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1 Neutral
  1. Aion patch version

    An alternate server wouldn't be too bad, but there is a lot of work and who knows when the server will be launched
  2. I can't vote

    This problem isn't related to the game,so that's why I put this question in the general section
  3. I can't vote

    Hello, as the title says, I can't vote, last time when I could was on 3rd february. Does the site have problems or did I reach a limit of voting?
  4. Maintenance 16.12

    No events, but what about the Christmas theme in Sanctum/Pandaemonium?
  5. "This is the best version, it has Katalams/Tiamaranta etc, the game died when they were deleted", then why did I get bored after I hit level 65 and had nothing to do? I had a legion with nice people,but shortly I left because I felt that I had nothing to do, people were already geared, waiting to kill you at every spot you're farming or questing, yet I see so much hate on 5.x version and I don't get why. Indeed, it had those elemental transformations that broke the balance, but it wasn't impossible to kill those who were using it , but still, it had a balance between pvp and pve was equal, you weren't getting bored, you had things to do, events for example :Fire temple, Gogorunerk's Gauntlet,or even Tia's eye, which was introduced again in 5.8. Or dungeons that you had some chances to get mats for upgrading your gear. After 6.0 the game went downfall, everything became pointless, or 7.0,which became even worse. In my opinion, stop throwing with mud anymore on newer versions(not including 6.x-7.x), after all, all of them had advantages and disadvantages.
  6. Daeva Dash event

    Greetings, I was wondering if you could put this event ,even though it's from 5.8 version. I don't care about the rewards,I just want to have fun.