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  1. 9 points
    I find the general silence from our admins a little disappointing, to put it mildly. Other than the initial announcement and what we scrap together ourselves from OVH - there is nothing. No roadmap, no insight on what we can look forward to once the servers are back up, just silence. Other than the occasional posts that get deleted in here nothing is going on.
  2. 3 points
    Какой весомый аргумент? Тот, что некоторым невтерпеж ? Когда люди ездят в отпуск, забивают на месяцы на аион - нормально. Мир не преревернулся за 10 дней и через неделю тоже не перевернется. Пока все в равных условиях - это не такая большая проблема. Проблема будет, если кто-то потеряет ито, что у него уже было в кармане - удачный крафт или вообще выкачанного с нуля перса или выбитую пуху из баста. Откат - это мини-вайп. Кто-то потеряет очень много. Несколько дней не стоят этого. Уж потерпите пожалуйста - в конце концов, никто не мешает "снять напряжение" на другом сервере - заодно есть возможность сравнить )
  3. 3 points
    Hello, Who said, that we didn't do any backups? We had additional servers and the backups. And we still have them. They just all got into the zone of the incident, and that's why the server still can't be started.
  4. 2 points
    @TheAlmighty If you had the backup service enabled, it might actually be possible to commit further legal actions against OVH, because it clearly says on their homepage regarding the "Zerto" backup technology, that in case of technical failure in the primary OVH datacenter, the service will continue to be hosted in ANOTHER OVH datacenter.
  5. 2 points
    Если запустят новый ,точно играть не буду мне уже надоело это а-ля дестини!
  6. 2 points
    Если бы мы не собирались восстанавливать работу серверу - сказали бы об этом всем сразу. Мы также как и вы ждем запуска оборудования. Последняя оглашенная дата это 22.03
  7. 2 points
    So you had a backup server/s at the same location as the original server?... Usually a backup server should be in a completely different area in case of something like this or a sudden shut down of the company or any incident really. Storing your server and the backup in the same location... That just seem cheap and wrong.
  8. 1 point
    What exactly you think they need to prepare? The server was not damaged. All the systems are in place and just need to be booted up, so realisticly it does not need to take much longer than a normal maintence (about an hour) after the server is up again. Of course they might have planed an event or some form of "compensation" for down time which could take time to implement. But hopefully they will just open the server up while they work on this event and implement it when it's ready and make an extra server maintence.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Je sais, je suis l'évolution du serveur en temps réel depuis des jours lol Mais il semble qu'il y ait un soucis au niveau du backup et je ne sais pas vraiment de quoi il s'agit. On nous communique pas les infos (bonnes ou mauvaises d'ailleurs) J'ai besoin de comprendre les choses!
  11. 1 point
    Админ же выше написал, что раньше 22 ничего происходить не будет
  12. 1 point
    The administrators are clearly at fault, not having spent to have a permanent backup, knowing that players on euroaion pay thousands and thousands of euro with the donation system. People should really think if they should continue to invest in this server
  13. 0 points
    they are quiet very slow so i wouldnt expect server to be online before the next weekend or 1th April Because even if the servers are completly online by the end of the next week the Team and Admins from euroaion have to prepare alot of things to get the game started reboots, fixes and so on Its not like that we can just log in if the whole racks are green.
  14. 0 points
    EUROAION START ? 22.03- 23.03 NO - 01.04 GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR http://status.ovh.com/vms/index_sbg3.html