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Showing most liked content on 03/05/2025 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Hello if it's possible to patch makarna on 4.6 will be nice its my favorite instanz all time its ok if you take that gear out and put manastones or what ever in
  2. 2 points
    Nah its totally doable with the actual endgame gear, ppl just need to really have a gear (enchanted and good stones) When we got makarna we just got a 2nd option to be endgame geared: Blessing hyperion or farm Makarna with base hyperion/EB/whatever and get Beritra set since they are very similiar (Beritra: https://aioncodex.com/en/item/110551211/ Blessed hyperion: https://aioncodex.com/en/item/110551096/ for comparison) Anyway, TOTALLY agree. Always loved Makarna, and its quite more challenging than any other PvE content which is something we need now to appreciate the easy PvE we have atm. As for the loot and rewards ofc no makarna gear, would be overkill. Maybe skins, chance of tempering, Beritra wings (which we already have but locked into PvP event), or even extend materials, composite boxes, medals and ofc GP with same amout as IS. Anything related to endgame needs is ok! .........maybe add a nerfed version of Narakalli too? would be the best thing ever
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    It would be great to have some new dungeons and other content, as the only endgame activities available right now seem to be Katalamize and/or trying out wacky things like duo bridge. Adding fresh content would definitely be a positive change!
  5. 1 point
    Hello i know how its works (i mean exacly) first it exsist only broken 4.8 version first step is to fix it next one is at 4.8 its a new skill system but i can handle it like i take 4 clerics for aoe dispel and last one is its enough take ppl with hyperion gear or lower (ancient coin set) special here is a good leader who knows all steps i will make videos on youtube how to do it <3
  6. 1 point
    It makes no sense to talk about a minimum for mb, as you will deal damage regardless of it. Maybe you meant mb cap, which is around 4,300 in this case, and means that anything above that mb value won't increase your damage.
  7. 1 point
    Totally agree, as we currently are makes totally no sense, we get full gear PVE and then we have almost no content besides SWB / kata / DR because the rest is just not being done by nobody and trying to gather you can be half day and still miss half group. GAME ADMINISTRATORS, do something to create more playable content to this game or it is doom to fail
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    when using "Steady Fire(https://aioncodex.com/us/item/140001253/) isn't normal