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[Event] Shugo Kingdom Adventure

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Admin    422

Shugo Imperial Tomb is already available on the server since this weekend! 


One spring morning the sorcerer Mirk woke up from knocking. But it sounded more like hammering on the door with all power, rather than knocking. The sorcerer crawled out from his bed unwillingly and opened the door. Behing the door stood Osaye and her eyes were telling that this day is not going to be peaceful.

  • What has led you here so early, Osaye? – Mirk was obviously sleeping on his feet, but was still holding on, as it is supposed for such an intelligent magician.
  • For today I’m not called Osaye anymore, my name is now Lara. And as soon as I transform into a Shugo, you’ll be calling me Lararin.
  • Why are you transforming into a Shugo? Have you got in some troubles and now trying to hide from the Archons? – The sorcerer didn’t understand anything about what was going on.
  • We are going to the Tombs. Wild Tayga is recruiting the group, so get ready, take your orb and let’s hurry up. Come on, no time for shaking. Or you don’t want to get gear?

Confidence of the witch left Mirk with no choice. He put on his tunic, took the crystal ball from the table and went with the witch.

Important details:

  • Instance time reset: 22h
  • Lvl range: 51+
  • Group: Two or Three players
  • Items allowed:  food, scrolls and special items collected from the mobs.
  • Entry to the event dungeon is unavailable from 20:00 to 23:00 every day!

A special dungeon has been opened for the event. The entry to the dungeon is available through the quest NPC Indiana Jonshunerk.


NPC can be found in the following locations: 

At this NPC you should take the quest [Event] Empires Past, for which you will receive Coin-collector's Pouch.

After this quest 2 more become available:

Daily: [Event/Daily] Spirited Thanks. Reward:

  • Coin-collector's Pouch.

Additional optional reward when completed 10 times - 10 Coin-collector's Pouch

One-time quest: [Event] Secret of the Map Piece. Награда:

  • Immortal Treasure Chest Key - 5.
  • Magical Map Box

Now, after taking all quests, it’s time to go to the dungeon with a group (3 players maximum, possible to enter in two). After entering the temple everyone transforms into a Shugo, all the skills become inactive, and only new special skills on the new panel stay available. Now only special items, acquired from the mobs, and food with scrolls can be used. The distance of skills is short, you should stay very close to the mobs.

The whole dungeon has 3 stages. On every stage you will be defending from monsters three Tombstones, placed in the center of the dungeon. Monsters do not attack players and do not deal them any damage; they are heading to the Tombstones to destroy them.

The main target is to defend central Tombstone – “Emperor's Monument ".  If it is destroyed – you won’t get any reward. 
Before you launch the first stage, we recommend you to change loot roll to the “common and superior” 
The stages are launched by the Shugo Cleric:


1 Stage


Start the 1st stage, it is the easiest one. Monsters appear slowly, there are monsters-bosses among them, from them you can get keys and pieces of the treasure map. 

You get 3 skills:

Normal Attack

Shugo Strike: normal attack inflicts 250 damage apiece on up to 2 enemies.

Sharp Blow

Shugo Doom: Causes 3000 physical damage to a selected target.

Lighting bolt of justice

Shugo Sweep: up to 4 opponents in your vicinity will incur 566-567 additional damage.

From the Awakened Guardians you can get some useful items restoring DP, healing tombstones and freezing monsters. These items can be acquired on every stage and disappear when you leave the dungeon.

Elf essence

Instantly restores 2000 DP

Major Elf essence

Instantly restores 4000DP

Spell of Healing

Instantly increases HP at the Imperial Tombstone “Tower” by 50%

Cursed Chill

Immobilizes all enemies inside the Imperial Tomb for 6 sec. Very useful during the boss fights.



2 Stage

This stage is more difficult than the previous and monsters are stronger. The keys and pieces of maps can be only acquired from 2 bosses: Elite Krall Lookout Leader and Elite Krall Lookout.

A new skill for DP is added, but you are better to keep it for the best moments.
Scatter_Poison.pngShugo Venom: usage costs DP 1000 – Up to 8 enemies in radius of 10 meters will receive additional 339 damage for a duration of 10s every 1s. 

If you have left the game on this stage, use " Veteran Shugo Warrior Transformation Device ":

3 Stage

This stage is the most difficult, you will face crowds of monsters and 2 bosses which will give you pieces of the map, keys, plates and Coin-collector's Pouches. All these items disappear right after you leave the dungeon, except Coin-collector's Pouch. 

One more skill for DP is added:

Reflecting Aetheric FieldMagic Mirror: Usage costs DP 2000 – Cast reflective shield on towers. Reflect all attacks back to enemy for 8s.
 Use it to protect Emperor's Monument (Take the monument to your target, otherwise the baff will be given to your groupmembers)


Map piece

After you have collected all the pieces of maps, you will get a Magical Map Box. From this box you will receive Empress' Brass Tag or Empress' Silver Tag orEmpress' Gold Tag.

Attention! If you have already finished this dungeon before, do not hurry up to open the box, it can also be used for the quest [Event] Secret of the Map Piece.
Keys and pieces of maps disappear after you leave the dungeon.


At the Emperor's Stele you can pass quests [Event] Secret of the Map Piece  and [Event/Daily] Spirited Thanks. The keys which you got for the quests will not disappear when you leave the dungeon and are tradable. These keys are also used to open treasure chests.
The tags, which you have got from the dungeon, are used to enter the room with treasure chests. Go to the Stele and choose the type of the tag you have:

After you give your tags to the Stele you will get into the room of treasures. The quantity of the rewards and their chance depend on the type of the room. 

Empress' Brass Tag – Emperor Mirinerun’s Treasury:
Crown Prince’s Relic 
(1 Key)
Greater or Major Ancient Icon (randomly 1-5 items)

+ with some chance the loot described lower 

Special Chests (3 Keys)
Greater or Major Ancient Crown/Goblet (randomly 1-5 items)

+ with some chance the loot described lower

Empress' Silver Tag - Emperor Bellisung’s Treasury
Empress' Relic
 (1 Key)
Greater or Major Ancient Seal (randomly 1-5 items)

+ with some chance the loot described lower

Special Chests (3 Keys)
Greater or Major Ancient Crown/Goblet (randomly 1-5 items)

+ with some chance the loot described lower

Empress' Gold Tag Emperor Tillirun's Treasury
Emperor’s Relic 
(1 key)
Greater or Major Ancient Icon (randomly 1-5 items)

+ with some chance the loot described lower 

Special Chests (3 Keys)
Greater or Major Ancient Crown/Goblet (randomly 1-5 items)

+ with some chance the loot described lower

The list of items included to all the chests with different chances (depends on the typr of the chest):

  • Tahabata Egg (15 days)
  • Mini Crystal Lucid Shield
  • Tempering Solution
  • Spotted Beachwear
  • Sharptooth Voidtracer (15 days)
  • [Event] Beritra Idian Pouch
  • Noble Composite Manastone Bundle
  • [Event] Ancient Coin Chest
  • Greater Felicitous Socketing Box (Eternal) 
  • Greater Felicitous Socketing Box (Mythic)
  • Ceramium Medal
  • Armor Wrapping Scroll (Eternal)
  • Accessory Wrapping Scroll (Eternal)
  • Weapon Wrapping Scroll (Eternal)
  • Precious Steampunk Wings
  • Leopard Headpiece


After you leave the dungeon you can exchange your Shugo coins at the Shugo Marion Reiring (near  Indiana Jonshunerk) to the following items:

  • Token Pouch
  • Fairy Tail

From the token pouch you can get (1-3 of items on the list):

  • Kahrun's Symbol
  • Crusader Token/Radiant Token
  • Guestpetal
  • Protectorate Coin
  • Sillus/Silona /Paradeth Crest
  • Blood Mark
  • Conqueror's Mark

From the Fairy Tail you can receive:

  • Fairy Horn
  • 1 Shugo coin

From the fairy horn you can get: 

  • Fairy wing
  • 1 Shugo coin

From the fairy wing you can get: 

  • Fairy heart
  • 1 Shugo coin

From the fairy heart it's possible to get:  more than  50 Shugo coins.


Event is in progress from 24.05 to 07.06 (inclusively)!
Entry to the event dungeon is unavailable from 20:00 to 23:00 every day!



Thank you for attention and have a nice gameplay!

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Admin    422

By the requests of many players the event was launched again!

The time of the event is from 24.05 to 07.06 inclusive!

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TheAlmighty    1,151
1 hour ago, Ixlovextechno said:

Nice Event, will you add Reset-Scrolls to the shop ?


Due to the huge amount of complaints regarding this scroll, we decided to leave the event without the reset scrolls. 

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toLsti_1992    2
8 hours ago, TheAlmighty said:


Due to the huge amount of complaints regarding this scroll, we decided to leave the event without the reset scrolls. 

Hey I think that's something unfair to other players. I am also a supporter of this server by donating.

And I wanted to buy rolls on the evening of the publication, but it was too late and I postponed it until the following day.

And then I have to see that the roles no longer exist. And in the game some hundreds of them have grown and now you think you could really provit with it.

Is it not possible to introduce a purchase option for existing accounts 10 / piece per account?

I do not see it in the game for a Shugo roll to pay 25kk + if the EC value is 7.5kk.

I also still have a few EC and find it a shame that this is a disadvantage for players like me who were a little late.

Everyone needs AP .. Everyone needs the items from the instance. But not at any price ...

Excuse my english. I used a translator :)

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Dio    13

Shugo NPC did not spawn after siege and some people did not go into the instance today. Can you pls fix this?

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Luyanara    9

Suggestion for future Shugoevents:

Im not sure about the possibility of "abuse" of multiple chars in Eventinis when big drops are tradable. Even thogh i got alot chars in that level for myself I think the temperingdrops in eventinstances should be nerfed.

A good solution is to make them untradable [Jakunerk]

So they are still good drops in terms of feathers -  but cant be used to push 1 character too much in terms of accs.

Thats a step of eventequality to all - so ppl not that long to the server dont have such big disadvantages. 1 shugorun compared to 12 per day can be a huge difference if all drops are used for one mainchar.


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toLsti_1992    2
That sounds like silly to me.

It has always been possible to trade items (except AP) from the Shugo instance from his twinks.

And so it should be possible in my opinion.

Especially since the community had voted out the reset roles here, it should at least be possible to get ahead in the way.


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Luyanara    9
22 hours ago, toLsti_1992 said:

That sounds like silly to me.

It has always been possible to trade items (except AP) from the Shugo instance from his twinks.

And so it should be possible in my opinion.

Especially since the community had voted out the reset roles here, it should at least be possible to get ahead in the way.


Thats literally wrong. There have alwways been items that are untradable in Events and even in shugo. Wings for example. when ur argument is that it has always been like that, how can u be fine with resetscrolls been voted out?  There have always been resetscrolls... But as u see that does not mean it has been better. If there is an item, that exists in a huge amount based on event only, this is questionable.Especially when you can Farm it unlimited with twinks and push ur main. The price of tempering now and before is the prove.

22 hours ago, toLsti_1992 said:

The drobrate of the upgrade serum is so low that there are no abnormal advantages in this regard.

if you know the droprate, feel free to tell us. my mate is going shugo 4 to 5 times a day and has dropped 1 tempering per day (except yesterday): this is close to the 3rd random guy in our grp drop temperings. I had 2 so far. compared to the regular drop, this is abnormally high.

furthermore as i already told, untradable temperings are not worthless, they can be used to enchant ur feather, they just cant be used to pimp ur mainchars accs, what has been explicitley desired by community in previous events where the droprate of temperings has been reduced, and there you couldnt farm them this easy unlimited with twinks.

as mentioned before its a suggiestion not more, since experience of retail has shown that massabuse of twinks in shugo always broke the gamebalance

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Kanjiii    0

doing shugo all the day with 3 characters per day , got only 1 serum actually .... so i didnt understand ur request ^^.

If u lucky good for u , but ur loot wasnt the same for others .

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Raidon    108
1 hour ago, Kanjiii said:

doing shugo all the day with 3 characters per day , got only 1 serum actually .... so i didnt understand ur request ^^.

If u lucky good for u , but ur loot wasnt the same for others .

I got 2 serums on a single character already.

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Luyanara    9
3 hours ago, Kanjiii said:

doing shugo all the day with 3 characters per day , got only 1 serum actually .... so i didnt understand ur request ^^.

If u lucky good for u , but ur loot wasnt the same for others .

doesnt matter if we dont know exact droprate. And the droprate doesnt matter as well - its a question independent of that - should masstwink abuse in event be useful to boost one mainchar or not - thats the question - how big do u want to have the disadvantage from ppl playing one char over ppl that have 20 chars lvl 50+.

As I told it would be a minor nerf to masstwinks - since u can still use those upgrade serums for tradable accs or plume.

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pokeylee    2

this event has to has some or the worst rewards ive seen on any server for any event! really the rewards are pure junk the only thing worth getting which is practically no chance is tempering. 


why isnt there an increased chance of cera medals, enchantment stones, RST or DR wep boxes 

seriously whats with the 15 day mount! really!!! 

  • Tahabata Egg (15 days) good 
  • Mini Crystal Lucid Shield crap
  • Tempering Solution good but impossible to get
  • Spotted Beachwear crap
  • Sharptooth Voidtracer (15 days) crap
  • [Event] Beritra Idian Pouch crap
  • Noble Composite Manastone Bundle ok
  • [Event] Ancient Coin Chest ok 
  • Greater Felicitous Socketing Box (Eternal) ok
  • Greater Felicitous Socketing Box (Mythic) good
  • Ceramium Medal good impossible to get 
  • Armor Wrapping Scroll (Eternal) ok
  • Accessory Wrapping Scroll (Eternal) ok
  • Weapon Wrapping Scroll (Eternal) ok 
  • Precious Steampunk Wings crap
  • Leopard Headpiece crap
  • Thanks 1

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Luyanara    9
1 hour ago, pokeylee said:

this event has to has some or the worst rewards ive seen on any server for any event! really the rewards are pure junk the only thing worth getting which is practically no chance is tempering. 


why isnt there an increased chance of cera medals, enchantment stones, RST or DR wep boxes 

seriously whats with the 15 day mount! really!!! 

  • Tahabata Egg (15 days) good 
  • Mini Crystal Lucid Shield crap
  • Tempering Solution good but impossible to get
  • Spotted Beachwear crap
  • Sharptooth Voidtracer (15 days) crap
  • [Event] Beritra Idian Pouch crap
  • Noble Composite Manastone Bundle ok
  • [Event] Ancient Coin Chest ok 
  • Greater Felicitous Socketing Box (Eternal) ok
  • Greater Felicitous Socketing Box (Mythic) good
  • Ceramium Medal good impossible to get 
  • Armor Wrapping Scroll (Eternal) ok
  • Accessory Wrapping Scroll (Eternal) ok
  • Weapon Wrapping Scroll (Eternal) ok 
  • Precious Steampunk Wings crap
  • Leopard Headpiece crap

There we can see how different the opinions are

In one point I absoluteley agree - the rate of Ceras could be better.

I would rate tahabata Egg as Crap - since most ppl have a better miol already.

The droprate of temperings is very good compared to the droprate of temperings in ALL other ingame instances. You can't compare to cashevents from retail and so on - the goal of holding sum balance on this server is desired by community - thats why there are no more scrolls in shop - and thats why the droprate of temperings mustn't be higher!

As long as u are not PVE only (and then you shouldn't mind temperings except the purpose of cash) eternal socketing boxes are better than mytical ;)

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toLsti_1992    2
On 2.6.2020 at 9:52 AM, Luyanara said:

Thats literally wrong. There have alwways been items that are untradable in Events and even in shugo. Wings for example. when ur argument is that it has always been like that, how can u be fine with resetscrolls been voted out?  There have always been resetscrolls... But as u see that does not mean it has been better. If there is an item, that exists in a huge amount based on event only, this is questionable.Especially when you can Farm it unlimited with twinks and push ur main. The price of tempering now and before is the prove.

if you know the droprate, feel free to tell us. my mate is going shugo 4 to 5 times a day and has dropped 1 tempering per day (except yesterday): this is close to the 3rd random guy in our grp drop temperings. I had 2 so far. compared to the regular drop, this is abnormally high.

furthermore as i already told, untradable temperings are not worthless, they can be used to enchant ur feather, they just cant be used to pimp ur mainchars accs, what has been explicitley desired by community in previous events where the droprate of temperings has been reduced, and there you couldnt farm them this easy unlimited with twinks.

as mentioned before its a suggiestion not more, since experience of retail has shown that massabuse of twinks in shugo always broke the gamebalance

Hello again,

I actually thought the nonsense in your tread would be off the table after my last answer. Now I have to see that this is not the case.

How long do you play Aion? I've been playing for 1.0 Ncsoft times. And can tell you one thing. Or bring facts.

I ran 14 days with my account and that of my wife Shugo every day with 6 characters. That means 14x6 that are 84 runs. And I only got a tempering solution.

And now you want to tell me that your mysterious friend received at least one every day? Then is he really a rich player now? ;-)

At the last event (boxes in South Katalam).

In my opinion, the chances of getting one were higher.

Of course, you can see all this as bad luck. Or assume what I am now assuming to you that the writing up there is nonsense.

 Everyone has the opportunity to play twinks. The gas was taken out of the thing when the reset rollers were taken out.

Point from end. Apart from that, only things that are consumed are stolen. 15 days limited or rolls for trading that dissolve after one use.

Because the best good that was always in the shugo instance nobody has listed. The good old AP for his twinks :).

And now I hope that this tread is ended just like the event.

Have a nice day in Aion;)

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Luyanara    9
3 hours ago, toLsti_1992 said:

Hello again,

I actually thought the nonsense in your tread would be off the table after my last answer. Now I have to see that this is not the case.

How long do you play Aion? I've been playing for 1.0 Ncsoft times. And can tell you one thing. Or bring facts.

I ran 14 days with my account and that of my wife Shugo every day with 6 characters. That means 14x6 that are 84 runs. And I only got a tempering solution.

And now you want to tell me that your mysterious friend received at least one every day? Then is he really a rich player now? ;-)

At the last event (boxes in South Katalam).

In my opinion, the chances of getting one were higher.

Of course, you can see all this as bad luck. Or assume what I am now assuming to you that the writing up there is nonsense.

 Everyone has the opportunity to play twinks. The gas was taken out of the thing when the reset rollers were taken out.

Point from end. Apart from that, only things that are consumed are stolen. 15 days limited or rolls for trading that dissolve after one use.

Because the best good that was always in the shugo instance nobody has listed. The good old AP for his twinks :).

And now I hope that this tread is ended just like the event.

Have a nice day in Aion;)

At first: I love "good" arguments.

The best one as always: "How long do you play Aion? I've been playing for 1.0 Ncsoft times." Think about few things here: you can ask an 80 year old man how long he has been playing socker - does it make him a better player than a young professional? The example shows that sum ppl need longer and might never reach the level of others that are faster. In this case we talk about probabilities so I ask you: How long have you studied Mathematics at university? - or at least did u? I did! And i think to talk about this, there are not more than few month aion knowlege necessary if you are one of the "faster" ppl. But if you rlly think it matters how long sumone has played - its more than 6 years for me - combined with studies of mathematics and statistics @ University this should be enough to be eligable to talk with you  I hope.


The next thing is: what do you want to tell with that post - u explain your experience - ok fine and whats the conclusion? You did  a couple of runs, you were unlucky in terms of temperings and use your limited experience to come to the conclusion that All ppl that dropped more temperings or might have been really lucky and say that are talking nonsense? Congrats - you must be Genious! In addition it would be nice if you read The posts completely before you do such mentally limited answers. Its sad I have to quote myself to show you that droprate is absoluteley irrelevant in terms what I suggested!

On 2.6.2020 at 5:10 PM, Luyanara said:

doesnt matter if we dont know exact droprate. And the droprate doesnt matter as well - its a question independent of that - should masstwink abuse in event be useful to boost one mainchar or not - thats the question - how big do u want to have the disadvantage from ppl playing one char over ppl that have 20 chars lvl 50+.

As I told it would be a minor nerf to masstwinks - since u can still use those upgrade serums for tradable accs or plume.

It's more a general question independent from droprate wether it should be possible to push one mainchar with twinks or not. And making temperings untradable wouldn't even completeley stop this kind of abuse - but reduce it to feather only. This twinkabuse (and I won't exclude myself since its one of most efficient ways to push your mainchar in AIon) becomes bigger and bigger the longer the server exists. Pushing one mainchar with twinks is not the intention of the gamedevelopers, but most efficient way - and thats what we should think about.

Should feeding by twinks become one of the most efficient ways to maxgear a char or should playing the char stay in foreground.

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toLsti_1992    2
On 8.6.2020 at 6:56 PM, Luyanara said:

At first: I love "good" arguments.

The best one as always: "How long do you play Aion? I've been playing for 1.0 Ncsoft times." Think about few things here: you can ask an 80 year old man how long he has been playing socker - does it make him a better player than a young professional? The example shows that sum ppl need longer and might never reach the level of others that are faster. In this case we talk about probabilities so I ask you: How long have you studied Mathematics at university? - or at least did u? I did! And i think to talk about this, there are not more than few month aion knowlege necessary if you are one of the "faster" ppl. But if you rlly think it matters how long sumone has played - its more than 6 years for me - combined with studies of mathematics and statistics @ University this should be enough to be eligable to talk with you  I hope.


The next thing is: what do you want to tell with that post - u explain your experience - ok fine and whats the conclusion? You did  a couple of runs, you were unlucky in terms of temperings and use your limited experience to come to the conclusion that All ppl that dropped more temperings or might have been really lucky and say that are talking nonsense? Congrats - you must be Genious! In addition it would be nice if you read The posts completely before you do such mentally limited answers. Its sad I have to quote myself to show you that droprate is absoluteley irrelevant in terms what I suggested!

It's more a general question independent from droprate wether it should be possible to push one mainchar with twinks or not. And making temperings untradable wouldn't even completeley stop this kind of abuse - but reduce it to feather only. This twinkabuse (and I won't exclude myself since its one of most efficient ways to push your mainchar in AIon) becomes bigger and bigger the longer the server exists. Pushing one mainchar with twinks is not the intention of the gamedevelopers, but most efficient way - and thats what we should think about.

Should feeding by twinks become one of the most efficient ways to maxgear a char or should playing the char stay in foreground.

Finally ...

What did I want to say with my tread?

It is completely irrelevant how many characters someone uses. You don't get a gift. I run this instance. I drop my loot. So for god's sake let me do what I want with my loot.

Are you talking about a blatantly high drob rate? But when I run 83 runs and only have one, do you suddenly speak of bad luck?

We are talking about a game and you are telling me your school education here?

I don't want to know, I don't care.

I just want to give you facts, facts not any theoretical anecdotes.

Did you study mathematics?

Then something simple .. Add one and one together.

Read my original post. Take your time and you will find out what I wanted to express with it.

For me the topic ends here :)

Should have been in the last 2 comments.

Have a nice time in Aion.

If I ever need a master's thesis on Pythagoras I will contact you.

My favorite math student.

You are welcome <3


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Blacklight5    2

Wish we had Shugo Kingdom again tho, but with real rewards just like in official aion servers back then....
Here being an example of what was in rewards that i could find, some items might be not applicable since late version of aion could have been used as well as European names for items.. you get the idea...

Chest Item
Emperor's Treasure Box icon Ancient coin
  icon [Event] Premium Restoration Serum
  icon Insignia of Conquest
  icon Powerful Scroll of Running
  icon Major Ancient Crown
  icon [Event] Lords Crafting Skill Improvement Scroll - 100%
icon AP Scroll II
icon Gathering Skill Improvement Scroll II
  icon L5 Enchantment Stone
Exclusive Items icon Box of Battle Medals
  icon [Event] Shugo Disguise Candy

icon [Event] Shugo Disguise Candy
Emperor's Quality Treasure Box icon Ancient coin
  icon [Event] Premium Restoration Serum
  icon Insignia of Conquest
  icon Powerful Scroll of Running
  icon Major Ancient Crown
  icon Bundle of regenerating Manastones
Exclusive Items icon All-Powerful Enchantment Stone
  icon Surfboard (30 days)

icon Dew Steed (30 days)
icon Nimble Space Glider (30 days)
icon Shugo Jet (30 days)
  icon Holy Upgrade Serum
Emperor's Premium Treasure Box icon Ancient coin
  icon [Event] Premium Restoration Serum
  icon Insignia of Honourable Conquest
  icon Powerful Scroll of Running
  icon Major Ancient Crown
  icon Bundle of regenerating Manastones
Exclusive Items icon Glorious Elim Idian Bundle
  icon Evolution Stone
  icon Shugo Backpack
  icon Shugo Ice Chest

1x icon Winged Imperial Chest
icon Imperial Ice Flame Wings
icon Imperial Blue Flame Wings
  icon Mail attachment approval (Abyss item/Eternal/Level 61-65)
  icon Mail Attachment Approval (Mythical/Level 61-65)


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