
Bastion base waiting time | Время ожидания базы Бастион

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Hordos    3

Tl:dr: I support trying option 3 and see where it leads. Being forced to wait up to an hour a day for an instance you can't just skip if you want the best gear is just not ideal, something that was changed in the later patch (4.7) for a reason. I also think it would revive real ow pvp on 81 instead of killing it. For details see below.

While I can understand that pvp focused players don't want to lose what little open world pvp is left on this server, I genuinely want to know where they can find real ow-pvp on garrison 81 during main EB time (18 - 21 servertime). During that time span the camp is constantly either green and filled with 3+ asmo alliances waiting for it to turn, or blue and filled with 3+ elyos alliances doing the same, only interrupted by maybe a minute or two when either faction gets their quests and enters at once. So that is one minute every 30 to 45 minutes where you can grief to your hearts desire and try to split alliances while for the rest of the time you just get spanked by a whole alliance in case you kill someone from their premade. I honestly don't get where there is satisfying pvp to be had.

The opposide would be the case for a npc circle with instances always open. You'd give premades the possibility to split up again, not being forced to enter with all the other alliances due to the fact that they wouldn't be able to enter at all otherwise. That means less league-like zerging, more group / single-alliance focused pvp like it used to be before covid when the server only had 2 or 3 EB alliances on each side. Then you'd really have the aforementioned dynamic that well-coordinated alliances are able to enter while other alliances might be split.

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Chalenna    5

if u wanna evoid to much time with building and things, u have to organice it well

example watch the camp and make a +/- camp timer like this:


17:07 ely
17:40 asmo
18:20 ely
19:00 asmo
19:40 ely

but yeah at the main time on ely are like 11 swb premades and on asmo 12 
so as soon as camp turns u have like max 3min time or u get over runned from the other fraction

lets say u would put a permanent gate at like this location:634e7a9b9522d_SWBGate.thumb.JPG.00083d64032f341767c76d753e5fffcc.JPG

its still next to the camp, and the npc for the quest is still there where it is. this could evoide i think this 3min entry window and could be a option, yes but the pvp will still stay, it will just split up the premades abit up.

and about camp timer reduction, 10-15 is to low
the better solution for this would be at list 20-30min, so it wouldnt be totally fucked up but still fair 

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Densetzu    23

but if you make waiting time for eb/swb short, i wont be able to get 50 gp from instawin jmr/kamar. Pvp on 81th is better than on kmara/jmr


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rulai    21
10 hours ago, Densetzu said:

but if you make waiting time for eb/swb short, i wont be able to get 50 gp from instawin jmr/kamar. Pvp on 81th is better than on kmara/jmr


yes yes yes you are right instawin/dodge in kamar and dred as before in arenas and long waits for base is so much better than going bastion at the same time and having time for fair pvp/instances. the stone entrance on 81 would cause so many problems...

if you leave the quest NPC behind the base.
then pvp will even be 24/7


да да да вы правы инставин/додж в камар и дерек как раньше на аренах и долгое ожидание базы намного лучше, чем одновременно идти в бастион и иметь время для честных пвп/инстансов. каменный вход на 81 вызовет столько проблем баланса...

если оставить квестового нпс за базой. то пвп будет даже круглосуточно а не только подчас баста

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Densetzu    23

if only admins knew how to make ingame surveys. Asking players who actualy plays than listening to few friends would be nice.

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CowBell    32

If this happens - probably best thing in this server in last 1year+ while im playing on this char :D 
Lets be clear, this camp have no real pvp, 99% is ganking, all this time wasting and waiting serves no purpose at all, I guarantee if you ask people who actually does Bastion if they prefer to wait 30+ mins every evening 99% will tell you they don't want to wait at all. In Kaldor we used to have more PVP at EB entrance than in here waiting for NPC to spawn... 
For fun I checked Pashid Claws in this char (132) and if we take 30mins wait time for every run:
(132 * 30min) / 60min = 66 hours just doing nothing spectacular. 

Put that entrance stone in front of camp and move on, nothing to argue here about. 

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CowBell    32

no answer is also an answer ;) admins must be having more important questions to deal with than end game players requests. 

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Moonrune    4

THIS WEEK Admin say "post questions/suggestions" on forum. Don't write on help. don't write on general. WRITE ON FORUM. So, now posting here and no answer. 

This is great idea. PLEAES WAKE UP AND RESPOND SOMEDAY. thank you. 

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sophisticated    241

I'd want to repeat the information since some players did not properly comprehend the earlier response.

The server Administration and I have had a straight discussion about your suggestion.

These modifications won't be put into effect. Just because you want to visit the bastion at any moment won't cause the administration to alter the game.

Due to potential issues with open world pvp, building a portal in a peaceful area is also not taken into consideration.

The server is working on the version 4.6 and this is also the reason why we are not going to move the entrance.

You use the phrase "everyone," however there are people in this thread who are commenting against this idea. The players themselves discuss the potential flaws of these modifications.

Nobody obligates you to visit the bastion only in the evenings or at set times; you are free to form an alliance whenever it is convenient for you. Additionally, nobody compel you to form an alliance 30 minutes prior to taking the base. Even when your race has already taken control of the base, you can still form an alliance.

Only you have direct control over all of this.

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NancyFox    223

The administration gave a direct answer to the question.
The topic is closed.

If you, @rulai  decide to continue the discussion and discussion of your proposal with the players, you can create a new topic in the GENERAL section of our forum.

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