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Found 18 results

  1. WTT/WTS Asmo Attack Plume +8

    Hey- I want to trade my Asmo Side Attack Plume 36 +1 for Magic Boost +7 / +8 / +9 / +10 pm me
  2. selling magical for 7kkk selling physical for 7kkk selling +4 for 2kkk MAIL ME IN GAME TO MY ALT CHAR "DJOKANE" thank you!
  3. An incredible craft challenge with an unexpected result... Asmo! If anyone is interested in buying the rod for that staff Send a mail to the character name Chirichi. Thank you!
  4. Switzerland of Asmodae

    I just want to share the character screenshots I made anyway thanks for viewing
  5. Hey guys, I have a problem with the Quest "The Secret of Adma Stronghold". I need to talk to Sahnu. He tells me I have to drop a tear (pearl) from the Seafoam Ghost first. I've already killed the Seafoam Ghost 50x but nothing drops. It's a quest item. Can someone help me with this or has the same problem?
  6. Hello Daevas! Welcome to MMOs Before Hoes! We are fairly new, thriving legion looking for new members to help grow our community. We offer fun time, new experience and help to our lower and higher level members. Every player is welcome no matter the class! We currently have 7 members in our legion of which 2 are Veteran players. If you're interested in joining us, please apply below and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Username: Class: Level:
  7. Moin, Servus oder einfach Hallo! Wir suchen noch Mitstreiter für unsere deutschsprachige Legion >uniQue< . Wir haben vor, die größte Legion auf den Server zu werden.... ...Nein. Wir wollen eine Legion Gründen und aufbauen, wo wir gemeinsam Spaß haben und sich gegenseitig geholfen wird. Wir helfen uns stetig, aber lassen auch inruhe und zwingen niemanden etwas mitzumachen. Im späteren Verlauf stehen Legionsinterne EVENT´s, gemeinsames PvP und gemeinsames PvE auf dem Tagesplan! Aktuell nutzen wir einen privaten TS3-Server, der auch zur privaten Nutzung zur verfügung steht. Werdet noch heute ein Teil von uniQue und ihr werdet sehen, was es beudeutet unique (einzigartig) zu sein! Wenn ihr Interesse habt, dann schreibt entweder >Natascha<, >Murishani< eine ingame Post oder schreibt mich hier direkt im Forum an! Also bis dann! _____________________________________________________________________________ To be polite, also in English (translator): Moin, Servus or just hello! We are still looking for comrades-in-arms for our legion> uniQue <. We plan to become the largest legion on the server .... ...No. We want to found and build a legion where we can have fun together and where each other is helped. We constantly help each other, but also leave alone and don't force anyone to participate. Later on, internal legion events, joint PvP and joint PvE are on the agenda! We are currently using a private TS3 server, which is also available for private use. Become a part of uniQue today and you will see what it means to be unique! If you are interested, either write> Natascha <,> Murishani <an ingame post or write to me directly in the forum. See you then!
  8. Client crashing

    my client crashes all the time in heiron in the Mandury Vally and i can´t do anything as soon as i log in with my cleric i get the crash.
  9. Suche Deutsche Legion

    Hallo mein Name lautet Jennifer und ich suche eine deutschsprachige Legion (ASMO) wäre nett wenn jemand antworten würde. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Jennifer
  10. Hi. The quest <Reaching Out> in Morheim, given by the NPC Lorando is not showing up. I already did the prerequisite quest <A Sorrowful Message>, but it still doesn't show up. In fact, no quest of Lorando is showing up, while I know that he has in fact quests. Can you please fix this? Character: Neeve Edit: small typos.
  11. Cerberus [Asmo] legion is now recruiting! We are a level 5 legion (for now) and we are inviting more like-minded players to our community, both new and veterans to EuroAion. We all speak English, but we are from different countries. We got a Discord server, which is overruled by bots, and since this game brings the best of us, we are all 18+. We focus on PvPvE content and we are gearing towards endgame content. Therefore, no gear requirements but we would prefer if you are lvl 55+ and share part of our amazing qualities described above! Exceptions can be made if one would make a compelling argument that involves candy. And don’t worry if you don’t always have the time - we get it! Disclaimer: we are not serious people, we like to joke around and fail instances; we are still quite small in numbers and we are working on our gear. But we are pretty awesome and helpful! Whisper in game: Shayba or Weeb or message Wilhelm#3264 on Discord.
  12. Payment using Kinah or coins(partially)
  13. Too much elyos

    Hi, I decided to write this post because lately the amount of elyos players active on this server has increased excessively. So much so that it is no longer possible to make a siege. We just do a few kills for hp. I would like to suggest to server administrators to block the possibility of creating elyos characters to avoid the redundancy and consequently the abandonment of the Asmodian characters. And maybe, given the not possible taking of the fortresses in abyss, to give the possibility to the Asmodian players to access the instances of the fortresses anyway so maybe the set difference between one faction and the other could be slowed. I hope my suggestions are caught and quickly or this server could have serious discomforts of racial proportions. At moment 54% elyos 46% asmodian...
  14. Hello everyone, we're recruiting a premade party for The Eternal Bastion (Steel Wall Bastion, SWB - as you please). We need all classes (dps, support) and we're planning on running it everyday at 8:20/8.30 PM server time - BEFORE siege. Please, send me an in-game email or add me to your friend list (nickname: Vaire). You can also send me a DM here on the board or add me on discord Vaire#8505. Cheers Vaire
  15. Legion Recruitment

    I'm making a legion for the asmo side of the new server called Messengers Of Death if you wanna join just let me know down below!
  16. Legion "Evolution" sucht aktive Spieler für kommende Aufgaben > PVE Instanzen (Kata,SMB,Dred uvm.), PVP (Dred, 24er Dred, Garnis, Raids) und gemeinsam seine Rüstungen sammeln. Wir sind ex Spieler vom ehemaligen Server Thor, viele Morphaccount (u.a. General, Offi5*). Wir bieten dir Spaß und viele lustige Stunden Spielspaß, wir sind im Teamspeak aktiv und sind alle ehrgeizig! Meldet euch ingame bei Badtman oder Misspalim bzw. einem anderen Mitglied der Legion. Falls Wir euer Interesse geweckt haben, meldet euch einfach. Gemeinsam werden wir eine starke Legion!
  17. Looking for legion

    Hi all, Me and my friend just started playing and would be interested to join a legion that could advise newbie questions since I last played on retail 5 years ago and he is completely new. We are interested in both pve and pvp. In-game: Backstab
  18. Heyho wir suchen noch aktive Member für unsere Legion im Deutschsprachigen Raum würde mich Freuen wenn ihr Interesse habt und euch auf dem Discord meldet mit Freundlichen Grüßen Syntec/Banagapyre