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Showing most liked content on 09/06/2022 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Надеюсь всьо будит норм и не будуит уже фейл баста гипера сауро и прочего
  2. 2 points
    чтобы люди меньше говорили, от администрации нужен feddback что работа ведется и тд, а все ответы адмнистрации ctrl c ctrl v
  3. 1 point
    Are you going to ban everybody that makes fun of your server during DDoS? Because that's everyone. If you can't handle criticism when this server has been UNPLAYABLE for 3mo, try a new job. Discord is where players submit tickets for game/payment problems. Discord is where you post announcements Discord isn't your private whisper channel. Seriously, players who PAY YOU, get called racial slurs, whisper bombed about Ukraine politics, and called faggot weekly! You just yawn "Not my problem". Someone makes fun of server when it crash 4x a day- you lose temper and and grab the ban hammer? This isn't Soviet Russia, silencing your problems won't make them disappear. Treating your players like this is why they kill our server with DDoS for 5€ per hour of attack. Since Admin's english is like Borat and Almghty won't show up- I look forward to my generic "You're banned. Have a nice day!" msg from some helper who started 3 weeks ago and will quit next month like Wal-Mart. Thanks.
  4. 1 point
    ну если специальные то это уже хорошо
  5. 1 point
    в праймтайм вырубать сервер, удачи
  6. 1 point
    Gonna remove my post again? Maybe you should do something about your streamers who are asking for the attacks so they reset katalamize to farm HP? You know, those free loaders who sit around farming e-coins on accounts that are not their own who insult any new player and zerg them into quitting. The reason you server doesn't grow is due to the amount of free loading people using modded clients + script software to play their class for them who also gain accounts via "sharing" but weirdly none of those are banned for things apparently against ToS (modding your client for an advantage)? If you can't take criticism and think everything is peachy that's fine, but faking your numbers and acting like everything is fine and like you're running the best private server ever is laughable. "No pay to win" when you literally sell things like lucky vinna and titles with higher attack speed that aren't permanent omegalul.
  7. 1 point
    Hello! Players get banned from discord due to hate speech and server insults.There is a difference between jokes and insults.People are never banned for simple jokes or statements about the server. Banned players can use the forum to solve all problems. Players get banned for racism, political disputes and insults every day in the game and discord channel. Kindly ask you to refrain from loud statements if you do not have the information. Thank you and have a nice day!