/100101438/ https://aioncodex.com/5x/item/101801299/ https://aioncodex.com/5x/item/101301361/ https://aioncodex.com/5x/item/115001893/ https://aioncodex.com/5x/item/100601519/ https://aioncodex.com/5x/item/101501458/ My idea is that every time the final boss of Makarna dies he randomly drops one of all the weapons, with no possibility of trade. The skins themselves should not be a problem since I have copied their code into the game and the item exists.
  41. 2 points
    I totally agree.
  42. 2 points
    Когда уже на вашем сервере станет онлайн 100 человек на обе рассы???А потом вы закроете нахуй вашу сраную еврохуету и начнёте торговать своими жопами,чтобы не сдохнуть с голода
  43. 2 points
  44. 2 points
    The girl with anxiety o_o
  45. 2 points
    Waiting for a camp in Katalam
  46. 1 point
    Hello. Thank you for your offer.
  47. 1 point
    Cheats: Vadaucu Siririca Cascatinha Trading For Real Money: Easyeasy Iwantsleep Zaenka Rellaxinka Deadem Sollary Shirry Handover (only lvl 65 nicknames here, more accounts are blocked) Adoration Holyflame Jingwei Hyeena Ansquirkik Depthcharge Lovewings (only lvl 65 nicknames here, more accounts are blocked)
  48. 1 point
    Fixed after maintenance, thank you!!
  49. 1 point
    Nickname: Tokadushka Race: Elyos Category: Screenshot/Collage
  50. 1 point
    It would be great to have some new dungeons and other content, as the only endgame activities available right now seem to be Katalamize and/or trying out wacky things like duo bridge. Adding fresh content would definitely be a positive change!