Guys, stop reply to all suggestion that is not gonna happen because it's a retail like.
People full geared just leave the game because there is nothing to do.
- Shugo consol.
- Augment the timer of .recharger.
- Make a .morph or at least, add some candy, panda is so boring atm.
- Make some event PvP daily, at least weekly with rewards ?
- Add rewards in JMR/Kamar, like a box with chance to get L120, 30 mins queue to go in dred, da fuck no one apply without rewards.
- Quest daily pvp ? ( Kill 5 general / 20 Elyos/asmodian ) with good reward or something like this to motivate people to pvp.
- Add skin, shield fire king is here, even the water one but not other weapon ?
- Reduce amount of viewer for streamer ? Like 100 viewer = 500 ecoins, 200 = 1000 with a cap at 5000 ecoins ? Only few people earn more than 500, it take times, so a lot of less stream than before.
Lot of people make suggestion, you just ignore everything from your playerbase, dont ask why the server will decrease after even if we love it