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Found 18 results

  1. При нажатии играть в лаунчере появлеться мини-картинка запуска и проадает чере 3-4 секунди, дальше ничего не происходит. Пробовал качать игру и через торент и через лаунчер - не работат. Помогите пожалуйста решить проблему.
  2. Question about new rule

    This means specify events like Snowball or including dual client farming blood mark, ancient coin quests or siege(tia) ?
  3. Dropping in final boss sauro bag or in events I don't mind just need more of ancient coins ty
  4. My princess studio

    Hi good morning it's really nice today. Moving a bit before I get up from the bed. Of course after you get up you have to do some exercise my butler said not again. Yeehaw ready to kick someone ass. It's rather cold today so I'll do some dance by the fire. Showing beautiful view outside. This is a small corner where I read some books Come and join me for the books. This is where usually my guests to my studio will sit and I share my philosophy with them. Thank you for visiting my studio. I'll go back to sleep now.
  5. Bloqueo de cuenta

    Hola! recientemente me he creado la cuenta y al loguearme en el juego, me dice que me la han bloqueado, y no se el motivo. En la web me puedo loguear bien. saben por qué pasa esto??
  6. How can i make donation from Ukraine?
  7. Доброе утро игроки, уже создавал тему похожую, но на этот раз я думаю вы откроете глаза и скажете мне точно, что все же есть проблемы в скилах у убийцы. Ранее в другой темe ответ модератора был такой:Цитирую-Что касается умений сина, то все они работают исправно, но из-за скорости и качества передачи информации (связано с интернет-соединением) Вы можете столкнутся с невозможностью атаковать из-за расстояния и тд. На этот раз, я и в правду не понимаю где у меня плохое тут "интернет-соединение"!!!
  8. faut que on parle

    bon écouter je suis pas russe je suis pas anglais je suis pas ceci cela mais la sa ma souler on m'exclus alors que on était au boss de rentus il parlais tous russe chuis sur qui m'insulter et que je comprend rien a ce qui disait il font aucun effort les russe c'est vraiment chiant je suis pas multi langue un moment sa m'énerve. chuis pas un divin qui va claquer des doigt et savoir ce qui ont dit il savent pas écrire anglais même moi fr je connais quelque base mais faut faire n effort les russe chuis fr pas russe j'ecris comme sa sa ma enerver.
  9. I tried logging onto my account like always and apparently writing my password incorrectly 5 times got me continuously disconnected and now i'm unable to join the game. The weird thing is I wrote my password correctly all of the times hence why i'm dumbfounded as of why couldn't I log in? I'll provide more information if needed. nevermind, fixed it > u can close the thread
  10. Hello, yesterday i finally made enough money to buy ancient coin weapon, im a dps chanter and by mistake i bought the remodeled staff instead the cane, could u help me or do something about it? I would rlly appreciate cus i spent many hours grinding for ancient coins
  11. Every time i use <[Event] Ailu Form Candy Box> it either doesnt trigger or it just disappears after 2-3 minutes i have use over 20 of them to check if it will fix itself but the buff keeps disappearing out of nowhere making me not able to use candys at all
  12. Hello Daevs! I invite everyone to my stream channel [Newbeestream] to participate in the "Drop Pack" 30-14-7 days. Perhaps, the content of the server that I try to provide on broadcasts will simply be interesting: the farm MMK, EB, subway and other available dungeons. The conditions for participation are simple)) - Subscribe to the channel. - Active views of broadcasts. There will be three places (three generations) drawn, so the chances are great. The results will be summed up on the weekend 12-13.09, among the participants on the above points. Also, if you want to play with us in the russian asmo legion, Welcome)!
  13. Всем привет! Приглашаю всех на свой стрим канал [ Newbeestream ], для участия в розыгрыше «Drop Pack» 30-14-7 days. Возможно, просто будет интересен контент сервера, который я стараюсь предоставить на трансляциях: фарм МКАДа, бастиона, подземки и других доступных данжей. Условия участия просты)) - Подписаться на канал. - Активные просмотры трансляций. - Участие в обсуждениях-дискуссиях. Будут разыграны три места (три генерирования), так что шансы велики. Итоги будут подведены на выходных 12-13.09, среди участников по вышеуказанным пунктам. Так же, если есть желание играть с нами в легионе, Welcome)!
  14. Hello Everyone, I will just drop this very unpopular bomb here.. Notes_EN_30092015.pdf I would like to hear your opinion whether or not you think it would be good idea to move on to this update as it removes unnecessary spells and buffs the one that are frequent and better... In my honest opinion i would love to move forward a bit in this direction, it makes the game a bit fresher. I know most people do not like vision stigma system... however the improvement it brings by making our usual stigmas auto-learn skills does appeal alot to me.. as someone who played every patch in aion there is, i think this was the best one, and the second best being 2.7. I'm not saying that 4.6 is bad, i actually play here only because almost everyone plays here And i like it as well.. i donated bunches of € already so im dedicated to stay just I would welcome this change... I would love some word also from Devs on what they think about this.
  15. Sincerity zaprasza :)

    Legion Sincerity zaprasza w swoje szeregi wszystkich chętnych . Żadnych obowiązków ,wyłącznie dobra zabawa ,wspólne działanie oraz własny DC. Pokaż co potrafisz , a razem damy radę. Zapraszamy !
  16. Black Screen

    Hello Daevas, Sorry for my English, it is not my native language: When I try to change any option settings, aion goes black screen. It appears as "Not Responding" in the Task Manager and it is impossible to work again. This occurs even when trying to map a key in the configuration and I give it to accept or when I change anything. I indicate the tests that I have carried out: I have deleted the files system.cfg and SystemOptionGraphics.cfg I have deleted the registry folder \ HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Aion \ Client \ SystemInfo I have installed the C ++ indicated on the euroaion page, along with the directx and the net framework. The aion works perfectly, the error only happens when changing some configuration setting. I have deleted the Euroaion and the official Aion, I have used programs that remove the trace of all Aion and I have tried the Euroaion again and the same thing happens. Important Thing: It doesn't happen to me in the official Aion!! Some help?
  17. Problem with game

    Hello, i have complete the download from Uttorent, but when i click to "play" the donwload start again...the question is : it is normal? did i do something wrong? or just the server is closed? when open? thank you in advance. <3