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[Event] Boiling Point!

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Admin    422

Boiling Point! 
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Mendrunerk is back again and getting ready to cook up some hearty soup for all Daevas who are willing to help him out. If you bring him the missing ingredients, you'll be rewarded with a powerful soup that grants wishes and raises your spirits!

Are you ready to help the brilliant cook?

Collect all ingredients from 07 to 18 October (The dates can be changed).

Mendrunerk is waiting for Daevas at the main square in Sanctum/Pandaemonium.

He will give you the quest [Event] Feeding the Revolution/[Event] Golden Wishes
The main tartget is to collect Rice Cake (4 pieces), Beef Bone Broth (1 piece), bring them to Mendrunerk and get your reward - [Event] Mystic Chowder ([Event]Golden Rice Cake Soup).






The ingredients can be found almost everywhere in Atreia:

Aetherogenetics Lab (РМ-78c)
Azoturan Fortress (Betrayer Icaronix)
Steel Rake, Steel Rake Cabin (Brass-Eye Grogget, Engineer Lahulahu)
Draupnir Cave (Commander Bakarma)
Alquimia Research Center (High Priest Esras)
Indratu Fortress (Brigadier Indratu)
Dark Poeta (Chramati Firetail, Asaratu Bloodshade, Vanuka Infernus, Calindi Flamelord, Tahabata Pyrelord)
Esoterrace (Warden Surama)
Udas Temple (Nexus)
Lower Udas Temple (Debilkarim the Maker)
Beshmundir Temple (Stormwing)
Theobomos Lab (Unstable Triroan)
Rentus Base (Brigade General Vasharti)
Raksang(Raksha, Raksha Boilheart)
Tiamat Stronghold (Tahabata's Treasure Chest)
Ophidan Bridge (Artillery)
Steel Rose Cargo (group) (Maintenance Officer Notakiki)
Steel Rose Quarters (group) (Kanerunerk the Accountant)
Steel Rose Deck (group) (Captain Rumakiki)
Danuar Reliquary (Furious Grendal the Witch)
Sauro Supply Base (Guard Leader Achradim, Brigade General Sita of the 40th Army)
Danuar Sanctuary (Staff Officer Syaroka, Supreme Healer Tagnu)
Void Room (Furious Barukan)
Infinity Shard (Hyperion)
Abyssal Splinter (Abyssal Treasure Box, Shining Treasure Chest of the Abyss)
Satra Treasure Hoard (Muzzled Punisher, Punisher Unleashed)
Tiamat's Shelter (Calindi Flamelord, Large Tiamat Treasure Chest)
Illuminary Obelisk (Dynatum Prototype)
In the group dungeons loot is for the whole party.

After relishing the brilliant Soup, Daeva can get different items:

[Event] Tempering Solution
[Event] Assured Greater Felicitous Socketing Box (Mythic)
Assured Greater Felicitous Socketing Box (Eternal)
[Event] Sauro Commander's Accessory Box
[Event] Dragon Lord's Mythic Weapon Chest
[Event] Dragon Lord's Weapon Chest
Enduring Mythic Weapon Tuning Scroll
Shugo Lad Egg
Fabled Godstone Bundle
Heroic Godstone Bundle
Greater Composite Manastone Bundle
Composite Manastone Bundle
Noble Ancient Manastone Bundle
Rare Manastone of Aetheric Field Bundle
Ancient Spirit's Eternal Armor Chest
Stormwing's Eternal Jacket Chest
Victory Banquet Food Chest
Vindachinerk's Fine Combination Tool


Chance to get some of items is not 100%


Including Graceful Hanbok:


And Goldenimbus (7 days)
There is no such item even in the shop 


Make sure to save the ingredients left -  generous  Mendrunerk will gladly exchange it to the Superior Recovery Potion.

bon appétit!

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TheAlmighty    1,151

Answering the questions and complaints in advance. We aren't going to launch every next event richer than the previous just because you have everything.

Dozens of new players join the server daily and they need to develop. Don't forget that the rates of the server are classic x1.

We are interested in the long life of the server and aren't going to follow the destructive logic of constant reward expansion.

We ask you to take it as given. You you're not satisfied with the event, you can stop participating in it.

Thank you and have a great time in game! 

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TheAlmighty    1,151
7 minutes ago, Chusheen said:

Please add Ecoins in Eventrewards since PayPal went brrrrrrrrrr forevverrrrrrr

Getting ecoins by the game method will never be implemented. 

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Souli    22
16 minutes ago, TheAlmighty said:

Getting ecoins by the game method will never be implemented. 

Never say never, you can perfectly introduce a rare chance to get 5 ecoins as event reward

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Raidon    108

Another boring event of "Get X, combine with Y and get Z for some pointless reward."

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Admin    422
5 минут назад, Raidon сказал:

Another boring event of "Get X, combine with Y and get Z for some pointless reward."


Answering the questions and complaints in advance. We aren't going to launch every next event richer than the previous just because you have everything.

Dozens of new players join the server daily and they need to develop. Don't forget that the rates of the server are classic x1.

We are interested in the long life of the server and aren't going to follow the destructive logic of constant reward expansion.

We ask you to take it as given. You you're not satisfied with the event, you can stop participating in it.

Thank you and have a great time in game! 


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Admin    422
1 час назад, Souli сказал:

Never say never, you can perfectly introduce a rare chance to get 5 ecoins as event reward


Getting ecoins by the game method will never be implemented. 


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Raidon    108
10 minutes ago, Admin said:


I'm not saying that you absolutely must implement OP rewards into the game. I'm saying that we are expecting more engaging events. Shugo Tomb,Trillonerk's Gold Vault, Rukibuki Circus, Gift of the Alchemist, or similar. 

Put those for 2-3 weeks. Add some interesting mechanics to them. For example if you complete Shugo tomb 5 times, you get L120, if you complete it 10 times you get tempering, if you do it every single day during the event duration you get something unique like a mount. Those are not "OP" items, but just another layer for active players to participate in the event.

Btw, just as a side thought, I think you and some active players should gather around in Discord or something and discuss what events are available to us. We could surely come up with something exciting when getting closer to Halloween and Christmas events.

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Souli    22
7 hours ago, Admin said:

Make sure to save the ingredients left -  generous  Mendrunerk will gladly exchange it to the Superior Recovery Potion.

Funny... merly for 2 potion each quest... and this is generous?

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Chastise    34

Out all of the dungeons mentioned above, which ones are supposed to drop at level 65 (besides the ones that are already level 65 such as katalamize, sauro etc)?

8 hours ago, Admin said:

Aetherogenetics Lab (РМ-78c)
Azoturan Fortress (Betrayer Icaronix)
Steel Rake, Steel Rake Cabin (Brass-Eye Grogget, Engineer Lahulahu)
Draupnir Cave (Commander Bakarma)
Alquimia Research Center (High Priest Esras)
Indratu Fortress (Brigadier Indratu)
Dark Poeta (Chramati Firetail, Asaratu Bloodshade, Vanuka Infernus, Calindi Flamelord, Tahabata Pyrelord)
Esoterrace (Warden Surama)
Udas Temple (Nexus)
Lower Udas Temple (Debilkarim the Maker)
Beshmundir Temple (Stormwing)
Theobomos Lab (Unstable Triroan)
Rentus Base (Brigade General Vasharti)
Raksang(Raksha, Raksha Boilheart)
Tiamat Stronghold (Tahabata's Treasure Chest)
Ophidan Bridge (Artillery)
Steel Rose Cargo (group) (Maintenance Officer Notakiki)
Steel Rose Quarters (group) (Kanerunerk the Accountant)
Steel Rose Deck (group) (Captain Rumakiki)
Danuar Reliquary (Furious Grendal the Witch)
Sauro Supply Base (Treacherous Uterunerk, Head Researcher Jardaraka, Medical Officer Surkihan, Guard Leader Achradim, Brigade General Sita of the 40th Army)
Danuar Sanctuary (Staff Officer Syaroka, Supreme Healer Tagnu)
Void Room (Furious Barukan)
Infinity Shard (Hyperion)
Abyssal Splinter (Abyssal Treasure Box, Shining Treasure Chest of the Abyss)
Satra Treasure Hoard (Muzzled Punisher, Punisher Unleashed)
Tiamat's Shelter (Calindi Flamelord, Large Tiamat Treasure Chest)
Illuminary Obelisk (Dynatum Prototype)


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Auxi    4
26 minutes ago, Chastise said:

Out all of the dungeons mentioned above, which ones are supposed to drop at level 65 (besides the ones that are already level 65 such as katalamize, sauro etc)?


Out of the lower level instances (under 50) I dropped event stuff only in Steel Rake and Theo Lab. DP might be dropping too.

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Cama    2

So tell me... wtf whit this crap event? 16 TL and 0 drop? both ppl in pt whit 100% drop......

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Tiamantara    8

Yes yes very VERY nice event... 16 teo labs runs  0 rice cakes.... and you want from us x4 of them thank you so much 


Edited by Tiamantara

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Sentry    29

Apart from the RIDICULOUS drop of the event ... the most remarkable thing is that precisely the item that costs to drop is the one that asks for 4 instead of doing it the other way around. That says EVERYTHING about the administration of this server.

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Mickymausi    12
Am 7.10.2020 um 12:51 Uhr sagte Raidon:

Ich sage nicht, dass Sie unbedingt OP-Belohnungen in das Spiel implementieren müssen. Ich sage, dass wir mehr spannende Veranstaltungen erwarten. Shugo Grab, Trillonerk GoldGewölbe, Rukibuki Zirkus, Geschenk des Alchemisten, oder ähnlich.

Setzen Sie diese für 2-3 Wochen. Fügen Sie einige interessante Mechaniken hinzu. Zum Beispiel, wenn Sie Shugo Grab 5 Mal zu vervollständigen, erhalten Sie L120, wenn Sie es 10 Mal sie temperieren, wenn Sie es jeden Einzelnen Tag während der Veranstaltungsdauer tun, erhalten Sie etwas Einzigartiges wie ein Reittier. Dies sind keine "OP"-Elemente, sondern nur eine weitere Ebene für aktive Spieler, um an dem Event teilzunehmen.

Btw, genau wie ein Nebengedanke, ich denke, Sie und einige aktive Spieler sollten sich in Discord oder so versammeln und besprechen, welche Ereignisse uns zur Verfügung stehen. Wir könnten uns sicherlich etwas Spannendes einfallen lassen, wenn wir uns Halloween und Weihnachtsveranstaltungen nähern.


am I for or something like sauro 8 key to bring in as an event that you have to work things out and not such combination shit

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Indiee    16
On 7. 10. 2020 at 8:42 AM, TheAlmighty said:

Answering the questions and complaints in advance. We aren't going to launch every next event richer than the previous just because you have everything.

Dozens of new players join the server daily and they need to develop. Don't forget that the rates of the server are classic x1.

We are interested in the long life of the server and aren't going to follow the destructive logic of constant reward expansion.

We ask you to take it as given. You you're not satisfied with the event, you can stop participating in it.

Thank you and have a great time in game! 


how exactly are untradeable tempering solutions helping new players?

Thanks for the answer

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Tiamantara    8

Feels like each event is shittier than the previous one... tmr is last day of the event and all i got is green manastones and by some retarded luck all of em were MA ... waste of freaking time 

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Raidon    108

I honestly can't say that I didn't like the event because I made decent kinah by selling rice.

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Climx    5

"We ask you to take it as given. You you're not satisfied with the event, you can stop participating in it."

GREAT comunism thinking right there. Another example that y'all don't give a flying fuck about what people want. 

You can't come up with new concept of events; fine just copy paste what works and what ppl have been positive about. You can't do that eather...FINE. Do a straw pool or something, work with the comunity instead of putting out disrespectfull sort of P.S. info at the end of the post. None of you answered any question, just that Ecoin bs and got me wondering...maybe i should...


So you fuckers up there can see and at least read.


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xxamaxx    1

is there any reason the npcs are already gone? i really would like to trade in my last 4 cakes.



Edit: its 20 minutes past midnight and the npcs to trade in should still be there....

Edited by xxamaxx
avoid double post
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