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Showing most liked content on 03/14/2021 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Still lot of to do, but it’s going faster that expected. Yey
  2. 2 points
    STOP SPAM WITH THAT DAMN OFFTOPIC!!! The 20KV is SBG3 is in progress. 2 days.
  3. 1 point
    This is pretty much their business, no charity. Having this much downtime could have been easily avoided by taking the necessary precautions in advance. Given the scale of the project I'd expect daily external backups of the core database being available at all times, as a minimum. As for the reserve server I feel inclined to agree with Desimp here. The very fact that the most up-to-date backups seem to be stored on the main server is a massive flaw in itself. A reserve server doesn't have to run at max capacity at all times and can be used to synchronize the most important stuff like the core database to avoid worst case scenarios like these. In fact, looking at what OVH offers, it wouldn't even be overly expensive. Then again this is a worst case scenario and if anything OVH is to blame for the majority of these issues. EA staff can take away from this experience and take necessary precautions for the future.
  4. 1 point
    Всё давно решено )) Няшки держитесь! К вам Я иду на подмогу!!! )))
  5. 1 point
    Hello, We have already given the reply to this question many times. Here we work with the stable and good build of the game. We don't possess any other version of the game of a good build, and are not ready to work with java servers, causing ten problems upon fixing one. These words and decisions are not baseless, we already had experience with such servers. In addition to all of this, the version we are on now is loved by a lot of players, and you have probably already seen the messages from them saying that they wouldn't like it to be changed (if it is, they quit). And we all know, that the update of the version will lead to the population decrease, and now we are really not into such experiments.
  6. 1 point
    Уважаемые игроки, Мы все расстроены случившимся, но давайте сохранять уважение друг к другу и не будем никого оскорблять и посылать. Также хотелось бы напомнить, что обсуждение других серверов у нас не приветствуется, и даже карается в соответствии с правилами. Ситуация для сервера сейчас, конечно, тяжелая, но мы на нее вряд ли можем как-то повлиять. Здесь нет ничего от нас зависящего, случилось то, что случилось. Конечно, нам бы хотелось все запустить сразу, после пожара, но это просто невозможно. Будем ждать все вместе и смотреть на ситуацию по запуску. Как и было указано выше, возможно все пройдет быстрее, так как все сроки указываются грубо и размыто,а наше здание почти не пострадало. Сейчас мы думаем над тем, что будет после запуска. Подробная информация о наших планах будет опубликована, когда мы будем готовы. Спасибо всем, кто нас поддерживает!