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Dodging in pvp instances

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Khana    8

One more message to tell you how much dodging is killing the pvp on the server.

The removal of GP in arenas didn't fix the problem at all, people are still dodging constantly to get the seasonal rewards or just to piss people off

Yesterday I saw this flagvruki applying glory arena, got entry over 10 times, he didn't enter a single time as long as it wasn't an entry with all his alts to be 100% sure to win arena and seasonal rewards.

Clearly removing rewards from arena doesn't stop people from dodging, it either makes people not do it at all, or still do it for the seasonal rewards and dodge for it till they are 100% sure only their alts have entry.

The same applies to eob, kamar and IWW, people just dodge over and over again, many times for no reason at all like "pass 5 times then we enter 6th time" or "pass because we got entry too fast so it must be a premade!!!!" on top of targeted dodges.

I know you tried and failed to implement a mechanic to remove an entry when the instance proc or something like this, so i'm not gonna suggest the same thing.

What you could do instead, is to make it so that when a pvp instance instantly close because of a dodge (ends on the first second after the countdown is over), the team that entered gets no reward (no gp/ap/box/insignia) but get a reset scroll for the said instance (or a ticket in case of arenas, or 3 in case of a glory arena). The scroll would have to have a 24h timer before expiration so that people can't abuse and stock up hundreds of them for the next GP reset.

If you could implement this idea, you could also consider putting back the GP in arenas later since you would gain them only from winning against an opponent.

It is by no means a perfect solution and won't stop people from dodging if they want to, but atleast it won't be killing the game by wasting entries for the people who just want to play.

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Khana    8

Killing even more the little activity that arena has?

If anything, the removal of GP proved that removing rewards is not a solution, if something is not rewarding, people will just not participate at all.

3v3 arenas are dead and it's really sad to see because it's one of the most fun thing to do in 4.x

+ with the amount of dodge, i would say it's never the best players who win, but simply those who get dodged the less

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Kamai    72
38 minutes ago, passthesauce said:

best fix would be just remove the season rewards with the dodge and account sharing it pointless the same old people will win

or hide ranking from the website and just show it at the last day of season

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Haku    29
3 hours ago, Kamai said:

or hide ranking from the website and just show it at the last day of season

The traders will just trade even more rampantly to ensure season reward.

Atm it feels very funny having any sort of monthly reward for the "top pvp players" as it's just rewards for whoever dodges/feeds themselves the most, but I also agree with Khana - if they remove rewards it'll probably kill the last semblance of pvp left on this server. Idk any good solution either, it's a massive player mentality issue at this point. Can't join a lfg group for anything bcs 90% of them are dodging first couple of entries "just to be on the safe side" - absolutely ridiculous. It shouldn't be possible to apply for pvp instances if one does not actually want to play the game. Just log out then.

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Densetzu    23

there is sth like training arena :0 why all pvp players don't face each other there? i thought there are many pvp players on this server why waiting 1 day for 1 ticket when you can do multiple training arenas? players always were dodging and using rats for jmr/kamar/iww its part of retail aion why should admins change that ? 


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Khana    8
1 hour ago, Densetzu said:

there is sth like training arena :0 why all pvp players don't face each other there? i thought there are many pvp players on this server why waiting 1 day for 1 ticket when you can do multiple training arenas? players always were dodging and using rats for jmr/kamar/iww its part of retail aion why should admins change that ? 


Doing training arena is like doing a PvE instance knowing in advance you won't loot a single item.

The vast majority of players won't do it in both cases.

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Haku    29
4 hours ago, Densetzu said:

there is sth like training arena :0 why all pvp players don't face each other there? i thought there are many pvp players on this server why waiting 1 day for 1 ticket when you can do multiple training arenas? players always were dodging and using rats for jmr/kamar/iww its part of retail aion why should admins change that ? 


Several people do, but you always end up meeting the same 10-12 people over and over again bcs nobody else is up for it w/o rewards (1v1, 3v3 and 6v6).

The point still stands, why have the possibility to apply for a pvp instance if you don't intend to pvp or only want to pick easy fights.

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Densetzu    23

 I don't belive people who pvp on this server needs rewards from arenas xD l thought you play pvp to face strong players not some 3 casuals. it looks like pvp became hunting low geared people it would explain camping on katalam camps. Idk somehow on pvp  servers there were no problem to go 3v3, 2v2v2v2 or other arenas. even with less players online. I don't think its problem of arenas. Arenas are made now for pure pvp.  jmr/kamar are clown fiesta.  

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Khana    8

Aion is a Pvpve game, not a PvE game with arenas as a side activity. 

Don't apply pvp instances if u don't wanna pvp 

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TheAlmighty    1,151
On 12/12/2022 at 8:00 AM, Smartees said:

Did they try removing the ticket from inventory after arena pops?

Yes, we did. 


What you could do instead, is to make it so that when a pvp instance instantly close because of a dodge (ends on the first second after the countdown is over), the team that entered gets no reward (no gp/ap/box/insignia) but get a reset scroll for the said instance (or a ticket in case of arenas, or 3 in case of a glory arena). The scroll would have to have a 24h timer before expiration so that people can't abuse and stock up hundreds of them for the next GP reset.

This one is not possible. First of all there's no ticket for dreds, second: it cannot be created, 3rd: removing the rewards completely is not a think for an obvious reason. 

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CowBell    32
On 12/11/2022 at 7:53 PM, Khana said:

3v3 arenas are dead and it's really sad to see because it's one of the most fun thing to do in 4.x

I will disagree with this one - 3v3 was hole of hackers, since you couldn't see opposition names and anyhow prove it. 
Would suggest asking admins what they planning to do with arena (isn't 6months already passed, they might have some data gathered of this successful (allegedly) change), your suggestions obviously not going to matter (I already tested that in Kamar situation).

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