
Closing Elyos characters creation

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TheAlmighty    1,145


Hello, dear players!

Today we've made a decision to
close the creation of characters for the Elyos faction on the new game accounts!

THe reason for that is growing disbalance between factions. 

Character creation will be closed for an indefinite period of time
until we see positive growth rates of Asmodian players quantity on the server.

Answering your questions in advance: there won't be character transfer from one side to another!

Everyday the register for ely-side will be opened for 1 hour.
It is made for the players coming here for some certain elyos legions.

 Open registration: 19:00 - 20:00 server time

Thank you for attention and have good time in game!

Taking in account our previous experience: we want to separately thank the players who manage to sell their unneeded elyos accounts. These actions will lead to a full ban of all accounts on the server and we will block all the possibilities of entering the game in the future.

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Blackwall    16

We'll see how this works out in the end, but hats off to you for actually taking action against the shifting balance. And a rather drastic one at that. I really was not expecting anything so soon.

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Naydraug    4

As much as I am happy you guys finally did something, but then again you do this



You cannot create elyos, but you can for 1 hour during prime time.

  • Haha 1

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Nihal75    3

It’s good that you’re addressing the issue, we’ll see if it works. I don’t think the influx of new players is very high, and creating Elyos seems like a minor inconvenience. 
You need a part of the established Elyos population to switch Asmo. If you won’t allow transfers, that means starting from scratch. So you need a decent incentive, like higher pvp instance entries for asmos, or more arena tickets for them. Stuff active players in endgame keep asking for. That’ll make people switch. Probably not at that point yet but if we get there that’ll get things done. 

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Rizella    3

You need to entirely close the creation of elyos characters for some time if a balance wants to truly be achieved, leaving it open for one hour won't change absolutely anything, people that likes to play elyos won't mind to wait and log in during that hour just to make one, besides, let's face it, we all know this problem is not about numbers, back in the day in NA Siel server, Asmodians were always outnumbered, but more skilled and organized, hell i can even dare to say they were more ''united'' and that's what always made the difference against numbers, but that's not the case here, EU high ranked players (mostly, not all of them) here are just lame, and i'm talking mainly about generals and above, too much selfishness around this faction

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TheAlmighty    1,145
12 hours ago, Naydraug said:

As much as I am happy you guys finally did something, but then again you do this






You cannot create elyos, but you can for 1 hour during prime time.


We can't hold players coming to play with their friends and make them play separately. We wil stil receive requests about letting them make ely and it will be harsh to say "no". So we will have to open it anyway, but then manually for every single player. It is only one hour and won't let many players to make ely chars. 

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Indiee    16
12 hours ago, Nihal75 said:

It’s good that you’re addressing the issue, we’ll see if it works. I don’t think the influx of new players is very high, and creating Elyos seems like a minor inconvenience. 
You need a part of the established Elyos population to switch Asmo. If you won’t allow transfers, that means starting from scratch. So you need a decent incentive, like higher pvp instance entries for asmos, or more arena tickets for them. Stuff active players in endgame keep asking for. That’ll make people switch. Probably not at that point yet but if we get there that’ll get things done. 

Im just quoting this so you guys will have harder time ignoring it

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AstonMartin    0

Its good that u have taken any action but its gonna be slightly change and not instant but in 1-2 months when the new players will level and gear up, and even then they will have a small impact on the current situation. The best possible solution is to allow elyos change their side because those chars are already geared up and guess they have pvp attitude coz they obviously wouldnt change their side for pve, even 20-30 of them would be a huge matter. The only reason why u won't allow this, is probably u dont know how and I understand that, but also, in that case, I'm afraid about the server future.


13 hours ago, TheAlmighty said:

For these actions a full ban of all accounts on the server will be set and all the possibilities of entering the game in the future will be blocked.


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Razoroses    6
3 hours ago, TheAlmighty said:


We can't hold players coming to play with their friends and make them play separately. We wil stil receive requests about letting them make ely and it will be harsh to say "no". So we will have to open it anyway, but then manually for every single player. It is only one hour and won't let many players to make ely chars. 

i like that u guys are tyrng to do something about but this is not the way people gona keep creating elyos accounts everyday anyway becouse its still opend to creation for 1 hour and blocking elyos creation only gona push new players away. the way to do this is making people create asmodians by giving good encentives during siege time add  a pvp buff to the asmodian faction  pvp defence and pvp offence also pve dmg increase and turn it off right after siege  adding perma duble exp not only during weekends but during all week for asmodians giving maybe some BM or ac every hour for being online insted of the candy or along whith the candy  if by end we still cant take fortresses keep increasing the pvp/pve buff during siege   untill you feel the faction has somewhat of a balance again is clear old players are not returning becouse no point keeping game installed that has no content to do besides 1 arena 1 eob each 24 hours and been clear you admins dont wana add extra entries for pvp instances so at this point only hope is new players joining 


Edited by Razoroses

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Isanstar    0
13 hours ago, Rizella said:

Vous devez fermer complètement la création de personnages elyos pendant un certain temps si un équilibre veut vraiment être atteint, le laisser ouvert pendant une heure ne changera absolument rien, les gens qui aiment jouer aux elyos ne craindront pas d'attendre et de se connecter pendant cette heure juste pour en faire un, d'ailleurs, avouons-le, nous savons tous que ce problème n'est pas une question de chiffres, à l'époque sur le serveur NA Siel, les Asmodiens étaient toujours en infériorité numérique, mais plus qualifiés et organisés, je peux même oser disent qu'ils étaient plus `` unis '' et c'est ce qui a toujours fait la différence par rapport aux chiffres, mais ce n'est pas le cas ici, les joueurs de haut niveau de l'UE (principalement, pas tous) ici sont juste boiteux, et je parle principalement de généraux et au-dessus, trop d'égoïsme autour de cette faction

bien vus, le problème comme tu dis viens de l'égoïsme des gens, déjà pour les garnisons de katalam certains refusent catégoriquement de se joindre à un groupe alors qu'il serait plus facile (et moins de perte de temps de pop du légat sur nos têtes) de dégrouper et regrouper de suite. Mais que veut-tu? c'est comme sur l'officiel c'est chacun pour soit et tant pis si tu te fait poutrer par 6 elyos après, le mec avec son pote qui auront refusés de grouper auront fini leur quête de garnison et toi tu aura fait que 2 ou 3 mobs avant qu'elle ne soit capturé ensuite.

De plus je remarque que beaucoup d'élyos s'amusent à camper inlassablement au même endroit empêchant notre faction de pouvoir ne serait-ce que traverser la zone pour aller d'un point à un autre (je trouve que c'est anti-jeux de faire ça mais bon)..

pourquoi donc interdire le transfer de faction? quelqu'un qui veut être asmodien  alors qu'il est elyos à la base dois pouvoir modifier la faction et ainsi on aura plus de monde non?

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Isanstar    0

""continuez à augmenter le buff pvp / pve pendant le siège jusqu'à ce que vous sentiez que la faction a un peu de un solde est clair encore une fois que les anciens joueurs ne reviennent pas car il ne sert à rien de garder le jeu installé qui n'a pas de contenu à faire à part 1 arène 1 eob toutes les 24 heures et il a été clair que les administrateurs ne veulent pas ajouter d'entrées supplémentaires pour les instances pvp donc à ce stade, seul l'espoir est nouveaux joueurs rejoignentoutre 1 arène 1 eob toutes les 24 heures et il a été clair que les administrateurs ne veulent pas ajouter d'entrées supplémentaires pour les instances pvp, donc à ce stade, nous espérons seulement que de nouveaux joueurs rejoignenten plus de 1 arène 1 eob toutes les 24 heures et il a été clair que les administrateurs ne veulent pas ajouter d'entrées supplémentaires pour les instances pvp, donc à ce stade, nous espérons seulement que de nouveaux joueurs rejoignent ""


RASOIRS, c'est moi où les quelsques dernières phrases sont les mêmes et se succèdent lol ? O.o

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GalaaxXy    4
21 hours ago, Rizella said:

You need to entirely close the creation of elyos characters for some time if a balance wants to truly be achieved, leaving it open for one hour won't change absolutely anything, people that likes to play elyos won't mind to wait and log in during that hour just to make one, besides, let's face it, we all know this problem is not about numbers, back in the day in NA Siel server, Asmodians were always outnumbered, but more skilled and organized, hell i can even dare to say they were more ''united'' and that's what always made the difference against numbers, but that's not the case here, EU high ranked players (mostly, not all of them) here are just lame, and i'm talking mainly about generals and above, too much selfishness around this faction


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Konoyaro    71

I believe they're looking only the active level 65 players when considering balance decisions, so those people are just wasting their time (if this is true)

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Hayter    84
В 25.07.2020 в 17:11, gman сказал:

If I summarize, one month to get the sillius fortress (with siege weapon and everything, and only 30 seconds before the end of the rvr) and lose it in 10 minutes after the beginning of the rvr, the mass difference yesterday in rvr was simply absurd and the measures you took in addition to the elys who create false asmos are not enough.

Because asmo top player doesn't want to do anything. Yesterday, 7 asmo top players, including your Governor Emenems xformed right after siege just to enter SWB(that didn't help them much - we killed 2 clerics and gunner - hope they failed SWB). Not at siege to take the fort, but right after - to enter the dungeon. That's their priorities.

Edited by Hayter

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Emenems    14

I followed until the siege lasted 22.45 (bcs people go afk pradeth) when they called the xforms we were 20 in bassen it was useless to use xform, why do people like you speak for nothing?Ah right because you're elyos and you don't even know what you're talking about ...

Edited by Emenems

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Konoyaro    71

With xform you can kill enough AFK players to get your 300 glory point as asmodian, especially with a higher level xform, I wouldnt call it useless.

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Dantz    0

When will it end? I want to play as an elyos because of Nostalgia ( I played my whole life as elyos in the NA server).

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Indiee    16
On 29. 7. 2020 at 7:12 PM, Dantz said:

When will it end? I want to play as an elyos because of Nostalgia ( I played my whole life as elyos in the NA server).

Everyday the register for ely-side will be opened for 1 hour.
It is made for the players coming here for some certain elyos legions.

 Open registration: 19:00 - 20:00 server time


hi try reading

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EvanLaMort    0

Indiee even if they said that I think that A) it's not working as intended.  B) It work as intended and only let people with ely on their account create others during those hours. C) I didn't understood it well as english is not my native language . But since they said that they close Elyos faction for new game accounts it's probably the B one as I also tried during those hours .


Edited by EvanLaMort

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TheAlmighty    1,145
7 hours ago, Xfreakish1 said:


When exactly is 19:00 - 20:00 in server time. I'm assuming that would be 6;00 PM - 7:00 pm server time? 

You can see server time on the website in the right upper corner. 

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Rience    1
В 22.07.2020 в 20:33, TheAlmighty сказал:


Hello, dear players!

Today we've made a decision to
close the creation of characters for the Elyos faction on the new game accounts!

THe reason for that is growing disbalance between factions. 

Character creation will be closed for an indefinite period of time
until we see positive growth rates of Asmodian players quantity on the server.

Answering your questions in advance: there won't be character transfer from one side to another!

Everyday the register for ely-side will be opened for 1 hour.
It is made for the players coming here for some certain elyos legions.

 Open registration: 19:00 - 20:00 server time

Thank you for attention and have good time in game!

Taking in account our previous experience: we want to separately thank the players who manage to sell their unneeded elyos accounts. These actions will lead to a full ban of all accounts on the server and we will block all the possibilities of entering the game in the future.

So why i cant create it now?

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Rience    1
8 минут назад, Hexiis сказал:

I can't create neither even if it's the correct time

read one more time, shitty rules but no matter


В 31.07.2020 в 01:15, Indiee сказал:

Everyday the register for ely-side will be opened for 1 hour.
It is made for the players coming here for some certain elyos legions.

 Open registration: 19:00 - 20:00 server time


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