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Everything posted by Twinsb

  1. Error when start

    download it from here
  2. Error when start

    try this topic
  3. I can't log into the game

    try disabling your anti-virus or firewall and try again
  4. error

    Hello, Delete L10N and update client with CHECK. I think is problem with data.pak

    I dont make spam (if is spam just delete post). At official server they are running <<event>> for class change is thin posible it will be funny btw ?
  6. NPC for Hyperion Mythic Equipment

    Hello, I know this an old post BUT the pain is eternal . I am doing every week Kata/ Is like 6 months now to get 1 part for my heal set Enraged Hyperion's Cleric Handguards and i cant get it ... is imposible statistically not to drop . Do something for ppl who are taking every wheek same useless parts.
  7. Hello, I have a suggestion for abyss rank ( i didnt make a forum search if some1 else did before me) . Why you dont make like Live (GF) server have it (pic), it show how many more Honor point (glory point) need for next rank ? It will help many ppl to know how many they need. thank you
  8. Please do not Allow this anymore

    Is not the same name you are using Originals with l ---> L and this legion is OriginaIs with i ---> I . So technical is diferent Legion AION dont allow to have 2 legion with same name is like your Nickname on the game Have fun
  9. Makarna

    1st. i will say it again i am Up for this inst i like to. 2nd. the upgrade version of armor/weapon that i say we get it from old Hyperion set from 3rd. Minimum is minimum stats that need to have so you can make dmg to that boss ... is like you go to Katalamize with AC set. NVM i hope we get that inst
  10. Makarna

    Hello, Makarna cant be done with current setup ( katalamize gear) you need alot of Hp for tank / supports And if i remember the minimum are 3900 MB 2100 macc / Crit at 1k+ Accuracy at 3.1- 3.3k, Attack +900 (no buff) and dont forget the Beritra timer minimum set BUT I LIKE THE IDEA i hope they do
  11. You Have been disconnected from the server

    use auto login from client and dont give your username and password on the game .
  12. Hello, Is it possible to make Beritra Grand Invasion like the event to spawn 1 time week BUT not with event drops ? Invasions Beritra machines will attack Katalam, Danaria and Reshanta, that attack will be pre announced ingame (and with time table like siege) so Daevas will be aware of his next attack. Invasions have their original drops such as Grand Invasion Reward Box, including Glory Points. I know all of this kins are on the shop but give small chance to ppl get it without Coin. Drop Example --> eternal armor (for skin mostly) / Idians / Manastones
  13. EuroAion\bin32

    memory is off after PC dust clean with blower thank you
  14. EuroAion\bin32

    Hello , Why game start from EuroAion\bin32 and not from 64 ? My client settings are for 64 but game on my task manager show 32. I didnt chnage something just did check today
  15. [Update] Lucky wings...?

    better farm General Vasharti at rentus
  16. EuroAion\bin32

    i think is 1 of my memory or slot demaged. i will make tests and i will be back . thanks and sorry
  17. EuroAion\bin32

    6GB total and when i start game is like 4GB
  18. server down ?

    Hello, I'm not just talking about me.. I'm asking for everyone without exception. Nvm I don't have a screenshot because I thought it was just me and tried to connect quickly. Thank you
  19. server down ?

    Are server down now ? I got Dc from shugo and cant connect to server So i was not only me :)... what about my shugo run ?
  20. server down ?

    so we pretend like nothing happen with all this shugo runs that lost from that mass dc ?
  21. Hello , From event [Event] Shugo Kingdom Adventure there is the reward Ultimate Sovereign Weapon Chest. From that chest you get skin or Weapon?? At there is only 1 box with that name and contain LVL 80 items. Can some1 link me ( if are not skin) the weapons stats. thank you
  22. Balance

    I Play this game since Beta back at 2009 ( omg 15 years ) , every patch we have the same thing BALANCE. Back at first days all ppl was crying for balance sin / Glad for stuns/knock later for cleric for M.res set , Sm for Fears now Guners....... etc. I learned 1 thing all this years ( to be honest i am not pvp Player , i am to old for that ) balance is relevant. Learn your character and you will be ok. P.S I remember when blue/Gold gears are important 1 chanter wiped full grp ( same lvl ) so master your char and forget tears
  23. Hello when you start client press Settings top right corner
  24. Advanced Dual-Wielding Bugged

    loool i think yes i have i forgot it ..... you can close the post. thanks