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Showing most liked content on 09/10/2020 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Счет был 25 000 - 40000 , мы убили центуриона асмодиан и йорик закончился. Почему при таком счете победа засчиталась асмодианам, и няхам не засчитали центуриона?
  2. 1 point
    I came across of some many of these "link gear" animals back when i was farming sauro for a certain weap, that i went on a block rampage. I remember one time, i was asked to link gear and all for a fkin sauro 1k. At that point i lost it, i asked the mfker to link his shit too, i was really curious of what specimen i encounter that day, what kind of goldy geared player was he?! Never the less, he showd me what he got, a bunch of gold stuff and an eternal or two. At wich he replayed "YEAH BUT I KNOW HOW TO PLAY EVEN WITH LOW GEAR"
  3. 1 point
    Because people (Myself included) refuse to carry dead weight around. If you have low gear/starter gear, pls do Kahrun's/TF/S1K/BM for ancient coins and try getting some gear and/or experience before going into higher-end instances such as RST/Kata. If I do RST, Kata, or even S2K, I would like DPS classes to out DPS my templar. I don't know about you, but I care about my reputation as a player. I always make my own groups to almost every instance (Except Runa Normal). In this case, I don't want to be that guy who always takes randoms and fails instances almost every time. Sorry, but that's how most geared people act in this game. It wastes my and everyone else's precious time. And it applies not only to DPS but also to the overall experience. Just yesterday actually, I went Sauro 2k with a random low gear ranger because it was late, and I some top quality DPS in pt. Guess what happened? Without saying anything, that ranger decided that 2k was the same as 1k and went to bug a boss. Thankfully I'm a decent cleric and along with my friends, we cleared all the mobs without dying. A couple of months ago the same situation happened with another sin, but that time we failed 2k because PT was under-geared and inexperienced, and the cleric wasn't able to get up and loci us quickly. You're saying "WE SHOULD SUPPORT EACH OTHER", but how exactly do you support my PT by being a low DPS, low skill pile of pixels that we carry around? We do DPS/tanking/healing while you wander around and agro random mobs that you shouldn't agro, wipe your PT in Kata/IS because you don't know that you have to run away when Hyperion nukes you, try bugging Sauro 2k when you just have to stand and agro mobs around the boss, go panic mode in RST when a bunch of mobs spawn and more and more and more things that you mess up and let us clean it after you. As @Haku said, make your own groups, or join a legion, or try making friends and gear up together. I in fact like helping players who are actually asking for it. If a player is saying that he/she is new here and needs help getting gear/experience, I'm happy to help with whatever I can. What I don't like is when I'm making PT to an end game instance, and someone keeps applying and applying even though I said that I don't need that person in my PT for various reasons.(gear, experience, have a friend coming) If you're an active player and you come to me asking how Sauro or Danuar Sanctuary is done, I will be happy to explain. I will take you in pt, maybe ask to join Discord if you can, take a friend or two whos' also willing to show a new player how an instance is made and we will go with the teaching mindset. We will take our time to explain everything, each mob, each boss, etc. And if you keep playing and getting better, I will be happy to take you forward into Sauro 2k/RST/Kata with me constantly. And when you have enough experience yourself, you can make your own PTs. But please, do not apply to high-end instances when you have no gear nor experience to do them. You will piss off players and make a bad image of yourself.
  4. 1 point
    Make your own group or join a legion that helps ungeared players.
  5. 1 point
    People don't want to carry around dead weight. And for IS specifically you are dead weight until you hit 2.9k physical or 2k magical accuracy respectively. That's why you are asked about your items.
  6. 1 point
    If it's rly bisu...well my friend thats is one good sin u got there. Or maybe he is cheating, or maybe u are trying to do some illegal stuff aswell. Talking about the account selling u got going on. This is like the spiderman meme pointing at eachother.
  7. 1 point
    Since I haven't found a clause disallowing discussions about bans, I'll just be me for a minute and have a talk about this ban. @Admin is this video the only source of evidence you've received? Because if it is, then the ban of the sin is unjustified. Let me explain. The base speed of a character is 6. This means the character moves 6 ingame-meters per second. Everyone gets an armor set with a movement speed bonus of 22%, the sin additionally uses a panda candy with 3%, a running scroll with 30% and he starts using Sprinting at 00:25 of the video, which increases his speed by another 20%. So the sins speed is 10.5 (6 * 1.75), while the movement speed of the recording cleric is 9.1 (6 * 1.52). This allows the sin to gain up to 1.4 (10.5 - 9.1) meters of distance per second, if he's running in a straight line. We can see the sin getting hit by Smite at 00:30 of the video, while being ~25m away from the cleric. The cleric then starts following him for four seconds, where he takes a screenshot (00:34 in the video). At this point the distance has increased to ~31m, which is absolutely legit, because the sin should've traveled (1.4 * 4) ~5.6m farther. Then the game lags for a little bit more than a second between 00:34 and 00:36 because of the screenshot. The cleric isn't moving at that time and the sin should've moved by ~10.5m, which absolutely happened, since he is at ~41m distance at that time. After that the cleric keeps following him until 00:49 where the distance is ~52m, shortly before the sin uses hide. That's a gain of ~11m in 13 seconds (0.84m/s), which is more than plausible - even too low - but that's understandable, because the cleric was cutting corners at the end and the sin wasn't. All I see is a player running away from an unfair 1vs2 using his classes skills (and a running scroll - which the gladiator didn't even use). He gained zero advantage from that visual bug. But that's just my opinion...