
[Event] Balaur's Treasures

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butcherjoe    0

In my opinion Euroaion is just biased they prefer asmo than elyos, now they got another excuse if elyos somehow recover and won sieges again; "There are still more ely than asmo, yet ely can't win at sieges." This excuse of ely are more than asmo will be used again and elyos creation will be blocked again as always, that gun iof excuse s locked and loaded and ready to fire at elyos when asmo complain that they are outnumbered again. Why not play asmo faction only and erased elyos?

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Chusheen    45

Never read so much shit @butcher xddd

Elyos still have more people. Sometimes 5-10% more than asmo during sieges.  Its not EuroAions´ Staff job to make a faction participate in sieges or unite in leagues. Asmos were also dead for months not long ago and Elyos had mkk+sillus for a long time because there was no league on asmoside.


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Souli    22
36 minutes ago, butcherjoe said:

In my opinion Euroaion is just biased they prefer asmo than elyos, now they got another excuse if elyos somehow recover and won sieges again; "There are still more ely than asmo, yet ely can't win at sieges." This excuse of ely are more than asmo will be used again and elyos creation will be blocked again as always, that gun iof excuse s locked and loaded and ready to fire at elyos when asmo complain that they are outnumbered again. Why not play asmo faction only and erased elyos?

Retail Aion: All ely domain (All servers at least on GF)

EuroAion: Currently Asmo domain, before it was Ely.

I think is Ely ego, is funny, Elys in game are displayed are egoist, and most of them think that they will loose the war very soon. I think that that Ely egoist is displayed on their players, wanting every advantage because they aren't capable, and not letting Asmo even to take a chance when Elys are already dominant

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TheAlmighty    1,151
1 hour ago, butcherjoe said:

In my opinion Euroaion is just biased they prefer asmo than elyos, now they got another excuse if elyos somehow recover and won sieges again; "There are still more ely than asmo, yet ely can't win at sieges." This excuse of ely are more than asmo will be used again and elyos creation will be blocked again as always, that gun iof excuse s locked and loaded and ready to fire at elyos when asmo complain that they are outnumbered again. Why not play asmo faction only and erased elyos?

We do not have any favourite players or faction. Where did this thought even come from? Stop making rumors out of air.

There were promotions for elyos as well, when there were more asmos, the situation just was milder than it was last time. And as you see, even after it, there are more ely than asmo. Not just in overall %, but also in the number of 65lvl players.

We are not going to close elyos creation now, as the situation in game doesn't show any need in this. In case the situation really turns to the imbalance caused by the NUMBERS, we will have to take actions. 

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Aragorn324    3
4 hours ago, TheAlmighty said:

The creation was closed because the number of Elyos was way higher than of Asmos. And now the situation is not much different, there are still more ely than asmo, yet ely can't win at sieges. So the question is right, it is really about nimbers? No, elyos more and just can't get together. 

Then let the servers die.You cant obligate elyos to go if they dont wanna they dont go.Let asmos get evrything.I say a buff for siege will be perfect and balanced for evryone.If not...probably siege will die as even the few elyos left going to it will give up.

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Aragorn324    3
19 hours ago, Souli said:

4 FREAKING YEARS i have  on this game and you call me new, I am literally spliting myself on half with this nonsesne.

How to make Ceranium? Easy, go and find a damm Eternal Bastion premade, like 3 cera per run and 32k AP fresh.

Hard way, Go to siege, apply to ally, get rank 4 and 1 cera, or go Solo and pray for know where are elys are and get the shit of Rank 1 and get like 4 maravellus Ceranium on 3 forts (A thing that I hardly can get because elys do not show up, they got killed and everytime I target one they are a Xform -or in my case on the best is get Rank 3 and get 1 Ceranium on Katalam and Abyss and I mostly don't care, I just want to score-)

Oh and thanks to this server to make ceranium on Tiamaranta hearts and Saruo, oh I did froget... easy part if Ceranium, hard part is AP and is need like what. 10kk AP. And I am going by rough eye and memory, so yeah, what about brag elsewhere? Elys wanna stuff? Move your ass and take forts, Asmos do not get full gear in 1 month because we do domain, we do because elys are lazy.

Oh and froget about Marchutan/Kaisiniel broken buff, there is nothing more unfair that having a whole faction full of Xform-like players, I do remember that happening to Asmodia on Hellion on Anoha battle, even I, that I was easy to kill, got a whooping I don't know, 100.000 HP and a lot of resistence, in other words, the buff does only help if is maxed out and is no way chance to defeat the enemy with that buff

You cant force people to do siege buddy.Most elyos dont wanna do siege bcs they cant win.A lot of them are very very bad geared.After they closed the elyos char creation most ppl gave up.Its pure logic.The buff for siege is a must and it will bring balance.If not then siege will die because eventually even the few elyos left that wanna do siege will give up on it.

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Aragorn324    3
2 hours ago, Souli said:

Retail Aion: All ely domain (All servers at least on GF)

EuroAion: Currently Asmo domain, before it was Ely.

I think is Ely ego, is funny, Elys in game are displayed are egoist, and most of them think that they will loose the war very soon. I think that that Ely egoist is displayed on their players, wanting every advantage because they aren't capable, and not letting Asmo even to take a chance when Elys are already dominant

You realised i was to siege and numbers of asmos were more right???Or you say this because youre an asmodian and yet you got no facts but you just spit out nonsense.If elyos were truly greater in number again...better idea was siege buff for forts.So you wont fuck people and make them quit the game with block char creation.And you wouldnt be in this spot neither.

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Souli    22
43 minutes ago, Aragorn324 said:

You cant force people to do siege buddy.Most elyos dont wanna do siege bcs they cant win.A lot of them are very very bad geared.After they closed the elyos char creation most ppl gave up.Its pure logic.The buff for siege is a must and it will bring balance.If not then siege will die because eventually even the few elyos left that wanna do siege will give up on it.

Nobody can force nobody to go to sieges, and we are bad geared as well, we just dominate for few months, not enough to give the whole Asmodia population a Abyss gear. And no sorry, no buff, as I said , Marchutan/Kaisiniel buff does is unfair.


42 minutes ago, Aragorn324 said:

You realised i was to siege and numbers of asmos were more right???Or you say this because youre an asmodian and yet you got no facts but you just spit out nonsense.If elyos were truly greater in number again...better idea was siege buff for forts.So you wont fuck people and make them quit the game with block char creation.And you wouldnt be in this spot neither.

Because no ely shows up, there is not a population problem, is a assistence problem like you mention before. And yes I am a veteran Asmodian, all 4 years I played as Asmodian so I do know really well how is beeing on the minor faction (funny enough, even admins says that closing elys creation did not fix the issue, elys are more than asmos) . Gameforge, Alquima/Hellion, Asmodia, I know how is beeing on the weaker side, I know how it takes to get a Abyss gear, elys outnumber asmodian population every siege I can remember, they could rush in any fort and take it because of their sheer numbers, even some elys were complaining that Asmos didn't show up on sieges, making hard for them to get ceranium, oh, and Elys did take almost EVERYTHING on the game, even when box event on MKK, Gameforge didn't add doors on Primum a few weeks later because we canno't get a fort.


So yeah, I am splitting out nonsense and I have no facts, despite that I played as the weaker faction (Hard mode beeing Asmodian vs Easy mode of beeing Ely) and I am telling this facts. So yeah.. maybe is time to grow and acept that Ely won't gonna domain for a long time unless they grow up again and lead united.

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Aragorn324    3

Do you understand whats mean "siege buff".Check 6.0+.You will understand it.

Elyos was almost most populated cuz people love that side i dont know why idc its ther choice.You cant fuck up players block the creation on it and expect people to even care playng the game.Buff siege helps a lot so you dont keep a fort for 2 months a faction then viceversa.Its stupid nonsense and not fun for no one.Neither asmodians or elyos.Its just balanced.Check the buff since 6.0 you will understand.

If this keeps going with sieges you can say bye bye to it because eventually people will give up.And trust me at least in ely side a lot of them dont care anymore

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Souli    22
28 minutes ago, Aragorn324 said:

Do you understand whats mean "siege buff".Check 6.0+.You will understand it.

Elyos was almost most populated cuz people love that side i dont know why idc its ther choice.You cant fuck up players block the creation on it and expect people to even care playng the game.Buff siege helps a lot so you dont keep a fort for 2 months a faction then viceversa.Its stupid nonsense and not fun for no one.Neither asmodians or elyos.Its just balanced.Check the buff since 6.0 you will understand.

If this keeps going with sieges you can say bye bye to it because eventually people will give up.And trust me at least in ely side a lot of them dont care anymore

Tell that to Elys on Retail Gameforge specially on Alquima that hold Abyss for more than 2 months, like a whole year or two or three..

Siege buff is not new from 6.0, it is very back then like on 4.9 - 5.0, and if you mean a new reworked siege buff, I dobut it will work on this version.

I do ask myself: Why you still crying here? You are saying that I do say nonsense but I do know what I am saying very well because I do liked siege and I do understand how they work and their mechanics. So I have the feeling you are merly an ely that always enjoyed their advantage and now wants to keep it because asmos rule and you can hold that reallity.


PD: Elys always are more because Aion marketing always had Elys on it, Elys are seen as the "good side" and people tend to go to the "good guys", despite Elys are not in game the good guys they calaim to be (I played both sides actually), also are the ones that the race selection always display, so those people that just press "Enter" , they create an ely and they have 0 idea of how balance on the game is.

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Aragorn324    3
12 minutes ago, Souli said:

Tell that to Elys on Retail Gameforge specially on Alquima that hold Abyss for more than 2 months, like a whole year or two or three..

Siege buff is not new from 6.0, it is very back then like on 4.9 - 5.0, and if you mean a new reworked siege buff, I dobut it will work on this version.

I do ask myself: Why you still crying here? You are saying that I do say nonsense but I do know what I am saying very well because I do liked siege and I do understand how they work and their mechanics. So I have the feeling you are merly an ely that always enjoyed their advantage and now wants to keep it because asmos rule and you can hold that reallity.


PD: Elys always are more because Aion marketing always had Elys on it, Elys are seen as the "good side" and people tend to go to the "good guys", despite Elys are not in game the good guys they calaim to be (I played both sides actually), also are the ones that the race selection always display, so those people that just press "Enter" , they create an ely and they have 0 idea of how balance on the game is.

So you didnt check buff 6.0??On 6.0 the siege buff if it goes max lvl 5 that is max you can get the fort 50 asmos vs 300 elyos buddy.Thats how strong the buff is to keep balance on the sieges.

And as i said cuz elyos are more or not its not my problem and i dont care.Its their choice not mine or yours.And to block the creation is a very stupid move.

And no i dont love "advantage"i was always an asmodian.ALWAYS.Since when i started playng 3.0.I just changed from 6.0 and then i came back to this server as retail is 7.0 and kinda meh..So i choose elyos here.No one wants thinks for free no one should get thinks for free.But keeping fort for 2 months is retarded.And indeed 6.0 ncsoft wake up and did that.

Want balance...bring the buff or at least try.So evryone will be happy and nothing will die.I think the server was even more populated before they had the "smart idea "to close ely creation.

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Souli    22

So practically same old buff. 100.000 HP per player and ton of resistence..

If admins had keep the elys creation open, nothing would change, except elys would grow till was too late to make a significant change, as new players gotta to get up on gear and people would quit Asmo side because turned boring and creating a circle that feeds itself

Boring server -> pepole quit -> less people -> boring server

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Aragorn324    3
6 minutes ago, Souli said:

So practically same old buff. 100.000 HP per player and ton of resistence..

If admins had keep the elys creation open, nothing would change, except elys would grow till was too late to make a significant change, as new players gotta to get up on gear and people would quit Asmo side because turned boring and creating a circle that feeds itself

Boring server -> pepole quit -> less people -> boring server

buddy...i dunno if you troll or you just ingnorant.Buff 6.0 is from lvl 1 to 5.Lvl 1 just helps a small case there are 300vs 300 so lets say elyos need a small chance of help.Lvl 2 3 a bit better..From lvl 4 its starts to be kinda invincible..Because resistance is 100% of evry skill and you get tons of hp...and insnae amount of pvp dmg  more then 10%.With that you win with 100 vs 200 for sure.Lvl 5 youre kinda unstopabble.Because the pvp bonus gets massive and your defence increases.You practically better then a xform.Even with pve gear you shit on ppl with pvp gear.

That lvl 5 was for obviously unbalanced servers.Where one side vastly outnumber the other.This buff was perfect.I think was the best think for 6.0 in my opinion.Because sieges since the begining until 6.0 were shit with crap rewards too.In 6.0 rewards were good for evryone as long as you participate.


ITS REWARDED SO PEOPLE DO IT.Now in 4.6 even if you take fort its still not that rewarded trust me..So even if elyos were 600 in this server at siege and 300 asmos that buff would help sooo freaking mutch that you would give a fuck of how many elyos were.This way evryone gets rewarded evryone gets the fort instead of keeping 3 months 1 side and thats soo stupid..and you let the players do whatever they want and choose the side they want.Dude id go all day on asmo side vs 900 elyos.More pvp for me siege and open world.


So think before you speak.

  • Haha 1

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Souli    22
13 minutes ago, Aragorn324 said:

buddy...i dunno if you troll or you just ingnorant.Buff 6.0 is from lvl 1 to 5.Lvl 1 just helps a small case there are 300vs 300 so lets say elyos need a small chance of help.Lvl 2 3 a bit better..From lvl 4 its starts to be kinda invincible..Because resistance is 100% of evry skill and you get tons of hp...and insnae amount of pvp dmg  more then 10%.With that you win with 100 vs 200 for sure.Lvl 5 youre kinda unstopabble.Because the pvp bonus gets massive and your defence increases.You practically better then a xform.Even with pve gear you shit on ppl with pvp gear.

That lvl 5 was for obviously unbalanced servers.Where one side vastly outnumber the other.This buff was perfect.I think was the best think for 6.0 in my opinion.Because sieges since the begining until 6.0 were shit with crap rewards too.In 6.0 rewards were good for evryone as long as you participate.


ITS REWARDED SO PEOPLE DO IT.Now in 4.6 even if you take fort its still not that rewarded trust me..So even if elyos were 600 in this server at siege and 300 asmos that buff would help sooo freaking mutch that you would give a fuck of how many elyos were.This way evryone gets rewarded evryone gets the fort instead of keeping 3 months 1 side and thats soo stupid..and you let the players do whatever they want and choose the side they want.Dude id go all day on asmo side vs 900 elyos.More pvp for me siege and open world.


So think before you speak.

So yeah I am a troll because I don't care of 6.0 and I know pretty well how siege buff works.



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Aragorn324    3

damn dude i cant really have a conversation and bring facts to someone like you whatever.4.6 is mot pve btw.Since 5.0 aion turned to be most pvp.6.0 was even more pvp thats why most people left btw.

But probably you deny this too.

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Merco    5

@SouliHad the other day a chat with this Aragorn guy, basically as you stated it yourself he wants to have his advantage and basically be given free stuff; even today, Siege was good, we took 1 fort and the other ended with Dux 20% (so almost two forts) ofcourse he was whole time in Town and then making remarks like "did you enjoy your rewards", yes Aragorn i did, thanks for 300 GP 4 Cera and other from Sillus for taking it

Basically he's a kid who is shouting "give me free stuff or i leave or give it to me easy, i will not work for nothing! and will only complain"

+ bonus, was doing 1v1 Arena and i've got him there, he died on First encounter and then just didn't try at all (gave up after 1 death), btw hes a ranger, im a sorc with PvE stigmas (I have to admit i have good gear and don't know his), yet trying with a ranger against a Sorc on PvE ? he should be able to kill me even in BM gear ! and funniest stuff ? when i messaged him "see ? you gave up immediatelly after 1st death, you do not try at all, you want all stuff free" ... hes first response ? "I'm better then you" and then ofcourse came "I'm far from the same gear as you" bla bla bla

Laziest guy who wants free stuff :)

Edited by Merco
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Souli    22

Hehehe, people are lazy and want free stuff, then this version aren't his, I got only 50 GP and because I didn't had the mood, I was on Silus toady most of the time.

And yeah, Ely rushed inside and got fort, and even before took one of Gelk forts, GG for them, nice work.

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TheAlmighty    1,151

Guys, I understand that you want to solve this "issue" as well, but the official reply was already given, and this topic is about another server side, not about sieges. Please, stop writing here about factions, there can be people willing to write their thoughts on the event, but all the thread is turned the other way. 

So if any of you has something to reply to each other, please, go to the general channel or private messages, let's keep it cleaner here. 

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TheAlmighty    1,151


Dear players,

In view of your requests, the hours of the event have been expanded. 
Now the chests appear from 10am to 10pm server time.

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Merco    5

@TheAlmighty Thank you for extending the chests time but i would like to ask / suggest for following event to try to do an event which can be played and enjoyed by all, maybe Shugo Tomb ? as the current event is rewarding, the only problem is that it is best suited for Assassin, they have an unfair advantage with Hide + being able to quickly destroy the box, thanks.

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Hayter    84

Not so good idea to extend evening time. No we have to wait a long time to may be get entry to Kamar and JMR. And a trouble of building siege alliances. The good thing is the event gonna end in 3 days.

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yujnx    20
14 часов назад, Souli сказал:

PD: Elys always are more because Aion marketing always had Elys on it, Elys are seen as the "good side" and people tend to go to the "good guys", despite Elys are not in game the good guys they calaim to be (I played both sides actually), also are the ones that the race selection always display, so those people that just press "Enter" , they create an ely and they have 0 idea of how balance on the game is.

A bit off topic, There's literally no "good" side or "bad" side in the lore, and each side paints the other to blame. And each side has different kind of characters (as in NPCs - like, there's always good people and bad people in the war). Also Seraphim and Shedim lords who kind of "started" the whole thing and expanded it further (when Ely discovered the portal and  Legion of Deltras teleported in Morheim they were "welcomed" by a Lord Zikel who was known for his temper - He even cursed asmodian people for helping elyos legionnaires). Also look up Shadow Elders. I remember Elyos side has a major quest related to it. Both sides also have "forgiving" stories and quests, for example that Altgard one when you help en Elyos daeva who got turned into Sprigg, and the one on later levels in Beluslan when you have to deliver a necklace(of her child?) to Elyos elder in Jeiaparan village.

But also, I don't think new people who play the game for the first time just press enter and don't read what it says on the race tab xD Would be dumb of them. I played both.

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yujnx    20
19 часов назад, Aragorn324 сказал:

You cant force people to do siege buddy.Most elyos dont wanna do siege bcs they cant win.A lot of them are very very bad geared.After they closed the elyos char creation most ppl gave up.Its pure logic.The buff for siege is a must and it will bring balance.If not then siege will die because eventually even the few elyos left that wanna do siege will give up on it.

I've read all your posts and lmao... What are you talking about... There's equal number of people playing on each side. Maybe our side still have a bit more people. Siege strictly depends on the willingness to do it, motivation, and, most of all, good leadership. Couple of months ago Asmo had the similar problem Ely have now. Now, Asmo got a good leader and everything else to win, and on the other side something happened to Elyos, one of major siege leaders stopped playing, some petty drama, etc. contributing factors. It just happens and switches back and forth. I don't understand why are you whining. 

What Souli said about Elyos ego is a bit off putting since lore doesn't matter in terms of how people play and do sieges, we're all the same, but I think it does apply to sime childish people who chose ely side "just because they're good guys!!1 good guys need free stuff!11" lol.

Edited by yujnx

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Lunaar    5

Seriously, if you are not a assassin - dont even bother with the event. Cause sin will come from hide and ks boxes every time and its impossible to over dps assassin. Very dissapointing.

Edited by Lunaar

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Angrry    31
15 часов назад, Aragorn324 сказал:

And no i dont love "advantage"………Want balance……...

You're seriously saying this after Ely easily took the fortress? Only one, because there was no desire. Some of the lords went to receive their reward elsewhere. Now the white side is often in the majority, and my personal opinion is that the forts are now blue, either because someone is thinking about the balance after a big "green stripe", or because of the hope for support from the admins and players.

Perhaps you should have pretended to be modest for another day if you wanted to make such a dramatic face.;)

Edited by Angrry
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