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Showing most liked content on 12/31/2019 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Здравствуйте. Почему был изменен ассортимент предметов, доступных за монетки фестиваля, у нпс Кебишунга? В начале ивента ассортимент был шире и включал новогодние декорации, мебель. Я, к примеру, начинала участие в ивенте ради предметов, которые по какой-то причине убрали из ассортимента после сегодняшних технических работ.
  2. 1 point
    i don't know how about you guys but I sooo want to play ASMO, just for the sake of challenge and feel of success when the ''tables will turn'' 99% of servers Asmon always rule, + they look more bad ass then pale Elyos, stop pressuring admins with your pity problems, you have no idea what it means to run a server with hundreds of players, everyone is moaning about drop rates and balances and other crap, it was clearly stated that this server is x1 why did you start playing here in first place? LOL u cant demand higher rates, go and use scrolls and event items, they are plenty, I wish this server a long life and massive community you just gain one more active player
  3. 1 point
    Hello, I just found your server today, its on download atm I was going to try Asmo anyway just for the fact that they are less then elyos, its says that this offer ends on 29.12, wondering have you took it off already? or is it still possible to get it today? Thanks
  4. 1 point
    Hello, dear players! In the morning on 31.12 at 08:00 am server time the server will be unreachable due to the maintenance. Works will last around 40-90 minutes! Thank you for attention and see you in game after the maintenance!
  5. 1 point
    If you are just focused on reaching level 65 as fast as possible, I recommend doing the following. 1-9 - Just kill mobs. It's very fast with the gift weapons you get at the start of the game, and you can always come back to do some individual campaigns you will need for later progress. 10-19 - Head to Verteron/Altgard and follow campaign quests. Nothing else should be required. At lvl 16 you can look for a dark blue quest to enter Haramel and clean it once to get the quests out of the way and get some extra XP, but it is not required. 20-25 - Switch to Eltnen/Morheim and do all campaign quests that are available to you. If you find yourself lacking XP, just do any light blue quests you want (whichever ones you pick is up to you) 25 - Pick up the dark blue quest for Nochsana Training Camp in Eltnen/Morheim, as well as all 3 light blue quests offered by the new Nochsana NPCs. Find someone to hold group for you and head inside Nochsana. Clean the entire instance and complete the quests. This should push you to level 27. 27-35 - Keep following campaign quests. Do your Abyss entry quests and try to get your Abyss campaigns completed as well. You should have an abundance of yellow quests that will take you straight to 35, but if not, fill it in with blues. 35-45 - Head inside Aetherogenics Lab (if Elyos) or Alquimia Research Lab (if Asmodian). Clean the entire instance. This should give you atleast a level or two. After that, do your campaigns. If you find yourself lacking campaigns, head inside AL/ALR again for one more clear. Do not use any XP amulets yet. 45-50/51- Do your Theobomos/Brusthonin campaigns, then pick up the quests for Adma/Theo Lab (depending on which faction you play as, you want to get the opposite, aka. asmos into Theo Lab and elyos into Adma Stronghold) and head inside the dungeon. There is no need to full clean it - just do the repeatable quests and get out. Do these quests all 5 times. This should get you to 50. If not, finish off with grinding mobs inside Adma/Theo or do blue quests in Brusthonin. Don't forget to take your pink (growth) quests and complete them while leveling. These will reward you with very good rewards such as manastones, a godstone, golden stigmas and other useful items. 50-53 - Do campaigns in Inggisson/Gelkmaros until you get to Taloc's Hollow. Get your stigma quest done while running Taloc. Get to 53 by doing any leftover campaigns and if that is not enough, do blue quests. 53-63 - Head to Beshmundir Temple. You will need to solo or duo this, depending on your class. Keep farming Beshmundir Temple normal mode. Use any XP amulets you have available. The white, green and blue items you get as drops here should make up for the price of reset scrolls and potions you will need. 63-65 - Do all your Sarpan, Tiamaranta, Katalam and Danaria campaigns. If not 65 yet, you can do Blood Mark/Battle Medal weekly quests in Katalam and Danaria camps to finish off.
  6. 1 point
    i'm downloading the game right now, I'm new on this server and I don t remember much about the game, because 4-5 years passed from my last log-it. I will be an Asmodan! But where have I to ask for receive my "Asmodan gift"?
  7. 1 point
    Просто сделайте награду вернувшимся! Было такое на руофе "не помню деталей" Там тем кто отсутствовал с месяц: давали всякие банки, свитки, можно ещё давать усилители что бы загнать их вендору или на аук. Помогать начинающим нужно конечно, но также нужно мотивировать людей возвращаться на сервер
  8. 1 point
    yeah right, we have so many asmo in full abg set and weapon so what are u talking about ? Also I make 100-150k AP every siege so what bullshit are u talking about ?
  9. 1 point
    Hello, Right now we have a promotion to attract more players to the asmodians.