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  1. 3 points
    LoL you must be Illli or Mooonte 100% even using Teyes name to make a post to defend yourself. Of course if it's the same IP it must be Illlis sister who is now playing sin again with her brothers friend Mooonte. Hilarious. Admin will you let this charade keep going on?
  2. 2 points
    No combat chatlog no evidence... Last time there was a nohide hack video from the player lllll That's a different guy and even if it's the same IP there is still no evidence because his family could also just play aion. Please provide combat chatlog, before you want to destroy the reputation of a player. Imagine someone is saying you bought your account and tell the Admins to check all IPs and email changes the account got. You shouldn't have a illegal account and make such posts..
  3. 2 points
    Is this a joke? Why can a cheater just buy a new account and come back and cheat again like nothing happened? Just check the IP Addresses that were used on Illli's accounts that were banned before and now this account with Asmodian Assassin "Yes". You can even see him playing with the same people as before but not joining their legion this time to not raise suspicion. Here is a link of his "gameplay" where you can see him running around with the players from his old legion: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/844340205 You can see him at 3h 03min 33 sec 03:03:33 in the stream. DO SOMETHING, this server is becoming a joke if this continues. Here's a screenshot of the guy you banned just a few days ago for using radar hack, which is included in his no animation programme. There you can see he was in the legion with the Cleric Mooonte who he is running around with (and being ressed 3 times!!), in the stream. The whole legion should be banned for knowingly playing with a cheater and supporting him.
  4. 1 point
    Продолжаю искать ботов сервера (теперь уже не задалбывая бедного гма скринами). Фрапс у меня официальный, и поэтому видео всего в 30 секунд. Но на нём итак всё понятно. Никто кроме бота не даст волшебнику забить себя автоатаками насмерть, продолжая с упорством идиота собирать эфир. aion 2020-12-19 03-36-00-46.avi
  5. 1 point
    Hello, I would like to report the Player "Yes" for the usage of some kind of no animation tool. I also suppose it is the previously banned player "IlllI" with a new account. However, here is the video. From 03 seconds to 04 seconds, you can see that the player stunned me with the skill "Ambush" and then knocks me down with the skill "Shadow Fall". However, there is no animation of the "Shadow Fall" skill. I do not have a chatlog, but if this is not enough proof I would like to hear a reasonable answer from the admin. There is no player that ever skipped the animation of the "Shadow Fall" skill like the Player in the video does.
  6. 1 point
    I do not care for any of the bullshit that has been posted in this thread by certain people. The obvious fact is, that the player "Yes" in the Video I posted does not execute any form of animation of the skill "Shadow Fall", which he obviously used as I got knocked down while there is no other Player or Monster close. This is not possible without any form of 3rd Party cheating software, and obviously no keyboard and mice driver software is included by this as they do NOT have the ability to cancel animations in Aion. As a matter of fact, it seems like several people here are trying to distract from this fact by telling bullshit stories, just like in the thread with IlllI who later got banned for using 3rd party cheating software. I strongly demand people who do not have the knowledge or intelligence to bring up something constructive about this case considering the missing animation of the skill "Shadow Fall" to stay out of this thread with their personal bullshit as this does not influence the animation of the "Shadow Fall" skill in any way.
  7. 1 point
    Да, всё нормально. Спасибо
  8. 1 point
    телескоп позволяет нормально воевать против волшей с ЛД и вообще не плохо кайтить людей, держа их на дистанции от себя по статам просядешь и "тру" дд чары имеют 2 посоха, фиол и телек и свапают их по необходимости
  9. 1 point
    Статы конечно хуже чем у фиол посохов, но бить на 4 метра дальше всегда приятно
  10. 1 point
    All accounts of this player have been blocked https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dc7oiWQB9tdevcUhWyedf1DwugIPzgyt/view?usp=sharing
  11. 1 point
    "This is the best version, it has Katalams/Tiamaranta etc, the game died when they were deleted", then why did I get bored after I hit level 65 and had nothing to do? I had a legion with nice people,but shortly I left because I felt that I had nothing to do, people were already geared, waiting to kill you at every spot you're farming or questing, yet I see so much hate on 5.x version and I don't get why. Indeed, it had those elemental transformations that broke the balance, but it wasn't impossible to kill those who were using it , but still, it had a balance between pvp and pve was equal, you weren't getting bored, you had things to do, events for example :Fire temple, Gogorunerk's Gauntlet,or even Tia's eye, which was introduced again in 5.8. Or dungeons that you had some chances to get mats for upgrading your gear. After 6.0 the game went downfall, everything became pointless, or 7.0,which became even worse. In my opinion, stop throwing with mud anymore on newer versions(not including 6.x-7.x), after all, all of them had advantages and disadvantages.
  12. 0 points