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Showing most liked content on 08/15/2020 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Teaming in glory (temporal ban): Slivoid Wimee Account sale Jex
  2. 2 points
    Hello, everyone ! Last night I came by an elyos sin , called Fletch ; He engaged in PVP against me and a glad friend and when getting close to being killed he started running away - however, he seem to be porting 5-10 meters away, is it a hack or some sort of glitch ? Below is the link to the video ( sry for low quality ) since i was streaming via youtube : https://streamable.com/jna2mn
  3. 2 points
    Игрок Fletch - спидхак. Вечный бан
  4. 1 point
    first, I think fletch has killed this cleric several times and you know people get mad .. secondo, the visual bug has started when the sin used sprint in the air but the movement speed wasn't obvious at all (vs a clerc 27 and glad without panda transformation without a speed scroll and probably without a title) third, better don't ban a players directly like that for a single report without opening a small investigation and following the suspect to be 100% sure that he is a hacker which it's not the case here...
  5. 1 point
    Да действительно мои выводы о дропе воды меньше 1% , были сделаны на основании историй с прошлого ивента " 400 сундуков открыл , одна вода упала " (c) в таком роде + мои 130 сундуков под бафами дропа , вывели на неверные расчеты . Все люди врут , преувеличивают , а может действительно просто не везло человеку . В целом ивент очень классный , живой , народу валом в любое время. Может утрясётся , Топы поймут что воды много не будет и уступят место новичкам . А для новичка и 120 точка это ого-го , гуляем всем селом :))))
  6. 1 point
    Здравствуйте Цифры по вашим расчетам неверны. Мы не оглашаем все шансы, но могу сказать что базовый шанс воды выше 1% Указывать все точки спауна считаем плохой идеей. Если бы у нас была возможность, то точки респауна были бы рандомные, но такой возможности, к сожалению, нет. Мы заинтересованы в перемещении игроков по локации, а не выжидании на одном месте (что сейчас в большинстве случаев и происходит).
  7. 1 point
    There's an antishock bug, which leads to the similar result. This bug was discussed several times before on the forum. Here's one of the threads: In case of this bug, the character doesn't run smoothly, but is moved forward by snaps. And it is not cheating, but loose-end of the game client. We have a protection system preventing the use of speedhack on the server. When the character is moving faster than he should, he is thrown back. This is what's happening in the video discussed in the provided topic. In case of ping problems the image is different, but here it's not the case either. We can see skills being used completely well on the video.
  8. 1 point
    How many times can you shout that the reason is bugs? I personally know people who have previously used noanimation on this server. Now many of the available programs have stopped working. I hope that eventually the administration will be able to destroy them all. Regardless of whether this sin is guilty or not and whether it will be disbanded, the presence of a response from the leadership is pleasing.
  9. 1 point
    sin with hack aion 2.7 version 0:48-0:51 same animation , like in Topic starter video . Maybe its not speedhack , maybe its another hack . I think the administration has information about how and what a cheater is doing. And what it looks like. So don't rush to conclusions, there is clearly something wrong. This is not a coincidence.
  10. 1 point
    Hello this is not a hack its just a display bug maybe lag unfair to ban ppl just like this.. we are a premade we just start to play on the serv we play aion since beta server's we've never use any kind of cheat.. phy said everytying as u can see on the video the display bug start just after using the sprint so the movespeed is legit with the scroll running and the panda transformation bug's happen hope our mate will get unban soon thank you.
  11. 1 point
    Hello everyone; I'm suprised about this ban, after searching i found this topic about me; I can confirm three things, that i didn't use anykind of hack and that usually i have a good connection, also i changed only my cap fps 2 days ago to make it uncap above 60FPS and i don't think that this related to this; As i can see in the video it looks like a lag issue from the recorder, and i'm open to make any test to clear if there is any bug. I confirm you that i never used any hack or something like that; Waiting you reply Regards
  12. 1 point
    Since I haven't found a clause disallowing discussions about bans, I'll just be me for a minute and have a talk about this ban. @Admin is this video the only source of evidence you've received? Because if it is, then the ban of the sin is unjustified. Let me explain. The base speed of a character is 6. This means the character moves 6 ingame-meters per second. Everyone gets an armor set with a movement speed bonus of 22%, the sin additionally uses a panda candy with 3%, a running scroll with 30% and he starts using Sprinting at 00:25 of the video, which increases his speed by another 20%. So the sins speed is 10.5 (6 * 1.75), while the movement speed of the recording cleric is 9.1 (6 * 1.52). This allows the sin to gain up to 1.4 (10.5 - 9.1) meters of distance per second, if he's running in a straight line. We can see the sin getting hit by Smite at 00:30 of the video, while being ~25m away from the cleric. The cleric then starts following him for four seconds, where he takes a screenshot (00:34 in the video). At this point the distance has increased to ~31m, which is absolutely legit, because the sin should've traveled (1.4 * 4) ~5.6m farther. Then the game lags for a little bit more than a second between 00:34 and 00:36 because of the screenshot. The cleric isn't moving at that time and the sin should've moved by ~10.5m, which absolutely happened, since he is at ~41m distance at that time. After that the cleric keeps following him until 00:49 where the distance is ~52m, shortly before the sin uses hide. That's a gain of ~11m in 13 seconds (0.84m/s), which is more than plausible - even too low - but that's understandable, because the cleric was cutting corners at the end and the sin wasn't. All I see is a player running away from an unfair 1vs2 using his classes skills (and a running scroll - which the gladiator didn't even use). He gained zero advantage from that visual bug. But that's just my opinion...
  13. 1 point
    The player is blocked. Thanks for the report!
  14. 1 point
    Использование радара персонажем Negrocea. Прямые доказательства предоставлены пользователю в личных сообщениях. Заблокированы все известные аккаунты пользователя: Antokusama Kiwhan Ant3o Booouny Hametsu1 Markus123 Markus Rayours Сложно представить сколько времени было потрачено на развитие всех заблокированных персонажей (их очень много, большая часть высоких уровней). Настоятельно рекомендуем играть честно!