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  1. 1 point
    Agreed, or at least rates x3. New ppl need to catch fast to us since no new ppl= server dead
  2. 1 point
    На данный момент времени, если ничего капитального не введут, покатиться всё дальше по наклонной. Касательно шмота - хз, что вам не нравится (хотите хардкора, выкиньте и качайтесь, это не та версия, где на лоу контенте можно зависать), кинарку нафармить на расходку можно всегда по мере прокачки. Таким макаром можно и второе окно запретить, ибо социализации же никакой не происходит) Ивенты - необходимо + активный пиар сервера. Короче фиг знает, что ждет сервер, но позитивных моментов вряд ли можно ждать)
  3. 1 point
    I'm hearing a lot of talk about how our server is dying. I'm not sure where it comes from or why but could an admin offer some insight as to how healthy the server is? And if it isn't, what measures could be taken to improve it? Also are there any plans for the not so near future? (aware that the latter can only be revealed to an extent) I'm having a lot of fun on the server and would hate to see it go. xoxo a worried player
  4. 1 point
    Hey everyone! Here's a teleportation guide I made with my extremely advanced MS Paint skills. Jokes aside, I hope this is helpful for some of you. For lager images, just click on the image twice until a new tab opens. Katalam: Elyos Katalam: Asmodian Danaria: Elyos Danaria: Asmodian The teleports from a garrison are only available if your fraction occupies that specific garrison, while the teleports to a specific garrison are always available, no matter which fraction the target garrison belongs to, as you are teleported to a safe zone that is close by. I really did create this with Microsoft Paint took me quite a while If you find mistakes, please tell me (especially on the Asmodian side, as I'm Elyos) And if you find this guide helpful, please leave a Like