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  1. 1 point
    What about making x2 rates at weekends as AionLegends has (They have x3) atleast people will have more provability of drop fluxes wich everyones needs, and also i think it could call the atention of pp to lvl up and to farm more
  2. 1 point
    just put him on block list if you want.staff team doesnt ban or warn him for doing that in ally/whisper chat. Put him on block list and all is fine
  3. 1 point
    the function that you are searching for, doesnt exist in 4.6. It got added in 4.8, when katalam got deleted. you have to do the old movement, like normal fly teleporter. this server is based on the official 4.6 generation
  4. 1 point
    I don't remember when but they added that teleport thing where you click on the obelisks on the map to quick teleport after a cast but not in this patch.
  5. 1 point
    Congratulate the loved ones! In order to give you the opportunity to congratulate your loved ones with the gifts, we make 30% discounts for all the skins and costumes in the game shop! The sale will be available until 23.02.2020 inclusive. Enjoy the shopping! The sale includes the following shop categories: Wings Hats Ninja Sets Shields Attire-set Attire-Suit Weapons Wild Cat Audron Golden Armor
  6. 1 point
    That insult is very miniscule and you ought to know the saying "water off a duck's back". Are you seriously going to report everyone that swears in chat or whisper simply because they were frustrated? It's a waste of time to report anything like this. There is profanity filter you have unchecked in game, that's your problem and you're seeing swear words because you allowed it. It's a game, people play, people get happy or angry and call names/swear. It's just that they had a bad time and expressed themselves. There are people from all walks of life, you don't know what some go through daily in life just to play games and escape that harsh reality for a brief moment. And with the amount of these chat reports, if you expect a ban-wave on the number of people swearing, there will be no one left to play.
  7. 1 point
    Yeah, "retard" did really hurt your feelings, I feel you.