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[Event] Beritra Treasures!

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Shandris    49

Decreasing amount of chests and lowering % for ts to drop. Simply epic. To be fair maybe those who dropped it should have it removed ? :D

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Rnglife    1

Its too late to remove Tempering Solution from loot, balance is already fucked up, people getting 2 ts in a row in 5 minutes. Im out, cya

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Cama    2

ofc... now so manny ppl will quit becose of amazing event that screw the server even more!!! WAS SUPOSE TO BE DEBATE IT not just launch some shit like this

Edited by Cama

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Tiamantara    8

all i get is stigma and power shards... and this guy 2 in a row... they wont fix a thing if they decrease the drop of it .. because PPL ALREADY GOT THEM.... and who didnt well better quit... thats why i said is not fair //// u do event from the start and dont change it after because they did mistake... 

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Rabbit    3

Last week I spent 3B for temperings to get my accessories enchanted, now you are distributing for free from those chests and destroying the game balance and economy. It is a huge middle finger to people that tryharding since the firstday and investing their time in the server. Why did I even farmed for those kinah and spent it all on temperings if next day you will implement a fucking event and distribute them to everyone? Fuck it, I'm out of this server.

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Cama    2
1 minute ago, Reconquista said:

what did u guys smoke, this is bringing pvp to the server, some temperings for 1 day wont ruin it

what did you smoke? 300kk in 3 min wont ruin the game.. when others try hard to make something widouth falling from sky

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Tiamantara    8
2 minutes ago, Reconquista said:

what did u guys smoke, this is bringing pvp to the server, some temperings for 1 day wont ruin it


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DevWolx    62

Open world PVP is nice and all but not at the cost of hurting the overall health of the server.. Server is already not doing that great and this might make it worse. Also this is not even a balanced group pvp event, it's not designed to be that way so it's only benefiting a minority that was already ahead of others.

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Rnglife    1
1 minute ago, Rabbit said:

Last week I spent 3B for temperings to get my accessories enchanted, now you are distributing for free from those chests and destroying the game balance and economy. It is a huge middle finger to people that tryharding since the firstday and investing their time in the server. Why did I even farmed for those kinah and spent it all on temperings if next day you will implement a fucking event and distribute them to everyone? Fuck it, I'm out of this server.

Excatly my words, same here

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Rnglife    1

ROLLBACK + START IT AGAIN WITHOUT TEMPERINGS, i beleive its last chance to keep some decent players there:x

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DevWolx    62

just lower the hp of the chests and make them appear equally in the whole map at least, at this point its not even enemy faction that steals your chest but also same faction people just dps the chest more than you.. especially if they are group or have better class for it example you can't out dps a dual wield class or someone with dots.. this is ridiculous

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Admin    421

Do you want to have no events at all? According to this topic, this is what you're trying to reach.
We receive many messages to increase the activity in katalams with adding this event, and we have made it.
Probably we have made the chances for tempering solution too high for our rates (but it is only 5%). We will take a note of your suggestions and make changes.
Tempering solution, as well as the other items, must be present in the game.
Participation in the events increases the chances to get different items. For some reason there were no complaints about snowflake event, though it was also possible to get quite useful rewards.
Do not overreact and do not think only about yourself.
We are not the enemies of our own project.
As it was said, we will make changes in the drop chances and the event will be in progress until the mentioned dates.

  • Haha 1

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DevWolx    62

Ofc we want events and activity in late game maps, but events need to be thought of carefully before launching them. You need to please the majority of your playerbase and not the minority. Ofc we want tempering solution but they need to be fair and balanced for every player to gain, equal chances. Event needs to be fun and not frustrating.

I wasn't even that mad when Asmos kills me and steals my chest, If it's group I got zerged. If it's a 1v1 ggs. I just respawn and go search elsewhere. But now I've had multiple Elyos solo people (with better class for THINGS THAT ONLY TAKES 1 HP) and group people just steals my chest that I found before them and started hitting it almost reaching 50% hp and they just out dps me and steal it and run away. I just closed the game and I'm done.

Do you want to have no players at all ?

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Reconquista    28
14 minutes ago, Admin said:

Do you want to have no events at all? According to this topic, this is what you're trying to reach.
We receive many messages to increase the activity in katalams with adding this event, and we have made it.
Probably we have made the chances for tempering solution too high for our rates (but it is only 5%). We will take a note of your suggestions and make changes.
Tempering solution, as well as the other items, must be present in the game.
Participation in the events increases the chances to get different items. For some reason there were no complaints about snowflake event, though it was also possible to get quite useful rewards.
Do not overreact and do not think only about yourself.
We are not the enemies of our own project.
As it was said, we will make changes in the drop chances and the event will be in progress until the mentioned dates.

EXACTLY, just lower tempering rates to 1% and everyone will be happy, theres lots of pvp there and i think that THIS is what the server needed, encouraging pvp for ench stones etc.

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Rabbit    3
35 minutes ago, Admin said:

Do you want to have no events at all? According to this topic, this is what you're trying to reach.
We receive many messages to increase the activity in katalams with adding this event, and we have made it.
Probably we have made the chances for tempering solution too high for our rates (but it is only 5%). We will take a note of your suggestions and make changes.
Tempering solution, as well as the other items, must be present in the game.
Participation in the events increases the chances to get different items. For some reason there were no complaints about snowflake event, though it was also possible to get quite useful rewards.
Do not overreact and do not think only about yourself.
We are not the enemies of our own project.
As it was said, we will make changes in the drop chances and the event will be in progress until the mentioned dates.

Ofc we want events, just not game breaking ones. What do you think will happen when the server will be filled with tempering solutions? You will have 20% of player base with maxed gear and they will have nothing else to do in game. On the other hand, other 80% plus the new players will struggle fighting against those max geared people and eventually they will give up playing here. I am aware none of the staff members are actually playing and spending time in game to observe shortcomings of the server. People here needs manastones, enchantment stones and stigma shards. Those rewards are good enough. But when it comes to temperings, we can already obtain them from PvE instances, people are just being lazy and not doing them, and with this event which gives absurd amount of tempering solutions you just encourage them to not farm for those instances, but force them to attend the event. This is not this server needs, this server needs decent rewards for participating everyday instances (both pvp and pve). People stopped going to Kamar Battlefield because rewards are worthless. Give people chance to get tempering solution from Kamar Victory Chests and see how everyone starts doing it. This is how you should introduce extra Tempering Solutions to game in my oppinion. Participation should be limited and everyone should have equal chances to get it. Not like braindead killing chests that don't fight back to get best rewards the game offers.

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Raidon    108

A agree with @Admin, but at the same time, something has to be done with balance and availability. Events are great, but they must have somewhat equal opportunity for every player. Currently, solo players have no chance against zergs to get anything at all.


My suggestion for our next event would be Alchemy event. Everyone has an equal opportunity to get daily keys and do instances for more keys. And may I suggest you put good amount of enchantment/manastones instead of tempering solution. Current situation is fairly sad with manastones. I'm in the process of gathering and getting my Kahrun's set ready for 4.x instances, but I cannot find enough manastones to fill it up. So what am I gonna do when I hit 65? I will have an empty set that has no use in any 4.x instance. I'm not even mentioning getting high end PvE and PVP sets.


And I'm not talking about composites, just HP95/100, Crit +17/19 Mboost +28 etc so that people will have atleast a good base set to start off with.


And if you want to bring more life into Katalams PvP? How about transferring your season mechanic into Katalam? There were similar events in Akaron back in 4.8 on EU, and it was super chaotic but great fun. If you could bring something similar to Katalam where people got rewards for PvPing, it would bring a lot of life in there.

I could write an entire page of suggestions for events, but I won't do that here.

Edited by Raidon

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Cama    2

I think the rollback of the server its the best way to save it , its keep going down, and to many ppl hold he rank that quited the game ... events like this fk it up even more... 

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Cama    2
5 hours ago, Reconquista said:

what did u guys smoke, this is bringing pvp to the server, some temperings for 1 day wont ruin it

how phatetic you can be to xform for 1 box in 2v2 ?


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Cama    2

do you even use brain? im supose to 1v1 vs gov xform ? dude... you talk about good the pvp its back and yo do xform for a box and kill 2 ppl ? srsly..... this server players are just amazing 

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