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Everything posted by Shrr

  1. [Event] Beritra Treasures!

    Giving out a couple of untradeable serums as compensation for three weeks of downtime wasn't feasible but spoonfeeding them to a small portion of one faction is? Interesting. So glad that I stopped playing after the soft reset and the introduction of your bad balanced custom changes. I can see that some effort has been made and you seem to try but alas this effort is wasted since you clearly don't play the same game and thus have no idea what players really want / need. Best of luck.
  2. Server restart

    Not really. You'd think a project of this size would have some sort of community management. Check out twitter or the rust community on reddit, somehow other customers of OVH happen to be much more open and detailed (:
  3. Server restart

    I find the general silence from our admins a little disappointing, to put it mildly. Other than the initial announcement and what we scrap together ourselves from OVH - there is nothing. No roadmap, no insight on what we can look forward to once the servers are back up, just silence. Other than the occasional posts that get deleted in here nothing is going on.
  4. Server restart

    I, too, have a reserve key to my house under the front doors mat. You never know these days. With ovh making progress got any concrete plans for the upcoming week?
  5. Server restart

    I'm not talking big now, I said the exact same thing the day their dc burned down. Even on their discord, it is all there - look it up Besides that is not even the point, just my opinion. And yep if this was my project I would have taken the 03/03 backup without thinking twice about it. As someone who worked with larger online services in the past I am aware that uptime is crucial to success and leaving potential customers hanging is the opposite. The casual player however, in other words you, obviously won't understand. " jUsT WaIt" "And who says they could have set up a new server somewhere else with the backup that quickly? If you are so smart, why don't you make your own server? " Again, maybe start reading the topic. Hint, the very first post from our admin would be a good start.
  6. Server restart

    No one said they should apply the 03/03 backup now. Doing so on the 11th or 12th would have been an entirely different story. But it is fine, I get that reading comprehension is not your forte.
  7. Server restart

    Personally I stand by my initial opinion from when the whole thing started. Using the available backup and rolling back to 03/03 would have been the more sensible option. Not just from the perspective of some random player. One week worth of progress lost vs not being able to progress at all for 2+ weeks (at this rate possibly 3) is easy math. Not to mention the negative PR that surrounds the project in both cases. I don't know how well EA does on the financial side (we already had this discussion) but being cut off of their income for several weeks surely sucks. Both ways result in disappointed players, rightfully though, but in cases like these keeping the damage as low as possible is key. And that is coming from someone who would give up a +15 swb weapon, two serums and an alt char that just got powerleveled to 65. I could deal with having to redo that, or rather hope for some juicy events to make up for it, but all in all I really would have prefered it that way. Some may argue the usual. It is just a game, go play something else. Go outside and wait it out. Normally I would agree with that sentiment but sadly covid is still a thing and for some people, myself included, stuff is both restricted and complicated. Several countries are once again facing lockdown and hitting the gym, traveling to another country, going out to eat in restaurants, visiting the cinema et cetera is simply not a thing. Apart from other games or activities AION is something that is engaged with a more serious mindset and not being able to grind or racking up pvp kills is just lame. It kills motivation and each passing day just makes other servers or games that fill the niche more appealing. Oh well.
  8. Server restart

    I can't resist. Also it looks like they are on the edge of burning down again, kek? Oh and the entirety of SBG3 is also offline again. Well rip, have a nice weekend everyone.
  9. Server restart

  10. Server restart

    Even if they would reveal it then what? The rack being online doesn't mean we get EA back instantly. As they've stated in the first post they'll grab the latest database and migrate said data to another datacenter to avoid eventual ongoing issues with the current one. Hate to say it, as I'd have really loved it to be back by now, but sometime next week really is more realistic.
  11. Server restart

    ETA is the 19th which is when OVH (EA's host) starts powering the servers again. If lucky our staff can access the latest database backup tomorrow and get us back online just in time for the weekend. If not then probably sometime next week. Also, our administration probably has done the majority of preperations by now.
  12. [Competition] 8 Reasons for Love

    Probably just delayed. Not like they can award anyone right now, might aswell wait until servers are back up and do it in unison with the other event.
  13. Server restart

    I'd take these meaningless tweets from the literal CEO and Founder of OVH over your salted forum writings any day. No contest. Also new update, it looks like they start powering the new servers slowly. I have a good feeling about this
  14. Server restart

    Making progress!
  15. Server restart

    From what he wrote and said in the video some parts of SBG3 (our racks) need cleaning, wether or not that delays EA's access to backups is unknown. SBG1 and SBG2 have priority and we'll be back up later but within their eta. Fingers crossed.
  16. Server restart

    Should have went with the 03/03 backup last week and back that up with a advertising campaign. Players would have understood. Another week of downtime might be worse (player retention) than one week worth of lost progress. Oh well.
  17. Aion patch version

    Has anyone thought about the fact that updating, even if they wanted to, is a massive and possibly even impossible undertaking? Both the server software and client they use, to my understanding, is based on official files and thus their is no actual source code available. Now if this was ran on one of the java emulators it would be a different story but alas this is not the case. One does not simply reverse engineer the server files and apply updates.
  18. For future reference in case anyone is experiencing this and downgrading to older drivers is not feasible, try force closing the Nvidia Container process via task manager. This is a temporary solution and you may have to do it several times over prolonged play sessions but it gets the job done.
  19. Server restart

    This is pretty much their business, no charity. Having this much downtime could have been easily avoided by taking the necessary precautions in advance. Given the scale of the project I'd expect daily external backups of the core database being available at all times, as a minimum. As for the reserve server I feel inclined to agree with Desimp here. The very fact that the most up-to-date backups seem to be stored on the main server is a massive flaw in itself. A reserve server doesn't have to run at max capacity at all times and can be used to synchronize the most important stuff like the core database to avoid worst case scenarios like these. In fact, looking at what OVH offers, it wouldn't even be overly expensive. Then again this is a worst case scenario and if anything OVH is to blame for the majority of these issues. EA staff can take away from this experience and take necessary precautions for the future.