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Showing most liked content on 10/18/2019 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Dear players, the administration of our project announces the beginning of the guides contest! Are you a talented gamer or do you do everything to become one, or maybe playing is just your hobby? Then why don't you take part in our guide contest? If you can write well and interesting, your game is catchy, and your experience of the game is huge, then you have all chances to win the competition and get a prize! There are practically no criteria, works of different directions and themes are accepted. The content of the guide should be as informative and verified as possible. Copying is allowed, but not at 100%, it must be processed for our project and for the version 4.6 and contain your own additions and tips. The number of guides from one player is unlimited! Works are accepted from 23.10.2019 until 23.11.2019. The results will be announced on 25.11.2019. Publish your works in this section and leave a link to the contest guide in the special topic. At the bottom of the guide, specify your name and surname (or nickname) and a link to your profile in Facebook (if you have any, for communication) Winning the contest will be influenced by everything: likes, comments, discussions, reviews. Though the final decision will be made by the Administration. Only the top three guides will win! Rewards: Reward is the game currency ECoins: 1st winner - 3000 ECoins 2nd winner - 2000 ECoins 3rd winner - 1000 ECoins We are waiting for your stories!
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    1. Онлайн отображается на нашем сайте (слева вверху). 2. Все зависит от вас. Некоторые могут прокачаться за один день. Некоторые качаются несколько месяцев. 3. В основном все походы происходят со своими легионами. На сколько тяжело найти группу для похода по данжам без легиона мне сказать сложно, так как администрация не играет. p.s. Видел сразу вашу тему. Решил не отвечать так как вопросы больше к игрокам.
  4. 1 point
    Hello, Thank you for caring about the server's future. We do see the problems, but have some other ways to solve them/ In case of the huge gap in numbers between two races we will take drastic measures, is there's no other way to solve the problem. However, we are not ready, and don't really see it as a way out, to give out ceramium and even add it to the events. Events can only be made for both factions, we cannot start an event just for one side. So this will mean that asmos will receive medals as well. Now the difference is about 50 players, so it is too early to start paniking. Thank you once more for your suggestions, we will take note of them.
  5. 1 point
    Hi, I disagree (i'm elyos). Ok there's a little more Asmo but many Elyos don't do siege (don't want to or cannot, i don't know). Even in DD, when they see who are in front, it afk directly lol. This is not a server problem but a mentality problem... Event won't change anything. For exemple yesterday on Sillus, there was something good to do, but the 2 leagues didn’t want to merge.
  6. 1 point
    Hell no. I will vote for no events ever.
  7. 1 point
    Well,at least an event with exp