Quinah 4 Posted November 17, 2019 (edited) Hello Euro Aion Team and Players! i would like to Start a Discussion about the Droprate on Euro Aion. In my opinion the Droprate is to low for a Private Server, because u didnt have that much players like a Retail Server and no other things that brings Craft Materials, Craft Recipes, Manastones, Qinah and more... No one start to grind, because it it 0% rewarding and at the Retail u have Bots who bring the Materials on the Market. For Example to Caft a Katalium Extend Weapon takes Ages, because no one grind for the Materials. And now the demand is High and the Availability is low and the Prices explodes but no one can generate Money because, no Materials on the Broker its a bad Circle. My suggestion is to rise the Droprate to increase the Trading, Crafting and Fun on Euro Aion! Because it a Great Private Server! And now! Let the Discussion begin! NyangNyang Quinah! Edited November 17, 2019 by Quinah 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nimure 34 Posted November 17, 2019 I agree to a certain degree. While it's correct that there are fewer players than on the official server and thus less people who actively farm stuff, there are also fewer people who want this stuff. The prices of the very rare and precious items are extremely high, like Plumes and Tempering Solutions. I think increasing the drop rate a little would be reasonable. It shouldn't be raised too high, or everyone will have everything they want within a matter of days/weeks, and where's the fun in that? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Quinah 4 Posted November 17, 2019 Of course just a bit. Maybe start a little Testserver to find the best rate. Just Test a few days and Rise or Lower it before launch it on the Main Server. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DevWolx 62 Posted November 18, 2019 why not x2 rates on week ends, also for xp. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xeptor 2 Posted November 18, 2019 Die Droprate ist hier deutlich schlechter, als sie auf dem Offi in dieser Version war. Selbst XP bekam man mehr. Ich möchte nichts geschenkt bekommen, aber es sollten schon die Originalwerte der offiziellen Version von damals eingehalten werden und auch die Events, die es gab, aktiviert werden. Wie schon bemerkt wurde, ist das immer noch ein Privatserver. Die Spielerzahlen sinken deutlich, da PTW ein Thema ist. Also macht bitte etwas, bevor hier alle verschwinden. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Teefixo 1 Posted November 18, 2019 Actually, I think the server is good, but I have to agree with Xeptor. On the official server, the drop rate and XP rate in version 4.6 were much better, which also shows some videos on youtube. Especially on a private server no ptw should stand in the foreground. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nimure 34 Posted November 19, 2019 19 hours ago, Xeptor said: Die Droprate ist hier deutlich schlechter, als sie auf dem Offi in dieser Version war. Selbst XP bekam man mehr. Ich möchte nichts geschenkt bekommen, aber es sollten schon die Originalwerte der offiziellen Version von damals eingehalten werden und auch die Events, die es gab, aktiviert werden. Wie schon bemerkt wurde, ist das immer noch ein Privatserver. Die Spielerzahlen sinken deutlich, da PTW ein Thema ist. Also macht bitte etwas, bevor hier alle verschwinden. Was ist für dich denn hier pay to win? Alles was man sich im Shop kaufen kann, kann man sich auch ingame erspielen, allein schon dadurch dass es erlaubt ist, Kinah gegen E-Coins zu handeln. Das Meiste, was es im Shop zu kaufen gibt, ist auch nur kosmetischer Natur oder nice-to-have (wie z.B. Inventar-Erweiterungen oder Mounts). Einen echten Spielvorteil hat man vll mit den Ankerhilfen, aber auch ingame kann man sich relativ easy mächtige Ankerhilfen erspielen. Hör ich ehrlich gesagt zum 1. Mal dass jemand PTW mit diesem P-Server in Verbindung bringt. Aber da hat ja jeder seine eigene Meinung. Ich kann auch durchaus verstehen dass man es als pay to win bezeichnet, da man sich ja auch mit Echtgeld nen Haufen Kinah kaufen kann und damit deutlich schneller an deutlich besseres Gear kommt als der Durchschnitt. Events... da sagst du was ^^ ich kann mich z.B. noch an die Shugo-Ini erinnern, ich fänd's cool wenn die auch hier bald kommen würde, AP kann glaub ich jeder gut gebrauchen, an die kommt man hier ja leider auch nicht so leicht wie auf'm Offi. Die Spielerzahlen sind über die letzten Wochen doch relativ konstant geblieben, nämlich knapp über 1k am Abend, oder hat sich das jetzt in den letzten 2 Tagen geändert? Hab gar nicht mehr nachgeschaut die letzten Tage. Auf jeden Fall: ein wenig höhere Drop Raten und das ein oder andere Event, sei es ein Drop-Event oder irgendwas anderes (wie z.B. das Halloween-Event letztens, das war echt gut), würde dem Server gut tun. English Why pay to win? Anything you can buy in the shop, you can also get ingame as it's allowed to trade Kinah against e-coins. Most of what you can buy in the shop is only cosmetic or nice-to-have (such as inventory extensions or mounts). The 100% socketing could give you a real advantage, but you can earn powerful socketing aids easily ingame, too. I hear it for the first time that someone associates PTW with this P server. But everyone has their own opinion. I can also understand that you would call it "pay to win" because you can buy a bunch of Kinah with real money with and thus will get much better gear much faster than the average player. Ahh yeah, events... ^^ I can still remember good old shugo dungeon. I'd like to see the shugo dungeon activated for a couple of weeks on this server, I guess everyone could use the AP boost. Sadly, AP are not as easy to get as on the official server (what with all the mighty crowns from the veteran levels). The player numbers stayed the same over the last couple weeks, a little over 1k in the evening, or did that change in the past 2 days? I didn't check the numbers the past few days. Anyway: I think a little higher drop rates and an event or two would benefit the server, be it a drop event or something else (like the recent Halloween event - a nice event!). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xeptor 2 Posted November 19, 2019 Hmm.... hört sich für mich nach bezahlter Werbung an. Man kann sich gegen Geld Vorteile erkaufen... das ist PTW Würden die Droprate, Sockeln u.a. genauso wie auf dem Offi eingestellt sein, würde der Shop keinen stören. Schönreden ist auch keine Lösung. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sister Bliss 5 Posted February 2, 2020 (edited) Pay to Win = buy gear with real money which cannot be bought, crafted or farmed in game. In other words, Pay to Win is when an item bought through webshop - paid for real money, but is locked to get it in game. Paying to get more Kinah (or any game currency) is not considered P2W as it's just a time-warp to get it faster than farming it. For lazies out there who don't want to grind for something, they can buy what's already available in the game to get it faster than others. And that's not P2W. Try not to create your own definition of P2W, as there are games out there throwing that definition right in your face (Warface, APB: Reloaded for example). P2W is a player who bought gear with real money to be at an advantage against players who haven't paid real money for theirs, just to win and never lose. I paid for a Mount to move faster than those who haven't got a Mount yet, but can get it through quest or craft. Are you going to call me P2W player? I simply bought the Mount to move from point A to B when questing without spending too much time running around, just makes it easier for me. That's not a P2W definition. Edited February 2, 2020 by Sister Bliss 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sister Bliss 5 Posted February 2, 2020 (edited) As for the topic, yeah the drop rate needs to be increased a little. For a young server to grow, players need to prepare by getting more than usual so we can impress the new players that it's worth playing here. If they want to get where we are, they can get there too and have fun along the way. Edited February 2, 2020 by Sister Bliss Typos. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dio 13 Posted February 2, 2020 Not only the drop rate is horrendous, the enchant rate on gear too, l120 cost 60-70m atm on asmo side. Something has to be done for sure. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheAlmighty 1,145 Posted February 3, 2020 13 hours ago, Sister Bliss said: As for the topic, yeah the drop rate needs to be increased a little. For a young server to grow, players need to prepare by getting more than usual so we can impress the new players that it's worth playing here. If they want to get where we are, they can get there too and have fun along the way. If players at the beginning will get everything really fast (or faster), then the new ones will ask to get more and more boosts, so the population of the server will be even. This is what we can see now. Some players request boosts for new players more, because they need to catch up with the old ones. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites