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[Event] Beritra Treasures!

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Hordos    3

I agree with what most of the others said. Nobody minds a good event. But this one just turns economy and balancing of the server from bad-ish to worst-it-has-been. If you want to do something for balancing, remove the temperings and add a bundle for lvl 70 manastones and combines maybe. The way to achieve temperings without the event (by farming instances) is alright. It should be hard af as it is the last thing anyone would normally farm for before they are done with their gear.

Edit: Do it ASAP. Every minute that this continues the way it is now is one too much

Edited by Hordos

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Reconquista    28
Just now, Cama said:

do you even use brain? im supose to 1v1 vs gov xform ? dude... you talk about good the pvp its back and yo do xform for a box and kill 2 ppl ? srsly..... this server players are just amazing 

man i always kill u 1v1, to the point that u need to come with ur chanter to even kill me 

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Tiamantara    8
2 minutes ago, Reconquista said:

its not my problem u are bad

Oh i am sorry not everyone have your gear and can exform lolololol

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daster33    1
I can't understand how they start an event like that, they only helped the players equipped to progress further by bridging the gap with the rest, an event should be inclusive for everyone, not just for a minority, the snowball event we didn't complain because It included us all, as you can say so being an administrator that sad, I'm out :(
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Apacchi    0

Yeah its kinda hard to do my weekly BM in Danaria to get gear, when I get roflstomped every time I enter the area by zergs with +15 end gear

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Reconquista    28
8 hours ago, daster33 said:

I can't understand how they start an event like that, they only helped the players equipped to progress further by bridging the gap with the rest, an event should be inclusive for everyone, not just for a minority, the snowball event we didn't complain because It included us all, as you can say so being an administrator that sad, I'm out :(

can you please not? its a PVP event, its OBVIOUS that there would be gear difference, and its not like it isnt inclusive, omg this is gonna bring prices of ench stones my 50-60% FOR SURE.

10 hours ago, Tiamantara said:

Oh i am sorry not everyone have your gear and can exform lolololol

that doesnt make that i dont destroy u cama in a 1v1 xD

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daster33    1

Well, keep your stones and your pvp, as you get much more from this event, you protect it because I and my legion leave the server, play alone to see how your team is doing.
And it is NOT an inclusive event, only those who are better equipped can get the prizes, tell me where is the inclusion?

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Dio    13

Is this a joke? I missed the first day of event, now I went today and killed 77 treasure chests in 8 hours and got ZERO tempering solutions. You changed the drop rate from 5% to 1% or what? Now all players who farmed first day can sit back and enjoy their temperings while we farm for mere green manastones? way to go.

See screenshot for proof, I opened 3 Manastones boxes that's why it's only 74. Atleast increase the rates by 2 or 3% again because like this, the event just sucks. Also

you should at L130 stones because those are almost nonexistant and are needed badly to enchant Mythic Weapons, enchanting them with L120 stones does not give the maximum success rate. L120 cost 60-70m on broker. Do something about that shit because thats a reason for some people to quit.

TS AIon.jpg

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Admin    421

Thank you all for your feedback and suggestions. for those, who claim to restore the chances of dropping the items to those before the update - it is better to solve the problem fast than let it be forever. And surely we are not going to bring back the mistakes we have made.
The original chances of dropping tempering solution were available for less than 17 hours. At the same time, in 4 hours after the start of the event, the amount of the chests spawning was reduced by 2 times. The chance of getting the tempering solution was 5% and no one could get a lot of it. Oversaturation with the tempering solution is out of the question, especially taking into consideration the chances of the successful enchantment. I get a strange feeling whilst reading the messages about leaving the server because of the tempeting solution. There's no player who managed to enchant at least one piece of jewelry to maximum with the solution he/she got from the chests. And we are not even talking about the plums, which can be enchanted eternaly.
The event has increased PvP in the Katalams, which many of you have been asking for. This is what we have been seeking. We have made some conclusions of this event and will be more careful when adding tempering solution as a reward for the events.

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Tiamantara    8
3 hours ago, Admin said:

Thank you all for your feedback and suggestions. for those, who claim to restore the chances of dropping the items to those before the update - it is better to solve the problem fast than let it be forever. And surely we are not going to bring back the mistakes we have made.
The original chances of dropping tempering solution were available for less than 17 hours. At the same time, in 4 hours after the start of the event, the amount of the chests spawning was reduced by 2 times. The chance of getting the tempering solution was 5% and no one could get a lot of it. Oversaturation with the tempering solution is out of the question, especially taking into consideration the chances of the successful enchantment. I get a strange feeling whilst reading the messages about leaving the server because of the tempeting solution. There's no player who managed to enchant at least one piece of jewelry to maximum with the solution he/she got from the chests. And we are not even talking about the plums, which can be enchanted eternaly.
The event has increased PvP in the Katalams, which many of you have been asking for. This is what we have been seeking. We have made some conclusions of this event and will be more careful when adding tempering solution as a reward for the events.

So basically you confirmed that this event is only for the geared and high rank players. 

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Tiamantara    8
3 hours ago, Admin said:

" The chance of getting the tempering solution was 5% and no one could get a lot of it."


Nope not at all when someone didn't even get one 


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Lazar    14
17 minutes ago, Tiamantara said:

Nope not at all when someone didn't even get one 


man, you're crying a lot.

I've farmed in the morning when the event has been started. So some of my legion members has done it too. As far as i know, nobody of us has get a temepring solution in this time. This event does not flood the server by temperings. 

If you participate at this event or not enchantment-prices should go down with this event so even new players can make profit with this event since they can buy enchantments for less kinah than before. 

You complain about gear difference. just get 1-5 buddys and zerg down the guys who farm chests solo. 
Also you can farm them without gear solo, you just have to act smart. i farmed a lot of chests while beeing "at work", where i cant do pvp cuz of no keybinds/no good working laptop.

So dont cry, when there is no reason for crying. :) Just enjoy the game. If you cant enjoy its the wrong game for you :P thats it.

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Tiamantara    8
8 minutes ago, Lazar said:

man, you're crying a lot.

I've farmed in the morning when the event has been started. So some of my legion members has done it too. As far as i know, nobody of us has get a temepring solution in this time. This event does not flood the server by temperings. 

If you participate at this event or not enchantment-prices should go down with this event so even new players can make profit with this event since they can buy enchantments for less kinah than before. 

You complain about gear difference. just get 1-5 buddys and zerg down the guys who farm chests solo. 
Also you can farm them without gear solo, you just have to act smart. i farmed a lot of chests while beeing "at work", where i cant do pvp cuz of no keybinds/no good working laptop.

So dont cry, when there is no reason for crying. :) Just enjoy the game. If you cant enjoy its the wrong game for you :P thats it.

I will "cry" as much as i want and looks like i am not the only one but you look like those who fed up nicely and zerged the shit out of the others or probaly even xformed even if you say the opposite... The administration needs to be aware that this kinds of events which suppose to increase the "pvp" in katalam/danaria could be done in different way...oh and thats only temporary ... 

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Dio    13

To the guys complaining about economy or tempering solutions, dont worry, the chance to get them is almost nonexistant now. 115 chests and zero tempering solutions for me so far. It is still a good event because of the enchantment stones which are needed badly at the moment. A good thing to add would be L130, because of mythic gear and also composite bundles, because some stones cost 150kk atm. It must be hell for new players with those prices.

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SetoHiryu    0


I start by doing the event with my legion we were rather hot at the start, but when we saw that in 10-15 chests we loot nothing they quickly gave up, I continued on my side to try to loot a serum but nothing to do I had to do 30-40 trunk and still nothing, increase the loot rate of the enchantment stones and by the way of the L130 if possible, because as very well said Diio we need it very much to enchant our mythical and even abysmal stuff, and seen the price of stones at the auction house it just became inaccessible to improve properly in games, in short I suggest that it is better to put more interesting rewards like enchanting stones or composites rather than serum which sells for more than 200kk still at the moment.

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Cama    2

You do not need L130 to +15 a myth weapon, i have 2 of them 15 with 120, the real problem it's the composite manastones... they dont exist at all atm.. and with this population.. mb 27 ma 7 it's only one in broker since 1 week at 150kk :) i remember few months ago you was getting composite manastones bundles even in dabra, zumita , nixi keys boxes from eye..

Edited by Cama

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Dio    13

Just because you got lucky with enchanting doesn't mean everybody is so lucky. L130 are needed badly, why were they removed in the first place? It makes no sense, there's no other way to get them instead of events. The chance of getting them from extracting gear must be less than 1%.

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EbolaKun    2

stone and tempering rates are perfect whats bothering me is the box respawn time, everyone is pveing boxes lately there is no pvp at all

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