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NPC for Hyperion Mythic Equipment

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Virva    2

I ran kata over 100 times, never got 6/6 set, i know its rng and all that but come on. Adding a npc for mythic equipment chest witch choice of part (like 10 hyperion part's for eternal) would be useful, price could be idk, 50 earth scraps.

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Ellowain    78

Agreed. RNG is a factor, but admin should realize that after a certain point of bad luck- players just quit the server 100%.

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ldfilip    47

Wouldn´t that be unfair for those, who got their sets after months, maybe years of hard work? U got your higher chance of finishing the set with mythic boxes from events...should be more than enough for an endgame gear...

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Virva    2
On 9/2/2023 at 10:38 AM, ldfilip said:

Wouldn´t that be unfair for those, who got their sets after months, maybe years of hard work? U got your higher chance of finishing the set with mythic boxes from events...should be more than enough for an endgame gear...

and why do you think i suggest that? You don't do kata over 100 times in a month

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Raidon    108
On 31/08/2023 at 2:05 PM, Virva said:

I ran kata over 100 times, never got 6/6 set, i know its rng and all that but come on. Adding a npc for mythic equipment chest witch choice of part (like 10 hyperion part's for eternal) would be useful, price could be idk, 50 earth scraps.

I spoke with admins about this idea over a year ago, they strictly said NO because of "Reasons".


But I do think it would be fair. I have 5 characters and all of them took different amounts of Katas to get 6/6. Some took around 100, other just 12 runs for a full 6/6. 


I know people who went almost 200 times and still didn't get full set. 


Personally, I wouldn't find it "unfair" to those who did 100+ runs to get a full set. Exchanging 100 Hyperion pieces for a piece is a fair idea.

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ldfilip    47
3 hours ago, Virva said:

and why do you think i suggest that? You don't do kata over 100 times in a month

Doh, not realy worth of commenting but I am very bored, so here goes... I said, in other words, that the whole idea is stupid and not fair to those who managed to get their sets regardless of number of runs they had to do ;) End game gear should not be that easy to get.

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Raidon    108
On 03/09/2023 at 9:02 PM, ldfilip said:

Doh, not realy worth of commenting but I am very bored, so here goes... I said, in other words, that the whole idea is stupid and not fair to those who managed to get their sets regardless of number of runs they had to do ;) End game gear should not be that easy to get.

I fail to see how exchanging 100 Hyperion pieces (50 weeks of farming without reset scrolls and failed runs) for a single armor piece is "easy".  Even if you do 4 runs a week with reset scrolls, that will put you on over 3 months of non-stop Kata farm. 


How is that considered "easy"?


Oh and btw, do you consider Hyperion armor and weapon boxes that drop from Snoflakes "easy"? They do give you a chance of getting a piece without ever going into the instance. I don't see people screaming to remove those.

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Twinsb    5


I know this an old post BUT the pain is eternal :):) . 

I am doing every week Kata/ Is like 6 months now to get 1 part for my heal set  Enraged Hyperion's Cleric Handguards  and i cant get it ... is imposible statistically not to drop .

Do something for  ppl who are taking every wheek same useless parts.


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Calipsooo    4

+50 runs still waiting to get my last acc part... the worse thing is that i always get it but eternal

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