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GalaaxXy    4

Simple question/Suggestion, 

Can you remove GP award from sieges, and idk maybe add different reward?

its been 3 months asmodian do not wanna work together. this is literaly booring and not motivating, this is not fun....


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Peter    2

Yesterday was the first time I attended Siege. Iam also new to the Server. It felt like chaos. No clear plan or clear commands.

I have no idea how it was before, and iam not here to blame the People in charge.

Iwas just wondering if something like a Raidlead exists?

Is there a Discord Server for Raids?


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GalaaxXy    4
9 minutes ago, Peter said:

Yesterday was the first time I attended Siege. Iam also new to the Server. It felt like chaos. No clear plan or clear commands.

I have no idea how it was before, and iam not here to blame the People in charge.

Iwas just wondering if something like a Raidlead exists?

Is there a Discord Server for Raids?


There used to be a siege leader on asmo side for almost 6 months, but he left due to people not listening to him. he was leading using discord , every since this faction has a leader for 1-2 sieges then that guy quits and then 2 weeks no leader and repeat, still no leader to this day. and its only becoming worse because people realise they get more GP doing solo/grps, alliances are shit.

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Peter    2
10 minutes ago, GalaaxXy said:

There used to be a siege leader on asmo side for almost 6 months, but he left due to people not listening to him. he was leading using discord , every since this faction has a leader for 1-2 sieges then that guy quits and then 2 weeks no leader and repeat, still no leader to this day. and its only becoming worse because people realise they get more GP doing solo/grps, alliances are shit.

Sad. I always enjoyed Raids the most.

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DevWolx    62

Elyos had it worse if you look at it from the beginning of the server, but both factions have been going on in a back and forth for when which faction is mostly winning. It's mostly the players fault and some people really give up easily once they stop winning.

If the admins can actually change how GP system works to an extent to make it more beneficial to go as alliance/league rather than solo/duo/group so that it rewards more GP if you play for your faction rather than being selfish. I think that would help the situation of sieges.

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GalaaxXy    4
13 minutes ago, DevWolx said:

Elyos had it worse if you look at it from the beginning of the server, but both factions have been going on in a back and forth for when which faction is mostly winning. It's mostly the players fault and some people really give up easily once they stop winning.

If the admins can actually change how GP system works to an extent to make it more beneficial to go as alliance/league rather than solo/duo/group so that it rewards more GP if you play for your faction rather than being selfish. I think that would help the situation of sieges.

i would support more rewards on alliance/leageu  but wouldnt mind to even just remove it, its the only reason people go to sieges, take that reason OUT, then lets see what people will do.

Edited by GalaaxXy

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DevWolx    62

Getting GP is one of the main reasons yes but not the only one. If you remove it a lot of people will indeed quit and you can't just outright remove it without putting it somewhere else, the higher rank you get the more GP you loose per day so... It's not the right solution.

You also get medals, but another thing that the people going solo/duo/group for contributions only and not actually taking forts is that they will miss up on the instances in them that also grants medals daily (if their faction is winning without them anyways, guess that doesn't bother them. But it's another story when you are on the opposite side).

Just make it that you get more GP into an alliance/league rather than solo/duo/group. If that doesn't seem possible they can try actually disabling GP gain if you are solo or in a group, and buffing GP gain for alliances. (Like maybe adding a condition or check in the system to disable gain as solo/group, and add a multiplier for the reward or something so the alliance gain matches the previous solo/group gain)

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Raidon    108

Sieges are boring due to lack of people, communication and understanding. Most people barely (If at all) can understand english. There are English, Russians, some French and some Germans who cannot communicate with each other due to language barrier.

There is also basic lack of players. At best times on Elyos side we barely had 150 people in league. Its nothing compared to retail 300-500 people from each side nyerking it out for an hour non stop.

As for me and people that I play with - we're bored of grinding PvP. We just want to PvE ***.  I've grinded Cera medals for Rank 1 set in 4.0, for Star-2 set in 4.5 and then for Myth Rank 1 set in 4.....8 was it? When they added mythical PvP gear, mythical General Extendables etc. I grinded thousands of cera medals and tens of millions of AP during Kata/Kaldor sieges. I'm simply not interested in it anymore.

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GalaaxXy    4
В 09.07.2020 в 22:01, Raidon сказал:

Sieges are boring due to lack of people, communication and understanding. Most people barely (If at all) can understand english. There are English, Russians, some French and some Germans who cannot communicate with each other due to language barrier.

There is also basic lack of players. At best times on Elyos side we barely had 150 people in league. Its nothing compared to retail 300-500 people from each side nyerking it out for an hour non stop.

As for me and people that I play with - we're bored of grinding PvP. We just want to PvE ***.  I've grinded Cera medals for Rank 1 set in 4.0, for Star-2 set in 4.5 and then for Myth Rank 1 set in 4.....8 was it? When they added mythical PvP gear, mythical General Extendables etc. I grinded thousands of cera medals and tens of millions of AP during Kata/Kaldor sieges. I'm simply not interested in it anymore.

i didnt mean to have u be obligated to join, and u make it seem as u had grinding, so , getting NO GP out of it is a good reason to do it only for the fun of pvp / fort owning for defense reward

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TheAlmighty    1,151

GP for the sieges is a standard reward in the game. The suggestion is tricky and will be unlike by many players. Therefore we do not see sense in such changes.

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DevWolx    62

I don't agree with removing GP from sieges, but are you able to modify how it works ? Like to make it more worth to go in alliance rather than solo or duo. So that it makes more people going together to actually defend or attack forts.

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Razoroses    6
22 hours ago, TheAlmighty said:

GP for the sieges is a standard reward in the game. The suggestion is tricky and will be unlike by many players. Therefore we do not see sense in such changes.

yea removing gp from sieges is not gona help most of us got close to max gear we just want to pvp so we go solo or small groups for now since no siege leader and we can only do 1 arena per day in this server so siege is opportunity to try and find some pvp in middle of that zerg very few people care about actualy getting the fort we just want to pvp... other then sillus fortress instance nobody is actualy running void cube for example exept for 1 group  or 2 max in premade legions rest of players just want to pvp and since this is not retail like becouse on retail we could get more arena tickets and pvp more here we are limited to try and find pvp else where so we go to sarpan and then solo /small group siege

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Morningfrost    30

well what's happening now is that asmo side is dying due to that noone wants to lead siege, even your "join the darkside" rewards wont help. Boosting GP in allys and remove in groups are a good suggestions imo. I stoped going in allys when most ppl stoped, due to that I am high rank, and need a alot of GPper day to keep my rank.

Last time this happened to ely side, asmo side stepped in, gave ely side a fort, to boost them (abyss one). And if I am not wrong in my memory, our siegelead back then even talked to elys side about finding a leader.

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Razoroses    6
11 minutes ago, Morningfrost said:

well what's happening now is that asmo side is dying due to that noone wants to lead siege, even your "join the darkside" rewards wont help. Boosting GP in allys and remove in groups are a good suggestions imo. I stoped going in allys when most ppl stoped, due to that I am high rank, and need a alot of GPper day to keep my rank.

Last time this happened to ely side, asmo side stepped in, gave ely side a fort, to boost them (abyss one). And if I am not wrong in my memory, our siegelead back then even talked to elys side about finding a leader.

hard to find someone to lead atm most of top ranking players are leaving or selling there accounts becouse they are bored whith nothing to do 

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In my opinion the only way is to lock ely side. Sadly elyos are far more (atm 18 %) thats crazy. On Sieges its even worse. When i start on the server i played Elyos because Asmodians were winning. Now i dont wanna do all my stuff again on asmodian side. We need more player to on asmodian side. 

Yeah people want to play with there friends... but if only elyos friends come this server will be dead soon. Or give Asmodian higher advantages to level up and get easyer start gear

thats what i suggest.

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Naydraug    4

Yea, too many feggits(because that is what they are) reroll to the dominant side also. It was the same when the fortress colours were the opposite, asmos were getting a bit more but not this bad. So just lock the elyos creation and time hopefully solves the situation.

Does ely side actually have a raid leader?

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AstonMartin    0

Maybe add faction change ticket to item shop which would allow to move all chars to asmo side, ofc available for elyos only, and when situation gets back to normal just remove it.

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Amino    2

I wanted to come back to the game, but when I saw the number of elyos in front on siege, I logged out xD

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Hayter    84
10 часов назад, AstonMartin сказал:

Maybe add faction change ticket to item shop which would allow to move all chars to asmo side, ofc available for elyos only, and when situation gets back to normal just remove it.

I would be glad to switch to asmo side.

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Naydraug    4
10 hours ago, AstonMartin said:

Maybe add faction change ticket to item shop which would allow to move all chars to asmo side, ofc available for elyos only, and when situation gets back to normal just remove it.

This was actually done on NotAion manually by GMs.

Telling this in case a Staff member says again it is not impossible to something that is very possible and has happened before.

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GalaaxXy    4
On 15.7.2020 at 1:24 PM, TheAlmighty said:

GP for the sieges is a standard reward in the game. The suggestion is tricky and will be unlike by many players. Therefore we do not see sense in such changes.

Well, i get it its a standard reward, but your game is DYING, asmo side, which will drag down the ely side when they have nothing to do, start fixing it. 

Removing GP is simple AF, and imo the best solution. i get you dont see sense in it, but reconsider before throwing that answer in me, 

thank you.


i dont get any fun having no sieges, no real fkin pvp going in them beside asmos going suicide at some forts and lets close our day. this is booring and only making more people give up on siege and eventually quit. 


Edited by GalaaxXy

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TheAlmighty    1,151

As we have already said, we are not removing GP from the game. We follow the retail scheme and GP is an essensial part of the game. Removing it will mean removing and changing other essencial parts o f the game and it won't be  a retail like in any way after it. We are not creating a get-everything-in-one-day PVP server. 

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