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  1. 2 points
    Ok, so i am quite sure that most of the things i am about to say have already been said in different forms. But how about listing some pro's and cons first: Pros for resetting the GP ranks: -Invites or brings back new or old players that for various reasons have given up rank climbing. -mose likely sieges will be more active and balanced. -have the posibility to turn EoB and kamar into something active rather than insta win or insta lose. -forces factions to work together. I.e making it harder for top ranks to keep their small transform groups. Cons for resetting the GP ranks: -the most obvious one is that it's a major slap in the face of the people that has actively played from day 1 to the extent that a lot will quit is my guess. -it'll be way easier for people with alts to occupy multiple high ranks -Eob and kamar will be in the risk of going into only being done by dodging to gain HP. i.e both pvp instances will compeltely die. -Siege trading both kills and forts will have higher incitements. Pros for removing gp from arenas: -possible lowering of dodges and sniping off own alts. -possible shorter entries -less wintrading -less ticket farming by alt sniping. cons for removing gp from arenas: -possibility to completely kill arenas in terms of activity. -possibility of no entries at all due to no one going -redering glory tickets useless. i.e yet another slap in the face to people that give their all to win. -returning people that counts on glory to make quick ap, cera and rank loses the best method of doing so. Why it's stupid to reset gp's? Simple, a whole new range of incitements to game the system gets created. If people thought prior to reseting gp that trading forts, people killing their alts for ap/gp and the high ranks sticking together to ensure max reward were issues now, those issues are about to increase by several orders of magnitude. If you are high ranked, lets say rank 1-10 which would be governor down to gret general and you want to keep your rank. The best strategy is to simply either leech of the faction when it's certain that a fort will be captured or to never aid the faction by keeping your transform as a benefit to the chosen few. i.e ensuring the max reward for yourself as well as your friends/fellow top ranks. Next issue, why will fort trading increase? Ooh that's easy to explain, owning the forts comes with the forts defence mechanism which increases and in some cases ensures higher rewards/more gp. The logical strategy – albeit ignoring lets say moral and ethical considerations – is to simply make a deal with opposing factions legion and keep the high ranks within a select few. Why will alt killing increase? Just look up as the other factors will be more deciding in terms of gp farming people will – although one can debate if wrong or not – resort to killing their alts to makeup for the lack of other oppertunities given to the select few. Why it's stupid to remove gp from arenas? I'll try to make this one short, but will without doubt fail in doing so. Removing gp from arenas will without doubt for starters render the "top player" competition useless as there are two scenarios taking place. 1. a select few players of perhaps 10 or less will fight for the rank 1 spot dodging each other endlessly as it's the only people doing arenas. 2. No one at all will do arenas. Next thing, removing gp from arenas removes the fastest way for returning players and future new players to climb the ladder as well as gearing up. Glory arena is without doubt the best way to farm gp, ap and ceramium medals; all four being some of the key things a player needs to progress in game. By removing the gp from glory arena one can still argue that the other things remains, but it comes with an a priori assumtion that people will continue to farm glory tickets and infact do glory arena. Not to mention that the same issue as mentioned before regarding "top players" will play a role here as well, making it for example impossible for new players to get a chance on winning as they'll get matched with the minority that will be going for the top spot on the rank list. Lets continue to harmony. I dare say that the 3v3 is the most balanced pvp in the patch, EoB pvp wise as comparison for example is garbage given the huge pve factor in it. The only counter argument i can see here is that 3v3 will remain alive cause people enjoy pvp. That in itself may hold a grain of truth but it will without doubt be here as well only a very select few, for example the maximum of 15 players doing training harmonies. On top of previous issues harmony also suffers from an additional one which is that it suffers from people getting bored. If the playerbase shrinks the opponents shrink and that way the group compositions and content making it a rush to the bottom regarding the death of harmony. The only arena i will grant being a good option to remove gp from is chaos arena. To which can be gone into. But lets go outside of specific arenas, it's also stupid to remove arenas as it forces people to do sieges, eob and kamar in a as gp-ensuring way as possible which translates to what i already mentioned in the earlier section. But it also brings with it a whole new hazzard of eob and kamar ending up being 99% dodges to ensure gp. i.e killing off that content as well. Suggestion. Leave the arenas alone when it comes to giving gp. With alterations such as burning tickets upon entry pop as well as on no opponent entering reducing the gp to for example half of what it gives upon winning. albeit on doing such a thing a calculation has to be made so it is still worth winning rather than losing. Here's what I would do. -Reset the gp to answer that call albeit it wont come without a cost. -Burn tickets upon entry pop but let arenas still give gp -Alter the amount of gp for arenas I did not mention any issues regarding playable hours and so on due to the complexity of that, even if it for example affects myself to a great degree as when work hours goes back to normal sieges are to late and stopping to play becomes close to an inevitable outcome.
  2. 2 points
    Челы, вы такие забавные. Вас никто не заставлял копить билеты, не спать ночами, и тому подобное, описываемое выше. Вы всё делали сами, вы сами тратили своё время. Я бы предложил полный сброс, чтобы некоторые уникальные личности ещё больше погорели. Но а в целом, я думаю обнуление до стандартных значений стоит взять на постоянку. Т.е раз в пол года точно. Всё равно вы будете играть так же целыми днями. Копить билеты ( а точно, не будете теперь хехе) и не спать ночами. Я думаю это должно неплохо повлиять на рост. Ибо очень много челиков знаю, которые не пошли играть сюда, чисто из-за того что невозможно подняться даже до офика 2 (люди без жизни не в счёт). А так будет возможность. По поводу арен 50/50. С одной стороны и хорошо. Топ будет продвигаться медленнее, да и переливов не будет. Но с другой стороны, это может убить арены. Ибо думаю большинство на них за ОС и ходило. Как и писал(ла) выше админ(модер), нужно посмотреть что будет. Если совсем арены будут мёртвые, то думаю стоит ввести доп награду. Если поможет, то пусть так и остаётся. Принципе всё что думаю по этому поводу, написал. И никогда не хотел обидеть( на всякий).
  3. 1 point
    Добрый день, друзья! Так наш сервер является в большинстве своем англоязычным и ориентированным на Европу, то очень часто в чате вы можете видеть незнакомые названия, которые повергают вас в удивление. В данной теме я постараюсь перечислить все известные данжи и их названия в английском языке, включая сокращения, употребляемые в повседневном общении. Сокращения данжей/локаций : NTC - Тренировочный лагерь Насан FT - Святилище огня SR - Корабль "Стальной плавник" DC - Пещера Драубнир DP - Фоэта тьмы ALab - Секретная лаборатория повстанцев Tlabs - Лаборатория Теобомоса Adma - Форт Адма Eso - Арака SC - Тоннель Силентера Rentus, RB - База Рентаса TE, eye - Око Тиамаранты Divine - Око Арэшурата Besh HM / BTHM - Храм Пхасумандир Raksang - Тамарэс HEX/Hexway - Коридор/Тоннель предательства Forest / Manor, EF / AM - Лес Раттис/Резиденция Доркель Muada - Гнездо владыки песка Satra - Харанилище Ситры Dredge - Дерадикон Padmarashka - Пещера Мариссы TS, Tsh - Форт Тиамат UT,LUT - Храм Удас / Нижний храм Удас DLR - Пристанище лорда балауров Katalam - Северный Каталам Danaria - Южный Каталам DS/Danuar Sanctuary - Прибежище Рунов IS/Infiniti Shard – Каталамадж RST/IO/Illuminary Obelisk- Башня Рунов/Дайнатум OB/Ophidan Bridge - Мост Йормунганда SSB/ Sauro Supply Base - Военная база Сауро EB - Ethernal Bastion (Неприступный Бастион) IWW - Неприступная твердыня KB - Поле битвы Камара EOB - Тоннель Йормунганда (пвп 6х6) UA - Верхняя Бездна Unstable Abyssal Splinter или UAS - Разрушенные Руины Хаоса Reshanta - бездна DR (Danuar Reliquary) - Рунадиум (Грендаль) LDR (Lucky Danuar Reliquary ) - Изи-Грендаль для новичков Ваши дополнения приветствуются!
  4. 1 point
    Доброго времени суток уважаемые игроки! Учитывая то, что нашему проекту идет уже третий год и то, что верхний порог рейтинга игроков уже почти достиг отметки в 300 тыс. ОС нами было принято решение провести "порезку" очков славы до стандартных значений. Все "лишние" очки славы, количество которых выше чем в указанной таблице, будут удалены! Данные изменения вступят в силу в ближайшее время. Каждый игрок останется в своем ранге! Если ваш текущий ранг - "Офицер 5-го ранга", то у вас будет 5210 Очков славы. У Военачальникa же будет 12437 ОС, у Командующего - 11503 и так далее. Все игроки, которые на момент проведения "порезки рангов" будут в ранге 1го воина, останутся в своем ранге и будут иметь 1000 очков славы. Такое решение принято не с проста. К нам на регулярной основе поступали предложения об обнулении рейтинга славы. Причина этому - много "мертвых душ" в рейтинге; огромное количество ОС, к которым очень сложно добраться новичку; нежелание новых игроков начинать свой путь на таком сервере. Еще одно изменение касательно очков славы: мы полностью уберем очки славы из награды за Арену Хаоса, Арену Доблести, Арену Покровительства и Арену Славы. Такое решение принято нами после долгих раздумий и анализа многочисленных жалоб от игроков по поводу злоупотребления игровыми механиками при входе на арену со стороны недобросовестных пользователей. Надеемся, что данное решение поможет изменить ситуацию на серверных осадах и и сделает развитие персонажей более увлекательным - ведь теперь у всех будет столько возможностей и перспектив! Не забывайте, что у каждого появится шанс стать новой легендой EuroAion!
  5. 1 point
    Мне одному кажется, что ивент полная шляпа ? (не о дропе речь). Даже не о том, что это ивентом назвать сложно т.к. это просто крабство данжей с доп лутом, а дело в его кривой реализации. В данжи собирают онли дуо/трио, где нужен дпс и хил. Во первых новым игрокам по сути это закрывает дорогу, т.к. в общем тебя никто не возьмет, на счет легов не уверен, мб и найдется кто с тобой сходит, но тож кажется сомнительная затея. Ну а вторая проблема вытекает из первой, вы тратите в 2-3 раза больше времени на прохождения этих данжей (чем если бы была фулл пати), не удивлюсь если есть люди которые это в 2 окна даже делают. И тут вопрос, а для кого этот ивент ? Для крабов у которых онлаин 24ч в сутки и все ради прибыли ? Ради этого и сделали ивент ?) Мне почему то казалось, что ивент должен приносить хоть какое то разнообразие в игровой процесс, ну либо хотя бы быть не настолько душным, просто 0/10. А ведь можно было просто сделать, чтобы коробка была на каждого, без каких то роллов, и все. Не было бы никаких дуо/трио, в не сложные данжи по типу рентаса и тамареса могли ходить и новички без кп/легов, а просто с мирки. Я думал на легенде были хуевые ивенты, но как оказалось...Про фарм значков и обмена их на сундуки вообще молчу) красок 30 упало, и 1 тканевая перчатка без возможности передачи (я син )
  6. 1 point
    В ближайшее время. Точную дату я не могу вам назвать к сожалению. В данный момент мы находимся на финальной стадии подготовки к этому событию.
  7. 1 point
    GP reset is great. But some good suggestions have been made about arena/siege/decay. Yes, ppl have been asking for a GP reset for almost a year, but you know what else ppl keep asking for? Give better rewards for siege to make ppl go!! FFS, why wasn't that an event? "For 2 weeks, elyos get extra rewards for siege" And instead of completely cutting off arena, why not just make the GP award lower and INCREASE the rewards for siege? Then increase the amount of GP you lose per day a little. I know, I know. That requires "coding" and "work" and I'm not sure any of the admin team know enough tech to even implement such changes beyond "have a new crazy expensive skin/mount for shop!"
  8. 1 point
    I think the GP reset is positive, but instead of making it a recurring reset, I suggest that you consider to change how the decay system works for example a 4 star currently loses 98 GP no matter how much GP he/she has, if we take the base GP requirement 3,064 and then add an additional decay of 1% of the excess GP, in my case with about 43k GP that would mean that the daily decay would be an additional 400 GP, this means that if would be very hard to "park" a character with 40k or 100k or more, as the decay would be checked through this mechanism and it would be practically impossible to reach more than about 100k even if you take r1 reward at every siege and capture/defend every fort. As you have the data on how many GP everyone has (and their ranks) such a proportional GP decay would be quite easy to implement. On a second notion this talk about that you can get 900 GP at siege is dishonest at best, first only 4/7 sieges allows for this even theoretically and then 900 GP implies that you have top tier contrib at all forts AND, and this is important, your faction defends/wins all contested forts. When did an ely get 900 GP at siege the last time? In practice if you have some gear and dont have an x-form on ely side and is active you typically can get tier 2-3 contrib, tier-1 is very rare i would say at least at more than 1 fort. This means rather maybe 200-300 GP than 900.
  9. 1 point
    There is a reason why PVP events is most hated and lowest in participation :)) Same could apply for sieges, dont you think? You gave "amazing" rewards for new elyos characters in hopes to balance population, shouldnt this start effecting power balance is sieges too? GP's isn't main problem in this server, power balance is for the last year the problem. You trying to solve problem by cutting GP's and somehow throwing "inactive" people from top rankings and same time making sieges more active. What happens if people still not going to siege and same time you loose bunch of players making specifically elyos side even more unhappy, or same elyos just reroll to asmos side which is very popular thing to do these days. You missed your chance to act on asmos domination for last 12 months, now fixing low participation in sieges issue by cutting everyone from arenas and making that content part irrelevant :)) Zerg rush type content just not appealing to me, and FORCING to go to the siege not going to work for me. GP trading is your issue, not players like me or any other random asmo/elyo, we shouldn't be forced to do anything we don't like (sieges) if you cannot find appealing ways to invite players into that type of content. By cutting out parts of content you not going to solve anything, just alienate huge chunck of people and smartpants traders still gonna trade. If you want more active sieges - give permanent pvp buff to losing side and people maybe start seeing hope to win in even if they are outnumbered. Otherwise it's rip for the server. PS. longer you don't give concrete information (reset date, is it repeatable and etc.), more people will be passive and eventually start looking for new server.
  10. 1 point
    how chinese, koreans and americans players can keep they rank for gear after arenas gp remove ? u gonna add some pvp instances early ? or u move siege early ?u gonna loose these players actually after changes simple they cant keep even rank for they gear anymore .
  11. 1 point
    Ага, а теперь давай посмотрим на это с другой стороны: Вот он я, весь такой красивый, пришел в игру, ну, скажем, пол года назад. Вкачал 65, нашел премейды на все, что хоть какие-то ОСки дает, задонатил на покупку бустов, не сплю ночами, чтобы набить и подняться в ранге. У нас разница в 200.000 ОС. Допустим, я могу в неделю вытаскивать 5000 ОС (что оооочень вряд ли). Если Сенсенман не будет делать ничего (читай, забьет на игру), я догоню ее (его?) за 40 недель (т.е. почти год). Если будет минимально что-то зарабатывать (допустим, 2000 ОС в неделю), то мне потребуется уже полтора года +-. Нет никакого смысла активно участвовать в аренках/осадах/камарах/бастах и твердынях, если ты все равно не сможешь догнать того, кто делает тоже самое, просто раньше начал. А с обрезкой под РЕАЛЬНЫЕ значения - резко появляется смысл фармить все подряд в надежде пошатнуть статус-кво. На сервере не только Сенсенман и Диио играют так-то, все хотят примерить на себя максимальный ранг. На оф вообще ориентироваться не стоит (был там, знаю). Возможно, одна из причин его полумертвого состояния - как раз те, кто нафармил пораньше и сидят на своих местах не слезая.
  12. 1 point
    This is absolutely just appalling straight up. You do realise the entirety purpose of the arenas are for glory points, which was the exact same thing in retail. Arenas providing glory points also gives the players who are from different time zones (across the other side of the world), people who work shift work even in this current timezone the opporunity to be able to somewhat stay competitive in being able to rank up. Removing this, the only way to rank up is through EOB, Kamar, IWW, IS, EB and sieges. You also do realise, a majority of the population has to pug (quick entry) these instances because no one will take or accept someone into a premade of any sort whether it's EOB, Kamar or IWW. They're forced to quick entry, and end up losing for 10 gp. People in these different time zones or people who work late, that's not enough to be able to maintain any sort of rank. This server has like a mean girl clique, and if you're not apart of it you cant join into those instances to gain rank. The new players, players who don't socialise or interact with the majority of the population whether it's language barriers, or just don't vibe. So it's already hard enough for these people to even gain gp to begin with, simply because of that. 10 gp for every loss which a majority of people who do quick group because they cant get into a premade. But back onto the subject about removing gp from arenas, I understand that you want people to be able to interact in sieges and whatnot more to be able to gain gp and thigns like that. But arena gp is a core fundamantal of aion, has it has been for a very long time. You do realise, to mimise the risk of people abusing, or dodging, you could just do what other private servers have done. if you don't enter the arena, the ticket is consumed, easy done. Problem fixed. Either enter, face your opponent, or dodge the queue or don't enter and lose your ticket and your gp from that, that way it is also much easier to monitor those people who would continue to queue dodge even with losing their ticket for their other account to win and get the gp, and just easy ban them. On the topic of sieges as a main contribution to gp, how are you promoting diversity and inclusivity to those people from different paths of life, from different parts of the world where they can't even rank up because the main source of their gp is the arenas, do you expect those people to just wake up at 3-5am just to attend a siege for 1 hour? You realise that is extremely unhealthy, because I know there are quite a few people on this server who are from different parts of the world, whether it's the United States, South America, Australia, Canada. How do you address these people on your server? Who would like to rank up and gain gp? Because they like this server, they like this population, they like being able to do everything that retail had offered them, by simply doing those EOB, Kamar, IWW, IS, EB and not to forget ARENAS. Sure, they'd attend sieges every now and then, but not every single one at 5am. I feel like there are a lot of ways to fix the issues of queue dodging in arenas, and the problems with gp in it. I feel like you're just choosing the most easiest way, the least hassle and least stressful way. Rather than just being able to tackle to problem head on, by consuming the arena ticket and monitoring the people who do go into arenas alone for a quick simple fix. Similiar to the way you've caught siege traders. Please explain to me how these people from these different parts of the world, can feel a sense of inclusivity and feeling like their diversity matters, because from the sounds of this. To put it blatantly, from the sounds of this. You just don't care about those players, and you don't care about them enjoying the game of being able to rank up. Because that's the point of gp in Aion, there's a wide range of ways to gain gp, ranging from the instances, to the sieges, to the pvp instances, to arenas. Which I believe, the purpose of that is to accommodate for people to be able to earn gp in a way that is able to fit into their schedule, into their timezone and into their way of playing aion.
  13. 1 point
    Tbh is good change if you can't fix arena dodges,just watch the situation and maybe put in the future some extra reward for arena.
  14. 1 point
    Hello, I don't think that waiting for dodge is pleasing. However we have so many compaints about the dodgers on this arena. And these people have the ranks that they literally don't deserve.
  15. 1 point
    It's how the game works, you have to get lucky to get those wings are supposed to be hard, but it isn't easy to get them.
  16. 0 points
    Hello till today,I was able to start the client with pingzapper but today I can't.I've checked the client,changed the ip and still same when try to open game with pingzapper Im getting active anti cheat error code 2.I even tried to connect with different server on pingzapper but not works.Does anybody know what should I do ?The game is not playable without ping reduce programmes.
  17. 0 points
    Our server is focused on Europe. We never hide it.