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Showing most liked content on 05/09/2020 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Nobody can bypass anything in this Active Anti Cheat stop spreading lies and myths you dumb****. You noobs really made me go back to my stream and find the part where you can see how I outplay you both. Starting from 7:23:00 you get the first chest because I fail to buff up at the start. Then you can see me go to the next chest in the video above, by Legion Pagati+Windstream. Watch the video and after it go take a long look in the mirror to see what clowns you guys really are. I'm done here. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/612701302 By the way you can watch the whole stream from start to finish to see how I farm the whole day, so maybe you can learn something and like I said before, git gud.
  2. 1 point
    Hello, I was wondering is it's possible to ease the drop rates in DLR/TH. Currently, since this server is retail like, the chance of dropping the extendable weapon of your class in this instance is very (very) low. Futhermore, the "generic" loot we get there most of the time is a mithril medal. The shop doesn't have extendable wrap which can be considered as p2w and i understand. However since most of the people who have an extendable weapon here are those who were in the server during an event where you can drop one, i think it's fair to make one of the hardest instance of the game a little bit more rewarding for the players who can pass through it (indeed there are only 2 teams that are currently doing the instance ely side). In retail, they implemented extendable event/wrap around 4.5 so many ppl already got the weapon but here i feel it's kind of unbalance between players who did the event and the others. I was thinking for exemple to give at least a weapon/accessory/wings/trophy for a successful run. Since there are mythical/non extendable/extendable weapon and we can get stuff that can be from other class, the instance remains challenging. ~ From a desesperate templar
  3. 1 point
    Master templar is looking for plate players who are eager to master their class. 5kk per lesson. ELYOS ONLY. DM me for more info. quality video guides/theorycrafting/explanations guaranteed.
  4. 1 point
    We've managed to remove the distinguishing mark from the nicknames without the restart. In order to bring the changes into action, you need to log out and then log back in.
  5. 1 point
    Dear players We have noted your suggestions. With the next maintenance the nickname of the player with the boost won't be marked with the crowns.
  6. 1 point
    NA servers tend to have no population what so ever. Same thing with other private servers where NA servers have max 3-10 players. Not worth it.
  7. 1 point
    Please, try to start the game now. If you get the error again, try to restart the launcher.
  8. 1 point
    http://aiondatabase.net/tr/skill/2115/ <- half your flurry, perma active http://aiondatabase.net/us/skill/2007/ <- second half of flurry + 5% extra, might have been up or not (even for both boxes consering the low cd) http://aiondatabase.net/us/skill/2047/ <- 8 seconds of madness. proper weaving with capped atk speed can deliver ~30 hits (or even more, dependant on ping) http://aiondatabase.net/us/skill/2042/ <- perma up, 20% chance to have a free hit. meaning 40% per ~1.1s considering weaving and average ping pretty much all gunner skills can weave better than your (and your ranger mate) soul strike / fang strike chains. Also he probably has atk speed title and +2 atk speed on gloves compared to your gear, which is a whooping lifechanging amount. I've never played with that guy, i was just curious of why he is the MVP of this forum section
  9. 0 points
    Boost-packs of the server updated. Added new boosts for experience and drop rate!