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Showing most liked content on 03/13/2023 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Ник: Kudowos Раса: Элийцы
  2. 2 points
    Nickname: Wihrock Race: Asmo Дорогие наши девушки, поздравляем Вас с прошедшим 8 марта! Для Вас сделано данное видео, пусть слова сказанные в нем сбудутся! Любим Вас! С любовью EuroAion :3
  3. 1 point
    Oh sry i dont know that BOT get banned , thanks you guys for working!
  4. 1 point
    Добрый день! Что именно Вы имеете ввиду под "совсем не работает"? Была выполнена проверка работоспособности данного умения - никаких ошибок не обнаружено, умение исправно работает. Должен заметить, что умение не поднимает в оковы любого противника (моба или же персонажа вражеской расы) со 100% вероятностью.
  5. 1 point
    Hello! We regret to inform you that starting from the 1st of March, 2023, ecoins will NOT be credited for votes on MMOTOP! The reason for such change is large-scale cheating on the votes. The cheating on votes comes from the usual players, as well as from the users trying to earn on selling coins and kinah. We tried to solve the problem without removing the bonuses, however came up with understanding that it is not possible. We have blocked thousands of accounts and haven't received desired results with it. More and more new accounts are created and the vote cheating continues. In addition to this, the votes are registered to nonexistent accounts with their further creation in order to receive and realize the coins. They use different IPs, random names for accounts which makes it extremely difficult to detect them. At the same time we've received several warning from MMOTOP regarding the vote cheating with possible block in their ratings in the future. As you understand, we are not interested in it. Rating helps us to get new players. Therefore, in order to avoid the risks and stop feeding the traders, we have decided to fully give up on the rewarding system for votes. This way we pay too much for staying in the rating, which is unfavorable. Thank you for your understanding and enjoy the game!
  6. 1 point
    Nickname: Melize Race: Asmo Wish you, ladies, heal or revive,dps or control and the most important thing - slay > digital art based on my healer