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[Event] Beritra Treasures!

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Admin    422


Beritra treasures awaiting you!

Beritra Legions were moving the treasures of their lord,
but in a hurry they lost a lot of chests on the roads of Danaria.
So what can be found among these treasures...



On the paths of Danaria one can find chests with rewards.
They are scattered all around the location and stay open to the eye right on the roads.


More chests can be found here:


No key is needed to open the chests.

From the chest you can obtain:

  • Tempering Solution
  • Enchantment Stone Lv.90
  • Enchantment Stone Lv.100
  • Enchantment Stone Lv.110
  • Enchantment Stone Lv.120
  • Manastone Pouch  (Green Manastones Lv.60)
  • Stigma shards 100pcs (100%
  • Power Shard: +50  (100%


Changes will be available in game from 14.05 to 23.05 inclusive 

Thank you for attention and have great time in game!

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Xenovia    0
2 hours ago, deslor said:

GG asmos <3 elyos will never get a chest


GG Let give more Power to Asmos

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Rens    0
6 hours ago, deslor said:

GG asmos <3 elyos will never get a chest


well theres a lot of elys there and 3 or 4 asmos so....


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Christof    73
23 minutes ago, carlopoh14 said:

is there a limit in the quantity of chest ? how much is the time of spawning when someone get one?


The time and location are completely random.

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Sliedshut    10
5 hours ago, Darkpika said:

tempering solutions , well here you fked up.

TRASH! Hahahahahaha there's no serum at broker, nice event

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Sliedshut    10
4 minutes ago, Omneity said:

Ignore this event during the day it will be too many people and waste of time, play at night until morning, become a billionaire while everyone is sleeping. Ez Pz. 

Can I make money Irl while u guys play? :)

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carlopoh14    0
7 hours ago, Yzix said:

what a trash event, makes fcking rich +15 set  players richer.

Up whole night and cant even get 1 chest.. 

were waiting chest for 30mins asmo come with xform killed us and stole chest. Or just zerg... and thats at 5AM. Dont even bother trying at day time.


What about event where everyone even new players can participate? not those who has everything...

Yep Rich player getting richer 
strong getting stronger in the end they will just plunder every chest that will come 
newbies will watch them growm more and more while theyre still fcked up eveng at lvling up because of another race bullies 

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TheAlmighty    1,152

Dear players, 

We never force anyone to participate in the event. In the previous one we din't put any temperings and got complaints. Now we did and we get complaints. 
This will at least make the prices lower (as you complained about it too), so ungeared players can buy some solutions too. 

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Kikoro    11
1 hour ago, TheAlmighty said:

Dear players, 

We never force anyone to participate in the event. In the previous one we din't put any temperings and got complaints. Now we did and we get complaints. 
This will at least make the prices lower (as you complained about it too), so ungeared players can buy some solutions too. 

The Problem here is the big picture, its not about whether temperings are in an event or not, it also matter what the event is and who can reasonably expect to profit from it.Yes you aren't forcing anyone to participate but that excuse can be made for literally everything you do and is kind of mute. Events are the most efficent way for you as admins to adjust the ingame economy, ballancing etc. so when u use it you should also take into consideration what effects it will have on those variables. 

So yes, due to many ppl reaching the same level of gear temperings went up in price by a lot really quickly and correcting for that would help a more stable economy and the overall ballance. but this event is badly timed and chosen for this cause:

A. target group is already endgeared maxed pvp players which currently really dont need another boost.
B. Tempering prices may go down but the profit will be just pooled up in the same top players wallets so the overall economy just shifts even more towards them.
C. Instead of making it possible for medium geared players to just get the tempering, you are now forcing them to keep buying them from the players who already have billions in wh.
D. since everyone and their mum is now in need of kinah (as its the only way to get those temps unless u are zerging or got a pocket cleric and 5*) the E coin value also drops to the floor with current prices coming out at 10-13+€ per tempering even for those willing to donate in order to gear up. (elyos) 

The initial impuls of adding an event with tempering is great but it would have had to be one where the nubs can also get them, some kind of collecting shit or shugos or lottery or whatever crap would have worked as long as the tempering and entchant stone supply gets split across different gear and exp levels. That way you would:

A. Keep the economy ballanced since the supply and demand for temperings would match more closely. (edit: I hope you are aware but the price for tempering on elyos side was stable for over a year before, so this is actually quite reasonable to expect) 

B. give new and gearing up players a chance at a starting fund from participating and selling. (temperings in events and drops are generally the best boost for new players as it brings in enough kinah to actually make a difference at most any step of gearing)

C. give those who want tempering two options of either cashing in or grinding the event. 

D. would still get a boost in ecoin sells since many will chose the first option. (this includes me, I was all willing to spend a couple bucks on this since I work more atm, but the proposition of ~13€ a pop for temperings is just ridiculous)

E. the likelyhood of high end players stockpiling the Temperings would be lowered a lot. (the same people as always will be keeping their temperings now expecting prices to go up again after the event, making the current prices artificially higher as well)

F. give both sides equal chance of catching up with gear.

so yea no idea how this shit isnt obvious tbh. but maybe just think of the overall impact you have with the event design next time instead of wondering afterwards why the changes you made aren't seen as good by your players, try to understand WHY they ask for something instead of just giving them whatever they shout for the loudest. 


oh btw. overall I think you are doing a good job with this server, just in regards to events you still seem to get it wrong quite often in this regard.



Edited by Kikoro
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Sentry    29

Your idea seems good but it is not at all successful for several reasons. An event from which only one faction benefits, and within this faction, only a small part, it can NEVER be considered a good event. The prices will not go down for a simple reason, all those who get serums are the same who dominate the broker, in other words, this event serves to monopolize the market even more. To this day we continue to suffer the consequences of the fire, since since the fire the prices of the enchant stones have been through the roof. Invite several friends to the server and EVERYONE has left because it is impossible for them to upload the equipment, not only because the rate of this server is a SHAME but because they cannot get enough kinah, to raise a sad set to +10. Do you want to improve the economy of the server? Put the ALQUIMIA event, put the Shugos 1 month in a row. It is very nice to think that the rarest items must be difficult to get, but the only thing you are getting is that the whales on the server do not allow new players to equip themselves and leave the game.

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Shrr    47

Giving out a couple of untradeable serums as compensation for three weeks of downtime wasn't feasible but spoonfeeding them to a small portion of one faction is? Interesting.

So glad that I stopped playing after the soft reset and the introduction of your bad balanced custom changes. I can see that some effort has been made and you seem to try but alas this effort is wasted since you clearly don't play the same game and thus have no idea what players really want / need.

Best of luck.

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MDNorbee    0

This event only makes the rich/geared ppls more rich absolutely true!It's really nice from Admins put this event on, but its not for 80%of player base (with me too) and this makes more hate/flame/mad  players who acctually can't be apart of event. I dont wanna be fully geared from today to tomorrow...Im working hard on it(really) day by day.  We have to say thank you all Admins to take care of players with events, but i wish you gonna put soon Shugo, or Alquima (like before said) with low rate of serum/temper drop and some new stuff, like Dramata wings (mboost, attack version too) or some item from shop wich is valueable! Also you can sell on shop reset scroll for Shugo or keys.. think about that please!

Pvp event isn't balanced on the server.

Thank you Luv u Euroaion! 

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crypted    30
On 15.5.2021 at 10:53 AM, TheAlmighty said:

Dear players, 

We never force anyone to participate in the event. In the previous one we din't put any temperings and got complaints. Now we did and we get complaints. 
This will at least make the prices lower (as you complained about it too), so ungeared players can buy some solutions too. 

bcuz its only for the strongest! dont u get it? evryone wants a FAIR CHANCE TO GET A TEMPERING INSTEAD OF ONLY A HANDFUL OF WHICH IS ALREADY ON TOP ! are u really that stupid or u do it on purpose? in my opinion, immediatly stop this event and delete all the items handed..... and never do a stupid event again!

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Dessy    22
On 15.5.2021 at 10:53 AM, TheAlmighty said:

Dear players, 

We never force anyone to participate in the event. In the previous one we din't put any temperings and got complaints. Now we did and we get complaints. 
This will at least make the prices lower (as you complained about it too), so ungeared players can buy some solutions too. 

Not at all many of those people use them on they're last part maybe even or sell them expensive 


Other events like higher chance to drop serum from every instance would have been better for anyone.

Since now days the difference between +5 and +0 became so huge there no way to catch up properly with that 

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Sokar    2

The main problem is that an event must be balanced...

for the strongest race and for the weak

for the top player and the beginner

for the hardcore player and the casual

for the pvp player and the pve pleyer

if not the event will be only for one category of player  and this is fine if there is a good rotation of different event, in my opinion it is a while that we have event that advantage the top pvp player

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Kikoro    11
On 15/05/2021 at 10:53 AM, TheAlmighty said:

This will at least make the prices lower (as you complained about it too), so ungeared players can buy some solutions too. 

Lets examine that theory after having about 1 week of data from an elyos perspective: 

Price stable roughly since restart: 250kk~
Price before Event Elyos side broker: 360-375kk / Direct sales lfg I bought one, 2 days before the event at 320kk (which was considered cheap)

Price now after 6 days of this event running and a lot of temperings having been looted: 

399kk on broker !!

buying requests around 370-390kk on lfg, cheapest Ive seen within the last week was at 350kk and that dude really needed kinah.


so yea, that worked amazingly well, didnt it ? Next you'll talk about trickle down economics ? 


It was a valid theory but as so many of us obviously where afraid of, it did not work as you wanted it to and actually did the exact opposite. 


Why ?  cause now those who are not in need of kinah wont sell and rather gamble on feathers etc. those who want kinah can milk the market and get even richer, those who want both can sell the other stuff from the boxes, get more kinah > pay more on tempering if they have to.  This event made the problem worse in many ways. 

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Raidon    108
12 hours ago, Canabis said:

what a useless event, maybe you should increase the chance of getting temperings in Sauro, EB etc.

Oh yes, we had that event once with "50%" drop chance of tempering which is BS, but still it dropped prices to 130kk. It was an amazing event, and made people actually active and play aion to get something instead of AFK near chest spawn locations.

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Dessy    22
16 hours ago, Raidon said:

Oh yes, we had that event once with "50%" drop chance of tempering which is BS, but still it dropped prices to 130kk. It was an amazing event, and made people actually active and play aion to get something instead of AFK near chest spawn locations.

Also the gap between +0 and +5 from some people is a thing nowdays in PvP way 

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TheAlmighty    1,152

Hello, dear players.

As I said before, we had an event with smaller rewards more useful for the not geared players before, and as for the requests, here's the temperings in the drop now. 
There's no difference between the factions, everyone has the same conditions. And there's no way to make open pvp better for one side and more difficult for the other (and the buff is not a way out).

I see some suggestions to add the temperings to the dungeons, but in this case it will be a pve event. 


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TheAlmighty    1,152
Just now, Omneity said:

Do you guys have a schedule for events or are they random? For example.. I would like to know when do "new" (been playing for about 6 moths+ - give or take) players get a chance to get the triklunerks wings again.. 





These wings are from the summer event. It is not summer yet. We will have it soon though, spring is almost over. 

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Christof    73
4 hours ago, Yzix said:

Just make normal events for everyone like shugo tank/gladi/sorc and kill some mobs, circus.. not this ... where impossible get anything.. even own factions comes and steals your box with u were waiting for 40mins as tank and other guys steals with assassin/ranger or gunner.. wasting hours of time for nothing... or just to get mad coz random sin steals your box...

Hey, unfortunately it is not possible to satisfy all players at the same time, but we will take it into consideration for future events.

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Bewbie    0

How about make Dredge/EOB mobs drop temperings or random mobs in whole kata/dana/id?
This way more people would participate in it and have eqqual chance to get it :)

Current event is for small and geared group of players only - exactly what were pissing people off on retail.

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