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  1. 3 points
    Could someone explain to the poor guys in this screen that pvp at heiron at lv 45 is normal? Let me explain: These poor guys claim that a lv 45 can't kill lv 40/41/42/43/44 because there is too much stat gap between one level and another. Meanwhile they are there trying to kill a lv 45. But really there are still late people?
  2. 2 points
    Konichiwa Belgarath's alt! A pleasure to meet you, I don't know why you changed your nickname but I guess it suits you!
  3. 2 points
    Dude, that's the same stuff this guy kept repeating lol. Are you defending your own self from another accs even on forum? Lol. I already said I was just defending my alt cus you were camping there and you started all the drama instead of just leaving an area that was obviously protected. We could be as well doing gold coin quests, repeating, in our own race so idk what your point here is. We didn't go to Asmodea and kept killing you over and over again, you literally were coming back to us, getting all mad cus we were just standing there lmao.
  4. 2 points
    And for other people, beware of this toxic guy, his characters' names are: Yennepher (probably main), Tahuriel and obviously Kaneky.
  5. 2 points
    oh and also ima just leave this here, cuz u didn't post screenshots of you being toxic for some reason~ oh and if you want to respond to our comments here, please do this in proper English, because u misspelled our legion name, Siouxie's nickname, the word "pathetic" and u called us "late" for some reason, I don't want to talk with somebody that can't be understood by an english speaker.
  6. 2 points
    "But really there are still late people?" - IDK what do you mean, but I guess your awful google translate skills couldn't translate your nonsense, and I guess you didn't even understand what we are saying to you - you can't even spell "pathetic" right. Before you write an article on this forum, please re-check your English skills Also, you were insulting and trash-talking us when you were hiding with your lvl45 ranger, but you didn't put this here because it would show your manipulation You were killing low lvls with your lvl65 1 star SM, but you also didn't put this here because it would show how manipulated your topic is Also, we never said that pvp on lvl45 is not normal, You've been killing people in an open world, where even lvl65s could do gold coin quests, if you are doing open world pvp you should acknowledge the fact that high lvls can kill you - you're childish af
  7. 2 points
    Did you forgot about part when you trashtalked us? Reason why we kill you, we are trying to stop you from killing other under lvl ppl. We are not doing it for our advantages, we are trying to show you, that this needs to stop. Try to be a little bit polite next time, oh and i want to remind you, you are now circling in heiron with your 52lvl alt assasin, so fair.
  8. 2 points
    Я не администрация но выскажу свое мнение. В игре за 2 расы ничего такого нет. Сам имею асмика небольшого и периодически с удовольствием провожу время на темной стороне. Может и с концами переселюсь ) Залив очками славы это конечно беда. Игру портят сами игроки. Раса Элиос находится в бедственном положении исключительно из за того, что игроки, особенно высокоранговые ходят на осаду с одной лишь целью - залится ОСками. Были и лидеры, и хорошие осадные тактики. Никакого численного перевеса у нях нет. Просто время, когда было интересно играть, и было много сильный личностей-игроков ушло. Год-полтора назад няхи доминировали абсолютно над асмами. С тех пор практически все сильные личности перестали играть. Остались только овощи безвольные, которые ходят в игру как на работу, и делают монотонно изо дня в день из месяца в месяц одно и тоже - заливаются ОСками (у них наборы оконных асмов, их водят на осаду и на арены, йорики, камары). Всё, Илонов Масков больше нет. Остались только клерки сбербанка.
  9. 1 point
    most of the officers i've seen NEVER touch soldiers 9/8
  10. 1 point
    First of all, noone said that you can't kill anyone and the talk was only about lvls 40-41 that obviously have lower stats and chances compared to 45 which is a huge difference. Second of all, you were camping there, killing them and obviously they had no chance. Third of all, you started trashtalking. I don't see why defending your own alt from getting killed over and over again is bad, it's our own race, we're not going around in beluslan killing everyone, just dealing with an annoying kid that can't seem to understand that fact. Here's some screenshots for some more context and proof of you trashtalking, so I recommend you stop making a fool out of yourself. I'd also like to remind that you logged onto another character and started to defend yourself, pretending it's someone else lmao.
  11. 1 point
    Тут вопрос спорный. С одной стороны - в Айон всегда играли за обе расы. С другой - это не прикольно, когда ты идёшь в шахту ида чтобы набить проходок, тебя видит другой элиец, резко прекращает фарм и выходит из игры, а через пару секунд на том же месте появляется на асмо-твинке. И, слив тебя, снова перезаходит на элийца и бежит фармить дальше, устранив конкурента таким вот удобным образом. И прочие "весёлые" штуки, которыми особо наглые игроки занимаются, когда уверены, что им ничего за это не будет, и что они самые умные тут. Словно не в курсе, что игре уже больше 10 лет и всё хитровымудренное давно придумали до них. Как бы ну. Изначальная задумка корейцев в плане смены аккаунта без перезапуска всей игры хороша. А по факту имеем то, что имеем. И уровень хрени, которую игроки могут вытворять, зависит только от уровня их морали который частенько где-то на дне выгребной ямы сельского сортира. Грустно, но имеем то, что имеем.