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  1. 5 points
    2 events in a row poorly managed. Your justification for why is thin as I doubt this will increase the amount that the 50+ instances are run other than players potentially buying resets for steal rose after now being starved from the 2 main sources of the event item. (Possibly a cash grab) The main issue isn’t the state of the event now, it’s the constant back and forth that is giving players that were lucky enough at the beginning of the event an unfair advantage over those that weren’t so lucky. Events should be setup as they mean to go on, otherwise it can be harmful to the reputation and player base of the server.
  2. 3 points
    I think it is wise to find some way to test content before deploying it to the public. If you can't afford having a test server, can you not run the same build of the server locally for testing ? Either that or communicate with the players to get feedback and also discuss between staff members. Because taking the current event as an example, the outcome was obvious as an instance for level 40+ looting for level 65, 12 chests, 5 times per day, and the other one 3 chests, 16 times per day. And the fact that people with multiple characters/accounts can run it. When you release something like this out in the open suddenly, players will just think that this is how the event is supposed to be and that the administration did testing and approval before the launch. You should always think ahead and carefully before deploying anything. Now after the change, people are just gonna run Steel Rose over and over again with reset scrolls. Also there's a chance that people will start taking all the chests in level 65 instances and not letting other people get theirs. Some suggestions for the current event : 1) Remove steel rose reset scrolls from shop temporarily for the remainder of the event. 2) Compensate by either raising the chance of the ice pick drop or add more chests. *the adding of chests is for Steel Rose, the ice pick drop chance can be general. 3) Make chests loot for everyone instead of being a unique item that one person could all take from himself. *for level 65 instances that requires group/alliance, you can decrease the number to one per person but everyone gets his chest not a unique loot. I'm not saying THIS is what you should do. This is a discussion and other can add their own suggestions and ideas and we can reach an understanding on what's better and fair for everyone. Because saying that everyone have same conditions and that it's fair is not true since people can just buy reset scrolls and do steel rose infinitely. Before anyone could do the event since the only abuse is having multiple characters and that's basically the "fault" of the players for having only one character, not fair, not the same conditions, but understandable and it's okay. The right way would have been to decrease the number of chests on said instances that were removed. Now it's reset scrolls on the shop and that's not the fault of the players but the server and that's just seems totally not okay and p2w just like when people bought reset scrolls to get more serums, same story.
  3. 3 points
  4. 2 points
    Be careful they might nerf that without saying
  5. 2 points
    Плавник это 12х5=60 коробок + теолаба 16х3=48 коробок в день. При не самых больших временных затратах. А теперь что осталось? Коробочка из Сауро? Вы убрали данжи с ежедневным откатом из которых добывалось 99% коробок. Фактически это окончание ивента.
  6. 1 point
    I know that you're allowed to use two accounts even if its opposite fraction. But using it to gain advantage shouldn't be allowed. Asmo Cheat player farm in idian depths and when someone come to spot he stop moving, then out on nowhere come (i assume) hes alt account Ely sin Death and "clears" the spot from ppl who came there to farm... "alt" kills everyone excluding said Cheat (Asmo) then goes back to safe spot and wait for others to come and whole story repeat. you should not be allowed to use double acc to gain advantage over other players by using this kind of way thinking or playing. is there anything to punish unfair player? or anything i/we(as players) who dont want to get down to this level on taking advantage by using opposite fraction to have farm spot for themself? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUW3jfLSP0I
  7. 1 point
    + for removing reset scrolls. With the event nerf this turned into a mildly pay to win one. People will just endlessly solo / duo it with reset scrolls, they might already doing it.
  8. 1 point
    На даты обратила и даже итем у нас проверила, но коробки нет увы. Да и крылья эти будут задействованы и в некоторых других ивентах не только в этом одном. Не переживайте, удача будет и на вашей стороне )
  9. 1 point
    So let me remind what's really happen he is been an assasin with 2 cleric we die on every both a lot of time like ( 3/4 time on every boss ) we recruit a Gunner ( who is really nice atm " pistolero" his is name ) i got 4KK dps on meter , kernue the ranger got 3.8kk the Gunner ( coming at drake boss) got 1.6KK dps Been got 800k on the entire Sauro !!!! we use abbysal pot on every boss for not dying and we kite every boss cuz even with 2 Cleric if i don't kite every boss i die we carry the entire sauro by 3 Ppl we do 2 boss without any heal just kite and pot healing so on last boss we take box and give it to the Gunner the ranger and myself evern on last boss of sauro we do it without healing and kite the boss for entire time and Btw all is stream so you can check easily what i say Korean = Nightmare ( i speak about the legion not the countries ) everytime you got a guys from korean on your pvp / PVE thing he gonna fail and be ussless so know they are all blacklisted and not only from our legion ask LFG you will see what people think when you recruit for get carried and you ninja all the loot in instance from past boss you got 3 eternal and keep rolling don't be surprise and don't put yourself to victim position Thx cya
  10. 1 point
    Твинководы всегда абьюзили ивенты в этой игре. Тоже самое и с ямой. Да с любым другим ивентом, где не важен эквип персонажа и можно делать голым твинком всё. Да, всё слишком изи добывалось, уже посыпалась цена вниз на бож. камни и точки. Но теперь по факту получается разделение сильное игроков - кто снял сливки в первые 2 дня и кто теперь вообще вряд-ли что-то увидит с ивента. С водой тоже так было - кто снял сливки за 1,5 суток когда вода сыпалась прямо откуда угодно - тот в шоколаде и при перьях и при биже. Остальные - в пролете. Здесь очень хороший сервер и администрация, тут интересно играть. Всё таки очень хочется что бы ивенты были продуманы и сбалансированы.
  11. 1 point
    а когда в ивентах не забирали больше люди с твинами? то что у некоторых людей их нет это их проблемы. при шансе льда к молоткам, 1к3 - это еще хорошо, обычо шанс хуже, и кучи дерьма, которая с этого ивента сыпется, у людей которые как вы говорили про злосчастный ивент с водой НЕ УСПЕЛИ, нет никаких шансов выбить крылья ибо шанс там призрачно маленький и даже с этими данжами в списках. администрация как всегда сначала делает потом думает потом еще раз делает не подумав... сейчас какой либо фарм ивента невозможен, всем спасибо, все свободны
  12. 1 point
    The event is meant to be only for 50+. We decided to add lower instances, but that led to the camping around there dungeons of lvl 65 players. And no one went to the other dungeons. Therefore we decided to remove them.
  13. 1 point
    We just had events basically giving away free serums. Need a bit of a break from that until some next events.
  14. 1 point
    It's not working here anymore. If you post this 10 years ago most of the people would agree. League of Legends and every instant gratification game fucked up people's dopamine receptors so badly they want instant top gear on max enchant straight away.
  15. 1 point
    Aggro is mainly dependent on DPS, the aggro skills and enmity + just supports it. The enmity - on the other classes is another factor that will help a bit (except when they do PvE in PvP gear...). So you don't have to worry about it at that level, get to 65, start gearing up and go DPS gear and stigma build (also work on your rotations and weaving). The only instance (PvE) you need to be in a defensive set and stigma build is DLR.