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Everything posted by Raidon

  1. I got 4th phys Trillirunerk's wings

    Pole is 20% chance. Wings are 50% chance. Getting the wrong ones in a row 4 times is around 3% chance.
  2. Shop items

    @Booblik Ну позязя Raven General's Uniform - Aion PowerBook
  3. Here is an idea to refresh some grind. Add Elite Ancient Manastones into Danuar Sanctuary with a slight chance. I'm talking about these stones [item: 167020081] Ancient Manastone: Magic Boost +35 - Aion Codex [item: 167020074] Ancient Manastone: Physical Crit +24 - Aion Codex [item: 167020079] Ancient Manastone: Weapon Damage +8 - Aion Codex And others. This change could bring some needed benefits. - Refresh Danuar Sanctuary and make it a viable instance to run. - Give completionists another route to grind high-end manastones for their precious gear - Add another potential way to make kinah from farming PVE. Drop chance should be either very small from boxes, or higher chance but with drop only from last bosses. It will have no effect on in-game balance. PVP doesn't benefit from it as AP gear doesn't use Ancient Manastones. PVE players will have another activity to keep them interested in playing the game while not disrupting the balance. People certainly won't be able to solo Kata with these manastones.
  4. Сложность временных зон

    Помню когда Легенда закрылась, все легенданутые пришли сюда и везде кричали "А п0чЕмУ тАк Сл0ЖнА". В каждый 65 дандж хотели пойти в кв шмоте, и еще возмущались если их не брали.
  5. [Event] Save the Harvest!

    Don't save it. Just let it burn
  6. Game updates

    4.7 didn't remove Katalams. It added Akaron (Atleast how its called in EU version) and changes to socketing system.
  7. NPC for Hyperion Mythic Equipment

    I fail to see how exchanging 100 Hyperion pieces (50 weeks of farming without reset scrolls and failed runs) for a single armor piece is "easy". Even if you do 4 runs a week with reset scrolls, that will put you on over 3 months of non-stop Kata farm. How is that considered "easy"? Oh and btw, do you consider Hyperion armor and weapon boxes that drop from Snoflakes "easy"? They do give you a chance of getting a piece without ever going into the instance. I don't see people screaming to remove those.
  8. NPC for Hyperion Mythic Equipment

    I spoke with admins about this idea over a year ago, they strictly said NO because of "Reasons". But I do think it would be fair. I have 5 characters and all of them took different amounts of Katas to get 6/6. Some took around 100, other just 12 runs for a full 6/6. I know people who went almost 200 times and still didn't get full set. Personally, I wouldn't find it "unfair" to those who did 100+ runs to get a full set. Exchanging 100 Hyperion pieces for a piece is a fair idea.
  9. Shop items

    Ты нагнул движок и теперь можешь 5.0 внехи ставить? Переведу тебе лично 100 евро если добавишь Rabbit Cape - Aion PowerBook
  10. Читер асмо.

    Активируй видну)
  11. I hate cheaters

    Is it a dirty trick? Yes Is it your fault for buying something without reading the description? Yes If people would actually read what they're buying, there would be no scammers in the first place
  12. Фарм апа

    Узы пухи по 120к за 1 рыж продаются. Баст 35к в день. Дерики и прочая бредятеня по 2-3к там и там

    Danaria - Emerald Meadown camp, next to Pradeth Fort. There is also Stigma NPC at SWB camp, but thats for physical classes (I think)
  14. Для ПВЕ Aion stigma calculator ( Для ПВП уже пускай другие показывают. Там много вариантов под разные стили игры
  15. Skills sharing CD

    Use severe weaking blow stigma. It doesn't share any CD, and allows you to use energy impact chain.
  16. Bard hyperion requirements

    Bards isn't really a high DPS class in this patch, especially if you don't have close to magic boost cap You're mostly there to fill up mana, control the mobs, and DPS in between. Getting around 3.4 - 3.5k magic boost and 2k magical accuracy is a great start
  17. Ping

    Есть Leatrix Latency Fix который должен стоят у каждого кто играет в айон. Есть ещё куча VPNов. Но тут нужно самому пробовать и узнавать что лучше работает для тебя.
  18. Katalamize

    Because there is no skill on this server. So the only option we're left with is asking for gear and hoping that the player isn't potato.
  19. Hyperion moving

    Exactly this. People are either standing too high up or all the way back against the wall. Either way, if Hyperion agros any of those people, he will run to them and reset.
  20. Я сам пытался понять почему это происходит. В инете есть пара людей с такой проблемой, и никто не знает решение. Мало у кого в айоне есть мониторы формата 21:9
  21. +5 Plume isn't something you get during your 1st week on the server. And don't compare this server to retail please. Retail had tempering solution in the shop which made them cheaper. Here its a rare occurrence to find one outside of events.
  22. Клык Фенрира

    Так его за розовый кв роста дают, зачем крафтить?
  23. Gear Progression-

    Currently, there is shugo evening running. Do that daily. If you want to make some kinah, do Sauro / Tiamat Fort daily with 4 ppl party. PVE bridge is x4 runs, resets once a week, very good chance of getting good enchantment stones from eternal gear that you get there.
  24. Gear Progression-

    Start doing all garrisons around Katalams. If you're working towards PvP gear, you need BM set first. Even when you get Officer gear, you can still use BM set as a secondary Accuracy/Block/MR set, depending on your class.Start doing all garrisons around Katalams. They reset every week, so you have plenty of time to finish all of them. Apply for dreds/kamar/jmr/arena. Even if you lose, you get some AP towards your AP/GP towards Officer gear. Start going Sauro 1k. Some decent first income plus class experience plus you get a chance to get some nice pve gear. Apply for SWB. Daily source of AP, GP and Cera medals. And a small chance to get a decent chunk of kinah if you get lucky with manastone draw. Start doing sieges. That's your main source of GP.