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Teaming Glory

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Emenems    14

Decline many glory entry for go inside with team and trading 2 v 1  vs noob chanter army 4 you can see on video ranger (Razor) never attack cleric (Buntarka) and attack only me and kill sorc afk (probably 2 char for make entry) . Sorry for bad english and pls punish this people (P.S razor is 1° on arena of glory rank XD) 

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Мне интересно вот где написано что на арене запрещено совместно атаковать цель?и второе что все участники обязательно должны бить друг друга(это дело лично каждого),учитываю что они с одной гильдии,просто этого нет в правилах,это арена где ты сам выбираешь как и с кем тебе драться или объединятся,не надо выдумывать правила которых нет(если устанавливаете свои личные правила то должны быть описаны во всех подробностях и дать участникам в их ознакомление).

I wonder where it says that it is forbidden to jointly attack a target in the arena?and the second that all participants necessarily must beat each other(this deal personally everyone), consider that they with one guilds, simply this there is no in rules, this arena where you himself choose as and with whom you fight or unite,not need to invent rules which there is no(if establish their personal rules the must be described in all detail and give participants in their familiarization).

Edited by Legkodostupnyi(Roma)

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Emenems    14

No IT'S NOT arena  " it's i enter with my friend for farm glory points "

Edited by Emenems

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Reconquista    28

Bro, if all of your legion apply at the same time and pass whenever one of you don't get entry, means that something is fishy, don't you think? :) 11:00 Balaur and Razor enter at same time, while Tedeeza stays outside. Tedeeza asks Turbo if he got entry (Turbo tells me in the chat in Spanish) I think its clear enough to see what they are doing here ;p



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Rabbit    3

If you intentionally avoid hitting your friend, eventhough he is higher rank than you in arena, it means you are teaming. If you cancel entry because you wont have 4 people you want to be inside together, it means you are a pussy. This happened before and people got punished. Looks like it wasn't disincentive enough to prevent others doing it. Please punish this guys accordingly so they (also others I hope) won't dare doing it again.

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Senju    39
1 hour ago, Emenems said:

Decline many glory entry for go inside with team and trading 2 v 1  vs noob chanter army 4 you can see on video ranger (Razor) never attack cleric (Buntarka) and attack only me and kill sorc afk (probably 2 char for make entry) . Sorry for bad english and pls punish this people (P.S razor is 1° on arena of glory rank XD) 

I was wondering how Razor got out of nowhere First rank. And the first thing that came into my mind was teaming. Well it seems, I was not wrong. I've seen this ranger in ow and he's average at best. With his skill lv it's unlikely for him to even reach top 3 in glory without teaming. And this should be punished without mercy. 

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9 минут назад, Rabbit сказал:

If you intentionally avoid hitting your friend, eventhough he is higher rank than you in arena, it means you are teaming. If you cancel entry because you wont have 4 people you want to be inside together, it means you are a pussy. This happened before and people got punished. Looks like it wasn't disincentive enough to prevent others doing it. Please punish this guys accordingly so they (also others I hope) won't dare doing it again.

ты пишешь очень странные вещи. Если я захотел сразиться за очки славы со своим легионером. то ты это называешь не честной игрой? он такой-же игрок как и ты, и то, что мы хотим сразиться друг с другом не делает меня нарушителем. В таком случае можно наказывать всех людей. которые подают на арену из одинаковых легионов или же если этот игрок имеется у тебя в друзьях. Вдруг вы будете нечестно играть на арене, пока никто за вами не смотрит? У тебя странная логика. Я считаю, что это глупо.
you write very strange things. If I wanted to fight for glory points with my legionnaire. then you call it not fair game? he is the same player as you, and the fact that we want to fight each other does not make me an intruder. In this case, you can punish all people. who serve in the arena of the same legions, or if this player is in your friends. Suddenly, will you play unfairly in the arena while no one is watching you? You have a strange logic. I think this is stupid.


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Senju    39
3 minutes ago, Balaur | ChickenLord said:

ты пишешь очень странные вещи. Если я захотел сразиться за очки славы со своим легионером. то ты это называешь не честной игрой? он такой-же игрок как и ты, и то, что мы хотим сразиться друг с другом не делает меня нарушителем. В таком случае можно наказывать всех людей. которые подают на арену из одинаковых легионов или же если этот игрок имеется у тебя в друзьях. Вдруг вы будете нечестно играть на арене, пока никто за вами не смотрит? У тебя странная логика. Я считаю, что это глупо.
you write very strange things. If I wanted to fight for glory points with my legionnaire. then you call it not fair game? he is the same player as you, and the fact that we want to fight each other does not make me an intruder. In this case, you can punish all people. who serve in the arena of the same legions, or if this player is in your friends. Suddenly, will you play unfairly in the arena while no one is watching you? You have a strange logic. I think this is stupid.


So according to your logic when you enter Glory .2v1 is fine? I also did Glories with my legion mates but NOT attacking them is literally the same thing as teaming and having friend politics inside. You're dictating the outcome of the arena which was never meant to be like this. The Staff has punished players like this in the past. And so they will do again. You're saying that if you play with friends and passing glorie entries to have a maximum chance of winning while focusing together and teaming on other players is allowed.? Lmao, that's not how it works. The only strange logic here is yours.   Glory= free for all 

Not Team to win. 


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Это арена каждый сам за себя и каждый выбирает путь победы исходя из ситуации на арене,если вы не готовы один противостоять трем игрокам, тогда не заходите,для вас еще рано ходить на такие состязания,подготовьтесь лучше и повторите попытку вам когда нибудь повезет обязательно.

This is the arena everyone for themselves and everyone chooses the way to win based on the situation in the arena,if you are not ready to face three players alone, then do not go in,it is too early for you to go to such competitions,prepare better and try again you will be lucky someday.


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1 час назад, Reconquista сказал:

Bro, if all of your legion apply at the same time and pass whenever one of you don't get entry, means that something is fishy, don't you think? :) 11:00 Balaur and Razor enter at same time, while Tedeeza stays outside. Tedeeza asks Turbo if he got entry (Turbo tells me in the chat in Spanish) I think its clear enough to see what they are doing here ;p



Как ты смог поменять внешний вид на розовый?это невозможно в игре сделать для вещей военачальника,сторонние программы используешь?

How did you change your appearance to pink?this is not possible in the game to do for the things of the warlord, do you use third-party programs?


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Rabbit    3
54 minutes ago, Legkodostupnyi(Roma) said:

Это арена каждый сам за себя и каждый выбирает путь победы исходя из ситуации на арене,если вы не готовы один противостоять трем игрокам, тогда не заходите,для вас еще рано ходить на такие состязания,подготовьтесь лучше и повторите попытку вам когда нибудь повезет обязательно.

This is the arena everyone for themselves and everyone chooses the way to win based on the situation in the arena,if you are not ready to face three players alone, then do not go in,it is too early for you to go to such competitions,prepare better and try again you will be lucky someday.



you russians drink so much vodka... going glory for 3v1 xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

it's not 3v1, it's 1v1v1v1, that's why you are not in a group.

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Rabbit    3
5 minutes ago, TheAlmighty said:

We do have a rule against teamin up in the arenas, but for the punishment we need a video


Emenems have a video evidence, check the twitch link at first message please.

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Rabbit    3
1 hour ago, Balaur | ChickenLord said:

ты пишешь очень странные вещи. Если я захотел сразиться за очки славы со своим легионером. то ты это называешь не честной игрой? он такой-же игрок как и ты, и то, что мы хотим сразиться друг с другом не делает меня нарушителем. В таком случае можно наказывать всех людей. которые подают на арену из одинаковых легионов или же если этот игрок имеется у тебя в друзьях. Вдруг вы будете нечестно играть на арене, пока никто за вами не смотрит? У тебя странная логика. Я считаю, что это глупо.
you write very strange things. If I wanted to fight for glory points with my legionnaire. then you call it not fair game? he is the same player as you, and the fact that we want to fight each other does not make me an intruder. In this case, you can punish all people. who serve in the arena of the same legions, or if this player is in your friends. Suddenly, will you play unfairly in the arena while no one is watching you? You have a strange logic. I think this is stupid.


Yes it is not fair going in with your legion mates to make most glory points. If you manage to do it, unless one of them rats you and makes a video evidence, you won't be punished. But if you fail and someone makes a video evidence, you should be punished.

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6 минут назад, Rabbit сказал:


you russians drink so much vodka... going glory for 3v1 xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

it's not 3v1, it's 1v1v1v1, that's why you are not in a group.

You are so funny, not Russian!that is, if I am beaten by two people in the arena, you can throw a video and say that it is not legal, what should the other two do while we are in the arena to fight 1 on 1 with you!say, that would not interfere and Nacha is punishable.


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Senju    39
1 hour ago, Legkodostupnyi(Roma) said:

Это арена каждый сам за себя и каждый выбирает путь победы исходя из ситуации на арене,если вы не готовы один противостоять трем игрокам, тогда не заходите,для вас еще рано ходить на такие состязания,подготовьтесь лучше и повторите попытку вам когда нибудь повезет обязательно.

This is the arena everyone for themselves and everyone chooses the way to win based on the situation in the arena,if you are not ready to face three players alone, then do not go in,it is too early for you to go to such competitions,prepare better and try again you will be lucky someday.


Lmao did you read that Rabbit?. He chooses to win by 3v1.. We should prepare ourselves more for 3v1 in Glory. We are just scrubs, this man has done it all. 

I'm crying and laughing at the same time 

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13 минут назад, TheAlmighty сказал:

Now tell me how to determine that they were working together, and not the tactics of the game of each of the participants (beat the weak), your rules can not be applied!they just contradict your game in the arena,how can you determine what to do and who to do in the arena, how to fight, who to fight, who to beat and who not to beat?

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TheAlmighty    1,151
1 minute ago, Legkodostupnyi(Roma) said:

Now tell me how to determine that they were working together, and not the tactics of the game of each of the participants (beat the weak), your rules can not be applied!they just contradict your game in the arena,how can you determine what to do and who to do in the arena, how to fight, who to fight, who to beat and who not to beat?

If the players do not kill each other, then they do cooperate. 


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Только что, TheAlmighty сказал:

Если игроки не убивают друг друга, они сотрудничают. 


and if a player understands that he can't win against another player, but focuses on a weaker player(if a player can't win against another player, it means that they are in cahoots)?

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4 часа назад, Emenems сказал:

Decline many glory entry for go inside with team and trading 2 v 1  vs noob chanter army 4 you can see on video ranger (Razor) never attack cleric (Buntarka) and attack only me and kill sorc afk (probably 2 char for make entry) . Sorry for bad english and pls punish this people (P.S razor is 1° on arena of glory rank XD) 

Выложи полное видео чтобы понять что на протяжении всей арены они избегали боя,по маленькому видео об этом судить не правильно

Lay out the full video to understand that throughout the arena they avoided the fight,it is not correct to judge this from a small video

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Senju    39
30 minutes ago, Legkodostupnyi(Roma) said:

and if a player understands that he can't win against another player, but focuses on a weaker player(if a player can't win against another player, it means that they are in cahoots)?

I think you had enough Vodka for today my friend, I watched the video completely now. And from what I've seen with VIDEO PROOF is that contestant 1 is always attacking the same target as Contestant 2 and lets Contestant 2 (Razor) get the points from the target and lets it kill the target. I haven't seen a single part were the Ranger was attacking the cleric or vica versa. Stop talking shit about attacking on a weaker player. They were clearly NOT ATTACKING each other AT ALL. Because Emenems was 3rd placed and the Sorc was not even doing anything so most likely the sorc gave up or was also a part of this Teaming setup. From the perspective of Razor it actually makes zero sense why he didn't focus the Cleric because he would have gotten more points for killing the cleric then killing Emenems as the chanter or the sorc would even give nothing to him at all, yet he focuses the sorc and the chanter which are the bottom of the ranking inside. I understand that this happens once or twice. But a 3min long video showing that it's happening all the time in this arena  is just pure horseshit. And both are not even targeting each other. It's just too obvious. and not by coincidence of attacking a '' weaker player '' and this teaming  should be punished. That's it. And don't tell me that Razor got in one day 153k points through fair and square fights in Glory as a ranger. I've seen him play. He's not better then Qinzz or even close to his lv. Yet he gets First Glory with 150K+ points all in one single day as a ranger. Please stop with the nonsense. It's all recorded and shown in the link. 

Edited by Senju

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7 минут назад, Senju сказал:

Я думаю, тебе хватило водки на сегодня, мой друг, я сейчас полностью посмотрел видео. И из того, что я видел с VIDEO PROOF, это то, что участник 1 всегда атакует ту же цель, что и участник 2, и позволяет участнику 2 (Razor) получать очки от цели и убивать цель. Я не видел ни одной части, где Рейнджер атаковал священнослужителя или наоборот. Хватит говорить дерьмо о нападении на более слабого игрока. Они явно не атаковали друг друга. Так как Эменемс занял 3-е место, а Сорк даже не делал ничего, скорее всего, Сорк сдался или также был частью этой команды. С точки зрения Razor это фактически не имеет смысла, почему он не не сосредотачивать внимание клерика, потому что он получил бы больше очков за убийство клерика, чем за убийство Эменемса, поскольку певец или колдун вообще ничего ему не дадут, но он фокусирует колдуна и колдуна, которые являются нижней частью ранжирования внутри. Я понимаю, что это происходит один или два раза. Но 3-минутное видео, показывающее, что это происходит постоянно на этой арене, - просто чушь собачья. И оба даже не нацелены друг на друга. Это слишком очевидно. и не случайно нападает на "более слабого игрока", и эта команда должна быть наказана. Вот и все. И не говорите мне, что Razor за один день набрал 153 тыс. Очков за честные и квадратные бои в Glory как рейнджер. Я видел, как он играет. Он не лучше, чем Кинзз или даже близко к его лв. Тем не менее, он получает First Glory с 150K + очками за один день в качестве рейнджера. Пожалуйста, прекратите с глупостью. Это все записано и показано по ссылке. 

Могу вам также сказать "Заднеприводный" правило которое выдумал администратор невозможно применять на арене,не возможно и не правильно ограничивать игроков в их действиях,еще раз повторюсь каждый игрок сам выбирать тактику.

I can also tell you "rear-Wheel drive" the rule that the administrator invented can not be applied in the arena,it is not possible and not right to limit players in their actions,once again, each player himself to choose the tactics of how to play that would win.


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Senju    39
3 minutes ago, Legkodostupnyi(Roma) said:

Могу вам также сказать "Заднеприводный" правило которое выдумал администратор невозможно применять на арене,не возможно и не правильно ограничивать игроков в их действиях,еще раз повторюсь каждый игрок сам выбирать тактику.

I can also tell you "rear-Wheel drive" the rule that the administrator invented can not be applied in the arena,it is not possible and not right to limit players in their actions,once again, each player himself to choose the tactics of how to play that would win.


This is not a tactic. And it's not allowed as @TheAlmighty said , I really hope that action will be taken by atleast removing them from the ranking or receiving  a temporarily ban . So he understands what he did, because scumbags like this will just repeat it or show other players that it's allowed and being used as a '' tactic '' as you say. I advice players like this to get better at the game, learn the matchups  instead of Teaming/ Wintrading  and sucking each others dicks off in glory to get points.  Steam Community :: :: LUL

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