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  1. 2 points
    I didn't see a topic with those informations, so i decided to write this I have translated informations from russian I hope this can help some people vote for server Let's start then! To vote you need 7 steps :
  2. 2 points
    Hello, Thank you for your suggestions and interest in the server! From the last project we had, we have drawn some lessons. Event's won't be closed for sure. The question of rewards for events will be decided on the time of their preparation. We have got your oppinion and taken a note of it.
  3. 2 points
    NO for AFK events AT ALL NEVER! NO shugo dungeon events AT ALL NEVER! NO for snowflake,pumpkin and other events with overpowered rewards AT ALL NEVER! Events must be only in openworld(and only in 4.0+ locations), like STRONK bosses(with good loot), boxes with loot(not very valuable NO 100+lvl ench stones, NO water, NO top composite).
  4. 2 points
    На официальных серверах мобы всегда были социальные, т.е если 2 моба стоят вместе и ты агришь одного из них, 2й обязательно съагрится.
  5. 1 point
    Support our project in the Aion TOPs Our server participates in almost every possible ranking of Aion servers, including the most popular rating of online games in the CIS, which is MmoTop. In spite of the fact that our server is set in Europe, we have chosen this top list as the main. This is based on the understanding that massive driving up of the votes is possible in the other rankings. We cannot get to the higher positions in the TOP without your help! NO COINS ARE CREDITED FOR VOTES SMS voting DOES NOT provide coins (we aren't interested in your investments for MmoTop). When voting it's necessary to provide ACCOUNT NAME (not character nickname). Votes cheat is prohibited and is punished with ban on all accounts. VOTE RIGHT NOW As it was mentioned earlier, we participate in other TOPs, but there's no reward for voting in them. However, if you do want our project to develop successfully, support us! Links for voting for us in the other TOPs: http://www.xtremetop100.com/in.php?site=1132368188 https://topg.org/aion-private-servers/in-520608 https://gtop100.com/topsites/Aion-Online/sitedetails/Perfect-quality-Euro-server-96362?vote=1 https://www.arena-top100.com/index.php?a=in&u=euroaion https://www.gowonda.com/vote.php?server_id=6496 https://mmohub.com/site/352/vote https://www.rpg-paradize.com/?page=vote&vote=112232
  6. 1 point
    Petition for no Events (or only very SELECT events). Yes.. yes, I know some of you will be up in arms about this—but most Aion events are detrimental to the life of the game. Most events revolve around some sort of RNG mechanism with possible amazing prizes behind the door.. The problem is that as players build up a multitude of characters, many of these items are obtained and sold. When this happens many players are gearing up just by sitting in Panda or Sanctum instead of actually going to dungeons. This is bad game design. One notable, and popular example of this is the snowball event. We need to never have events like this. Another popular type of event that Aion likes to release are AFK events. Get ‘these rewards’ for staying logged in every ‘xxx time’. Now, I am OK with the first event we had for candy—I think it’s a decent way of giving players a small taste of the shop. However, what I am more referring to are events that give away items like enchant stones, manastones, and tempering solutions (holy serum I believe its called in EU). This is HORRIBLE. We had a long event like this before on Gold Aion and it was the final nail in the coffin for my legion (largest English speaking legion there). Why? Because it made no sense to go to instances anymore—we got more and better rewards by just afking.. and soon there was no point in playing the actual game. Lastly, there are smaller events that some of you love… hell, I Love them too. Things like code red for scrolls. However, these events are also very bad because they take away value from our crafters. Not everyone in this game desires to do just 1 thing. Some people love to craft and make money and when we have events that give away FREE items like this, then it really messes up the economy. I’ve also seen several PVP events on other servers I’ve been on. However, most PVP events are flawed because it only leads to players trading kills and the real PVP stops. The ONLY good type of PVP event is a tournament or arena (if moderated). The best event (and the only one I can recommend for the longevity of the server) is the birthday cake. It gives 300% xp, 300% drop rate, and attack/cast speed. This event encourages players to go out into the world and kill monsters, to farm, and to play the game. If anybody else agrees, please upvote and sign below. Blackout
  7. 1 point
    Struggling with the gifted dear and weapons. Seems to take all the purpose out of the Earlier game play. Is there anyone else that feels this way? Or am I maybe missing something. I miss the old Aion where we could just play exp x1 and enjoy all the dungeons and gear drops. Looking for others who might want to play with the group we have the normal way. Unless i'm wrong and maybe someone could help me out
  8. 1 point
    А вот и первая тема под предлогом "мало". Не будет этого. Большая часть игроков еще не взяла необходимый уровень для похода на истоки. Много кто полностью "голый" и не в состоянии ходить на них без ничего. И так далее. В ближайшее время с этим ничего делаться не будет.
  9. 1 point
    Our server was open on the 20th of September, which is almost the end of the month, but we have managed to reach good places in all possible ratings. This month we must certainly improve the results! Help us with it, vote for the server!
  10. 1 point
    Оч каефно помогло был пинг 70-80 обрубал до 20-30 ваще каеф автору Оскара
  11. 1 point
    Hello, Daevas, Today is the start of the house auction! Now you can get your own house, but don't forget, that you must pay taxes for it! The auction is filled with houses every Monday. It lasts until Sunday, 12 am. If some of the houses are not sold, the auction will be prolonged, but no longer than for 30 minutes. After this, the auction will be closed and happy owners of the houses will receive and notification letter, informing about winning a tender. The house can be used immediately. You can read more about housing system in the link