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Found 17 results

  1. Cler szuka legionu

    Cześć, Szukam najlepiej polskiego legionu po stronie elyos. Nie mam max lvl - 62 dopiero. Nastawiony jestem na Heal i pod tym kątem tylko chciałbym dokończyć robienie postaci. Grałem na globalu dawno temu ale co nieco pamiętam z instancji. Mam discord / teams do reinstalacji z tym że głównie nasłuch. Staram się być regularnie w grze z tym że wieczorami. Na razie żadnego poważnego setu nie posiadam, z tym że na niższe instancję czy jako wsparcie daję rade. Aethertrapping na 480+, Alchemia 500, essencetrapping 240+ Kontakt tutaj lub whisp. Nick: Fosu
  2. [Elyos] WTT +7 attack plume

    WTT my +7 physical plume for your +7 magical one or +8 with extra pay. Elyos side.
  3. Eracus temple bug

    Hi! i make all the quest from the zone and i cant get the quest that give me the entrance to the temple. I hope you can help me. Thanks!
  4. Wtb Stormwing's Dagger skin/куплю Кинжал Рудры, внешка. In game Lmoon
  5. [Elyos] WTT +4 attack plume

    WTT my +4 physical plume for +4 magical one or +5 with extra pay.
  6. Ищу друзей

    Всем привет, ищу напарника/напарницу/компанию для игры на эли-стороне. Айон не внове, но в мое время алики бегали по Кельке и Инге. На этой версии впервые, если у вас уже есть опыт на ней и желание помочь - будет здорово. На сервере недавно, 65 лвл. Голосовая связь есть и активно приветствуется Играю по будням чаще через день, примерно с 20 по мск, в выхи больше. Люто задрить уже не могу
  7. [FR] Nouvelle légion < Q L I M A X >

    Salutations, Je vous annonce la création d'une nouvelle légion francophone sur le serveur EuroAION. La légion se nomme < Q L I M A X > et se situe côté Elyos Les armoiries de légion ressembleront à ceci : Les maîtres mots de cette légion sont et resteront : fun, familiale, chill. Évidemment l'entraide et la bonne humeur sont également prônées ! Ici tu pourras faire du PvE comme du PvP sans prise de tête et sans try hard. L'objectif (non obligatoire) reste d'atteindre le niveau 65 et d'essayer de se stuff afin de s'organiser de sympathiques petites sorties entre nous ou entre légions. Des événements au sein de la légion auront également lieu de temps en temps. Pour le moment, nos portes sont ouvertes à toutes et tous alors n'hésitez pas ! Un discord est d'ores et déjà en place, vous pourrez l'obtenir en m'envoyant message privé (forum ou in-game, pseudo : Bardarus). Dans l'attente et l'espérance de pouvoir réunir un petit collectif sympa, je reste également disponible pour toutes questions, Amicalement,
  8. So I was about to do a 4th campaign quest in Theobomos called "Project Drakanhammer" and I'm stuck at part where I have to find Research Diary. I found it but when I click it, nothing happens. I tried relog but it does nothing. Is it bugged? Is there something I can do about it, like writing ticket to support?
  9. Suche deutsche Legion

    Hallo, wie im Titel geschrieben, suche ich eine deutsche Legion. Spiele Barde und später vllt. noch Kantor. Habe TS und Discord und spiele meist abends. Habe ca. 2014 mit Aion begonnen und nur auf dem offiziellen Server gespielt. Gesucht wird eine Legion mit guter Laune und ohne Verpflichtungen. Ingame: Maserjo Danke
  10. WTB BM set for gunner +10

    Hi I want to buy 5 parts of BM gear +10 for gunner, only armor cuz I have weapons, on ely side, I got wraps and I pay pretty good, depends of manstones that gear have.
  11. Hello. This has happened to other NPCs before, but after a time it has been solved. The thing is, as the title says, NPC Atalante and Brosia located in Heiron at Kishar Observation Post aren't giving their respective quests. It doesn't affect me really much and maybe no one, but I'm quite interested on doing a specific quest from one of those. Before reporting this bug I waited last maintenances to see if it got solved but it didn't happen. I hope you can check it please. For additional information, the specific quest I want to do is [Spy/Group] Meeting the Mua Spy given by Atalante. Tbh I noticed later Brosia seems to be bugged too by speaking to every NPC at that location. Greetings! And Happy new year to everyone! (which will be for me in few hours :D)
  12. Not to sound like a cry baby or something but what are the plans to balance the server PvP wise a while ago they blocked Elyos creation and I’ll be honest the server hasn’t been the same since doing PvP that’s one sided is boring I get it could also be the fact that Elyos are being lazy it’s never going to be perfect in retail the players came up with an amazing idea which worked out quite well certain fortresses they would allow the Elyos to have and Asmos would have certain fortress the only reason it failed was greed which from playing on this server I’ve seen a lot of tbh but I do think something better could be done to improve the experience for both sides perhaps a wipe of honour points to give players the motivation to actually go and do things we have to accept the fact that even us PvE hero’s are now starting to suffer because Elyos side every day seems to be getting lower and lower it’s like they have lacked the motivation to play I think it would be great if there was an event that would benefit both sides the most active I’ve seen (on Elyos side) was when the cake event was active where as if you play asmo side it’s always active and players on Elyos side are deleting their mains to play on that side so surely that must be telling you something not saying that one side is better than the other it’s just a little obvious that this server is heading towards being a one sided server blocking creation won’t solve this issue it will just unbalance the server anyway I’m sure I’ll get flamed for speaking an opinion but oh well on retail it’s 20% Elyos 20% Asmo the rest is balaur But that’s due to the update being sucky I love our 4.6 but can’t help but wonder what would be the best thing for the server before we all get bored playing the same one sided boring stuff.
  13. Casual legion recruiting

    Hey there, My name is Zhen and our legion <Only Wipes in Bathrooms> is recruiting new people. We are looking for friendly non-toxic people to run instances with. Right now, most of us are still trying to gear up so we're only running beginner instances, but once we're more geared we'll start doing harder ones. We started on this server about 2 months ago. Our legion consists of a small group of friends, 6 people at the moment. Our goal is not to become the biggest, strongest legion but more of a casual, laid back legion. A friendly place where everyone knows eachother. So we won't invite everyone we encounter, only people who are friendly & chill . We have some Hungarians and Dutch people in the legion but 90% of the time we'll be talking English. If this is what you're looking for, feel free to PM me ingame (Zhen) or add me on Discord Shao#1729.
  14. Too much elyos

    Hi, I decided to write this post because lately the amount of elyos players active on this server has increased excessively. So much so that it is no longer possible to make a siege. We just do a few kills for hp. I would like to suggest to server administrators to block the possibility of creating elyos characters to avoid the redundancy and consequently the abandonment of the Asmodian characters. And maybe, given the not possible taking of the fortresses in abyss, to give the possibility to the Asmodian players to access the instances of the fortresses anyway so maybe the set difference between one faction and the other could be slowed. I hope my suggestions are caught and quickly or this server could have serious discomforts of racial proportions. At moment 54% elyos 46% asmodian...
  15. IT - looking for ita Legion

    Ciao Cerco gilda pg Elanya o Eltana
  16. Siege

    Hello ladies and gentlemen, I am the Rulai, your Elyos Union Lead for almost 2 months, my reallife name is Roman, I come from the Ukraine, currently I have been living in Germany for 14 years. I am 26 years old and started playing on the European server Aion when I was 19. I played 2 years as a cleric on the Elyo side and 1 year as an assassin on the Asmos side. It was the most beautiful mmorpg years I have ever had. Because I didn't like the versions after aion 4.6, I stopped with Aion. One evening after 3 years I accidentally discovered this server and after 4 evenings I had my cleric back to 65. I really enjoyed watching the progress. It had made me sad to see how weakly the Elyos side was organized. We had no fortresses, so our equipment was very weak. So I talked to a lot of legion leaders and we organized the first form of our union. we got more people on our side and had our first success. We were sometimes too strong. So that the Asmos no longer had fun. Fortunately, however, are now recovering and, in my opinion, it is currently very balanced. I had to invest a lot of time and patience, but I also got an incredible amount of support from many people from all over the world. I can only repeat: it is really a lot of fun at the moment. But I won't be able to invest that much time in the future and I will definitely not stop with Euroaion. I've done my job. i helped the elyos when they need help. I will help you build a new and better union with even more precise rules and better organization only without me as the lead. Friday (2019-01-10 23:15 Servertime) after siege we will have a meeting with all legion leaders and people interested in fortress battles. Until then, stay strong, enjoy current balance and remember that it is not the Elyos that are your enemies but the hairy ones. Friday (2019-01-10 23:15 Servertime) Hallo Damen und Herren, ich bin der Rulai, seit fast 2 Monaten euer Elyos Union Lead, mein reallife Name ist Roman, ich komme aus der Ukraine, aktuell lebe ich seit 14 Jahren in Deutschland. Ich bin 26 Jahre alt, und habe mit 19 angefangen auf dem europäischen Server Aion zu spielen. Ich spielte 2 Jahre Kleriker auf der Elyosseite und 1 Jahr Assassine auf der Asmoseite. Es war die schönsten mmorpg Jahren die ich je hatte. Weil mir nach aion 4.6 die Versionen nicht gefallen hatten, hatte ich mit Aion aufgehört. Eines abends nach 3 Jahren hatte ich zufälligerweise diesen Server entdeckt und hatte nach 4 Abenden meinen Kleriker wieder auf 65. Es machte mir unheimlich Spaß den Progress mitzuerleben. Es hatte mich aber traurig gemacht zu sehen wie schwach die Elyos Seite organiesiert war. Wir hatten keine Festungen und deswegen war unsere Ausrüstung sehr schwach. So sprach ich mit vielen Legionsleadern und wir organiesierten die erste Form unserer Union. wir holten noch mehr Leute auf unsere Seite und hatten unsere ersten Erfolge. Wir waren manchmal sogar zu stark. Sodass die Asmos die keinen Spaß mehr hatten. Nun erholen sich aber zum Glück wieder und meiner meinung nach, ist es aktuell sehr ausgeglichen. Ich habe sehr viel Zeit und Geduld investieren müssen, habe aber auch unglaublich viel Unterstützung bekommen von vielen Leuten aus allen Ländern der Welt. Ich kann es nur wiederholen: es macht aktuell echt viel Spaß. Aber in der Zukunft kann ich nicht mehr soviel Zeit investieren und Ich höre auf keinen Fall auf mit Euroaion. Ich habe meine Arbeit getan. Ich habe den Elyos geholfen als sie Hilfe brauchen. Ich werde euch helfen eine neue und bessere Union aufzubauen mit noch genaueren regeln und besserer Organisation nur ohne mich als Lead. Freitag (2019-01-10 23:15 Servertime) nach dem Festungskampf werden wir eine Besprechung machen mit allen Legionsleadern und Leuten die interesse haben an Festungskämpfen. Bis dahin, bleibt stark, genießt aktuelles Gleichgewicht und denkt daran dass nicht die Elyos eure Feinde sind sondern die haarigen. Freitag (2019-01-10 23:15 Servertime) Здравствуйте, дамы и господа, я - Рулай, уже почти 2 месяца ваш лидер союза элийцев , мое реальное имя - Роман, я из Украины, я живу в Германии 14 лет. Мне 26 лет, и я начал играть на европейском сервере Aion, когда мне было 19 лет. Я играл 2 года как священнослужитель на стороне Elyos и 1 год как убийца на стороне Asmos. Это были самые красивые годы в моей жизни. Поскольку мне не нравились версии после 4.6, я бросил Aion. Однажды вечером через 3 года я случайно обнаружил этот сервер, и через 4 вечера мой клирик вернулся к 65. Мне очень понравилось наблюдать за прогрессом но мне было грустно видеть, как слабо организована сторона элийцев. У нас не было крепостей, поэтому наши шмотки были очень слабые. Поэтому я разговаривал со многими лидерами легионов, и мы организовали первую форму нашего союза. мы получили больше людей на нашей стороне и добились нашего первого успеха. Мы были иногда слишком сильны. Так что Асмикам уже не было весело. К счастью они сейчас поправляются, и, на мой взгляд, сейчас все очень сбалансировано. Мне пришлось потратить много времени и терпения, но я также получил невероятную поддержку от многих людей со всего мира. Я могу только повторить: сейчас действительно очень весело. Но я не смогу потратить столько времени в будущем, и я определенно не остановлюсь на Euroaion. Я сделал свою работу Я помогал элийцам, когда им нужна помощь. Я помогу вам построить новый и лучший союз с еще более точными правилами и лучшей организацией только без меня как лидера. В пятницу (2019-01-10 23:15 Servertime) после осады у нас будет встреча со всеми лидерами легионов и людьми, заинтересованными в битвах за крепости. До тех пор оставайтесь сильными, наслаждайтесь текущим балансом и помните, что ваши враги - не элийцы, а волосатые. В пятницу (2019-01-10 23:15 Servertime) Ciao signore e signori, sono il Rulai, il vostro sindacato elisiano da quasi 2 mesi, il mio nome reale è Roman, vengo dall'Ucraina, attualmente vivo in Germania da 14 anni. Ho 26 anni e ho iniziato a giocare sul server europeo Aion quando avevo 19 anni. Ho giocato 2 anni come chierico dalla parte degli Elisiani e 1 anno come assassino dalla parte degli Asmos. Sono stati gli anni di mmorpg più belli che abbia mai avuto. Poiché non mi piacevano le versioni dopo aion 4.6, mi sono fermato con Aion. Una sera dopo 3 anni ho scoperto per caso questo server e dopo 4 sere ho riportato il mio chierico a 65 anni. Mi è davvero piaciuto guardare i progressi. Mi aveva rattristato vedere quanto debolmente fosse organizzata la squadra elisiana. Non avevamo fortezze, quindi il nostro equipaggiamento era molto debole. Quindi ho parlato con molti leader della legione e abbiamo organizzato la prima forma del nostro sindacato. abbiamo avuto più persone dalla nostra parte e abbiamo avuto il nostro primo successo. A volte eravamo troppo forti. In modo che l'Asmos non si divertisse più. Fortunatamente, tuttavia, ora si stanno riprendendo e, a mio avviso, è attualmente molto equilibrato. Ho dovuto investire molto tempo e pazienza, ma ho anche ricevuto un incredibile supporto da molte persone provenienti da tutto il mondo. Posso solo ripetere: è davvero molto divertente in questo momento. Ma non potrò investire così tanto tempo in futuro e sicuramente non mi fermerò con Euroaion. Ho fatto il mio lavoro. Ho aiutato gli Elisiani quando hanno bisogno di aiuto. Ti aiuterò a costruire una nuova e migliore unione con regole ancora più precise e una migliore organizzazione solo senza di me come guida. Venerdì (2019-01-10 23:15 Servertime) dopo l'assedio avremo un incontro con tutti i leader della legione e le persone interessate alle battaglie delle fortezze. Fino ad allora, rimani forte, goditi l'equilibrio attuale e ricorda che non sono gli Elisiani i tuoi nemici ma quelli pelosi. Venerdì(2019-01-10 23:15 Servertime)
  17. Racist legion

    WHITE PRIDE name and legion cape stands for neonazis. have few members of em i pumbed into in just 10minutes. Would you kindly remove this legion and their characters to show that racism is not allowed on this server?