How new player are supposed to get something out of this event ? Please consider to spread the chest spawning in more spots, and for the nyerk sake, add mithyc Idian to the drop pool, ppl need those and it will be better then temperings. By adding Idian of the max level u can help ppl gear out and do instances. So it is a good way to help new comers with items that disappear once used and cannot be abused. Glorious elim Idian magic is the same as +5 up on a weapon, + nice m ACC and crit. At the end of the event everyone will be happy. There is already a way to obtain temperings in the core drop of the game. Add potions, add Idians, add reset scrolls, or supplements. Those are nice items for newcomers. Blood marks, ancient coin, karhun are sought after and will give u more active players then temperings imho.