
Instant Lvl 65 item in shop

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Hello Mods and Forum colleagues!

We've all probably played Aion on the retail servers at some point, and are here because this is a much nicer Server and it is. We've probably also all leveled up countless characters before, know the story from the top of our heads. 

hence my suggestion would be to add an item in the shop that would allow you to instantly level a character to 65. It's an item that I would buy instantly, because, as a father, I have limited time to play, and I'd much rather use that time to enhance my character at the end game instead of simply mindless leveling... something I've done way too many times to admit it. 

At the same time, this would a very nice choice for people who would like to play different classes, or had different classes before and now need to start anew. 

I hope you can take my suggestion into consideration.



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TheAlmighty    1,145


This server has been started as a retail-like and we cannot just change it now. Also, all the players have the same conditions, our shop policy doesn't allow to add such kind of items into the shop. We have the items in the game shop which can make the leveling process easier, for example amulets, tea, boosts. 

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Shandris    49
On 29/11/2019 at 11:31 AM, TheAlmighty said:


This server has been started as a retail-like and we cannot just change it now. Also, all the players have the same conditions, our shop policy doesn't allow to add such kind of items into the shop. We have the items in the game shop which can make the leveling process easier, for example amulets, tea, boosts. 

Yeah, don't you know that 1-65 costs around 50 euro on rmt site?. If one wants to buy it he will do so anyway xD

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Shandris    49
31 minutes ago, Shandris said:

Yeah, don't you know that 1-65 costs around 50 euro on rmt site?. If one wants to buy it he will do so anyway xD

That was a joke but if someone wants I can lvl up for €. Pm me for details. 

P.S If gm allows that of course 😉

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Bladegunner    12


This server has been started as a retail-like and we cannot just change it now. Also, all the players have the same conditions, our shop policy doesn't allow to add such kind of items into the shop. We have the items in the game shop which can make the leveling process easier, for example amulets, tea, boosts. 

I was just reading the forum and I am thinking, apparently, you ignore many issues, one of them was really interesting though, stigma shards... but of course, I will not speak of it as people tried but you simply ignored, as I read. However, I see you handled the "Panda" situation well, which means you can improve things right? So, I am asking why you consistently ignore many things, that is something I do not understand. I read nearly all the topics in the forum mentioned by players who pose some problems with the game. I tried to analyze your way of thinking and your policy, I tried to understand why you make some changes but you ignore some things. 

On one topic, someone accused you of being money hunters because of some debate on the current GP system, the topic is closed and you stated no one any rights to say that for you. I believe you are not about the money, otherwise, tempering solutions and many other items would be in the shop, wouldn't they? 

Yet, I observe some contradictions and these contradictions damage your shop policy making it a so-called for me to be honest.

- I am trying to understand why did you put 100% socketing into the shop while you are rejecting a simple instant 65 level ticket. Does it seem contradictory to only me? I do not think so, I think people either do not speak of it because they profit from it or courage to state it.

You are justifying your excuse for not being able to add an instant ticket into the shop by saying that "all players have the same conditions, our shop policy doesn't allow to add such kind of items into the shop", yet you can easily add 100% socketing into the shop without any rejections and say "we added 100% socketing because players wanted them".

So guys please show me I am wrong I beg you. Because this is ridiculous, please do not misunderstand me, I do not say " don't add 100% socketing into the shop" I am saying you are adding a p2w item into the shop but you are rejecting to add a different p2w item into the shop. Am I wrong? What are your shop policy's rules and principles? I would say those principles do not seem to have strong roots as you can violate them at will. Please I just seek a well-detailed and logical explanation for this situation. This should not be like that. If you add a p2w item into the shop then you might consider adding a different one too. If you are putting a policy to reject all pw2 elements than literally nothing considered pw2  should be added into the shop, if you do not do so there is a simple issue with your policy you should make it more flexible to alter any situation made at your will so you can justify your decisions without anybody questioning you. You are adding 100%socketing which is a p2w element and unfair, yet you reject adding an instant 65 level ticket which is a p2w element and unfair, I wonder why?. I really wonder if I am the only one who sees this contradiction. So @AdminI invite you here, please join me and let s discuss your shop policy , I am trying to understand how things work and I cannot make assumptions by myself forever, I try to state issues and wait for answers as many did before yet you do not answer at all, you need to explain some things to me and the rest of the players who think same as me ( I want to believe there are, otherwise please downvote me so I will leave the community if I am alone) I suppose and justify your decisions, I think all of us deserve this. Please show me there are absolutely no contradictions and show me I am wrong. 

I have a feeling that makes me troubled which is the things in here are working based on "suit someone's book.", where I think it should be more like "work both ways".


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TheAlmighty    1,145

So, the server is classic with classic x1 rates. Insta 65 is not classic and is not x1 at all. That's from another server type and why would anyone go for levelling up when there's this ticket in the shop? 9 of 10 players will get the ticket, and one guy will stay and go alone doing quests an etc. 

Even if it is tradeable and will be possible to buy at the broker, new players won't have any kinah for it. It's not something that you can save for when you get to end game. Everyone will be just forced to donate. 

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Bladegunner    12

You are talking like getting 40-50 socketings are easy for everyone? I can make it you can make it some can make it, but not everybody can make it. And nobody will be forced to level up alone or donate? I would still go for levelling process it is a matter of preference why do you keep putting people into a stereotype for every situation? Not everybody buys 100% socket just because you put it in the shop I suppose, and not everyone will buy 65 insta level, if you are concerned about the players then loan them kinah at the start and make them pay it afterwards if they do not they might get punished for it, you won t lose anything as it is all in cyberspace? So everybody can buy insta 65? Or simply make us all start 65 or did nothing about the levelling process, but you should not touch at 100% socketing or alike pw2 items either, that is why I see a contradiction, though this is your decision and I see I will never affect your decisions I will not be able to show you some things, thank you for your attention.


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Dlacik    1
On 29. 11. 2019 at 8:49 AM, Shandris said:

Agreed, or at least rates x3. New ppl need to catch fast to us since no new ppl= server dead

There already are double xp rates on weekends. You can get another 200% amulet from shop/broker. You can also get value boost pack to change energy of repose into strong energy of repose to double all the xp you get. So in the end you can get:
((x2 rates for weekend) + 200% amulet) x2 strong energy of repose = x12
For example when you go to BT at level 53 solo with those buffs. Killing one balaur mob there earns you over 20M exp which is pretty much equal to exp gained from completing one campaign quest in Katalam.

Edited by Dlacik

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Sokras789    1

You know that if you buy the exp premium buff, buy 200% exp amulets and some repose recovery teas, and play in the double exp weekend you can lvl to 65 in less than 2 days right? It's like insane exp. I did that in solo BT and got like 20+ million exp per mob.

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Bladegunner    12

Nothing you said in your paragraphs made any sense, I cant even reply to a single point you made because you didnt make any.


Pardon me, but I did not write here for levelling, I write here just because I thought this topic is really nice to assert my point about the game shop. If you see no point at all, that is your problem, because what I tell does not matter if you do not have the capacity to understand what I tell, mate. Maybe, it is related to your brain, you might go for a check-up, people absolutely will help you with that, of course, if they can find it.

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wexlergamez    3

The leveling is fine, the euroaion staff does it well, the lvl 65 instan would kill the game, I know that sometimes the leveling is annoying but it also serves to explore

I give my opinion because I feel alone u.u (joke)

Edited by wexlergamez

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