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  1. 5 points
    Race: Elyos Nickname: Meleze
  2. 5 points
    Race: Elyos Nickname: Cooconut
  3. 5 points
    Name: Mirtel Faction : Elyos
  4. 4 points
  5. 4 points
    Name: Mirtel Faction : Elyos Category: Video
  6. 4 points
  7. 4 points
  8. 4 points
    To improve PVP quality, I think should be good for everyone create a new queue for KBF and EOB for people who play in American Countries, because Euro Aion has players from the whole world but in the EU time is not accessible to everyone... Of course I know the server is EU, but most of these people who play from other regions just go AFK in this PVP instances cuz they're working or just can't play at the moment, so I think a new timer would improve the queue for who play from EU Region because AFK players should decrease drastically, the server would become more active and competitive in European dawns, there are around 250~400 players Online every occidental night and this would rise if ppl had something to do. My suggestion is around 3 AM~5 AM server time to Queue up these PVP instances. I hope you guys understand and consider, ty!
  9. 3 points
    hello, my video for the competition<3 Faction: Elyos Nickname: Iyubov
  10. 3 points
    Hi good morning it's really nice today. Moving a bit before I get up from the bed. Of course after you get up you have to do some exercise my butler said not again. Yeehaw ready to kick someone ass. It's rather cold today so I'll do some dance by the fire. Showing beautiful view outside. This is a small corner where I read some books Come and join me for the books. This is where usually my guests to my studio will sit and I share my philosophy with them. Thank you for visiting my studio. I'll go back to sleep now.
  11. 3 points
  12. 3 points
    Annuminas, Элиос
  13. 3 points
    The recently added NPC Velma with some skins, titles, and moves acquired by AP+Ceramium Medal was a piece of cake, but we have some useless coins in the game such as Conqueror Mark and Ceramium Coin which give very weak and poor rewards, I think most people would like if new items were introduced in these stores, such as new skins, mounts, pets, supply items... This type of change could lead to more people farming Daily quests and dungeons to reach their new goals.
  14. 3 points
    it would help a lot, there are a lot of players who have a lot of medals, but they can't get a rank because they don't do siege or eob, ob, due to the server schedule here in Brazil, kamar and eob in the early hours of the morning for you wouldn't disturb the server, just would attract more players from this South American region
  15. 3 points
    just complementing, not only would benefit abroad regions but also wouldnt impact negatively servers quality based on the fact that players have limit per day on those instances, im not any specialist but by far it looks only favorable for the server and community diversity
  16. 2 points
  17. 2 points
    Alternate version of contest art someone said it's too flashy so I post it here instead
  18. 2 points
    Hello! My screenshot for the competition. Catpuccino, Elyos
  19. 2 points
  20. 2 points
  21. 2 points
    hey my screenshot for the event :3 Shauny, Ely
  22. 2 points
    Hello, I suggest changes to following instances to incentivize players to run them: -Danuar sanctuary -Dragon lord refuge I've seen no one run these, especially danuar sanctuary and it would be a good change to diversify pve on this server. Also christmas event shouldn't be the only place where players could get extendible weapon, relying on event for such and important weapon for some classes it's just bad design. So I'd suggest a drop increase or additional drop for DLR (could be even some composite manastone bundles so at least you have a reason to run it). I understand you want to keep it retail like, but please look at least adding something to Danuar sanctuary, it's just sad to have a endgame run that no one runs ever. Besides that you could perhaps look in Ophidan bridge (pve) too or less popular instances. While eternals can give good stones very few people seem to bother with it. PvE shouldn't be a sauro grindfest. Thanks!
  23. 2 points
    I think implementing GP in the ING/GELK siege and changing the rotation of the current sieges would be much better... the whole week doing only 2 sieges is quite boring, if ING/GELK were added to the siege calendar to occur twice a week it would be amazing. Just a suggestion:
  24. 2 points
  25. 2 points
    pleeeease, need that for yesteday! im like 4 month farming only EB daily and on wknd doing siege for GP. Kamar and EOB at this time would help a bunch of ppl that can't do on actual server time
  26. 2 points
    Let's not forget about dungeons of forts. I mean Pradeth and Sillona. I've seen someone running them only once for each.
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
    Before anyone comment it's Ukraine flag I thought blue and gold would looks good and I copied from my keyboard lighting but turns out to be Ukraine flag 3D sphere butterfly is completely experiment lol
  29. 1 point
  30. 1 point
    Alternate artwork I made while I'm bored it's totally experimental
  31. 1 point
    Ну типа да, но я так смотрю в последних пару месяцев дроп пак не на что не влияет, и смысла его покупать нет И администрация так нас видит, обращений в теме куча, ответов только на те сообщения которые им подходит
  32. 1 point
    Notes : Im using +5%Speed Title, +4%Speed Candy, Lucky Vinna ll (+2%Speed). He is not using Lucky Vinna ll. In the clip you can see my profile open, and my speed. The player is behind me, trying to reach me. You can clearly see the player closing the distance between us -/+5meters per second. Thoughts? Hopefully Admins will do their job. P.S. The clips quality might be low, you can also watch it here : https://www.twitch.tv/server_ea/clip/CuteUninterestedMinkEleGiggle-i5dX4PO0Kfj90WEf fei.mp4
  33. 1 point
    Он попросту пустой, там даже ничего не падает. Так и должно быть по отношению дропа, но не ИВЕНТА как будто. Если единственное что вы написали, это ограничение по лвл.
  34. 1 point
    I solved it. Changed some zeros in the system.config data to 1 . I hope thats allowed
  35. 1 point
    1. Fail to fulfill the simplest request of the tank. 2. Call the tank a motherfucker. 3. Cry that you will report him when you were rightfully kicked. *Facepalm*
  36. 1 point
    когда будут мы сделаем обявление
  37. 1 point
    Hello. Thank you. We will definitely check these characters.
  38. 1 point
    I agree, I myself never bother to go any of those.Sometimes people call for Ophidan bridge (pve) and I am like "nah". Would be fun do other instance, but we at least some reward that are worh my time
  39. 1 point
    Если выстален чей-либо тридцатитысячник и его заливают балауры, то йорик заканчивается с тем количеством очков, которые были набраны, и по их кол-ву определяется победитель
  40. 1 point
    I agree, we need more stuff to do in game. And different ones, especially if we think the server is forever 4.6.
  41. 1 point
    Hello. Thank you for the offer. We'll think about it.
  42. 1 point
    A little bit extra photoshoot outside studio From dusk until dawn
  43. 1 point
    Hi, thank you for the response. My friend told me to just make a new one and keep the same name since i was just lv10 that time.. And its still easy to lvl. Im sorry for the trouble. ^^ I took it as a lesson and make sure not to happen again. Sorry for late reply since i havent visited the forum yesterday. Again, thank you so much for the response 🥰
  44. 1 point
    если покупка запрещена, то как можно предоставлять вам чеки? Вы там здоровы вообще?
  45. 1 point
    Я вас понимаю. А есть в планах хоть что-то изменить в ивентах или контенте игры?
  46. 1 point
    Sieges can't be fun every day, it depends on what the players are doing, if they try a serious attack or not. I think it's working fine since years and see no reason to change it.
  47. 1 point
    I do play also from day 1 and i think we came to the point where sieges are the most boring part of the game, whereas they should b the peak fun of the day. It's obviously playerbase fault it's like that but admins should try to change up things a bit. Don't u think so? I mean it sad that its 100 times more fun to pvp before siege at kisk areas and at EB camp then at siege.
  48. 1 point
    Thanks for this guide although I using for buffs the concept still same so I appreciated it ;D
  49. 1 point
    Funshroom hat most important request here [item:125004794] Funshroom's Hat - Aion Codex
  50. 1 point
    This change sucks badly and it shows now. L120 cost 60-70m on broker and almost always fail on Mythic Weapon. Seriously, how are we supposed to succesfully enchant mythic gear with L120 Stones? You need L115-130 Stones to enchant them from +0 to +15 with maximum success rate. Since theres almost no other way to get them, you should really think about adding L130 back to the drop table and also increase the rate, over 10 Tia siege boxes and zero enchantmant stones is just, too low. I wasted hours for 9 mithril and 1 cera medal.