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Showing most liked content on 11/27/2019 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    I'm hearing a lot of talk about how our server is dying. I'm not sure where it comes from or why but could an admin offer some insight as to how healthy the server is? And if it isn't, what measures could be taken to improve it? Also are there any plans for the not so near future? (aware that the latter can only be revealed to an extent) I'm having a lot of fun on the server and would hate to see it go. xoxo a worried player
  2. 2 points
    You are retarded, can't you jest enjoy playing a game ? Where do you see promoting to rape in that name ?. If it still annoys you, just turn off legion names. Nowadays you can't put any fun name cause it either "promotes" sth or offends people...
  3. 1 point
    To level up faster 1 to 9 Kill normal mobs (With the weaps u get at start killing mobs with 1 or 2 hits is way faster than doing quests), go walking and killing mobs from start until aldelle village (Asmodians) then take fly transporter and go anturoon crossing and kill mobs again until you reach lvl 9 ( go ishalgen prison camp, mobs are lvl 8 and 9) Make the last campaing quest From here there are some different ways Then if u have a 65 lvl friend ask him to mentor you at tiamaranta pagati side (Balaur Calvary Base), there you should be level 40 in few hours, if you use 200% xp boost in 2h or 3h you should be like 45lvl, depending of the speed wich your friend kill mobs, at 45 lvl make theobomos campaing quest and greater stigma opening quest to lvl up 46 or even 47 and then go inside adma, in adma you cna reach easily 50 or even 51lvl, then go inside Udas temple or Lower Udas Temple and reach lvl 52 and 3/4 to lvl up or even 53, make greater stigma quests and reach lvl 53, when you reach lvl 53 go Beshmundir temple and again ask for a friend to kill first boss and full clean instance, with 200%xp boost mobs are giving you like 5 or 7kk xp each mob, easily you can reach like 60 or 62 if you make two runs or if your friend kill first boss, vehalla and the horse, then you can reach last rooms wich contains like 100mobs more but this will take you more then 1h, to finish reaching 65 just make campments from Katalam and Danaria and full quests from em, you should reach 65lvl, if not, go Gelkmaros and make mithril coin quest from Main city and you lvl up like this, 4kk xp each time you deliver quest, and also you can sell mithril coins at broker
  4. 1 point
    Most of this footage is taken from my twitch broadcasts: https://www.twitch.tv/superskyblue
  5. 1 point
    I also see the name as being offensive, as well as Azcrel big brain comments defending it by getting hostile and childish with those who agree it is offensive. The legion name should be changed.
  6. 1 point
    Since I have received a strike on my main account for streaming 4.6 content I created another one specially for Aion 4.6 purposes. Feel free to join! https://www.twitch.tv/felaukeforgovernor
  7. 1 point
    Yeah you gave me an eye opener, now I know how to rape properly
  8. 1 point
    People who created this legion could be nice as much as they want however that does not excuse them from promoting rape culture in virtual space. The name of the legion is very clear and should be in no way tolerated.
  9. 1 point
    Take it easy guys , legion name was created by really nice ppl and for sure they dont have any intention to insult or offence anyone. Just relax and play this game.
  10. 1 point
    This legion name is very clearly about rape. No clue how this could be interpreted otherwise. In the guidelines it's stated that such naming is forbidden (point 7): Their legion name is both offensive and obscene in my opinion. There's also a legion with the name "obese birds make me horny" out there...