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Found 13 results

  1. Hi! Would you consider adding lvl 80 AP / Prime Archon/Guardian Commander's skins sets to the shop?
  2. Hi! Would you consider adding Harvester's skin sets to the shop from Bastion of Souls / Narakkalli?
  3. Случайно купил купон на смену Ника , вместо купона на смену Внешности. Можно как нибудь Купон изм ника заменить на изм Внешности? Персонаж Prellex
  4. I bought and select wrong nickname (from my account) for send. Item sended to my sin, but need to transfer to my ranger
  5. Shop Event

    Dear Support, I'd like to request if possible to make an event like the one in retail where you can purchase the previous special skins and housekeeping objects from all events (like christmast event, halloween etc.etc.) There have been recently a lot of returning and new players in Euroaion, as many old players that may had missed the chance to purchase that for theyr own house.... I remember in retail there was this event (I think was chinese new year event or annyversary) where you could purchase those... is that possible to have it also here in Euroaion to allow people to purchase event skins/housekeeping back? Thank you for your time and keep up the good work
  6. In game icon for BlackCloud Market Place is directing me to GoldAion - Login this is very suspicious. Is everybody getting this link from the in-game icon??
  7. Legion Mount

    Hello, first of all sorry if the thread topic is wrong. Do I have to be in a high lvl legion in order to use the Legion Pagati from the cash shop or does lvl 1 legion work too? I'm talking about the legion mount from the cash shop not the in-game one btw. Thank you in advance guys.
  8. Class switch ticket

    Hi all! Is it possible to put Class switch ticket to the shop? I think many player would like to use such ticket. Thanks for answer in advance!
  9. dear admin,Can you Add Tiamat set to shop? [ Fabled NPC Tiamat Chain ] item: : 111501311 110501351 113501326 112501251 114501332 thx!!!
  10. Hey all, I recently started on this wonderful server. I missed AION so much and live is crap now so this server is a blessing. I also went ahead and donated a small sum (for the moment) for the good work. I was looking at the shop, and I say there are tons of outfits. I want a clarification. Are all these sets and parts used only once to bestow their look to an item? After you upgrade the item to a better once you have to buy it again? In a somewhat related note, how long will I be using the super powerful 10lvl gear (Dazzling Daevanion) ?
  11. Monety

    Hello. I have a problem buying coins via paypal. Every time I try, a pop-up pops up saying that I can't top up my Euroaion and takes me back to the Euroaion site. I have enough money on my paypal account, so it should calmly top up, especially since I have already topped up coins via paypal.
  12. The item NPC_BeritraInstancedDungeon_Shield_01 that has recently been added to the store displays in game properly, but it cannot be used to remodel anything. I'll happily keep the item (I love it!) but I feel like you should point it our or try to fix it because some people might get upset when they find out it cannot in fact be used as a skin.
  13. Stigma Shard

    Dear Admins, I am brief, the stigma shards are way too expensive. The cheapest cost 25kk Kinah for 10k shards. A cleric need 4.289 shards for the heal tree and 4.387 for the dmg tree. 8676 Shards = 21.69kk Kinah for 1x switch. Its not acceptable. You said, you want to be like the official server, but on official server were stigma shards in shop. So the price were only 5KK for 10k shards. STIGMA SWITCH IS A BASIC FUNCTION AND NOT PAY TO WIN. PLEASE: Put stigma shards into shop for a smart price like 30 ECOIN FOR 10.000 shards. For avarage coint trader(150EC/1 ECOIN) it would be 4.5kk Kinah for 10k Shards it is a fair price for private server