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Showing most liked content on 01/07/2025 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Name; Noxastra Race; Elyos Category; Handmade
  2. 3 points
    Nickname: Gandolf Race: Elyos Category: Screenshot/Collage
  3. 2 points
    Nickname: Lavya Race: Elyos Category: Handmade
  4. 2 points
    Nickname: Hypocrisy Race: Elyos Category: Screenshot / Collage
  5. 2 points
    Nickname: Meleze Category: festive video from the game
  6. 2 points
    Nickname: Noxastra Race; Elyos Category: Screenshot / Collage Name; Noxastra Race; Elyos Category; Photo from real life
  7. 1 point
    Dear players, We found out that some players abuse the competition and post several of their works in one category under different names, bypassing the rules. Therefore we took the following decision: all the rewards can only be sent to those nicknames / accounts that were published with the works. As this rule is added after the competition is already going on, it is allowed to change the nickname that you used for publishing the work. If you'd like to use this opportunity, use Edit option or contact @Veda or @TheAlmighty . ______________________________________ Уважаемые игроки! Мы заметили что некоторые игроки злоупотребляют конкурсом и публикуют несколько работ в одной категрии с разных аккаутов, тем самым обходя правила. Ввиду сложившихся обстоятесльств. мы добавляем новое правило: Все награды будут начисляться только на те ники/аккаунты которые указаны в конкурсной работе. Так как это правило вводится после начала конкурса, то разрешается отредактировать свой ник в конкурсной работе до окончания конкурса, воспользуйтесь опцией «Редактировать» или свяжитесь с @Veda или @TheAlmighty .
  8. 1 point
    Seeing as an npc/store was already added where you can buy skillskin and gear skins for bloodmarks to increase ow activity as well as provide further farm/content, why not add another one that targets early content/new players primarly? The goal of this npc would be to broaden the early content for new players by widening the amount of things you can use your blood marks for and make open world even more alive as the already existing shop's prices are numb hitting for a lot of people (i.e farming 11 weeks for 1 skill skin for example). In the list down below you can find the items or kind of items i'd recommend adding in this npc and it is things such as level 70-80 enchantment stone bundles, level 50 and 60 manastone bundles, level 60 composite bundles with an 0,4-1% chance to get each stone, 3.x patches wings and low statted titles. None of these should infringe on the server's shop or possible future shop ventures since the wings and titles are all worse than the ones you can buy today or drop from instances such as inifnity shard. However it does provide new players ways to gear up besides being told to just buy the title from shop and farm inifinity shard for hyperion wings. I am also aware of that some of these items can be farmed in 3.x instances such as argent manor or through quests but since the chances are low to drop them and the activity in these instances is very low the stance that people should just farm these goes against the point of making the early phase of each player more rich in content/farm. This due to the fact that everyone as soon as they hit 65 farms blood marks already so it makes sense to widen the possibilities for this farm. The only items in the list that are not directly targeted to new players are things such as idian pouches as these are a rarity and greater eternal supplements which are today locked to top 30 ranks only. These two things will however not infringe on the shop or already existing content as doing Illuminary obelisk is for the gear and not the x1 idian pouch per run and for the supplements, x30 for 100bm gives the possibility of x90 supplements/week which is less than what top 30 makes in 1 day from the npc. list below, item ID's are either gotten from aion codex or aion powerbook: Drakenspire Depths Idian Bundle [item:188053790] - 150 bm or Illuminary Obelisk Idian Pouch [item:188052825] - 150bm Danuar Reliquary Expedition's Idian Bundle [item:188052500] - 100bm Large Greater Supplements Bag (Eternal x 30) [item:188052493] - 100bm Fancy Medal Chest [item: 188053023] - 100bm Cool Enchantment Stone Bundle (L70-89) [item: 188052420] - 50 bm Tia siege reward box (x1 mithril/x1 cera/x1 L120) - 150bm Kahrun's Symbol Box [item: 188052082] - x40bm L100 Enchantment Stone [item: 166000100] - 75bm Superior Manastone Bundle [item:188051350] - 50 bm Useful Manastone Bundle [item:188052503] - 75bm Veteran's Composite Manastone Bundle [item:188052577] - 120bm [Event] Dragon Lord's Wing Box [item:188052319] - 600bm [Event] Dramata's Bone Wing Box [item:188052624] - 600bm [Event] Dramata Wing Chest [item:188052728] - 600bm [Title Card] Top Gun [item:169610093] - 500bm [Title Card] Dragon Slayer [item: 169610091] - 500bm [Title Card] The Pinnacle of Beauty [item: 169610092] - 500bm [Title] Taegeuk Hero [item: 169610033] - 250bm [Title Card] 'Adept of Aion'[item: 169610020] - 250bm [Title Card] 'Settler of Aion' [item: 169610000] - 250bm [Title Card] Munificent [item: 169610032] - 250bm
  9. 1 point
    Nickname: Meleze Category: Screenshot
  10. 1 point
    Nickname: Encantador Race: Asmo Category: handmade
  11. 1 point
    Nickname: Haiky Race: Elyos Category: screenshot/collage
  12. 1 point
    Имя: Ogara Раса: Элийцы Категория: screenshot/collage
  13. 1 point
    Nickname: Romantic Race: Elyos Category: Screenshot / Collage