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Twinsb last won the day on January 28

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  1. server down ?

    Hello, I'm not just talking about me.. I'm asking for everyone without exception. Nvm I don't have a screenshot because I thought it was just me and tried to connect quickly. Thank you
  2. server down ?

    so we pretend like nothing happen with all this shugo runs that lost from that mass dc ?
  3. server down ?

    Are server down now ? I got Dc from shugo and cant connect to server So i was not only me :)... what about my shugo run ?
  4. Hello , From event [Event] Shugo Kingdom Adventure there is the reward Ultimate Sovereign Weapon Chest. From that chest you get skin or Weapon?? At there is only 1 box with that name and contain LVL 80 items. Can some1 link me ( if are not skin) the weapons stats. thank you
  5. Balance

    I Play this game since Beta back at 2009 ( omg 15 years ) , every patch we have the same thing BALANCE. Back at first days all ppl was crying for balance sin / Glad for stuns/knock later for cleric for M.res set , Sm for Fears now Guners....... etc. I learned 1 thing all this years ( to be honest i am not pvp Player , i am to old for that ) balance is relevant. Learn your character and you will be ok. P.S I remember when blue/Gold gears are important 1 chanter wiped full grp ( same lvl ) so master your char and forget tears
  6. Hello when you start client press Settings top right corner
  7. Advanced Dual-Wielding Bugged

    loool i think yes i have i forgot it ..... you can close the post. thanks
  8. Hello, I dont know if i am doingsomething wrong but <Advanced Dual-Wielding II> is buged on my Gladi and i cant remove it. Itry to remove it and i get the msg that i need to remove other equipted stimas but as we can see i dont have stigmas on me . Any solution ?
  9. Client update

    i have done, but nothing. I must close protection to start client When client must be updateted or i make file check same msg.... nvm
  10. Client update

    Hello, What happen with Client update last days I have like 5-10 days when i start client i get msg from my antivirus ( i have my client euroaion.exe at my firewall exception ) I need to closse my protection so i can make update, if i dont do the client stuck at Connection Lost... Reconnecting. Any way i fix this ?
  11. Graphic issues?

    how you can do this ? is something that i dont know i am using randeaon software ( adrenaline). How i can do
  12. Client Problem

    What is the correct solution than ? @TheAlmighty
  13. Client Problem

    thanks for help ,worked
  14. Client Problem

    Hello, Any idea and solution for this client error ? When i try to do check client freez at connecting or i get Error! Connection Closed