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[Event] Boiling Point!

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NancyFox    223

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Mendrunerk is back again and getting ready to cook up some hearty soup for all Daevas who are willing to help him out. If you bring him the missing ingredients, you'll be rewarded with a powerful soup that grants wishes and raises your spirits!

Are you ready to help the brilliant cook?

Collect all ingredients from May, 10 to May, 20 
Mendrunerk is waiting for Daevas at the main square in Sanctum/Pandaemonium.
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He will give you the quest [Event] Feeding the Revolution/[Event] Golden Wishes
The main tartget is to collect Rice Cake (4 pieces), [Event] Meat Broth (1 piece), bring them to Mendrunerk and get your reward - [Event] Golden Rice Cake Soup ([Event]Golden Rice Cake Soup).






The ingredients can be found almost everywhere in Atreia:


Dark Poeta (Chramati Firetail, Asaratu Bloodshade, Vanuka Infernus, Calindi Flamelord, Tahabata Pyrelord)
Esoterrace (Warden Surama)
Udas Temple (Nexus)
Lower Udas Temple (Debilkarim the Maker)
Beshmundir Temple (Stormwing)
Rentus Base (Brigade General Vasharti)
Raksang(Raksha, Raksha Boilheart)
Tiamat Stronghold (Tahabata's Treasure Chest)
Ophidan Bridge (Artillery)
Danuar Reliquary (Furious Grendal the Witch)
Sauro Supply Base (Treacherous Uterunerk, Head Researcher Jardaraka, Medical Officer Surkihan, Guard Leader Achradim, Brigade General Sita of the 40th Army)
Danuar Sanctuary (Staff Officer Syaroka, Supreme Healer Tagnu)
Infinity Shard (Hyperion)
Abyssal Splinter (Abyssal Treasure Box, Shining Treasure Chest of the Abyss)
Satra Treasure Hoard (Muzzled Punisher, Punisher Unleashed)
Tiamat's Shelter (Calindi Flamelord, Large Tiamat Treasure Chest)
Illuminary Obelisk (Dynatum Prototype)
In the group dungeons loot goes to all members

After relishing the brilliant Soup, Daeva can get different items:

[Event] Tempering Solution
[Event] Assured Greater Felicitous Socketing Box (Mythic)
Assured Greater Felicitous Socketing Box (Eternal)
[Event] Sauro Commander's Accessory Box

[Event] Dragon Lord's Mythic Weapon Chest

[Title Card] Aion's Chosen (7 days)
Enduring Mythic Weapon Tuning Scroll
Administrator's Boon IV - 1 Hour
Fabled Godstone Bundle
Heroic Godstone Bundle
Greater Composite Manastone Bundle
Composite Manastone Bundle
Noble Ancient Manastone Bundle

Cute Rabbit Set
Cute Raccoon Set
Lazy Cat Set
Cute Cat Set

Victory Banquet Food Chest
Vindachinerk's Fine Combination Tool

Katalam's Manastone Bundle
Minicar 7 days (mount) (There is no such item even in the shop :D):



Chance to get some of items is not 100%


Make sure to save the ingredients left -  generous  Mendrunerk will gladly exchange it to the Superior Recovery Potion.

Buon Appetito!

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TheAlmighty    1,151
40 minutes ago, INSANEMESHANIKS said:

what that means even ?

This is the reminder for the players who expect to get the best rewards right away :)

P.S. Quest items are not 100% drop as well. 

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Risus    16
5 minutes ago, TheAlmighty said:

This is the reminder for the players who expect to get the best rewards right away :)

P.S. Quest items are not 100% drop as well. 

so maybe write it as 100% and not just 100?

Edited by Risus

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Pendd    0

'Scuse me for asking maybe a dumb question but , how and where do I find this ingridients?

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TheAlmighty    1,151
56 minutes ago, Risus said:

so maybe write it as 100% and not just 100?

Oh true, sorry, I haven't even noticed it

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TheAlmighty    1,151
56 minutes ago, Pendd said:

'Scuse me for asking maybe a dumb question but , how and where do I find this ingridients?


In the dungeons

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Pendd    0

Just to confirm.

I will be able to fetch this ingredients in any available dungeons that are on this server right?

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Emlryn    9
2 hours ago, Pendd said:

Just to confirm.

I will be able to fetch this ingredients in any available dungeons that are on this server right?


23 hours ago, NancyFox said:

Dark Poeta (Chramati Firetail, Asaratu Bloodshade, Vanuka Infernus, Calindi Flamelord, Tahabata Pyrelord)
Esoterrace (Warden Surama)
Udas Temple (Nexus)
Lower Udas Temple (Debilkarim the Maker)
Beshmundir Temple (Stormwing)
Rentus Base (Brigade General Vasharti)
Raksang(Raksha, Raksha Boilheart)
Tiamat Stronghold (Tahabata's Treasure Chest)
Ophidan Bridge (Artillery)
Danuar Reliquary (Furious Grendal the Witch)
Sauro Supply Base (Treacherous Uterunerk, Head Researcher Jardaraka, Medical Officer Surkihan, Guard Leader Achradim, Brigade General Sita of the 40th Army)
Danuar Sanctuary (Staff Officer Syaroka, Supreme Healer Tagnu)
Void Room (Furious Barukan)
Infinity Shard (Hyperion)
Abyssal Splinter (Abyssal Treasure Box, Shining Treasure Chest of the Abyss)
Satra Treasure Hoard (Muzzled Punisher, Punisher Unleashed)
Tiamat's Shelter (Calindi Flamelord, Large Tiamat Treasure Chest)
Illuminary Obelisk (Dynatum Prototype)
In the group dungeons loot goes to all members


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Phoenix    8

You are copy-pasting the items via hyperlink from long ago but it doesn't work anymore. For months if not years has been shutdown and has replaced it. I advice to fix the links because none works.

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Christof    73
11 hours ago, Pendd said:

Just to confirm.

I will be able to fetch this ingredients in any available dungeons that are on this server right?

Every dungeon that is on the list yes, you will drop both items with a lower percentage on the meat item of course. 4:1

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