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Showing most liked content on 02/14/2021 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    Hello, I have a suggestion for you that would improve the quality of the server... This is what, the 5th or 6th time we get an event where people just spam low level PvE (such as theobomos lab or Adma, 16x a day, because it's very easy to do and farm compared to sauro or etc)... It's very bad, it just kills the whole open-world pvp of the server. People rather doing this event than go siege. It's the same as with Shugo Event, you should either close the entries or simply remove those instances from droplist. Also, rewards are just insane. These rings are the simply the best, only given exclusively to fortress owners, they are the top Magic Resist, just like crafted ones, do you think it's a good idea to add them to droplist for an event that you simply just spam adma/theo lab on? I think they should be rewarded on pvp, with the box event again, or with some kind of tournament like we got last year. Btw this stone: Enchantment Stone (L140) Is level capped, it doesn't add any more chance than l130 stone, so it makes no sense to be there at all. In conclusion, I hope you understood my point, i'm not trying to bash your decisions in any way , but rather rethink them, please :/. This breaks the server and kills the little open world pvp there is, since it's already low considering elyos have had pvp buff for sooo long time. We need incentives to make this server fun again. It's been more than a year since release. Thank you.
  2. 3 points
    No problem for reporting. I hope you can take into consideration what most of the population of the server want. It will also bring a lot of players since they'll see PvP is active. Streams will be way more interesting and people will think better of your server. Thank you.
  3. 3 points
    Порадуйте любимых! Что бы вы могли поздравить близких вам людей подарками, мы вводим 20% скидку на все внешние виды игрового магазина сервера! Акция действует до 21.02.2021 включительно. Приятных вам покупок! Категории магазина участвующие в акции: Сеты Костюмы Головные уборы Щиты Оружие Крылья
  4. 2 points
    В конце зимы, когда все ждут весны, Встречает нас февральский день любви. В день всех влюблённых хочу я пожелать Жить в счастье, улыбаться и мечтать, Мгновеньем наслаждаться, и любить, И рядом с любящими нас сердцами быть. Пусть расцветает всё вокруг от нежных слов, И заполняет воздух аромат цветов! В таверне Пандемониума было на редкость много народа. Осайе и дикий рюкрог еле пробрались к барной стойке и собирались заказать напитки, как вдруг кто-то маленький и юркий схватил заклинательницу за рукав. это был шиго в забавном костюме. - не желает ли юная леди немного приключений, нян-нян? Осайе и дикий рюкрог переглянулись. хвостатое создание смотрело на них маленькими глазками, полными безумия, а на лапах были заметны следы шоколада. - в чем дело? что случилось? – Осайе была как всегда учтива. - сладкое приключение! вы будете участвовать? вы ведь влюбленная пара, кярун? - кхм… не совсем, - стрелок смутился, – мы - друзья. - ничего страшного! можно и по одному… но как хотите, - шиго хитро улыбнулся. - ну, это он здесь одиночка, - Осайе искоса посмотрела на дикого рюкрога. - а я позову одного симпатичного волшебника. его зовут Мирк. - прекрасно! – шиго расплылся в улыбке. - сейчас я расскажу вам правила… Время проведения ивента с 14.02 до 21.02 (включительно) В ивенте могут принимать участие все персонажи старше 9 уровня Шокорунг начальный npc (расположен на центральных площадях в Элиане / Ферноне и Элизиуме / Пандемониуме), который выдает квест на выбор: свежесть или сладость. тут надо выбрать путь одиночки или пары. 1. Путь влюбленных 2. Путь одиночки Пусть каждому сопутствует удача независимо от того, какой путь он выбрал! Левая половинка праздничного сердечка Будет выдаваться за каждые 2 часа нахождения в игре. из соединенных правой половинки праздничного сердечка (за ивент, а так же с РБ) и левой половинки праздничного сердечка (за каждые 2 часа онлайна) получается [ивент] склеенное сердечко. Список данжей/РБ с которых выпадает Правая половинка праздничного сердечка (2 шт. с РБ)
  5. 1 point
    Unusually a lot of people were spending time in the Pandaemonium tavern. Osaye and Wild Tayga have made their way to the bar and were about to order some drinks when someone short and quick has caught the spiritmaster by the sleeve. It was a funny dressed shugo. - Would you like to participate in some adventures, young lady, nyerk? Osaye and Wild Tayga exchanged glances. A tailed creature was looking at them with his small eyes full of crazyness, and on his paws were the spots of chocolate. - What happned? Why are you here? – Osaye was as considerate as always. - It's a sweet adventure! Will you participate in it? You are a loving couple, aren't you, nyerk? - Ahem... Not really, - the ranger got embarresed, - we are friends. - No problem! You can paricipate separately, one by one... but as you wish, - the shugo gave a sly smile. - Well, he is the one who is single here, - Osaye peeked at Wild Tayga. - And I will invite one pretty sorcerer. He's name is Mirk. - Perfect! - The shugo smiled widely. - I will explain the rules to you... Event is in progress from 14.02 to 21.02 Participation in the event is available for all characters of level 10 and higher. Chocorunerk(e)/Cocorunerk(a) is starting npc (can be found in the central squares of Oriel/Pernn and in Sanctum/Pandaemonium), which gives you a quest on your choice: Lover or Loner (ely)/Bitter or Sweet?(asmo). On this stage you choose a way of a couple or of a loner. 1. Lover's way Shugo Khannarinerk(e)/Candirunerk(a) (in Oriel and Elisea, Pernon and Pandaemonium) Gives a daily quest "[Event/Daily] Sweety Choco Muv-ums"(ely)/"[Event/Daily] Cutie-Wootie Choco Wuv(asmo)". Event item "Sweet Chocolate" can be obtained fom Happy Singleton (spawnes in Oriel and Pernon). Three Sweet chocolates can be exchanged for one Chocolate Ornament at Khannarinerk(e)/Candinerk(a) 3pcs = 1pcs Go to the Chocolate Tower, which stands behind Khannarinerk(e)/Candirunerk(a) in Sanctum/Pandaemonium, and then double-click the Chocolate ornament to use it. Reward: For finishing quest "[Event/Daily] Sweety Choco Muv-ums"(ely)/"[Event/Daily] Cutie-Wootie Choco Wut (asmo)" 5 times you will get an additional reward. Attention! Additional reward can be received only once. There is no additional reward for the next 5th completing of the quests. Sweet Couples' Hat Sweet Chocolate Table (untradable, disappeares in 60 days) Right Festival Heart Piece. (a piece can also be obtained from main bosses) don't throw it away, you will need it later. The information on the right heart piece will be given later. [Event] Sweet Couples' Box contains: 1) Sweet chocolate 2) [Event] Sweet Chocolate Beverage 3) Greater Running Scroll (5 pcs) 4) Greater Raging Wind Scroll (5 pcs) 5) Recovery Potion (10 pcs) 6) Recovery Serum (10 pcs) 7) Fine Recovery Potion (10 pcs) 8) Fine Recovery Serum (10 pcs) 9) Sweet Chocolate Couch (untradable, disappeares in 60 days) 10) Sweet Chocolate Wall Ornament 11) Sweet Couples' Costume 12) [Event] Souvenir Bundle. Randomly drops a souvenir for decorating the house. All the souvenirs are tradable and aren't time limited. [Souvenir] Tahabata Wall-mount Trophy [Souvenir] Stormwing Wall-mount Trophy [Souvenir] Steel Rake Statue [Souvenir] Centennial Golden Saam Statue [Souvenir] Taloc's Komad Statue [Souvenir] Karemiwen's Teddy Bear [Souvenir] Shugo with a Pearl Earring [Souvenir] Dorhan Statue [Souvenir] Secret Laboratory Elemental Core [Souvenir] Valeir the Thinker Statue 2. Loner's Way Shugo Sollorinerk(e)/Lirinerk(a) (in Oriel and Elisea, Pernon and Pandaemonium) gives a daily quest "[Event/Daily] Extra-Bitter Chocolate"(ely)/"[Event/Daily] Chocolate, Extra Bitter"(asmo) According to the quest you must kill Smug Lovebird (can be found in Oriel/Pernon) and obtain 3 Extra Bitter Chocolate. At Sollorinerk(a)/Lirinerk(a) you can exchange three Extra Bitter Chocolates for a Chocolate Bomb, 3pcs = 1pcs Select the Chocolate Tower, standing behind Khannarinerk(e)/Cocorunerk(a) in Sanctum/Pandaemonium and then double-click the Chocolate Bomb to use it. Reward: For finishing the quest "[Event/Daily] Extra Bitter Chocolate"(ely)/"[Event/Daily] Manual Relationships"(asmo) 5 times you will get an additional reward. Attention! Additional reward can only be received once. There is no additional reward for the next 5th completing of the quests. Proud Single's Hat Proud Single's Table (untradable, disappeares in 60 days) Right Festival Heart Piece. (a piece can also be obtained from main bosses) don't throw it away, you will need it later. The information on the right heart piece will be given later. [Event] Proud Single's Box contains: 1) Sweet chocolate 2) [Event] Sweet Chocolate Beverage 3) Greater Running Scroll (5 pcs) 4) Greater Raging Wind Scroll (5 pcs) 5) Recovery Potion (10 pcs) 6) Recovery Serum (10 pcs) 7) Fine Recovery Potion (10 pcs) 8) Fine Recovery Serum (10 pcs) 9) Proud Single's Couch (untradable, disappeares in 60 days) 10) Proud Single's Wall Ornament 11) Proud Single's Costume 12) [Event] Souvenir Bundle. Randomly drops a souvenir for decorating the house. All the souvenirs are tradable and aren't time limited. [Souvenir] Tahabata Wall-mount Trophy [Souvenir] Stormwing Wall-mount Trophy [Souvenir] Steel Rake Statue [Souvenir] Centennial Golden Saam Statue [Souvenir] Taloc's Komad Statue [Souvenir] Karemiwen's Teddy Bear [Souvenir] Shugo with a Pearl Earring [Souvenir] Dorhan Statue [Souvenir] Secret Laboratory Elemental Core [Souvenir] Valeir the Thinker Statue May good fortune be with you despite the way you chose! Left Festival Heart Piece Will be given for 2 hours spent online. after uniting Right Festival Heart Piece (for event and also from bosses) and Left Festival Heart Piece (for every 2 hours online) you get [Event] United Heart Power Shard: +50 (500 шт) Dragon Breath Wings Black Dragon's Breath Wings Honorary Angel's Egg - 30-day pass Honorary Devil's Egg - 30-day pass Administrator's Boon – 1-Time Pass Plastic Surgery Ticket Box (1 day) Enchantment Stone (L110) Enchantment Stone (L120) Enchantment Stone (L130) Major Construction Flux (3 шт.) Earth Scrap [Event] Heroic Godstone Bundle [Event] Fabled Godstone Bundle Krotan Refuge Ring (7 days) Kysis Fortress Ring (7 days) Miren Fortress Ring (7 days) [Event] Souvenir Bundle [Souvenir] Tahabata Wall-mount Trophy [Souvenir] Stormwing Wall-mount Trophy [Souvenir] Steel Rake Statue [Souvenir] Centennial Golden Saam Statue [Souvenir] Taloc's Komad Statue [Souvenir] Karemiwen's Teddy Bear [Souvenir] Shugo with a Pearl Earring [Souvenir] Dorhan Statue [Souvenir] Secret Laboratory Elemental Core [Souvenir] Valeir the Thinker Statue The list of the bosses dropping Right Festival Heart Piece (2 pcs from a boss)
  6. 1 point
    Congratulate the loved ones! In order to give you the opportunity to congratulate your loved ones with the gifts, we make 20% discounts for all the skins and costumes in the game shop! The sale will be available until 21.02.2021 inclusive. Enjoy the shopping! The sale includes the following shop categories: Sets Suits Hats Shield Weapons Wings
  7. 1 point
    The simple solution would be to only apply the PvP Buff during siege. It doesn't even make sense that the buff is active 24/7. Elyos abuse this flawed system to have virtual +5 upper Accessories so they can zerg everything in sight in open world pvp. Asmodians who don't do open world pvp don't care about this, they rather get the maximum points of GP to feel their e-dick growing and to keep a useless rank in a useless ranking system.
  8. 1 point
    Выполните эти действия: а) Добавить папку игры в исключения во всех антивирусах (включая Windows defender), а также в брандмауэре. Перезапустить ПК.б) Правой кнопкой мыши нажать на папку с игрой - Свойства - убираем галочку "Только для чтения" - Применить - ОКЗапускаем лаунчер
  9. 1 point
    For PvE you will mainly be in DPS majority of the instances don't require you to be in a specific defensive build, also aggro is mostly based on DPS and you aggro skills only support that if you have a very heavy DPS in your group he might take aggro from you sometimes if you are doing no damage. Keep in mind DPS doesn't mean greatsword only as you said you need to play with both gs and s&s and switch accordingly (as example you have an aoe taunt that makes you block one attack 100% so when you know a big physical attack coming you do it and then you can also use a skill that gives you a big buff = courageous shield and go back to gs and repeat to refresh it). Your first PvE gear will probably be also your first PvP gear that is BM gear (which is also gonna be your main PvP Block set later) then you can either try getting in groups for easier late game instances to get some pieces or farm ancient coins. Ancient coin gs fused with BM gs will be your friend for a long time as a good starting weapon for everything. I go for the armor as well since it's easy to max that gear at +5 and gives very good stats but gonna take a while to complete. For s&s you can keep your BM ones but try to replace them for PvE with drops from instances you don't have to farm ancient coin ones. For pure DPS I go with this : http://aion.aspirine.su/stigma/#dCnagacfmdiaBcaBeabgsgfahgBddBfe you can replace Siegebreaker with Bodyguard for your party members or one of the taunt skills if you want an extra insurance. Only special cases instances is DLR if you find a premade to run it for the extend you will need a magic resist set, either the kahrun or rune shield tower might be good and ofc you will need the tank branch in your stigma tree but you shouldn't bother with this that early. For PvP for Templar to be optimal you will need multiple sets later like cleric and chanter. Your first PvP gear that is BM gear will be your Block set against physical classes, against magical classes you have 2 options, either Magic Resist or Magic Suppression. For Magic Resist the best is to go hybrid on damage and MR with the abyssal gear (star 2) some prefer to make it full dps and go ham on damage vs all classes so that's your choice on that. Magic Suppression your best bet to be also doing a bit of damage is the Ancient Coin leather gear coupled with a sword and shield with the most ancient manastone slots possible like rune shield tower (cause you need to slot magic suppression stones). So when farming ancient coins you can go for this instead of plate armor for PvE if you'd like, you will also need a hat with the highest suppression possible like the crafted ones or sunayaka (also good for magic resist). If you want you can have a hybrid magic resist and suppression set (if you are planning to make your abyssal full dps) but only used as a defensive set then maybe the cloth ancient coin is better. Use the gear builder to plan ahead and look for the stats you need : http://aion.aspirine.su/ *you will also need to make macros for gear switching. As for stigmas for PvP here where you have some choices, Divine and Empyrean Fury are a must so there goes 6 slots. You need your pulls so there goes 2 more. Unwavering Devotion is a must. You are left with 3 slots to either get more damage skills, Inquisitor's Blow is useful as it's a ranged skill that you can also use to remove dodges so you can pull them after or get lucky and get a KD from a crit, your other DPS skills are Punishing Trust your biggest burst skill and Punishment that have some randomness to it so meh. Stubborn Spirit is really nice stance (either when you are chasing or escaping or to reduce damage from magic nukes) and is a must to complete your magic suppression set but still useful without it for what it gives, Aether Armor for a big MR buff vs magical classes or to couple it with your magic resist set or even without it if you want. Barricade of Steel is in a weird spot where it's very good vs assassin and gives lots of block, the reflect damage is bigger than your Holy Shield but it's debatable if it's useful overall to take up a slot, generally you will want a "static" do it all build in open PvP that gonna be useful against the majority and especially magical classes that are annoying for you (and you won't be back and forth switching all your stigmas). Last is Bodyguard if you are doing group pvp or with a duo friend.
  10. 1 point
    1) The cap is the same basically 500 crit for 50% but you'll need more because crit strike resist reduces it. For PvP you're looking over 950 crit strike is a good number, that depends on the average crit strike resist of other players (over 450~ resist). PvE you'll want between 1000 and 1100, depends on the instance but 1100 you'll be good for everything I think. 2) Maximum stats what do you mean exactly ? The stats you need for each or how much can you reach ? There is no limit basically because most stats in aion have caps but that gets reduced by another stat so you need to have more to counter it. So I can't tell you how much exactly can you reach cause it all depends on your opponent and you just need to basically reach optimized numbers at end game. - Block cap is 50% so its 500 but you need to add it to your opponent accuracy. Generally average players accuracy late game is 3000 so you need 3500 block to have 50% chance of blocking. But the more precision they have the less chances you'll get (example your set is at 3500 block but a player have 3200 accuracy => you will get 30% chance). *So for player socketing accuracy you will need more, take 3500 as a starting number to work for the average player. **Parry is capped at 40% so 400 and evade at 30% so 300 as a bonus info. - MR not sure if in this patch is also 50%, someone can correct me if I'm wrong. But in any case it's the same concept, if a player have 2300 MA (which I think is maybe the max they can reach overall with socketing composites without sacrificing too much MB) you'll need 2800 MR. On average players I think they will maybe have 2100 MA so start by reaching 2600 MR I guess. *A lot of skills have their own bonuses and penalties of MA that also goes into account. - MS is another story as it reduces your opponent MB at a 1:1 ratio, so you'll need to know how much MB they can reach but you won't be able to go even with it to like reduce it to 0 lol. Keep in mind MB cap is 2900, any MB over it doesn't add damage it's only purpose is to counter the MS of targets, so you just need the best gear for an MS set and get as much as you can to reduce their magic damage. (I think ancient coin leather is best for this with a shield that have a lot of ancient manastone slots like rune shield tower) - Attack has no cap so put as much as you can on your DPS set after you get the caps on accuracy and crit which are the priority (attack will not matter if you can't hit your target and getting close as possible to 50% crit is crucial). -Crit see (1). - Accuracy I basically explained it with block. => So in short for PvP, for a DPS set you are looking at reaching 3000+ accuracy with 950+ crit and as much attack as you can fit. Block set start with 3500 block, you can fit in crit with composites to also be cap for crit for a bit of damage but at the expense of less block. MR is same with block but try to get 2600+ to 2800. You can try finding gear calculators online to try and plan a bit and see the numbers you can reach. If I did a mistake on some numbers someone please correct me.